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Intelligent agents have great potential as facilitators of group conversation among older adults. However, little is known about how to design agents for this purpose and user group, especially in terms of agent embodiment. To this end, we conducted a mixed methods study of older adults' reactions to voice and body in a group conversation facilitation agent. Two agent forms with the same underlying artificial intelligence (AI) and voice system were compared: a humanoid robot and a voice assistant. One preliminary study (total n=24) and one experimental study comparing voice and body morphologies (n=36) were conducted with older adults and an experienced human facilitator. Findings revealed that the artificiality of the agent, regardless of its form, was beneficial for the socially uncomfortable task of conversation facilitation. Even so, talkative personality types had a poorer experience with the "bodied" robot version. Design implications and supplementary reactions, especially to agent voice, are also discussed.
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Gender/ing guides how we view ourselves, the world around us, and each other--including non-humans. Critical voices have raised the alarm about stereotyped gendering in the design of socially embodied artificial agents like voice assistants, conversational agents, and robots. Yet, little is known about how this plays out in research and to what extent. As a first step, we critically reviewed the case of Pepper, a gender-ambiguous humanoid robot. We conducted a systematic review (n=75) involving meta-synthesis and content analysis, examining how participants and researchers gendered Pepper through stated and unstated signifiers and pronoun usage. We found that ascriptions of Pepper's gender were inconsistent, limited, and at times discordant, with little evidence of conscious gendering and some indication of researcher influence on participant gendering. We offer six challenges driving the state of affairs and a practical framework coupled with a critical checklist for centering gender in research on artificial agents.
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We study representation learning for efficient imitation learning over linear systems. In particular, we consider a setting where learning is split into two phases: (a) a pre-training step where a shared $k$-dimensional representation is learned from $H$ source policies, and (b) a target policy fine-tuning step where the learned representation is used to parameterize the policy class. We find that the imitation gap over trajectories generated by the learned target policy is bounded by $\tilde{O}\left( \frac{k n_x}{HN_{\mathrm{shared}}} + \frac{k n_u}{N_{\mathrm{target}}}\right)$, where $n_x > k$ is the state dimension, $n_u$ is the input dimension, $N_{\mathrm{shared}}$ denotes the total amount of data collected for each policy during representation learning, and $N_{\mathrm{target}}$ is the amount of target task data. This result formalizes the intuition that aggregating data across related tasks to learn a representation can significantly improve the sample efficiency of learning a target task. The trends suggested by this bound are corroborated in simulation.
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由于大规模数据集的可用性,通常在特定位置和良好的天气条件下收集的大规模数据集,近年来,自动驾驶汽车的感知进展已加速。然而,为了达到高安全要求,这些感知系统必须在包括雪和雨在内的各种天气条件下进行稳健运行。在本文中,我们提出了一个新数据集,以通过新颖的数据收集过程启用强大的自动驾驶 - 在不同场景(Urban,Highway,乡村,校园),天气,雪,雨,阳光下,沿着15公里的路线反复记录数据),时间(白天/晚上)以及交通状况(行人,骑自行车的人和汽车)。该数据集包括来自摄像机和激光雷达传感器的图像和点云,以及高精度GPS/ins以在跨路线上建立对应关系。该数据集包括使用Amodal掩码捕获部分遮挡和3D边界框的道路和对象注释。我们通过分析基准在道路和对象,深度估计和3D对象检测中的性能来证明该数据集的独特性。重复的路线为对象发现,持续学习和异常检测打开了新的研究方向。链接到ITHACA365:https://ithaca365.mae.cornell.edu/
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The Bayesian additive regression trees (BART) model is an ensemble method extensively and successfully used in regression tasks due to its consistently strong predictive performance and its ability to quantify uncertainty. BART combines "weak" tree models through a set of shrinkage priors, whereby each tree explains a small portion of the variability in the data. However, the lack of smoothness and the absence of a covariance structure over the observations in standard BART can yield poor performance in cases where such assumptions would be necessary. We propose Gaussian processes Bayesian additive regression trees (GP-BART) as an extension of BART which assumes Gaussian process (GP) priors for the predictions of each terminal node among all trees. We illustrate our model on simulated and real data and compare its performance to traditional modelling approaches, outperforming them in many scenarios. An implementation of our method is available in the R package rGPBART available at: https://github.com/MateusMaiaDS/gpbart
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