在指纹识别领域工作的研究人员的主要障碍是缺乏公开的,大规模的指纹数据集。确实存在的公开数据集包含每个手指的少数身份和印象。这限制了关于许多主题的研究,包括例如,使用深网络来学习固定长度指纹嵌入。因此,我们提出了Printsgan,一种能够产生独特指纹的合成指纹发生器以及给定指纹的多个印象。使用Printsgan,我们合成525,000个指纹的数据库(35,000个不同的手指,每次有15个印象)。接下来,我们通过训练深网络来提取来自指纹的固定长度嵌入的固定长度来显示Printsgan生成的数据集的实用程序。特别是,对我们的合成指纹培训并进行微调的嵌入式模型和在NIST SD302的25,000个印刷品上进行微调)在NIST SD4数据库上获得87.03%的焦点为87.03%(一个升压)当仅在NIST SD302上培训时,来自Tar = 73.37%)。普遍的合成指纹产生方法不会使I)缺乏现实主义或ii)无法产生多个印象。我们计划向公众释放我们的合成指纹数据库。
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匹配的非接触式指纹或手指照片到基于接触的指纹印象在Covid-19尾之后,由于非接触式采集的优越性卫生以及能够以足够的分辨率捕获指纹照片的低成本移动电话的广泛可用性用于验证目的。本文介绍了一个名为C2CL的端到端自动化系统,包括移动手指照片捕获应用,预处理和匹配算法,以处理抑制先前交叉匹配方法的挑战;即i)低脊谷非接触式指纹对比,II)不同卷,俯仰,偏航和手指的距离,III的距离,III)非线性扭曲的基于接触的指纹,和VI)智能手机的不同图像质量。相机。我们的预处理算法段,增强,尺度和不可接受的非接触式指纹,而我们的匹配算法提取细节和纹理表示。使用我们的移动捕获App获取的206个受理接触式2D指纹和基于相应的基于接触的指纹的DataSet和来自206个受试者(每个受试者的2拇指和2个索引手指的指纹)用于评估我们所提出的算法的跨数据库性能。此外,在3个公共数据集上的额外实验结果表明,最先进的与非接触式指纹匹配(焦油为96.67%至98.30%,= 0.01%的焦油)显着提高。
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我们提出了一种方法,可以针对加密域中的大型画廊搜索探针(或查询)图像表示。我们要求探针和画廊图像以固定长度表示形式表示,这对于从学习的网络获得的表示是典型的。我们的加密方案对如何获得固定长度表示不可知,因此可以应用于任何应用域中的任何固定长度表示。我们的方法被称为HERS(同派加密表示搜索),是通过(i)压缩表示其估计的固有维度的表示,而准确性的最小损失(ii)使用拟议的完全同质加密方案和(iii)有效地加密压缩表示形式(ii)直接在加密域中直接搜索加密表示的画廊,而不会解密它们。大型面部,指纹和对象数据集(例如ImageNet)上的数值结果表明,在加密域中,首次准确且快速的图像搜索是可行的(500秒; $ 275 \ times $ 275 \ times $ speed胜过状态 - 与1亿个画廊的加密搜索有关)。代码可从https://github.com/human-analysis/hers-ecrypted-image-search获得。
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Electronic Health Records (EHRs) hold detailed longitudinal information about each patient's health status and general clinical history, a large portion of which is stored within the unstructured text. Temporal modelling of this medical history, which considers the sequence of events, can be used to forecast and simulate future events, estimate risk, suggest alternative diagnoses or forecast complications. While most prediction approaches use mainly structured data or a subset of single-domain forecasts and outcomes, we processed the entire free-text portion of EHRs for longitudinal modelling. We present Foresight, a novel GPT3-based pipeline that uses NER+L tools (i.e. MedCAT) to convert document text into structured, coded concepts, followed by providing probabilistic forecasts for future medical events such as disorders, medications, symptoms and interventions. Since large portions of EHR data are in text form, such an approach benefits from a granular and detailed view of a patient while introducing modest additional noise. On tests in two large UK hospitals (King's College Hospital, South London and Maudsley) and the US MIMIC-III dataset precision@10 of 0.80, 0.81 and 0.91 was achieved for forecasting the next biomedical concept. Foresight was also validated on 34 synthetic patient timelines by 5 clinicians and achieved relevancy of 97% for the top forecasted candidate disorder. Foresight can be easily trained and deployed locally as it only requires free-text data (as a minimum). As a generative model, it can simulate follow-on disorders, medications and interventions for as many steps as required. Foresight is a general-purpose model for biomedical concept modelling that can be used for real-world risk estimation, virtual trials and clinical research to study the progression of diseases, simulate interventions and counterfactuals, and for educational purposes.
