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We present CodeBERT, a bimodal pre-trained model for programming language (PL) and natural language (NL). CodeBERT learns general-purpose representations that support downstream NL-PL applications such as natural language code search, code documentation generation, etc. We develop Code-BERT with Transformer-based neural architecture, and train it with a hybrid objective function that incorporates the pre-training task of replaced token detection, which is to detect plausible alternatives sampled from generators. This enables us to utilize both "bimodal" data of NL-PL pairs and "unimodal" data, where the former provides input tokens for model training while the latter helps to learn better generators. We evaluate CodeBERT on two NL-PL applications by fine-tuning model parameters. Results show that CodeBERT achieves state-of-the-art performance on both natural language code search and code documentation generation. Furthermore, to investigate what type of knowledge is learned in CodeBERT, we construct a dataset for NL-PL probing, and evaluate in a zero-shot setting where parameters of pre-trained models are fixed. Results show that CodeBERT performs better than previous pre-trained models on NL-PL probing. 1
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To reproduce the success of text-to-image (T2I) generation, recent works in text-to-video (T2V) generation employ large-scale text-video dataset for fine-tuning. However, such paradigm is computationally expensive. Humans have the amazing ability to learn new visual concepts from just one single exemplar. We hereby study a new T2V generation problem$\unicode{x2014}$One-Shot Video Generation, where only a single text-video pair is presented for training an open-domain T2V generator. Intuitively, we propose to adapt the T2I diffusion model pretrained on massive image data for T2V generation. We make two key observations: 1) T2I models are able to generate images that align well with the verb terms; 2) extending T2I models to generate multiple images concurrently exhibits surprisingly good content consistency. To further learn continuous motion, we propose Tune-A-Video with a tailored Sparse-Causal Attention, which generates videos from text prompts via an efficient one-shot tuning of pretrained T2I diffusion models. Tune-A-Video is capable of producing temporally-coherent videos over various applications such as change of subject or background, attribute editing, style transfer, demonstrating the versatility and effectiveness of our method.
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Vision-Language Pre-Training (VLP) has shown promising capabilities to align image and text pairs, facilitating a broad variety of cross-modal learning tasks. However, we observe that VLP models often lack the visual grounding/localization capability which is critical for many downstream tasks such as visual reasoning. In this work, we propose a novel Position-guided Text Prompt (PTP) paradigm to enhance the visual grounding ability of cross-modal models trained with VLP. Specifically, in the VLP phase, PTP divides the image into $N\times N$ blocks, and identifies the objects in each block through the widely used object detector in VLP. It then reformulates the visual grounding task into a fill-in-the-blank problem given a PTP by encouraging the model to predict the objects in the given blocks or regress the blocks of a given object, e.g. filling `P" or ``O" in aPTP ``The block P has a O". This mechanism improves the visual grounding capability of VLP models and thus helps them better handle various downstream tasks. By introducing PTP into several state-of-the-art VLP frameworks, we observe consistently significant improvements across representative cross-modal learning model architectures and several benchmarks, e.g. zero-shot Flickr30K Retrieval (+4.8 in average recall@1) for ViLT \cite{vilt} baseline, and COCO Captioning (+5.3 in CIDEr) for SOTA BLIP \cite{blip} baseline. Moreover, PTP achieves comparable results with object-detector based methods, and much faster inference speed since PTP discards its object detector for inference while the later cannot. Our code and pre-trained weight will be released at \url{https://github.com/sail-sg/ptp}.
