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Hybrid unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) integrate the efficient forward flight of fixed-wing and vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capabilities of multicopter UAVs. This paper presents the modeling, control and simulation of a new type of hybrid micro-small UAVs, coined as lifting-wing quadcopters. The airframe orientation of the lifting wing needs to tilt a specific angle often within $ 45$ degrees, neither nearly $ 90$ nor approximately $ 0$ degrees. Compared with some convertiplane and tail-sitter UAVs, the lifting-wing quadcopter has a highly reliable structure, robust wind resistance, low cruise speed and reliable transition flight, making it potential to work fully-autonomous outdoor or some confined airspace indoor. In the modeling part, forces and moments generated by both lifting wing and rotors are considered. Based on the established model, a unified controller for the full flight phase is designed. The controller has the capability of uniformly treating the hovering and forward flight, and enables a continuous transition between two modes, depending on the velocity command. What is more, by taking rotor thrust and aerodynamic force under consideration simultaneously, a control allocation based on optimization is utilized to realize cooperative control for energy saving. Finally, comprehensive Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulations are performed to verify the advantages of the designed aircraft and the proposed controller.
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二次运动的准确轨迹跟踪控制对于在混乱环境中的安全导航至关重要。但是,由于非线性动态,复杂的空气动力学效应和驱动约束,这在敏捷飞行中具有挑战性。在本文中,我们通过经验比较两个最先进的控制框架:非线性模型预测控制器(NMPC)和基于差异的控制器(DFBC),通过以速度跟踪各种敏捷轨迹,最多20 m/s(即72 km/h)。比较在模拟和现实世界环境中进行,以系统地评估这两种方法从跟踪准确性,鲁棒性和计算效率的方面。我们以更高的计算时间和数值收敛问题的风险来表明NMPC在跟踪动态不可行的轨迹方面的优势。对于这两种方法,我们还定量研究了使用增量非线性动态反演(INDI)方法添加内环控制器的效果,以及添加空气动力学阻力模型的效果。我们在世界上最大的运动捕获系统之一中进行的真实实验表明,NMPC和DFBC的跟踪误差降低了78%以上,这表明有必要使用内环控制器和用于敏捷轨迹轨迹跟踪的空气动力学阻力模型。
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开发了一个领导者追随者系统,用于合作运输。据我们所知,这是一个不需要互联通信的第一工作,并且可以实时修改有效载荷的参考轨迹,以便它可以应用于动态变化的环境。为了在无通信条件下实时跟踪修改的参考轨迹,引导跟随系统被认为是非文展系统,其中开发了控制器以实现有效载荷的渐近跟踪。为了消除安装力传感器的需要,开发了UKFS(Unscented Kalman滤波器)以估计领导者和追随者所施加的力量。进行稳定性分析以证明闭环系统的跟踪误差。仿真结果表明跟踪控制器的良好性能。实验表明,领导者的控制器和追随者可以在现实世界中工作,但是跟踪误差受到限制空间中气流的干扰的影响。
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在本文中,提出了一个稳定稳定的轨迹跟踪控制器,用于多uav有效载荷运输。多uav有效负载系统在无人机和有效负载框架的垂直刚性链接之间具有2DOF磁球接头,因此无人机可以自由滚动或自由投球。这些垂直链接紧密地连接到有效载荷上,无法移动。为完整的有效载体 - uav系统得出了输入输出反馈线性化模型以及有效载荷轨迹跟踪的推力矢量控制。关于跟踪控制定律的理论分析表明,控制定律是指数稳定的,从而确保了沿期望轨迹的安全运输。为了验证拟议的控制定律的性能,提供了数值模拟以及高保真凉亭实时仿真的结果。接下来,针对两种实际情况分析了提议的控制器的鲁棒性:有效载荷和有效载荷质量不确定性的外部干扰。结果清楚地表明,所提出的控制器在实现指数稳定的轨迹跟踪的同时具有稳健性和计算效率。
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Marine waves significantly disturb the unmanned surface vehicle (USV) motion. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can hardly land on a USV that undergoes irregular motion. An oversized landing platform is usually necessary to guarantee the landing safety, which limits the number of UAVs that can be carried. We propose a landing system assisted by tether and robot manipulation. The system can land multiple UAVs without increasing the USV's size. An MPC controller stabilizes the end-effector and tracks the UAVs, and an adaptive estimator addresses the disturbance caused by the base motion. The working strategy of the system is designed to plan the motion of each device. We have validated the manipulator controller through simulations and well-controlled indoor experiments. During the field tests, the proposed system caught and placed the UAVs when the disturbed USV roll range was approximately 12 degrees.
