高保真大满贯系统的开发过程取决于它们对可靠数据集的验证。为了实现这一目标,我们提出了IBiscape,这是一种模拟基准,其中包括来自异质传感器的数据同步和获取API:立体声 - RGB/DVS,深度,IMU和GPS,以及地面真相场景场景细分和车辆自我摄入量。我们的基准是建立在卡拉模拟器上的,后端是虚幻的引擎,呈现出模拟现实世界的高动态风景。此外,我们提供34个适用于自动驾驶汽车导航的多模式数据集,包括用于场景理解等情况,例如事故等,以及基于与API集成的动态天气模拟类别的广泛框架质量。我们还将第一个校准目标引入了Carla图,以解决CARLA模拟DVS和RGB摄像机的未知失真参数问题。最后,使用IBISCAPE序列,我们评估了四个ORB-SLAM 3系统(单眼RGB,立体RGB,立体声视觉惯性(SVI)和RGB-D)的性能和玄武岩视觉惯性轴测计(VIO)系统,这些系统在模拟的大型大型序列上收集的各种序列 - 规模动态环境。关键字:基准,多模式,数据集,探针,校准,DVS,SLAM
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Current language models are considered to have sub-human capabilities at natural language tasks like question-answering or writing code. However, language models are not trained to perform well at these tasks, they are trained to accurately predict the next token given previous tokes in tokenized text. It is not clear whether language models are better or worse than humans at next token prediction. To try to answer this question, we performed two distinct experiments to directly compare humans and language models on this front: one measuring top-1 accuracy and the other measuring perplexity. In both experiments, we find humans to be consistently \emph{worse} than even relatively small language models like GPT3-Ada at next-token prediction.
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The estimation of the generalization error of classifiers often relies on a validation set. Such a set is hardly available in few-shot learning scenarios, a highly disregarded shortcoming in the field. In these scenarios, it is common to rely on features extracted from pre-trained neural networks combined with distance-based classifiers such as nearest class mean. In this work, we introduce a Gaussian model of the feature distribution. By estimating the parameters of this model, we are able to predict the generalization error on new classification tasks with few samples. We observe that accurate distance estimates between class-conditional densities are the key to accurate estimates of the generalization performance. Therefore, we propose an unbiased estimator for these distances and integrate it in our numerical analysis. We show that our approach outperforms alternatives such as the leave-one-out cross-validation strategy in few-shot settings.
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The use of needles to access sites within organs is fundamental to many interventional medical procedures both for diagnosis and treatment. Safe and accurate navigation of a needle through living tissue to an intra-tissue target is currently often challenging or infeasible due to the presence of anatomical obstacles in the tissue, high levels of uncertainty, and natural tissue motion (e.g., due to breathing). Medical robots capable of automating needle-based procedures in vivo have the potential to overcome these challenges and enable an enhanced level of patient care and safety. In this paper, we show the first medical robot that autonomously navigates a needle inside living tissue around anatomical obstacles to an intra-tissue target. Our system leverages an aiming device and a laser-patterned highly flexible steerable needle, a type of needle capable of maneuvering along curvilinear trajectories to avoid obstacles. The autonomous robot accounts for anatomical obstacles and uncertainty in living tissue/needle interaction with replanning and control and accounts for respiratory motion by defining safe insertion time windows during the breathing cycle. We apply the system to lung biopsy, which is critical in the diagnosis of lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. We demonstrate successful performance of our system in multiple in vivo porcine studies and also demonstrate that our approach leveraging autonomous needle steering outperforms a standard manual clinical technique for lung nodule access.
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To apply federated learning to drug discovery we developed a novel platform in the context of European Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) project MELLODDY (grant n{\deg}831472), which was comprised of 10 pharmaceutical companies, academic research labs, large industrial companies and startups. The MELLODDY platform was the first industry-scale platform to enable the creation of a global federated model for drug discovery without sharing the confidential data sets of the individual partners. The federated model was trained on the platform by aggregating the gradients of all contributing partners in a cryptographic, secure way following each training iteration. The platform was deployed on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) multi-account architecture running Kubernetes clusters in private subnets. Organisationally, the roles of the different partners were codified as different rights and permissions on the platform and administrated in a decentralized way. The MELLODDY platform generated new scientific discoveries which are described in a companion paper.
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语音活动检测(VAD)旨在检测音频信号上的语音段,这对于许多今天的基于语音的应用程序来说是必要的第一步。当前的最新方法着重于训练直接包含声学中包含的神经网络,例如MEL Filter Basks(MFBS)。因此,此类方法需要一个额外的归一化步骤,以适应影响声学的新领域,这可能仅仅是由于说话者,麦克风或环境的变化所致。此外,这个归一化步骤通常是一种具有一定局限性的基本方法,例如高度容易受到新域可用的数据量。在这里,我们利用了众包共同的声音(CV)语料库,以表明基于自我监督学习(SSL)的表示形式可以很好地适应不同的领域,因为它们是通过跨多个领域的语音表达来计算的。 SSL表示也比基于手工制作的表示(MFB)和现成的VAD的系统获得更好的结果,并在跨域设置方面有了显着改善。
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