基于模拟的推理的现代方法依赖于深度学习代理来实现与计算机模拟器的近似推断。在实践中,估计的后代的计算忠诚度很少得到保证。例如,Hermans等。 (2021)表明,当前基于仿真的推理算法可以产生过度自信的后代,因此可能会出现虚假推断。在这项工作中,我们引入了平衡的神经比估计(BNRE),该算法的变体旨在产生后近似值,往往更保守,从而提高了其可靠性,同时共享同样的贝叶斯最佳解决方案。我们通过执行平衡条件来实现这一目标,从而增加了小型模拟预算制度中的量化不确定性,同时仍会随着预算的增加而融合到确切的后部。我们提供的理论论点表明,BNRE倾向于产生比NRE更保守的后替代物。我们对BNRE进行了多种任务的评估,并表明它在所有测试的基准和仿真预算上产生了保守的后验代替代物。最后,我们强调BNRE可以直接实施NRE,并且不引入任何计算开销。
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We present extensive empirical evidence showing that current Bayesian simulation-based inference algorithms can produce computationally unfaithful posterior approximations. Our results show that all benchmarked algorithms -- (Sequential) Neural Posterior Estimation, (Sequential) Neural Ratio Estimation, Sequential Neural Likelihood and variants of Approximate Bayesian Computation -- can yield overconfident posterior approximations, which makes them unreliable for scientific use cases and falsificationist inquiry. Failing to address this issue may reduce the range of applicability of simulation-based inference. For this reason, we argue that research efforts should be made towards theoretical and methodological developments of conservative approximate inference algorithms and present research directions towards this objective. In this regard, we show empirical evidence that ensembling posterior surrogates provides more reliable approximations and mitigates the issue.
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Deep learning-based 3D human pose estimation performs best when trained on large amounts of labeled data, making combined learning from many datasets an important research direction. One obstacle to this endeavor are the different skeleton formats provided by different datasets, i.e., they do not label the same set of anatomical landmarks. There is little prior research on how to best supervise one model with such discrepant labels. We show that simply using separate output heads for different skeletons results in inconsistent depth estimates and insufficient information sharing across skeletons. As a remedy, we propose a novel affine-combining autoencoder (ACAE) method to perform dimensionality reduction on the number of landmarks. The discovered latent 3D points capture the redundancy among skeletons, enabling enhanced information sharing when used for consistency regularization. Our approach scales to an extreme multi-dataset regime, where we use 28 3D human pose datasets to supervise one model, which outperforms prior work on a range of benchmarks, including the challenging 3D Poses in the Wild (3DPW) dataset. Our code and models are available for research purposes.
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Reliably planning fingertip grasps for multi-fingered hands lies as a key challenge for many tasks including tool use, insertion, and dexterous in-hand manipulation. This task becomes even more difficult when the robot lacks an accurate model of the object to be grasped. Tactile sensing offers a promising approach to account for uncertainties in object shape. However, current robotic hands tend to lack full tactile coverage. As such, a problem arises of how to plan and execute grasps for multi-fingered hands such that contact is made with the area covered by the tactile sensors. To address this issue, we propose an approach to grasp planning that explicitly reasons about where the fingertips should contact the estimated object surface while maximizing the probability of grasp success. Key to our method's success is the use of visual surface estimation for initial planning to encode the contact constraint. The robot then executes this plan using a tactile-feedback controller that enables the robot to adapt to online estimates of the object's surface to correct for errors in the initial plan. Importantly, the robot never explicitly integrates object pose or surface estimates between visual and tactile sensing, instead it uses the two modalities in complementary ways. Vision guides the robots motion prior to contact; touch updates the plan when contact occurs differently than predicted from vision. We show that our method successfully synthesises and executes precision grasps for previously unseen objects using surface estimates from a single camera view. Further, our approach outperforms a state of the art multi-fingered grasp planner, while also beating several baselines we propose.
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Robots operating in human environments must be able to rearrange objects into semantically-meaningful configurations, even if these objects are previously unseen. In this work, we focus on the problem of building physically-valid structures without step-by-step instructions. We propose StructDiffusion, which combines a diffusion model and an object-centric transformer to construct structures out of a single RGB-D image based on high-level language goals, such as "set the table." Our method shows how diffusion models can be used for complex multi-step 3D planning tasks. StructDiffusion improves success rate on assembling physically-valid structures out of unseen objects by on average 16% over an existing multi-modal transformer model, while allowing us to use one multi-task model to produce a wider range of different structures. We show experiments on held-out objects in both simulation and on real-world rearrangement tasks. For videos and additional results, check out our website: http://weiyuliu.com/StructDiffusion/.
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我们提出了一种新的注意机制,称为全球分层注意(GHA),用于3D点云分析。 GHA通过在多个层次结构上进行一系列粗化和插值操作,近似于常规的全局点产生关注。 GHA的优势是两个方面。首先,它相对于点数具有线性复杂性,从而使大点云的处理能够处理。其次,GHA固有地具有归纳性偏见,可以专注于空间接近点,同时保留所有点之间的全球连通性。与前馈网络相结合,可以将GHA插入许多现有的网络体系结构中。我们尝试多个基线网络,并表明添加GHA始终如一地提高不同任务和数据集的性能。对于语义分割的任务,GHA在扫描板上的Minkowskiengine基线增加了1.7%的MIOU。对于3D对象检测任务,GHA将CenterPoint基线提高了Nuscenes数据集上的 +0.5%地图,而3DETR基线将SCANNET上的基线提高到 +2.1%MAP25和 +1.5%MAP50。
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