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我们呈现神经描述符字段(NDFS),对象表示,其通过类别级别描述符在对象和目标(例如用于悬挂的机器人夹具或用于悬挂的机架)之间进行编码和相对姿势。我们使用此表示进行对象操作,在这里,在给定任务演示时,我们要在同一类别中对新对象实例重复相同的任务。我们建议通过搜索(通过优化)来实现这一目标,为演示中观察到的描述符匹配的姿势。 NDFS通过不依赖于专家标记的关键点的3D自动编码任务,方便地以自我监督的方式培训。此外,NDFS是SE(3) - 保证在所有可能的3D对象翻译和旋转中推广的性能。我们展示了在仿真和真正的机器人上的少数(5-10)示范中的操纵任务的学习。我们的性能遍历两个对象实例和6-DOF对象姿势,并且显着优于最近依赖于2D描述符的基线。项目网站:https://yilundu.github.io/ndf/。
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深度神经网络已广泛用于学习数据集的潜在结构,跨图像,形状和音频信号等模态。然而,现有模型通常是依赖的方式,需要自定义架构和目标来处理不同类别的信号。我们利用神经字段以典型的方式捕获图像,形状,音频和跨模型视听域中的底层结构。我们将任务作为学习歧管之一,我们的目标是推断我们的数据所在的低维,本地线性子空间。通过实施歧管,局部线性和局部等距的覆盖范围,我们的模型 - 被称为宝石 - 学会捕获跨模式的数据集的基础结构。然后,我们可以沿着我们歧管的线性区域旅行,以获得样品之间的感知一致的插值,并且可以进一步使用GEM在我们的歧管上恢复点,而不是不同的输入图像的完成,而是音频或图像信号的跨模式幻觉。最后,我们表明,通过走过宝石的底层歧管,我们可能会在信号域中生成新的样本。代码和其他结果可在https://yilundu.github.io/gem/获得。
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综合照片 - 现实图像和视频是计算机图形的核心,并且是几十年的研究焦点。传统上,使用渲染算法(如光栅化或射线跟踪)生成场景的合成图像,其将几何形状和材料属性的表示为输入。统称,这些输入定义了实际场景和呈现的内容,并且被称为场景表示(其中场景由一个或多个对象组成)。示例场景表示是具有附带纹理的三角形网格(例如,由艺术家创建),点云(例如,来自深度传感器),体积网格(例如,来自CT扫描)或隐式曲面函数(例如,截短的符号距离)字段)。使用可分辨率渲染损耗的观察结果的这种场景表示的重建被称为逆图形或反向渲染。神经渲染密切相关,并将思想与经典计算机图形和机器学习中的思想相结合,以创建用于合成来自真实观察图像的图像的算法。神经渲染是朝向合成照片现实图像和视频内容的目标的跨越。近年来,我们通过数百个出版物显示了这一领域的巨大进展,这些出版物显示了将被动组件注入渲染管道的不同方式。这种最先进的神经渲染进步的报告侧重于将经典渲染原则与学习的3D场景表示结合的方法,通常现在被称为神经场景表示。这些方法的一个关键优势在于它们是通过设计的3D-一致,使诸如新颖的视点合成捕获场景的应用。除了处理静态场景的方法外,我们还涵盖了用于建模非刚性变形对象的神经场景表示...
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Implicitly defined, continuous, differentiable signal representations parameterized by neural networks have emerged as a powerful paradigm, offering many possible benefits over conventional representations. However, current network architectures for such implicit neural representations are incapable of modeling signals with fine detail, and fail to represent a signal's spatial and temporal derivatives, despite the fact that these are essential to many physical signals defined implicitly as the solution to partial differential equations. We propose to leverage periodic activation functions for implicit neural representations and demonstrate that these networks, dubbed sinusoidal representation networks or SIRENs, are ideally suited for representing complex natural signals and their derivatives. We analyze SIREN activation statistics to propose a principled initialization scheme and demonstrate the representation of images, wavefields, video, sound, and their derivatives. Further, we show how SIRENs can be leveraged to solve challenging boundary value problems, such as particular Eikonal equations (yielding signed distance functions), the Poisson equation, and the Helmholtz and wave equations. Lastly, we combine SIRENs with hypernetworks to learn priors over the space of SIREN functions. Please see the project website for a video overview of the proposed method and all applications.
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Unsupervised learning with generative models has the potential of discovering rich representations of 3D scenes. While geometric deep learning has explored 3Dstructure-aware representations of scene geometry, these models typically require explicit 3D supervision. Emerging neural scene representations can be trained only with posed 2D images, but existing methods ignore the three-dimensional structure of scenes. We propose Scene Representation Networks (SRNs), a continuous, 3Dstructure-aware scene representation that encodes both geometry and appearance. SRNs represent scenes as continuous functions that map world coordinates to a feature representation of local scene properties. By formulating the image formation as a differentiable ray-marching algorithm, SRNs can be trained end-toend from only 2D images and their camera poses, without access to depth or shape. This formulation naturally generalizes across scenes, learning powerful geometry and appearance priors in the process. We demonstrate the potential of SRNs by evaluating them for novel view synthesis, few-shot reconstruction, joint shape and appearance interpolation, and unsupervised discovery of a non-rigid face model. 1
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In this work, we address the lack of 3D understanding of generative neural networks by introducing a persistent 3D feature embedding for view synthesis. To this end, we propose DeepVoxels, a learned representation that encodes the view-dependent appearance of a 3D scene without having to explicitly model its geometry. At its core, our approach is based on a Cartesian 3D grid of persistent embedded features that learn to make use of the underlying 3D scene structure. Our approach combines insights from 3D geometric computer vision with recent advances in learning image-to-image mappings based on adversarial loss functions. DeepVoxels is supervised, without requiring a 3D reconstruction of the scene, using a 2D re-rendering loss and enforces perspective and multi-view geometry in a principled manner. We apply our persistent 3D scene representation to the problem of novel view synthesis demonstrating high-quality results for a variety of challenging scenes.
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Charisma is considered as one's ability to attract and potentially also influence others. Clearly, there can be considerable interest from an artificial intelligence's (AI) perspective to provide it with such skill. Beyond, a plethora of use cases opens up for computational measurement of human charisma, such as for tutoring humans in the acquisition of charisma, mediating human-to-human conversation, or identifying charismatic individuals in big social data. A number of models exist that base charisma on various dimensions, often following the idea that charisma is given if someone could and would help others. Examples include influence (could help) and affability (would help) in scientific studies or power (could help), presence, and warmth (both would help) as a popular concept. Modelling high levels in these dimensions for humanoid robots or virtual agents, seems accomplishable. Beyond, also automatic measurement appears quite feasible with the recent advances in the related fields of Affective Computing and Social Signal Processing. Here, we, thereforem present a blueprint for building machines that can appear charismatic, but also analyse the charisma of others. To this end, we first provide the psychological perspective including different models of charisma and behavioural cues of it. We then switch to conversational charisma in spoken language as an exemplary modality that is essential for human-human and human-computer conversations. The computational perspective then deals with the recognition and generation of charismatic behaviour by AI. This includes an overview of the state of play in the field and the aforementioned blueprint. We then name exemplary use cases of computational charismatic skills before switching to ethical aspects and concluding this overview and perspective on building charisma-enabled AI.
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