Gradient boosting is a prediction method that iteratively combines weak learners to produce a complex and accurate model. From an optimization point of view, the learning procedure of gradient boosting mimics a gradient descent on a functional variable. This paper proposes to build upon the proximal point algorithm, when the empirical risk to minimize is not differentiable, in order to introduce a novel boosting approach, called proximal boosting. It comes with a companion algorithm inspired by [1] and called residual proximal boosting, which is aimed at better controlling the approximation error. Theoretical convergence is proved for these two procedures under different hypotheses on the empirical risk and advantages of leveraging proximal methods for boosting are illustrated by numerical experiments on simulated and real-world data. In particular, we exhibit a favorable comparison over gradient boosting regarding convergence rate and prediction accuracy.
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Lenia is a family of cellular automata (CA) generalizing Conway's Game of Life to continuous space, time and states. Lenia has attracted a lot of attention because of the wide diversity of self-organizing patterns it can generate. Among those, some spatially localized patterns (SLPs) resemble life-like artificial creatures. However, those creatures are found in only a small subspace of the Lenia parameter space and are not trivial to discover, necessitating advanced search algorithms. We hypothesize that adding a mass conservation constraint could facilitate the emergence of SLPs. We propose here an extension of the Lenia model, called Flow Lenia, which enables mass conservation. We show a few observations demonstrating its effectiveness in generating SLPs with complex behaviors. Furthermore, we show how Flow Lenia enables the integration of the parameters of the CA update rules within the CA dynamics, making them dynamic and localized. This allows for multi-species simulations, with locally coherent update rules that define properties of the emerging creatures, and that can be mixed with neighbouring rules. We argue that this paves the way for the intrinsic evolution of self-organized artificial life forms within continuous CAs.
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Almonds are one of the most lucrative products of California, but are also among the most sensitive to climate change. In order to better understand the relationship between climatic factors and almond yield, an automated machine learning framework is used to build a collection of machine learning models. The prediction skill is assessed using historical records. Future projections are derived using 17 downscaled climate outputs. The ensemble mean projection displays almond yield changes under two different climate scenarios, along with two technology development scenarios, where the role of technology development is highlighted. The mean projections and distributions provide insightful results to stakeholders and can be utilized by policymakers for climate adaptation.
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强大的加强学习试图使预测对系统的动态或奖励的变化更加强大。当从数据中估算环境的动态和奖励时,此问题尤其重要。在本文中,我们近似使用$ \ phi $ divergence使用近似风险的配方来限制强大的增强学习。我们表明,通过目标的标准偏差惩罚,可以鲁esthing稳健地进行经典的增强学习配方。在经典的健身房环境中提出和测试了两种基于分布强化学习的算法,一种用于离散的算法,一种用于连续的动作空间,以证明算法的鲁棒性。
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许多深厚的增强学习算法依赖于简单的探索形式,例如经常在连续控制域中使用的加性动作噪声。通常,该动作噪声的缩放因子被选为高参数,并在训练过程中保持恒定。在本文中,我们分析了学到的政策如何受到噪声类型,比例和缩放系数的影响。我们考虑了两种最突出的动作类型:高斯和ornstein-uhlenbeck噪声,并通过系统地改变噪声类型和规模参数以及测量感兴趣的变量(例如预期的政策回报和策略回报)来执行巨大的实验活动。探索期间的状态空间覆盖范围。对于后者,我们提出了一个新颖的状态空间覆盖量$ \ operatatorName {x} _ {\ Mathcal {u} \ text {rel}} $,对边界人工制品比以前提出的措施更强大。较大的噪声尺度通常会增加状态空间覆盖率。但是,我们发现使用较大的噪声量表增加空间覆盖范围通常是无益的。相反,在训练过程中降低噪声量表可以减少差异并通常改善学习绩效。我们得出的结论是,最好的噪声类型和尺度是环境取决于的,并且根据我们的观察结果,得出了指导选择动作噪声作为进一步优化的起点的启发式规则。
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We are interested in understanding the underlying generation process for long sequences of symbolic events. To do so, we propose COSSU, an algorithm to mine small and meaningful sets of sequential rules. The rules are selected using an MDL-inspired criterion that favors compactness and relies on a novel rule-based encoding scheme for sequences. Our evaluation shows that COSSU can successfully retrieve relevant sets of closed sequential rules from a long sequence. Such rules constitute an interpretable model that exhibits competitive accuracy for the tasks of next-element prediction and classification.
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可变重要性措施是分析随机林的黑盒机制的主要工具。虽然平均值降低精度(MDA)被广泛接受作为随机森林最有效的可变重要性措施,但对其统计特性知之甚少。实际上,确切的MDA定义在主随机林软件上变化。在本文中,我们的目标是严格分析主要MDA实施的行为。因此,我们在数学上正式地形化各种实施的MDA算法,然后在样本量增加时建立限制。特别是,我们在三个组件中分解了这些限制:第一个与Sobol指数有关,这是对响应方差的协变度贡献的明确定义措施,广泛应用于敏感性分析领域,而不是TheThird术语,谁的价值随着协变量的依赖而增加。因此,我们理论上证明了MDA在协变者依赖时,MDA不会瞄准正确的数量,这是实验发现的事实。为了解决这个问题,我们为随机林,Sobol-MDA定义了一个新的重要性测量,它修复了原始MDA的缺陷。我们证明了Sobol-MDA的一致性,并表明Sobol-MDA在模拟和实际数据上经验胜过其竞争对手。 R和C ++中的开源实现可在线获取。
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