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深度学习模型已广泛用于监控视频中的异常检测。典型模型配备了重建普通视频的能力,并评估异常视频的重建错误以指示异常的程度。然而,现有方法遭受了两个缺点。首先,它们只能独立地编码每个身份的运动,而不考虑身份之间的相互作用,这也可以指示异常。其次,他们利用了结构在不同场景下固定的粘合模型,这种配置禁止了对场景的理解。在本文中,我们提出了一个分层时空图卷积神经网络(HSTGCNN)来解决这些问题,HSTGCNN由对应于不同级别的图形表示的多个分支组成。高级图形表示编码人们的轨迹以及多个身份之间的交互,而低级图表表示编码每个人的本地身体姿势。此外,我们建议加权组合在不同场景中更好的多个分支。以这种方式实现了对单级图形表示的改进。实现了对场景的理解并提供异常检测。在低分辨率视频中为在低分辨率视频中编码低分辨率视频中的人员的移动速度和方向编码高级别的图表表示,而在高分辨率视频中将更高的权重分配更高的权重。实验结果表明,建议的HSTGCNN在四个基准数据集(UCSD Spistrian,Shanghaitech,Cuhk Aveance和IITB-Whent)上的当前最先进的模型显着优于最新的最先进模型。
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The existing methods for video anomaly detection mostly utilize videos containing identifiable facial and appearance-based features. The use of videos with identifiable faces raises privacy concerns, especially when used in a hospital or community-based setting. Appearance-based features can also be sensitive to pixel-based noise, straining the anomaly detection methods to model the changes in the background and making it difficult to focus on the actions of humans in the foreground. Structural information in the form of skeletons describing the human motion in the videos is privacy-protecting and can overcome some of the problems posed by appearance-based features. In this paper, we present a survey of privacy-protecting deep learning anomaly detection methods using skeletons extracted from videos. We present a novel taxonomy of algorithms based on the various learning approaches. We conclude that skeleton-based approaches for anomaly detection can be a plausible privacy-protecting alternative for video anomaly detection. Lastly, we identify major open research questions and provide guidelines to address them.
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Surveillance videos are able to capture a variety of realistic anomalies. In this paper, we propose to learn anomalies by exploiting both normal and anomalous videos. To avoid annotating the anomalous segments or clips in training videos, which is very time consuming, we propose to learn anomaly through the deep multiple instance ranking framework by leveraging weakly labeled training videos, i.e. the training labels (anomalous or normal) are at videolevel instead of clip-level. In our approach, we consider normal and anomalous videos as bags and video segments as instances in multiple instance learning (MIL), and automatically learn a deep anomaly ranking model that predicts high anomaly scores for anomalous video segments. Furthermore, we introduce sparsity and temporal smoothness constraints in the ranking loss function to better localize anomaly during training.We also introduce a new large-scale first of its kind dataset of 128 hours of videos. It consists of 1900 long and untrimmed real-world surveillance videos, with 13 realistic anomalies such as fighting, road accident, burglary, robbery, etc. as well as normal activities. This dataset can be used for two tasks. First, general anomaly detection considering all anomalies in one group and all normal activities in another group. Second, for recognizing each of 13 anomalous activities. Our experimental results show that our MIL method for anomaly detection achieves significant improvement on anomaly detection performance as compared to the state-of-the-art approaches. We provide the results of several recent deep learning baselines on anomalous activity recognition. The low recognition performance of these baselines reveals that our dataset is very challenging and opens more opportunities for future work. The dataset is
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这项工作的目的是检测并自动生成视频中异常事件的高级解释。了解异常事件的原因至关重要,因为所需的响应取决于其性质和严重程度。最近的作品通常使用对象或操作分类器来检测和提供异常事件的标签。然而,这将检测系统限制为有限的已知类别,并防止到未知物体或行为的概括。在这里,我们展示了如何在不使用对象或操作分类器的情况下稳健地检测异组织,但仍然恢复事件背后的高级原因。我们提出以下贡献:(1)一种使用显着性图来解除对象和动作分类器的异常事件解释的方法,(2)显示如何使用新的神经架构来学习视频的离散表示来提高显着图的质量通过预测未来帧和(3)将最先进的异常解释方法击败60 \%在公共基准X-MAN数据集的子集上。
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In recent years, we have seen a significant interest in data-driven deep learning approaches for video anomaly detection, where an algorithm must determine if specific frames of a video contain abnormal behaviors. However, video anomaly detection is particularly context-specific, and the availability of representative datasets heavily limits real-world accuracy. Additionally, the metrics currently reported by most state-of-the-art methods often do not reflect how well the model will perform in real-world scenarios. In this article, we present the Charlotte Anomaly Dataset (CHAD). CHAD is a high-resolution, multi-camera anomaly dataset in a commercial parking lot setting. In addition to frame-level anomaly labels, CHAD is the first anomaly dataset to include bounding box, identity, and pose annotations for each actor. This is especially beneficial for skeleton-based anomaly detection, which is useful for its lower computational demand in real-world settings. CHAD is also the first anomaly dataset to contain multiple views of the same scene. With four camera views and over 1.15 million frames, CHAD is the largest fully annotated anomaly detection dataset including person annotations, collected from continuous video streams from stationary cameras for smart video surveillance applications. To demonstrate the efficacy of CHAD for training and evaluation, we benchmark two state-of-the-art skeleton-based anomaly detection algorithms on CHAD and provide comprehensive analysis, including both quantitative results and qualitative examination.
