This study targets the mixed-integer black-box optimization (MI-BBO) problem where continuous and integer variables should be optimized simultaneously. The CMA-ES, our focus in this study, is a population-based stochastic search method that samples solution candidates from a multivariate Gaussian distribution (MGD), which shows excellent performance in continuous BBO. The parameters of MGD, mean and (co)variance, are updated based on the evaluation value of candidate solutions in the CMA-ES. If the CMA-ES is applied to the MI-BBO with straightforward discretization, however, the variance corresponding to the integer variables becomes much smaller than the granularity of the discretization before reaching the optimal solution, which leads to the stagnation of the optimization. In particular, when binary variables are included in the problem, this stagnation more likely occurs because the granularity of the discretization becomes wider, and the existing modification to the CMA-ES does not address this stagnation. To overcome these limitations, we propose a simple extension of the CMA-ES based on lower-bounding the marginal probabilities associated with the generation of integer variables in the MGD. The numerical experiments on the MI-BBO benchmark problems demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed method. Furthermore, in order to demonstrate the generality of the idea of the proposed method, in addition to the single-objective optimization case, we incorporate it into multi-objective CMA-ES and verify its performance on bi-objective mixed-integer benchmark problems.
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我们考虑使用未知差异的双臂高斯匪徒的固定预算最佳臂识别问题。当差异未知时,性能保证与下限的性能保证匹配的算法最紧密的下限和算法的算法很长。当算法不可知到ARM的最佳比例算法。在本文中,我们提出了一种策略,该策略包括在估计的ARM绘制的目标分配概率之后具有随机采样(RS)的采样规则,并且使用增强的反概率加权(AIPW)估计器通常用于因果推断文学。我们将我们的战略称为RS-AIPW战略。在理论分析中,我们首先推导出鞅的大偏差原理,当第二次孵化的均值时,可以使用,并将其应用于我们提出的策略。然后,我们表明,拟议的策略在错误识别的可能性达到了Kaufmann等人的意义上是渐近最佳的。 (2016)当样品尺寸无限大而双臂之间的间隙变为零。
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Diagnostic radiologists need artificial intelligence (AI) for medical imaging, but access to medical images required for training in AI has become increasingly restrictive. To release and use medical images, we need an algorithm that can simultaneously protect privacy and preserve pathologies in medical images. To develop such an algorithm, here, we propose DP-GLOW, a hybrid of a local differential privacy (LDP) algorithm and one of the flow-based deep generative models (GLOW). By applying a GLOW model, we disentangle the pixelwise correlation of images, which makes it difficult to protect privacy with straightforward LDP algorithms for images. Specifically, we map images onto the latent vector of the GLOW model, each element of which follows an independent normal distribution, and we apply the Laplace mechanism to the latent vector. Moreover, we applied DP-GLOW to chest X-ray images to generate LDP images while preserving pathologies.
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Machine learning (ML) is revolutionizing protein structural analysis, including an important subproblem of predicting protein residue contact maps, i.e., which amino-acid residues are in close spatial proximity given the amino-acid sequence of a protein. Despite recent progresses in ML-based protein contact prediction, predicting contacts with a wide range of distances (commonly classified into short-, medium- and long-range contacts) remains a challenge. Here, we propose a multiscale graph neural network (GNN) based approach taking a cue from multiscale physics simulations, in which a standard pipeline involving a recurrent neural network (RNN) is augmented with three GNNs to refine predictive capability for short-, medium- and long-range residue contacts, respectively. Test results on the ProteinNet dataset show improved accuracy for contacts of all ranges using the proposed multiscale RNN+GNN approach over the conventional approach, including the most challenging case of long-range contact prediction.
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一个由许多移动计算实体组成的自动移动机器人系统(称为机器人)吸引了研究人员的广泛关注,并阐明机器人的能力与问题的可溶性之间的关系是近几十年来的新兴问题。通常,只要没有任何机器人的数量,每个机器人都可以观察所有其他机器人。在本文中,我们提供了关于机器人观察的新观点。机器人不一定要观察所有其他机器人,而不管距离距离如何。我们称此新的计算模型瑕疵视图模型。在该模型下,在本文中,我们考虑了需要所有机器人在同一时刻收集的收集问题,并提出了两种算法来解决对抗性($ n $,$ n-2 $)中的收集问题 - 违法模型对于$ n \ geq 5 $(每个机器人最多观察$ n-2 $机器人在对手身上选择)和基于距离的(4,2)的模型(每个机器人在最接近的机器人最接近的机器人中分别观察到)分别,其中$ n $是机器人的数量。此外,我们提出了一个不可能的结果,表明在对抗性或基于距离(3,1)的模型中没有(确定性的)收集算法。此外,我们在放松的($ n $,$ n-2 $)中的聚会中表现出了不可能的结果。
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变压器的令人印象深刻的性能归因于自我注意力,在每个位置都考虑了整个输入之间的依赖性。在这项工作中,我们改革了神经$ n $ gram模型,该模型仅着眼于每个位置的几个周围表示,其多头机制如Vaswani等人(2017年)。通过对序列到序列任务的实验,我们表明,用多头神经$ n $ gram在变压器中替换自我注意力可以比变压器实现可比性或更好的性能。从对我们提出的方法的各种分析中,我们发现多头神经$ n $ gram是互补的,它们的组合可以进一步提高香草变压器的性能。
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