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To build Video Question Answering (VideoQA) systems capable of assisting humans in daily activities, seeking answers from long-form videos with diverse and complex events is a must. Existing multi-modal VQA models achieve promising performance on images or short video clips, especially with the recent success of large-scale multi-modal pre-training. However, when extending these methods to long-form videos, new challenges arise. On the one hand, using a dense video sampling strategy is computationally prohibitive. On the other hand, methods relying on sparse sampling struggle in scenarios where multi-event and multi-granularity visual reasoning are required. In this work, we introduce a new model named Multi-modal Iterative Spatial-temporal Transformer (MIST) to better adapt pre-trained models for long-form VideoQA. Specifically, MIST decomposes traditional dense spatial-temporal self-attention into cascaded segment and region selection modules that adaptively select frames and image regions that are closely relevant to the question itself. Visual concepts at different granularities are then processed efficiently through an attention module. In addition, MIST iteratively conducts selection and attention over multiple layers to support reasoning over multiple events. The experimental results on four VideoQA datasets, including AGQA, NExT-QA, STAR, and Env-QA, show that MIST achieves state-of-the-art performance and is superior at computation efficiency and interpretability.
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Recent advances in generative adversarial networks (GANs) have demonstrated the capabilities of generating stunning photo-realistic portrait images. While some prior works have applied such image GANs to unconditional 2D portrait video generation and static 3D portrait synthesis, there are few works successfully extending GANs for generating 3D-aware portrait videos. In this work, we propose PV3D, the first generative framework that can synthesize multi-view consistent portrait videos. Specifically, our method extends the recent static 3D-aware image GAN to the video domain by generalizing the 3D implicit neural representation to model the spatio-temporal space. To introduce motion dynamics to the generation process, we develop a motion generator by stacking multiple motion layers to generate motion features via modulated convolution. To alleviate motion ambiguities caused by camera/human motions, we propose a simple yet effective camera condition strategy for PV3D, enabling both temporal and multi-view consistent video generation. Moreover, PV3D introduces two discriminators for regularizing the spatial and temporal domains to ensure the plausibility of the generated portrait videos. These elaborated designs enable PV3D to generate 3D-aware motion-plausible portrait videos with high-quality appearance and geometry, significantly outperforming prior works. As a result, PV3D is able to support many downstream applications such as animating static portraits and view-consistent video motion editing. Code and models will be released at https://showlab.github.io/pv3d.
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Knowledge distillation is often used to transfer knowledge from a strong teacher model to a relatively weak student model. Traditional knowledge distillation methods include response-based methods and feature-based methods. Response-based methods are used the most widely but suffer from lower upper limit of model performance, while feature-based methods have constraints on the vocabularies and tokenizers. In this paper, we propose a tokenizer-free method liberal feature-based distillation (LEAD). LEAD aligns the distribution between teacher model and student model, which is effective, extendable, portable and has no requirements on vocabularies, tokenizer, or model architecture. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of LEAD on several widely-used benchmarks, including MS MARCO Passage, TREC Passage 19, TREC Passage 20, MS MARCO Document, TREC Document 19 and TREC Document 20.
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This paper presents E5, a family of state-of-the-art text embeddings that transfer well to a wide range of tasks. The model is trained in a contrastive manner with weak supervision signals from our curated large-scale text pair dataset (called CCPairs). E5 can be readily used as a general-purpose embedding model for any tasks requiring a single-vector representation of texts such as retrieval, clustering, and classification, achieving strong performance in both zero-shot and fine-tuned settings. We conduct extensive evaluations on 56 datasets from the BEIR and MTEB benchmarks. For zero-shot settings, E5 is the first model that outperforms the strong BM25 baseline on the BEIR retrieval benchmark without using any labeled data. When fine-tuned, E5 obtains the best results on the MTEB benchmark, beating existing embedding models with 40x more parameters.
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Dry Eye Disease (DED) is one of the most common ocular diseases: over five percent of US adults suffer from DED. Tear film instability is a known factor for DED, and is thought to be regulated in large part by the thin lipid layer that covers and stabilizes the tear film. In order to aid eye related disease diagnosis, this work proposes a novel paradigm in using computer vision techniques to numerically analyze the tear film lipid layer (TFLL) spread. Eleven videos of the tear film lipid layer spread are collected with a micro-interferometer and a subset are annotated. A tracking algorithm relying on various pillar computer vision techniques is developed. Our method can be found at https://easytear-dev.github.io/.
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