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在监控视频中的异常检测是挑战,对确保公共安全有挑战性。不同于基于像素的异常检测方法,基于姿势的方法利用高结构化的骨架数据,这降低了计算负担,并避免了背景噪声的负面影响。然而,与基于像素的方法不同,这可以直接利用显式运动特征,例如光学流,基于姿势的方法缺乏替代动态表示。在本文中,提出了一种新的运动嵌入器(ME)以提供从概率的角度来提供姿态运动表示。此外,为自我监控姿势序列重建部署了一种新型任务特定的空间 - 时间变压器(STT)。然后将这两个模块集成到统一规律学习的统一框架中,该框架被称为运动先前规律学习者(MOPLL)。 MOPRL在几个具有挑战性的数据集中实现了4.7%AUC的平均改善,实现了最先进的性能。广泛的实验验证每个提出的模块的多功能性。
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在当代社会中,监视异常检测,即在监视视频中发现异常事件,例如犯罪或事故,是一项关键任务。由于异常发生很少发生,大多数培训数据包括没有标记的视频,没有异常事件,这使得任务具有挑战性。大多数现有方法使用自动编码器(AE)学习重建普通视频;然后,他们根据未能重建异常场景的出现来检测异常。但是,由于异常是通过外观和运动来区分的,因此许多先前的方法使用预训练的光流模型明确分开了外观和运动信息,例如。这种明确的分离限制了两种类型的信息之间的相互表示功能。相比之下,我们提出了一个隐式的两路AE(ITAE),其中两个编码器隐含模型外观和运动特征以及一个将它们组合在一起以学习正常视频模式的结构。对于正常场景的复杂分布,我们建议通过归一化流量(NF)的生成模型对ITAE特征的正常密度估计,以学习可拖动的可能性,并使用无法分布的检测来识别异常。 NF模型通过隐式学习的功能通过学习正常性来增强ITAE性能。最后,我们在六个基准测试中演示了ITAE及其特征分布建模的有效性,包括在现实世界中包含各种异常的数据库。
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人类姿势预测是一个充满挑战的问题,涉及复杂的人体运动和姿势动态。在环境中有多个人的情况下,一个人的运动也可能受到他人的运动和动态运动的影响。尽管以前有一些针对多人动态姿势预测问题的作品,但它们通常将整个姿势序列作为时间序列(忽略关节之间的基本关系)建模,或者仅一次输出一个人的未来姿势序列。在本文中,我们提出了一种新方法,称为社会运动变压器(SOM形态),用于多人3D姿势预测。我们的变压器架构独特地将人类运动输入作为关节序列而不是时间序列建模,从而使我们能够对关节进行注意,同时预测并联每个关节的整个未来运动序列。我们表明,通过这种问题重新进行,Somoformer自然会通过使用场景中所有人的关节作为输入查询来扩展到多人场景。我们的模型使用学识渊博的嵌入来表示关节,人身份和全球地位的类型,了解关节之间和人之间的关系,更强烈地参加了来自同一或附近的人的关节。 Somoformer的表现优于SOMOF基准以及CMU-MOCAP和MUPOTS-3D数据集的长期运动预测的最先进方法。出版后将提供代码。
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We develop a novel framework for single-scene video anomaly localization that allows for human-understandable reasons for the decisions the system makes. We first learn general representations of objects and their motions (using deep networks) and then use these representations to build a high-level, location-dependent model of any particular scene. This model can be used to detect anomalies in new videos of the same scene. Importantly, our approach is explainable - our high-level appearance and motion features can provide human-understandable reasons for why any part of a video is classified as normal or anomalous. We conduct experiments on standard video anomaly detection datasets (Street Scene, CUHK Avenue, ShanghaiTech and UCSD Ped1, Ped2) and show significant improvements over the previous state-of-the-art.