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Large language models (LLMs) have exploded in popularity in the past few years and have achieved undeniably impressive results on benchmarks as varied as question answering and text summarization. We provide a simple new prompting strategy that leads to yet another supposedly "super-human" result, this time outperforming humans at common sense ethical reasoning (as measured by accuracy on a subset of the ETHICS dataset). Unfortunately, we find that relying on average performance to judge capabilities can be highly misleading. LLM errors differ systematically from human errors in ways that make it easy to craft adversarial examples, or even perturb existing examples to flip the output label. We also observe signs of inverse scaling with model size on some examples, and show that prompting models to "explain their reasoning" often leads to alarming justifications of unethical actions. Our results highlight how human-like performance does not necessarily imply human-like understanding or reasoning.
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Counterfactuals are often described as 'retrospective,' focusing on hypothetical alternatives to a realized past. This description relates to an often implicit assumption about the structure and stability of exogenous variables in the system being modeled -- an assumption that is reasonable in many settings where counterfactuals are used. In this work, we consider cases where we might reasonably make a different assumption about exogenous variables, namely, that the exogenous noise terms of each unit do exhibit some unit-specific structure and/or stability. This leads us to a different use of counterfactuals -- a 'forward-looking' rather than 'retrospective' counterfactual. We introduce "counterfactual treatment choice," a type of treatment choice problem that motivates using forward-looking counterfactuals. We then explore how mismatches between interventional versus forward-looking counterfactual approaches to treatment choice, consistent with different assumptions about exogenous noise, can lead to counterintuitive results.
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Scientists continue to develop increasingly complex mechanistic models to reflect their knowledge more realistically. Statistical inference using these models can be highly challenging, since the corresponding likelihood function is often intractable, and model simulation may be computationally burdensome or infeasible. Fortunately, in many of these situations, it is possible to adopt a surrogate model or approximate likelihood function. It may be convenient to base Bayesian inference directly on the surrogate, but this can result in bias and poor uncertainty quantification. In this paper we propose a new method for adjusting approximate posterior samples to reduce bias and produce more accurate uncertainty quantification. We do this by optimising a transform of the approximate posterior that minimises a scoring rule. Our approach requires only a (fixed) small number of complex model simulations and is numerically stable. We demonstrate good performance of the new method on several examples of increasing complexity.
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具有多模式传感(AIPPMS)的自适应信息路径计划(AIPPMS)考虑了配备多个传感器的代理商的问题,每个传感器具有不同的感应精度和能量成本。代理商的目标是探索环境并在未知的,部分可观察到的环境中受到其资源约束的信息。先前的工作集中在不太一般的适应性信息路径计划(AIPP)问题上,该问题仅考虑了代理人运动对收到的观察结果的影响。 AIPPMS问题通过要求代理的原因共同出现感应和移动的影响,同时平衡资源约束与信息目标,从而增加了额外的复杂性。我们将AIPPMS问题作为一种信念马尔可夫决策过程,并具有高斯流程信念,并使用在线计划中使用顺序的贝叶斯优化方法来解决它。我们的方法始终优于以前的AIPPMS解决方案,这几乎将几乎每个实验中获得的平均奖励增加了一倍,同时还将根平方的错误在环境信念中减少了50%。我们完全开放我们的实施方式,以帮助进一步开发和比较。
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对环境变化进行推理的能力对于长时间运行的机器人至关重要。期望代理在操作过程中捕获变化,以便可以采取行动以确保工作会议的平稳进展。但是,由于低观测重叠和漂移对象关联,不同的视角和累积的本地化错误使机器人可以轻松地检测周围世界的变化。在本文中,基于最近提出的类别级神经描述符字段(NDFS),我们开发了一种对象级在线变更检测方法,该方法可用于部分重叠观测和嘈杂的本地化结果。利用形状的完成功能和NDF的SE(3) - 均衡性,我们表示具有紧凑形状代码的对象,从部分观测中编码完整的对象形状。然后,基于从NDF恢复的对象中心以快速查询对象社区的对象中心,将对象组织在空间树结构中。通过通过形状代码相似性与对象关联并比较局部对象 - 邻居空间布局,我们提出的方法证明了对低观察重叠和本地化噪声的鲁棒性。与多种基线方法相比,我们对合成和现实世界序列进行实验,并获得改进的变化检测结果。项目网页:https://yilundu.github.io/ndf_change
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