Progress on many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, such as text classification, is driven by objective, reproducible and scalable evaluation via publicly available benchmarks. However, these are not always representative of real-world scenarios where text classifiers are employed, such as sentiment analysis or misinformation detection. In this position paper, we put forward two points that aim to alleviate this problem. First, we propose to extend text classification benchmarks to evaluate the explainability of text classifiers. We review challenges associated with objectively evaluating the capabilities to produce valid explanations which leads us to the second main point: We propose to ground these benchmarks in human-centred applications, for example by using social media, gamification or to learn explainability metrics from human judgements.
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State-of-the-art deep-learning-based approaches to Natural Language Processing (NLP) are credited with various capabilities that involve reasoning with natural language texts. In this paper we carry out a large-scale empirical study investigating the detection of formally valid inferences in controlled fragments of natural language for which the satisfiability problem becomes increasingly complex. We find that, while transformer-based language models perform surprisingly well in these scenarios, a deeper analysis re-veals that they appear to overfit to superficial patterns in the data rather than acquiring the logical principles governing the reasoning in these fragments.
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Making histopathology image classifiers robust to a wide range of real-world variability is a challenging task. Here, we describe a candidate deep learning solution for the Mitosis Domain Generalization Challenge 2022 (MIDOG) to address the problem of generalization for mitosis detection in images of hematoxylin-eosin-stained histology slides under high variability (scanner, tissue type and species variability). Our approach consists in training a rotation-invariant deep learning model using aggressive data augmentation with a training set enriched with hard negative examples and automatically selected negative examples from the unlabeled part of the challenge dataset. To optimize the performance of our models, we investigated a hard negative mining regime search procedure that lead us to train our best model using a subset of image patches representing 19.6% of our training partition of the challenge dataset. Our candidate model ensemble achieved a F1-score of .697 on the final test set after automated evaluation on the challenge platform, achieving the third best overall score in the MIDOG 2022 Challenge.
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Use of graphs to represent molecular crystals has become popular in recent years as they provide a natural translation from atoms and bonds to nodes and edges. Graphs capture structure, while remaining invariant to the symmetries that crystals display. Several works in property prediction, including those with state-of-the-art results, make use of the Crystal Graph. The present work offers a graph based on Point-wise Distance Distributions which retains symmetrical invariance, decreases computational load, and yields similar or better prediction accuracy on both experimental and simulated crystals.
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Line segments are ubiquitous in our human-made world and are increasingly used in vision tasks. They are complementary to feature points thanks to their spatial extent and the structural information they provide. Traditional line detectors based on the image gradient are extremely fast and accurate, but lack robustness in noisy images and challenging conditions. Their learned counterparts are more repeatable and can handle challenging images, but at the cost of a lower accuracy and a bias towards wireframe lines. We propose to combine traditional and learned approaches to get the best of both worlds: an accurate and robust line detector that can be trained in the wild without ground truth lines. Our new line segment detector, DeepLSD, processes images with a deep network to generate a line attraction field, before converting it to a surrogate image gradient magnitude and angle, which is then fed to any existing handcrafted line detector. Additionally, we propose a new optimization tool to refine line segments based on the attraction field and vanishing points. This refinement improves the accuracy of current deep detectors by a large margin. We demonstrate the performance of our method on low-level line detection metrics, as well as on several downstream tasks using multiple challenging datasets. The source code and models are available at
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As modern data pipelines continue to collect, produce, and store a variety of data formats, extracting and combining value from traditional and context-rich sources such as strings, text, video, audio, and logs becomes a manual process where such formats are unsuitable for RDBMS. To tap into the dark data, domain experts analyze and extract insights and integrate them into the data repositories. This process can involve out-of-DBMS, ad-hoc analysis, and processing resulting in ETL, engineering effort, and suboptimal performance. While AI systems based on ML models can automate the analysis process, they often further generate context-rich answers. Using multiple sources of truth, for either training the models or in the form of knowledge bases, further exacerbates the problem of consolidating the data of interest. We envision an analytical engine co-optimized with components that enable context-rich analysis. Firstly, as the data from different sources or resulting from model answering cannot be cleaned ahead of time, we propose using online data integration via model-assisted similarity operations. Secondly, we aim for a holistic pipeline cost- and rule-based optimization across relational and model-based operators. Thirdly, with increasingly heterogeneous hardware and equally heterogeneous workloads ranging from traditional relational analytics to generative model inference, we envision a system that just-in-time adapts to the complex analytical query requirements. To solve increasingly complex analytical problems, ML offers attractive solutions that must be combined with traditional analytical processing and benefit from decades of database community research to achieve scalability and performance effortless for the end user.
