多项研究表明,从孕妇中期超声检查(USG)检查获得标准化的胎儿脑生物特征?获得这些测量值是高度主观的,专业驱动的,需要多年的培训经验,从而限制了所有怀孕母亲的优质产前护理。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种深度学习方法(DL)方法,以通过准确和自动化的卡钳放置(每次生物测量法)将其作为地标建模,从而从跨炉平面(TC)的2D USG图像(TC)计算3个关键的胎儿脑生物特征。检测问题。我们利用了临床相关的生物识别约束(卡尺点之间的关系)和与域相关的数据增强,以提高U-NET DL模型的准确性(经过训练/测试:596张图像,473个受试者/143张图像,143个受试者)。我们进行了多个实验,证明了DL主链,数据增强,推广性和基准测试,通过广泛的临床验证(DL与7位经验丰富的临床医生)对最新的最新方法进行了测试。在所有情况下,单个卡尺点和计算生物特征的放置的平均误差都与临床医生之间的错误率相当。所提出的框架的临床翻译可以帮助新手用户在可靠和标准化的胎儿大脑超声图评估中的新手使用者。
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Sensor-based remote health monitoring is used in industrial, urban and healthcare settings to monitor ongoing operation of equipment and human health. An important aim is to intervene early if anomalous events or adverse health is detected. In the wild, these anomaly detection approaches are challenged by noise, label scarcity, high dimensionality, explainability and wide variability in operating environments. The Contextual Matrix Profile (CMP) is a configurable 2-dimensional version of the Matrix Profile (MP) that uses the distance matrix of all subsequences of a time series to discover patterns and anomalies. The CMP is shown to enhance the effectiveness of the MP and other SOTA methods at detecting, visualising and interpreting true anomalies in noisy real world data from different domains. It excels at zooming out and identifying temporal patterns at configurable time scales. However, the CMP does not address cross-sensor information, and cannot scale to high dimensional data. We propose a novel, self-supervised graph-based approach for temporal anomaly detection that works on context graphs generated from the CMP distance matrix. The learned graph embeddings encode the anomalous nature of a time context. In addition, we evaluate other graph outlier algorithms for the same task. Given our pipeline is modular, graph construction, generation of graph embeddings, and pattern recognition logic can all be chosen based on the specific pattern detection application. We verified the effectiveness of graph-based anomaly detection and compared it with the CMP and 3 state-of-the art methods on two real-world healthcare datasets with different anomalies. Our proposed method demonstrated better recall, alert rate and generalisability.
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The 1$^{\text{st}}$ Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023 focused on maritime computer vision for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), and organized several subchallenges in this domain: (i) UAV-based Maritime Object Detection, (ii) UAV-based Maritime Object Tracking, (iii) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Segmentation and (iv) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Detection. The subchallenges were based on the SeaDronesSee and MODS benchmarks. This report summarizes the main findings of the individual subchallenges and introduces a new benchmark, called SeaDronesSee Object Detection v2, which extends the previous benchmark by including more classes and footage. We provide statistical and qualitative analyses, and assess trends in the best-performing methodologies of over 130 submissions. The methods are summarized in the appendix. The datasets, evaluation code and the leaderboard are publicly available at https://seadronessee.cs.uni-tuebingen.de/macvi.
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Neural network-based approaches for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) have recently received special attention. However, the large majority of neural PDE solvers only apply to rectilinear domains, and do not systematically address the imposition of Dirichlet/Neumann boundary conditions over irregular domain boundaries. In this paper, we present a framework to neurally solve partial differential equations over domains with irregularly shaped (non-rectilinear) geometric boundaries. Our network takes in the shape of the domain as an input (represented using an unstructured point cloud, or any other parametric representation such as Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) and is able to generalize to novel (unseen) irregular domains; the key technical ingredient to realizing this model is a novel approach for identifying the interior and exterior of the computational grid in a differentiable manner. We also perform a careful error analysis which reveals theoretical insights into several sources of error incurred in the model-building process. Finally, we showcase a wide variety of applications, along with favorable comparisons with ground truth solutions.
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Vision language (VL) models like CLIP are robust to natural distribution shifts, in part because CLIP learns on unstructured data using a technique called caption supervision; the model inteprets image-linked texts as ground-truth labels. In a carefully controlled comparison study, we show that caption-supervised CNNs trained on a standard cross-entropy loss (with image labels assigned by scanning captions for class names) can exhibit greater distributional robustness than VL models trained on the same data. To facilitate future experiments with high-accuracy caption-supervised models, we introduce CaptionNet (https://github.com/penfever/CaptionNet/), which includes a class-balanced, fully supervised dataset with over 50,000 new human-labeled ImageNet-compliant samples which includes web-scraped captions. In a series of experiments on CaptionNet, we show how the choice of loss function, data filtration and supervision strategy enable robust computer vision. We also provide the codebase necessary to reproduce our experiments at VL Hub (https://github.com/penfever/vlhub/).
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数字化和自动化方面的快速进步导致医疗保健的加速增长,从而产生了新型模型,这些模型正在创造新的渠道,以降低成本。 Metaverse是一项在数字空间中的新兴技术,在医疗保健方面具有巨大的潜力,为患者和医生带来了现实的经验。荟萃分析是多种促成技术的汇合,例如人工智能,虚拟现实,增强现实,医疗设备,机器人技术,量子计算等。通过哪些方向可以探索提供优质医疗保健治疗和服务的新方向。这些技术的合并确保了身临其境,亲密和个性化的患者护理。它还提供自适应智能解决方案,以消除医疗保健提供者和接收器之间的障碍。本文对医疗保健的荟萃分析提供了全面的综述,强调了最新技术的状态,即采用医疗保健元元的能力技术,潜在的应用程序和相关项目。还确定了用于医疗保健应用的元元改编的问题,并强调了合理的解决方案作为未来研究方向的一部分。
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在这项工作中,我们解决了为野外任何演讲者发出静音唇部视频演讲的问题。与以前的作品形成鲜明对比的是,我们的方法(i)不仅限于固定数量的扬声器,(ii)并未明确对域或词汇构成约束,并且(iii)涉及在野外记录的视频,反对实验室环境。该任务提出了许多挑战,关键是,所需的目标语音的许多功能(例如语音,音调和语言内容)不能完全从无声的面部视频中推断出来。为了处理这些随机变化,我们提出了一种新的VAE-GAN结构,该结构学会了将唇部和语音序列关联到变化中。在指导培训过程的多个强大的歧视者的帮助下,我们的发电机学会了以任何人的唇部运动中的任何声音综合语音序列。多个数据集上的广泛实验表明,我们的优于所有基线的差距很大。此外,我们的网络可以在特定身份的视频上进行微调,以实现与单扬声器模型相当的性能,该模型接受了$ 4 \ times $ $数据的培训。我们进行了大量的消融研究,以分析我们体系结构不同模块的效果。我们还提供了一个演示视频,该视频与我们的网站上的代码和经过训练的模型一起展示了几个定性结果: -合成}}
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