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People living with dementia often exhibit behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia that can put their and others' safety at risk. Existing video surveillance systems in long-term care facilities can be used to monitor such behaviours of risk to alert the staff to prevent potential injuries or death in some cases. However, these behaviours of risk events are heterogeneous and infrequent in comparison to normal events. Moreover, analyzing raw videos can also raise privacy concerns. In this paper, we present two novel privacy-protecting video-based anomaly detection approaches to detect behaviours of risks in people with dementia. We either extracted body pose information as skeletons and use semantic segmentation masks to replace multiple humans in the scene with their semantic boundaries. Our work differs from most existing approaches for video anomaly detection that focus on appearance-based features, which can put the privacy of a person at risk and is also susceptible to pixel-based noise, including illumination and viewing direction. We used anonymized videos of normal activities to train customized spatio-temporal convolutional autoencoders and identify behaviours of risk as anomalies. We show our results on a real-world study conducted in a dementia care unit with patients with dementia, containing approximately 21 hours of normal activities data for training and 9 hours of data containing normal and behaviours of risk events for testing. We compared our approaches with the original RGB videos and obtained an equivalent area under the receiver operating characteristic curve performance of 0.807 for the skeleton-based approach and 0.823 for the segmentation mask-based approach. This is one of the first studies to incorporate privacy for the detection of behaviours of risks in people with dementia.
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“我们怎样才能通过简单地告诉他们,从动画电影剧本或移动机器人的3D角色我们希望他们做什么?” “我们如何非结构化和复杂的可以造一个句子,仍然从其生成合理的运动?”这些都是需要在长期得到回答,因为领域仍然处于起步阶段的问题。通过这些问题的启发,我们提出了产生成分操作的新技术,它可以处理复杂的输入句子。我们的产量是描绘在输入句子中的动作三维姿态序列。我们提出了一个分级二流顺序模型,探讨对应于给定的运动自然语言中的句子和三维姿态序列之间的精细联合级映射。我们学习运动的两个集管表示 - 每一个上半身下半身动作。我们的模型可以生成简短的句子描述单个动作以及长组成的句子描述多个连续叠加行动似是而非的姿势序列。我们评估的公开可用的KIT运动语言数据集含有与人类标注的句子3D姿势数据我们提出的模型。实验结果表明,我们的模型以50%的余量前进的状态的最先进的在客观评价基于文本的运动的合成。基于用户研究定性评价表明我们的合成运动被认为是最接近地面实况动作捕捉短期和组成句子。
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本文认为共同解决估计3D人体的高度相关任务,并从RGB图像序列预测未来的3D运动。基于Lie代数姿势表示,提出了一种新的自投影机制,自然保留了人类运动运动学。通过基于编码器 - 解码器拓扑的序列到序列的多任务架构进一步促进了这一点,这使我们能够利用两个任务共享的公共场所。最后,提出了一个全球细化模块来提高框架的性能。我们的方法称为PoMomemet的效力是通过消融测试和人文3.6M和Humaneva-I基准的实证评估,从而获得与最先进的竞争性能。
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我们的目标是从规定的行动类别中解决从规定的行动类别创造多元化和自然人动作视频的有趣但具有挑战性的问题。关键问题在于能够在视觉外观中综合多种不同的运动序列。在本文中通过两步过程实现,该两步处理维持内部3D姿势和形状表示,Action2Motion和Motion2Video。 Action2Motion随机生成规定的动作类别的合理的3D姿势序列,该类别由Motion2Video进行处理和呈现,以形成2D视频。具体而言,Lie代数理论从事人类运动学的物理法之后代表自然人动作;开发了一种促进输出运动的分集的时间变化自动编码器(VAE)。此外,给定衣服人物的额外输入图像,提出了整个管道以提取他/她的3D详细形状,并在视频中呈现来自不同视图的合理运动。这是通过改进从单个2D图像中提取3D人类形状和纹理,索引,动画和渲染的现有方法来实现这一点,以形成人类运动的2D视频。它还需要3D人类运动数据集的策策和成果进行培训目的。彻底的经验实验,包括消融研究,定性和定量评估表现出我们的方法的适用性,并展示了解决相关任务的竞争力,其中我们的方法的组成部分与最先进的方式比较。
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We propose the Encoder-Recurrent-Decoder (ERD) model for recognition and prediction of human body pose in videos and motion capture. The ERD model is a recurrent neural network that incorporates nonlinear encoder and decoder networks before and after recurrent layers. We test instantiations of ERD architectures in the tasks of motion capture (mocap) generation, body pose labeling and body pose forecasting in videos. Our model handles mocap training data across multiple subjects and activity domains, and synthesizes novel motions while avoiding drifting for long periods of time. For human pose labeling, ERD outperforms a per frame body part detector by resolving left-right body part confusions. For video pose forecasting, ERD predicts body joint displacements across a temporal horizon of 400ms and outperforms a first order motion model based on optical flow. ERDs extend previous Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) models in the literature to jointly learn representations and their dynamics. Our experiments show such representation learning is crucial for both labeling and prediction in space-time. We find this is a distinguishing feature between the spatio-temporal visual domain in comparison to 1D text, speech or handwriting, where straightforward hard coded representations have shown excellent results when directly combined with recurrent units [31] .
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