Deep learning frameworks have often focused on either usability or speed, but not both. PyTorch is a machine learning library that shows that these two goals are in fact compatible: it provides an imperative and Pythonic programming style that supports code as a model, makes debugging easy and is consistent with other popular scientific computing libraries, while remaining efficient and supporting hardware accelerators such as GPUs. In this paper, we detail the principles that drove the implementation of PyTorch and how they are reflected in its architecture. We emphasize that every aspect of PyTorch is a regular Python program under the full control of its user. We also explain how the careful and pragmatic implementation of the key components of its runtime enables them to work together to achieve compelling performance. We demonstrate the efficiency of individual subsystems, as well as the overall speed of PyTorch on several common benchmarks.
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Most benchmarks for studying surgical interventions focus on a specific challenge instead of leveraging the intrinsic complementarity among different tasks. In this work, we present a new experimental framework towards holistic surgical scene understanding. First, we introduce the Phase, Step, Instrument, and Atomic Visual Action recognition (PSI-AVA) Dataset. PSI-AVA includes annotations for both long-term (Phase and Step recognition) and short-term reasoning (Instrument detection and novel Atomic Action recognition) in robot-assisted radical prostatectomy videos. Second, we present Transformers for Action, Phase, Instrument, and steps Recognition (TAPIR) as a strong baseline for surgical scene understanding. TAPIR leverages our dataset's multi-level annotations as it benefits from the learned representation on the instrument detection task to improve its classification capacity. Our experimental results in both PSI-AVA and other publicly available databases demonstrate the adequacy of our framework to spur future research on holistic surgical scene understanding.
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Video provides us with the spatio-temporal consistency needed for visual learning. Recent approaches have utilized this signal to learn correspondence estimation from close-by frame pairs. However, by only relying on close-by frame pairs, those approaches miss out on the richer long-range consistency between distant overlapping frames. To address this, we propose a self-supervised approach for correspondence estimation that learns from multiview consistency in short RGB-D video sequences. Our approach combines pairwise correspondence estimation and registration with a novel SE(3) transformation synchronization algorithm. Our key insight is that self-supervised multiview registration allows us to obtain correspondences over longer time frames; increasing both the diversity and difficulty of sampled pairs. We evaluate our approach on indoor scenes for correspondence estimation and RGB-D pointcloud registration and find that we perform on-par with supervised approaches.
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A quantitative assessment of the global importance of an agent in a team is as valuable as gold for strategists, decision-makers, and sports coaches. Yet, retrieving this information is not trivial since in a cooperative task it is hard to isolate the performance of an individual from the one of the whole team. Moreover, it is not always clear the relationship between the role of an agent and his personal attributes. In this work we conceive an application of the Shapley analysis for studying the contribution of both agent policies and attributes, putting them on equal footing. Since the computational complexity is NP-hard and scales exponentially with the number of participants in a transferable utility coalitional game, we resort to exploiting a-priori knowledge about the rules of the game to constrain the relations between the participants over a graph. We hence propose a method to determine a Hierarchical Knowledge Graph of agents' policies and features in a Multi-Agent System. Assuming a simulator of the system is available, the graph structure allows to exploit dynamic programming to assess the importances in a much faster way. We test the proposed approach in a proof-of-case environment deploying both hardcoded policies and policies obtained via Deep Reinforcement Learning. The proposed paradigm is less computationally demanding than trivially computing the Shapley values and provides great insight not only into the importance of an agent in a team but also into the attributes needed to deploy the policy at its best.
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Transfer learning on edge is challenging due to on-device limited resources. Existing work addresses this issue by training a subset of parameters or adding model patches. Developed with inference in mind, Inverted Residual Blocks (IRBs) split a convolutional layer into depthwise and pointwise convolutions, leading to more stacking layers, e.g., convolution, normalization, and activation layers. Though they are efficient for inference, IRBs require that additional activation maps are stored in memory for training weights for convolution layers and scales for normalization layers. As a result, their high memory cost prohibits training IRBs on resource-limited edge devices, and making them unsuitable in the context of transfer learning. To address this issue, we present MobileTL, a memory and computationally efficient on-device transfer learning method for models built with IRBs. MobileTL trains the shifts for internal normalization layers to avoid storing activation maps for the backward pass. Also, MobileTL approximates the backward computation of the activation layer (e.g., Hard-Swish and ReLU6) as a signed function which enables storing a binary mask instead of activation maps for the backward pass. MobileTL fine-tunes a few top blocks (close to output) rather than propagating the gradient through the whole network to reduce the computation cost. Our method reduces memory usage by 46% and 53% for MobileNetV2 and V3 IRBs, respectively. For MobileNetV3, we observe a 36% reduction in floating-point operations (FLOPs) when fine-tuning 5 blocks, while only incurring a 0.6% accuracy reduction on CIFAR10. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate that our method is Pareto-optimal (best accuracy under given hardware constraints) compared to prior work in transfer learning for edge devices.
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Obtaining photorealistic reconstructions of objects from sparse views is inherently ambiguous and can only be achieved by learning suitable reconstruction priors. Earlier works on sparse rigid object reconstruction successfully learned such priors from large datasets such as CO3D. In this paper, we extend this approach to dynamic objects. We use cats and dogs as a representative example and introduce Common Pets in 3D (CoP3D), a collection of crowd-sourced videos showing around 4,200 distinct pets. CoP3D is one of the first large-scale datasets for benchmarking non-rigid 3D reconstruction "in the wild". We also propose Tracker-NeRF, a method for learning 4D reconstruction from our dataset. At test time, given a small number of video frames of an unseen object, Tracker-NeRF predicts the trajectories of its 3D points and generates new views, interpolating viewpoint and time. Results on CoP3D reveal significantly better non-rigid new-view synthesis performance than existing baselines.
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尽管深度神经网络(DNNS)具有很大的概括和预测能力,但它们的功能不允许对其行为进行详细的解释。不透明的深度学习模型越来越多地用于在关键环境中做出重要的预测,而危险在于,它们做出和使用不能合理或合法化的预测。已经出现了几种可解释的人工智能(XAI)方法,这些方法与机器学习模型分开了,但对模型的实际功能和鲁棒性具有忠诚的缺点。结果,就具有解释能力的深度学习模型的重要性达成了广泛的协议,因此他们自己可以为为什么做出特定的预测提供答案。首先,我们通过形式化解释是什么是缺乏XAI的普遍标准的问题。我们还引入了一组公理和定义,以从数学角度阐明XAI。最后,我们提出了Greybox XAI,该框架由于使用了符号知识库(KB)而构成DNN和透明模型。我们从数据集中提取KB,并使用它来训练透明模型(即逻辑回归)。在RGB图像上训练了编码器 - 编码器架构,以产生类似于透明模型使用的KB的输出。一旦两个模型被独立训练,它们就会在组合上使用以形成可解释的预测模型。我们展示了这种新体系结构在几个数据集中如何准确且可解释的。
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社交网络数据评估的自动化是自然语言处理的经典挑战之一。在共同199年的大流行期间,关于了解健康命令的态度,公共信息中的采矿人们的立场变得至关重要。在本文中,作者提出了基于变压器体系结构的预测模型,以对Twitter文本中的前提进行分类。这项工作是作为2022年社交媒体挖掘(SMM4H)研讨会的一部分完成的。我们探索了现代变压器的分类器,以便构建管道有效地捕获推文语义。我们在Twitter数据集上的实验表明,在前提预测任务的情况下,罗伯塔(Roberta)优于其他变压器模型。该模型在ROC AUC值0.807方面实现了竞争性能,而F1得分为0.7648。
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