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Sequential recommendation is an important task to predict the next-item to access based on a sequence of interacted items. Most existing works learn user preference as the transition pattern from the previous item to the next one, ignoring the time interval between these two items. However, we observe that the time interval in a sequence may vary significantly different, and thus result in the ineffectiveness of user modeling due to the issue of \emph{preference drift}. In fact, we conducted an empirical study to validate this observation, and found that a sequence with uniformly distributed time interval (denoted as uniform sequence) is more beneficial for performance improvement than that with greatly varying time interval. Therefore, we propose to augment sequence data from the perspective of time interval, which is not studied in the literature. Specifically, we design five operators (Ti-Crop, Ti-Reorder, Ti-Mask, Ti-Substitute, Ti-Insert) to transform the original non-uniform sequence to uniform sequence with the consideration of variance of time intervals. Then, we devise a control strategy to execute data augmentation on item sequences in different lengths. Finally, we implement these improvements on a state-of-the-art model CoSeRec and validate our approach on four real datasets. The experimental results show that our approach reaches significantly better performance than the other 11 competing methods. Our implementation is available: https://github.com/KingGugu/TiCoSeRec.
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Human organs constantly undergo anatomical changes due to a complex mix of short-term (e.g., heartbeat) and long-term (e.g., aging) factors. Evidently, prior knowledge of these factors will be beneficial when modeling their future state, i.e., via image generation. However, most of the medical image generation tasks only rely on the input from a single image, thus ignoring the sequential dependency even when longitudinal data is available. Sequence-aware deep generative models, where model input is a sequence of ordered and timestamped images, are still underexplored in the medical imaging domain that is featured by several unique challenges: 1) Sequences with various lengths; 2) Missing data or frame, and 3) High dimensionality. To this end, we propose a sequence-aware diffusion model (SADM) for the generation of longitudinal medical images. Recently, diffusion models have shown promising results on high-fidelity image generation. Our method extends this new technique by introducing a sequence-aware transformer as the conditional module in a diffusion model. The novel design enables learning longitudinal dependency even with missing data during training and allows autoregressive generation of a sequence of images during inference. Our extensive experiments on 3D longitudinal medical images demonstrate the effectiveness of SADM compared with baselines and alternative methods.
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U-shaped networks are widely used in various medical image tasks, such as segmentation, restoration and reconstruction, but most of them usually rely on centralized learning and thus ignore privacy issues. To address the privacy concerns, federated learning (FL) and split learning (SL) have attracted increasing attention. However, it is hard for both FL and SL to balance the local computational cost, model privacy and parallel training simultaneously. To achieve this goal, in this paper, we propose Robust Split Federated Learning (RoS-FL) for U-shaped medical image networks, which is a novel hybrid learning paradigm of FL and SL. Previous works cannot preserve the data privacy, including the input, model parameters, label and output simultaneously. To effectively deal with all of them, we design a novel splitting method for U-shaped medical image networks, which splits the network into three parts hosted by different parties. Besides, the distributed learning methods usually suffer from a drift between local and global models caused by data heterogeneity. Based on this consideration, we propose a dynamic weight correction strategy (\textbf{DWCS}) to stabilize the training process and avoid model drift. Specifically, a weight correction loss is designed to quantify the drift between the models from two adjacent communication rounds. By minimizing this loss, a correction model is obtained. Then we treat the weighted sum of correction model and final round models as the result. The effectiveness of the proposed RoS-FL is supported by extensive experimental results on different tasks. Related codes will be released at https://github.com/Zi-YuanYang/RoS-FL.
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Biological cortical networks are potentially fully recurrent networks without any distinct output layer, where recognition may instead rely on the distribution of activity across its neurons. Because such biological networks can have rich dynamics, they are well-designed to cope with dynamical interactions of the types that occur in nature, while traditional machine learning networks may struggle to make sense of such data. Here we connected a simple model neuronal network (based on the 'linear summation neuron model' featuring biologically realistic dynamics (LSM), consisting of 10 of excitatory and 10 inhibitory neurons, randomly connected) to a robot finger with multiple types of force sensors when interacting with materials of different levels of compliance. Scope: to explore the performance of the network on classification accuracy. Therefore, we compared the performance of the network output with principal component analysis of statistical features of the sensory data as well as its mechanical properties. Remarkably, even though the LSM was a very small and untrained network, and merely designed to provide rich internal network dynamics while the neuron model itself was highly simplified, we found that the LSM outperformed these other statistical approaches in terms of accuracy.
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高性能深度学习方法通​​常依赖于大型注释培训数据集,由于医疗图像标签的高成本,在许多临床应用中很难获得。现有的数据评估方法通常需要事先了解标签,而这些标签是不可行的,以实现“知道要标记的数据”的目标。为此,我们制定并提出了一种新颖有效的数据评估策略,指数边缘奇异值(检查)得分,以根据通过自我求助的学习(SSL)网络提取的有用的潜在表示,对未标记的医学图像数据进行排名。 。由SSL嵌入空间的理论含义激励,我们利用蒙版的自动编码器进行特征提取。此外,在排除数据集中的数据点之后,我们根据最大奇异值的边际变化评估数据质量。我们对病理数据集进行了广泛的实验。我们的结果表明,我们提出的方法选择最有价值的数据的有效性和效率。
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联合学习(FL)是一种趋势培训范式,用于利用分散培训数据。 FL允许客户端在本地更新几个时期的模型参数,然后将它们共享到全局模型以进行聚合。在聚集之前,该训练范式具有多本地步骤更新,使对抗性攻击暴露了独特的漏洞。对手训练是一种流行而有效的方法,可以提高网络对抗者的鲁棒性。在这项工作中,我们制定了一种一般形式的联邦对抗学习(FAL),该形式是从集中式环境中的对抗性学习改编而成的。在FL培训的客户端,FAL具有一个内部循环,可以生成对抗性样本进行对抗训练和外循环以更新本地模型参数。在服务器端,FAL汇总了本地模型更新并广播聚合的模型。我们设计了全球强大的训练损失,并将FAL培训作为最小最大优化问题。与依赖梯度方向的经典集中式培训中的收敛分析不同,由于三个原因,很难在FAL中分析FAL的收敛性:1)Min-Max优化的复杂性,2)模型未在梯度方向上更新聚合之前的客户端和3)客户间异质性的多局部更新。我们通过使用适当的梯度近似和耦合技术来应对这些挑战,并在过度参数化的制度中介绍收敛分析。从理论上讲,我们的主要结果表明,我们的算法下的最小损失可以收敛到$ \ epsilon $ Small,并具有所选的学习率和交流回合。值得注意的是,我们的分析对于非IID客户是可行的。
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