Robust 2004是一种信息检索基准,其每个查询的大量判断使其成为可靠的评估数据集。在本文中,我们介绍了Mrobust04,这是一种多语言版本的robust04,使用Google Translate翻译为8种语言。我们还提供了该数据集上三个不同多语言检索器的结果。该数据集可在上获得
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Landing an unmanned aerial vehicle unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on top of an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) in harsh open waters is a challenging problem, owing to forces that can damage the UAV due to a severe roll and/or pitch angle of the USV during touchdown. To tackle this, we propose a novel model predictive control (MPC) approach enabling a UAV to land autonomously on a USV in these harsh conditions. The MPC employs a novel objective function and an online decomposition of the oscillatory motion of the vessel to predict, attempt, and accomplish the landing during near-zero tilt of the landing platform. The nonlinear prediction of the motion of the vessel is performed using visual data from an onboard camera. Therefore, the system does not require any communication with the USV or a control station. The proposed method was analyzed in numerous robotics simulations in harsh and extreme conditions and further validated in various real-world scenarios.
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The application of deep learning algorithms to financial data is difficult due to heavy non-stationarities which can lead to over-fitted models that underperform under regime changes. Using the Numerai tournament data set as a motivating example, we propose a machine learning pipeline for trading market-neutral stock portfolios based on tabular data which is robust under changes in market conditions. We evaluate various machine-learning models, including Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDTs) and Neural Networks with and without simple feature engineering, as the building blocks for the pipeline. We find that GBDT models with dropout display high performance, robustness and generalisability with relatively low complexity and reduced computational cost. We then show that online learning techniques can be used in post-prediction processing to enhance the results. In particular, dynamic feature neutralisation, an efficient procedure that requires no retraining of models and can be applied post-prediction to any machine learning model, improves robustness by reducing drawdown in volatile market conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the creation of model ensembles through dynamic model selection based on recent model performance leads to improved performance over baseline by improving the Sharpe and Calmar ratios. We also evaluate the robustness of our pipeline across different data splits and random seeds with good reproducibility of results.
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Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) have recently been employed for image deblurring. DPMs are trained via a stochastic denoising process that maps Gaussian noise to the high-quality image, conditioned on the concatenated blurry input. Despite their high-quality generated samples, image-conditioned Diffusion Probabilistic Models (icDPM) rely on synthetic pairwise training data (in-domain), with potentially unclear robustness towards real-world unseen images (out-of-domain). In this work, we investigate the generalization ability of icDPMs in deblurring, and propose a simple but effective guidance to significantly alleviate artifacts, and improve the out-of-distribution performance. Particularly, we propose to first extract a multiscale domain-generalizable representation from the input image that removes domain-specific information while preserving the underlying image structure. The representation is then added into the feature maps of the conditional diffusion model as an extra guidance that helps improving the generalization. To benchmark, we focus on out-of-distribution performance by applying a single-dataset trained model to three external and diverse test sets. The effectiveness of the proposed formulation is demonstrated by improvements over the standard icDPM, as well as state-of-the-art performance on perceptual quality and competitive distortion metrics compared to existing methods.
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In peer review systems, reviewers are often asked to evaluate various features of submissions, such as technical quality or novelty. A score is given to each of the predefined features and based on these the reviewer has to provide an overall quantitative recommendation. However, reviewers differ in how much they value different features. It may be assumed that each reviewer has her own mapping from a set of criteria scores (score vectors) to a recommendation, and that different reviewers have different mappings in mind. Recently, Noothigattu, Shah and Procaccia introduced a novel framework for obtaining an aggregated mapping by means of Empirical Risk Minimization based on $L(p,q)$ loss functions, and studied its axiomatic properties in the sense of social choice theory. We provide a body of new results about this framework. On the one hand we study a trade-off between strategy-proofness and the ability of the method to properly capture agreements of the majority of reviewers. On the other hand, we show that dropping a certain unrealistic assumption makes the previously reported results to be no longer valid. Moreover, in the general case, strategy-proofness fails dramatically in the sense that a reviewer is able to make significant changes to the solution in her favor by arbitrarily small changes to their true beliefs. In particular, no approximate version of strategy-proofness is possible in this general setting since the method is not even continuous w.r.t. the data. Finally we propose a modified aggregation algorithm which is continuous and show that it has good axiomatic properties.
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估计空间变化的干预对空间变化结果的因果影响可能会受到非本地混杂(NLC)的影响,这种现象可能会估计给定单位的处理和结果部分由协方差估计。附近的其他单元。特别是,NLC是评估环境政策和气候事件对健康相关结果(例如空气污染暴露)的影响的挑战。本文首先使用潜在结果框架对NLC进行正式化,从而与因果干扰的相关现象进行了比较。然后,它提出了一个称为“ weather2vec”的广泛适用框架,该框架使用平衡分数理论来学习非本地信息的表示形式,以定义为每个观察单元定义的标量或向量使用因果推理方法。该框架在一项仿真研究和两项关于空气污染的案例研究中进行了评估,天气是(本质上是区域)已知的混杂因素。
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我们定义了更广泛的腐败过程,该过程概括了先前已知的扩散模型。为了扭转这些一般的扩散,我们提出了一个称为“软得分匹配”的新目标,可以证明可以学习任何线性腐败过程的得分功能,并为Celeba提供最先进的结果。软得分匹配结合了网络中的降解过程,并训练模型以预测腐败与扩散观察相匹配的干净图像。我们表明,我们的目标在适当的规律性条件下为腐败过程的家庭学习了可能性的梯度。我们进一步开发了一种原则性的方法,以选择一般扩散过程的损坏水平和一种我们称为动量采样器的新型抽样方法。我们评估了我们的框架,腐败是高斯模糊和低幅度添加噪声。我们的方法在Celeba-64上获得了最先进的FID得分$ 1.85 $,表现优于所有以前的线性扩散模型。与香草deno的扩散相比,我们还显示出显着的计算益处。
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我们引入了三种算法,将模拟重力数据倒入3D地下岩石/流属性。第一种算法是一种基于数据驱动的,基于深度学习的方法,第二个算法将深度学习方法与物理建模混合到单个工作流程中,第三个考虑了表面重力监测的时间依赖性。这些提出的算法的目标应用是地下CO $ _2 $李子作为监视CO $ _2 $固存部部署的补充工具的预测。每种提出的算法的表现都优于传统的反转方法,并在几乎实时实时产生高分辨率的3D地下重建。我们提出的方法以$ \ mu $ gals的形式获得了预测的羽状几何形状和接近完美数据失误的骰子得分。这些结果表明,将4D表面重力监测与深度学习技术相结合代表了一种低成本,快速和非侵入性的方法,用于监测CO $ _2 $存储站点。
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