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本文提出了用于学习两人零和马尔可夫游戏的小说,端到端的深钢筋学习算法。我们的目标是找到NASH平衡政策,这些策略不受对抗对手的剥削。本文与以前在广泛形式的游戏中找到NASH平衡的努力不同,这些游戏具有树结构的过渡动态和离散的状态空间,本文着重于具有一般过渡动态和连续状态空间的马尔可夫游戏。我们提出了(1)NASH DQN算法,该算法将DQN与nash finding subroutine集成在一起的联合价值函数; (2)NASH DQN利用算法,该算法还采用了指导代理商探索的剥削者。我们的算法是理论算法的实用变体,这些变体可以保证在基本表格设置中融合到NASH平衡。对表格示例和两个玩家Atari游戏的实验评估证明了针对对抗对手的拟议算法的鲁棒性,以及对现有方法的优势性能。
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神经网络通常使预测依赖于数据集的虚假相关性,而不是感兴趣的任务的内在特性,面对分布外(OOD)测试数据的急剧下降。现有的De-Bias学习框架尝试通过偏置注释捕获特定的DataSet偏差,它们无法处理复杂的“ood方案”。其他人在低能力偏置模型或损失上隐含地识别数据集偏置,但在训练和测试数据来自相同分布时,它们会降低。在本文中,我们提出了一般的贪婪去偏见学习框架(GGD),它贪婪地训练偏置模型和基础模型,如功能空间中的梯度下降。它鼓励基础模型专注于用偏置模型难以解决的示例,从而仍然在测试阶段中的杂散相关性稳健。 GGD在很大程度上提高了各种任务的模型的泛化能力,但有时会过度估计偏置水平并降低在分配测试。我们进一步重新分析了GGD的集合过程,并将课程正规化为由课程学习启发的GGD,这取得了良好的分配和分发性能之间的权衡。对图像分类的广泛实验,对抗问题应答和视觉问题应答展示了我们方法的有效性。 GGD可以在特定于特定于任务的偏置模型的设置下学习更强大的基础模型,其中具有现有知识和自组合偏置模型而无需先验知识。
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由于诸如CNN等尖端技术的应用,未经监测视频中的事件分析引起了不断的关注。作为基于CNN的模型的良好研究的属性,接收领域是用于测量由单个特征响应覆盖的空间范围的测量,这对于提高图像分类精度是至关重要的。在视频域中,实际上通过不同概念之间的复杂交互描述了视频事件语义,而他们的行为从一个视频差异差异,导致基于概念的分析难以准确的事件分类。为了模拟概念行为,我们研究基于概念的事件表示的时间概念接受领域,其编码不同中级概念的时间发生模式。因此,我们介绍了时间动态卷积(TDC),为基于概念的事件分析提供了更强的灵活性。 TDC可以根据不同的输入动态调整时间概念接收字段大小。值得注意的是,学习一组系数以使多个卷积的结果融合,具有提供各种时间概念接收场大小的不同内核宽度。根据输入视频并突出至关重要的概念,不同的系数可以产生适当和准确的时间概念接收场大小。基于TDC,我们提出了时间动态概念建模网络(TDCMN)来学习有效的未经监测视频分析的准确和完整的概念表示。 FCVID和ActivityNet上的实验结果表明,TDCMN在不同的输入上展示了适应性事件识别能力,并通过大边距提高基于概念的方法的事件识别性能。代码可在https://github.com/qzhb/tdcmn获得。
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Participants in political discourse employ rhetorical strategies -- such as hedging, attributions, or denials -- to display varying degrees of belief commitments to claims proposed by themselves or others. Traditionally, political scientists have studied these epistemic phenomena through labor-intensive manual content analysis. We propose to help automate such work through epistemic stance prediction, drawn from research in computational semantics, to distinguish at the clausal level what is asserted, denied, or only ambivalently suggested by the author or other mentioned entities (belief holders). We first develop a simple RoBERTa-based model for multi-source stance predictions that outperforms more complex state-of-the-art modeling. Then we demonstrate its novel application to political science by conducting a large-scale analysis of the Mass Market Manifestos corpus of U.S. political opinion books, where we characterize trends in cited belief holders -- respected allies and opposed bogeymen -- across U.S. political ideologies.
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While inferring common actor states (such as position or velocity) is an important and well-explored task of the perception system aboard a self-driving vehicle (SDV), it may not always provide sufficient information to the SDV. This is especially true in the case of active emergency vehicles (EVs), where light-based signals also need to be captured to provide a full context. We consider this problem and propose a sequential methodology for the detection of active EVs, using an off-the-shelf CNN model operating at a frame level and a downstream smoother that accounts for the temporal aspect of flashing EV lights. We also explore model improvements through data augmentation and training with additional hard samples.
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A key feature of federated learning (FL) is to preserve the data privacy of end users. However, there still exist potential privacy leakage in exchanging gradients under FL. As a result, recent research often explores the differential privacy (DP) approaches to add noises to the computing results to address privacy concerns with low overheads, which however degrade the model performance. In this paper, we strike the balance of data privacy and efficiency by utilizing the pervasive social connections between users. Specifically, we propose SCFL, a novel Social-aware Clustered Federated Learning scheme, where mutually trusted individuals can freely form a social cluster and aggregate their raw model updates (e.g., gradients) inside each cluster before uploading to the cloud for global aggregation. By mixing model updates in a social group, adversaries can only eavesdrop the social-layer combined results, but not the privacy of individuals. We unfold the design of SCFL in three steps. \emph{i) Stable social cluster formation. Considering users' heterogeneous training samples and data distributions, we formulate the optimal social cluster formation problem as a federation game and devise a fair revenue allocation mechanism to resist free-riders. ii) Differentiated trust-privacy mapping}. For the clusters with low mutual trust, we design a customizable privacy preservation mechanism to adaptively sanitize participants' model updates depending on social trust degrees. iii) Distributed convergence}. A distributed two-sided matching algorithm is devised to attain an optimized disjoint partition with Nash-stable convergence. Experiments on Facebook network and MNIST/CIFAR-10 datasets validate that our SCFL can effectively enhance learning utility, improve user payoff, and enforce customizable privacy protection.
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Tensor robust principal component analysis (RPCA), which seeks to separate a low-rank tensor from its sparse corruptions, has been crucial in data science and machine learning where tensor structures are becoming more prevalent. While powerful, existing tensor RPCA algorithms can be difficult to use in practice, as their performance can be sensitive to the choice of additional hyperparameters, which are not straightforward to tune. In this paper, we describe a fast and simple self-supervised model for tensor RPCA using deep unfolding by only learning four hyperparameters. Despite its simplicity, our model expunges the need for ground truth labels while maintaining competitive or even greater performance compared to supervised deep unfolding. Furthermore, our model is capable of operating in extreme data-starved scenarios. We demonstrate these claims on a mix of synthetic data and real-world tasks, comparing performance against previously studied supervised deep unfolding methods and Bayesian optimization baselines.
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