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Graph processing applications are severely bottlenecked by memory system performance due to low data reuse and irregular memory accesses. While state-of-the-art prefetchers using Machine Learning (ML) have made great progress, they do not perform well on graph analytics applications due to phase transitions in the execution and irregular data access that is hard to predict. We propose MPGraph: a novel ML-based Prefetcher for Graph analytics. MPGraph makes three novel optimizations based on domain knowledge of graph analytics. It detects the transition of graph processing phases during execution using a novel soft detection technique, predicts memory accesses and pages using phase-specific multi-modality predictors, and prefetches using a novel chain spatio-temporal prefetching strategy. We evaluate our approach using three widely-used graph processing frameworks and a variety of graph datasets. Our approach achieves 34.17%-82.15% higher precision in phase transition detection than the KSWIN and decision tree baselines. Our predictors achieve 6.80%-16.02% higher F1-score for access prediction and 11.68%-15.41% higher accuracy-at-10 for page prediction compared with the baselines LSTM-based and vanilla attention-based models. Simulations show that MPGraph achieves on the average 87.16% (prefetch accuracy) and 73.29% (prefetch coverage), leading to 12.52%-21.23% IPC improvement. It outperforms the widely-used non-ML prefetcher BO by 7.58%-12.03%, and outperforms state-of-the-art ML-based prefetchers Voyager by 3.27%-4.42% and TransFetch by 3.73%-4.58% with respect to IPC improvement.
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Developing machine learning-based interatomic potentials from ab-initio electronic structure methods remains a challenging task for computational chemistry and materials science. This work studies the capability of transfer learning for efficiently generating chemically accurate interatomic neural network potentials on organic molecules from the MD17 and ANI data sets. We show that pre-training the network parameters on data obtained from density functional calculations considerably improves the sample efficiency of models trained on more accurate ab-initio data. Additionally, we show that fine-tuning with energy labels alone suffices to obtain accurate atomic forces and run large-scale atomistic simulations. We also investigate possible limitations of transfer learning, especially regarding the design and size of the pre-training and fine-tuning data sets. Finally, we provide GM-NN potentials pre-trained and fine-tuned on the ANI-1x and ANI-1ccx data sets, which can easily be fine-tuned on and applied to organic molecules.
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We study the algorithm configuration (AC) problem, in which one seeks to find an optimal parameter configuration of a given target algorithm in an automated way. Recently, there has been significant progress in designing AC approaches that satisfy strong theoretical guarantees. However, a significant gap still remains between the practical performance of these approaches and state-of-the-art heuristic methods. To this end, we introduce AC-Band, a general approach for the AC problem based on multi-armed bandits that provides theoretical guarantees while exhibiting strong practical performance. We show that AC-Band requires significantly less computation time than other AC approaches providing theoretical guarantees while still yielding high-quality configurations.
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特征形式的图像补丁的独特表示是许多计算机视觉和机器人任务的关键组成部分,例如图像匹配,图像检索和视觉定位。最先进的描述符,来自手工制作的描述符,例如SIFT到诸如HardNet之类的学习者,通常是高维的; 128个维度甚至更多。维度越高,使用此类描述符的方法的内存消耗和计算时间越大。在本文中,我们研究了多层感知器(MLP),以提取低维但高质量的描述符。我们在无监督,自我监督和监督的设置中彻底分析了我们的方法,并评估了四个代表性描述符的降维结果。我们考虑不同的应用程序,包括视觉定位,补丁验证,图像匹配和检索。实验表明,我们的轻量级MLP比PCA获得了更好的尺寸降低。我们的方法生成的较低维描述符在下游任务中的原始高维描述符,尤其是对于手工制作的任务。该代码将在上找到。
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