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Temporal reasoning is the task of predicting temporal relations of event pairs with corresponding contexts. While some temporal reasoning models perform reasonably well on in-domain benchmarks, we have little idea of the systems' generalizability due to existing datasets' limitations. In this work, we introduce a novel task named TODAY that bridges this gap with temporal differential analysis, which as the name suggests, evaluates if systems can correctly understand the effect of incremental changes. Specifically, TODAY makes slight context changes for given event pairs, and systems need to tell how this subtle contextual change will affect temporal relation distributions. To facilitate learning, TODAY also annotates human explanations. We show that existing models, including GPT-3, drop to random guessing on TODAY, suggesting that they heavily rely on spurious information rather than proper reasoning for temporal predictions. On the other hand, we show that TODAY's supervision style and explanation annotations can be used in joint learning and encourage models to use more appropriate signals during training and outperform across several benchmarks. TODAY can also be used to train models to solicit incidental supervision from noisy sources such as GPT-3 and moves farther towards generic temporal reasoning systems.
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As the size of the dataset used in deep learning tasks increases, the noisy label problem, which is a task of making deep learning robust to the incorrectly labeled data, has become an important task. In this paper, we propose a method of learning noisy label data using the label noise selection with test-time augmentation (TTA) cross-entropy and classifier learning with the NoiseMix method. In the label noise selection, we propose TTA cross-entropy by measuring the cross-entropy to predict the test-time augmented training data. In the classifier learning, we propose the NoiseMix method based on MixUp and BalancedMix methods by mixing the samples from the noisy and the clean label data. In experiments on the ISIC-18 public skin lesion diagnosis dataset, the proposed TTA cross-entropy outperformed the conventional cross-entropy and the TTA uncertainty in detecting label noise data in the label noise selection process. Moreover, the proposed NoiseMix not only outperformed the state-of-the-art methods in the classification performance but also showed the most robustness to the label noise in the classifier learning.
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Uncertainty estimation of the trained deep learning network provides important information for improving the learning efficiency or evaluating the reliability of the network prediction. In this paper, we propose a method for the uncertainty estimation for multi-class image classification using test-time mixup augmentation (TTMA). To improve the discrimination ability between the correct and incorrect prediction of the existing aleatoric uncertainty, we propose the data uncertainty by applying the mixup augmentation on the test data and measuring the entropy of the histogram of predicted labels. In addition to the data uncertainty, we propose a class-specific uncertainty presenting the aleatoric uncertainty associated with the specific class, which can provide information on the class confusion and class similarity of the trained network. The proposed methods are validated on two public datasets, the ISIC-18 skin lesion diagnosis dataset, and the CIFAR-100 real-world image classification dataset. The experiments demonstrate that (1) the proposed data uncertainty better separates the correct and incorrect prediction than the existing uncertainty measures thanks to the mixup perturbation, and (2) the proposed class-specific uncertainty provides information on the class confusion and class similarity of the trained network for both datasets.
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This paper examines the encoding of analogy in large-scale pretrained language models, such as BERT and GPT-2. Existing analogy datasets typically focus on a limited set of analogical relations, with a high similarity of the two domains between which the analogy holds. As a more realistic setup, we introduce the Scientific and Creative Analogy dataset (SCAN), a novel analogy dataset containing systematic mappings of multiple attributes and relational structures across dissimilar domains. Using this dataset, we test the analogical reasoning capabilities of several widely-used pretrained language models (LMs). We find that state-of-the-art LMs achieve low performance on these complex analogy tasks, highlighting the challenges still posed by analogy understanding.
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Rates of missing data often depend on record-keeping policies and thus may change across times and locations, even when the underlying features are comparatively stable. In this paper, we introduce the problem of Domain Adaptation under Missingness Shift (DAMS). Here, (labeled) source data and (unlabeled) target data would be exchangeable but for different missing data mechanisms. We show that when missing data indicators are available, DAMS can reduce to covariate shift. Focusing on the setting where missing data indicators are absent, we establish the following theoretical results for underreporting completely at random: (i) covariate shift is violated (adaptation is required); (ii) the optimal source predictor can perform worse on the target domain than a constant one; (iii) the optimal target predictor can be identified, even when the missingness rates themselves are not; and (iv) for linear models, a simple analytic adjustment yields consistent estimates of the optimal target parameters. In experiments on synthetic and semi-synthetic data, we demonstrate the promise of our methods when assumptions hold. Finally, we discuss a rich family of future extensions.
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It has been experimentally demonstrated that humans are able to learn in a manner that allows them to make predictions on categories for which they have not seen any examples (Malaviya et al., 2022). Sucholutsky and Schonlau (2020) have recently presented a machine learning approach that aims to do the same. They utilise synthetically generated data and demonstrate that it is possible to achieve sub-linear scaling and develop models that can learn to recognise N classes from M training samples where M is less than N - aka less-than-one shot learning. Their method was, however, defined for univariate or simple multivariate data (Sucholutsky et al., 2021). We extend it to work on large, high-dimensional and real-world datasets and empirically validate it in this new and challenging setting. We apply this method to learn previously unseen NLP tasks from very few examples (4, 8 or 16). We first generate compact, sophisticated less-than-one shot representations called soft-label prototypes which are fitted on training data, capturing the distribution of different classes across the input domain space. We then use a modified k-Nearest Neighbours classifier to demonstrate that soft-label prototypes can classify data competitively, even outperforming much more computationally complex few-shot learning methods.
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我们解决了在均质半透明材料中建模光散射并估算其散射参数的问题。散射相函数是影响散射辐射分布的此类参数之一。它是在实践中建模的最复杂,最具挑战性的参数,通常使用经验相位函数。经验相函数(例如Henyey-Greenstein(HG)相位函数)通常会呈现,并限于特定的散射材料范围。这种限制引起了人们对目标材料通常未知的反向渲染问题的关注。在这种情况下,首选更通用的相位函数。尽管使用诸如Legendre多项式\ cite {Fowler1983}之类的基础中存在这种通用相位函数,但此相函数的逆渲染并不直接。这是因为基础多项式在某个地方可能是负面的,而相位函数不能。这项研究提出了一种新型的通用相位功能,可以避免此问题,并使用此阶段函数进行逆渲染应用。通过以MIE散射理论建模的广泛的材料对所提出的相函数进行了积极评估。通过模拟和现实世界实验评估了带有建议的相函数的散射参数估计。
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最先进的(SOTA)深度学习乳房X线照片分类器接受了弱标记的图像训练,通常依赖于产生有限解释性预测的全球模型,这是他们成功地转化为临床实践的关键障碍。另一方面,基于原型的模型通过将预测与训练图像原型相关联,改善了可解释性,但是它们的准确性不如全球模型,其原型往往具有差的多样性。我们通过BraixProtopnet ++的建议解决了这两个问题,该问题通过将基于原型的模型结合起来,为全局模型增添了解释性。 BraixProtopnet ++在训练基于原型的模型以提高合奏的分类精度时,会提炼全局模型的知识。此外,我们提出了一种方法来通过保证所有原型都与不同的训练图像相关联,以增加原型多样性。对弱标记的私人和公共数据集进行的实验表明,BraixProtopnet ++的分类精度比基于SOTA Global和基于原型的模型具有更高的分类精度。使用病变定位来评估模型可解释性,我们显示BraixProtopnet ++比其他基于原型的模型和全球模型的事后解释更有效。最后,我们表明,BraixProtopnet ++学到的原型的多样性优于基于SOTA原型的方法。
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