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在本文中,我们分析了具有基于视觉导航的无人机(UAV)的时间延迟动力学对控制器设计的影响。时间延迟是网络物理系统中不可避免的现象,并且对无人机的控制器设计和轨迹产生具有重要意义。时间延迟对无人机动态的影响随着基于视力较慢的导航堆栈的使用而增加。我们表明,文献中的现有模型不包括时间延迟,不适合控制器调整,因为一个微不足道的解决方案始终存在错误的解决方案。我们确定的微不足道的解决方案表明,使用无限控制器的利益来实现最佳性能,这与实际发现相矛盾。我们通过引入无人机的新型非线性时间延迟模型来避免这种缺点,然后获得与每个UAV控制回路相对应的一组线性解耦模型。分析了角度和高度动力学的线性时间延迟模型的成本函数,与无延迟模型相反,我们显示了有限的最佳控制器参数的存在。由于使用了时间延迟模型,我们在实验上表明,所提出的模型准确地表示系统稳定性限制。由于时间延迟的考虑,我们使用基于视觉探视的无人机(VO)导航,在跟踪峰值速度为2.09 m/s的lemsistate轨迹时,我们实现了RMSE 5.01 cm的跟踪结果,这与最新-艺术。
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We address the theoretical and practical problems related to the trajectory generation and tracking control of tail-sitter UAVs. Theoretically, we focus on the differential flatness property with full exploitation of actual UAV aerodynamic models, which lays a foundation for generating dynamically feasible trajectory and achieving high-performance tracking control. We have found that a tail-sitter is differentially flat with accurate aerodynamic models within the entire flight envelope, by specifying coordinate flight condition and choosing the vehicle position as the flat output. This fundamental property allows us to fully exploit the high-fidelity aerodynamic models in the trajectory planning and tracking control to achieve accurate tail-sitter flights. Particularly, an optimization-based trajectory planner for tail-sitters is proposed to design high-quality, smooth trajectories with consideration of kinodynamic constraints, singularity-free constraints and actuator saturation. The planned trajectory of flat output is transformed to state trajectory in real-time with consideration of wind in environments. To track the state trajectory, a global, singularity-free, and minimally-parameterized on-manifold MPC is developed, which fully leverages the accurate aerodynamic model to achieve high-accuracy trajectory tracking within the whole flight envelope. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated through extensive real-world experiments in both indoor and outdoor field tests, including agile SE(3) flight through consecutive narrow windows requiring specific attitude and with speed up to 10m/s, typical tail-sitter maneuvers (transition, level flight and loiter) with speed up to 20m/s, and extremely aggressive aerobatic maneuvers (Wingover, Loop, Vertical Eight and Cuban Eight) with acceleration up to 2.5g.
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我们提出了通过现实的模拟和现实世界实验来支持可复制研究的多运动无人机控制(UAV)和估计系统。我们提出了一个独特的多帧本地化范式,用于同时使用多个传感器同时估算各种参考框架中的无人机状态。该系统可以在GNSS和GNSS贬低的环境中进行复杂的任务,包括室外室内过渡和执行冗余估计器,以备份不可靠的本地化源。提出了两种反馈控制设计:一个用于精确和激进的操作,另一个用于稳定和平稳的飞行,并进行嘈杂的状态估计。拟议的控制和估计管道是在3D中使用Euler/Tait-Bryan角度表示的,而无需使用Euler/Tait-Bryan角度表示。取而代之的是,我们依靠旋转矩阵和一个新颖的基于标题的惯例来代表标准多电流直升机3D中的一个自由旋转自由度。我们提供了积极维护且有据可查的开源实现,包括对无人机,传感器和本地化系统的现实模拟。拟议的系统是多年应用系统,空中群,空中操纵,运动计划和遥感的多年研究产物。我们所有的结果都得到了现实世界中的部署的支持,该系统部署将系统塑造成此处介绍的表单。此外,该系统是在我们团队从布拉格的CTU参与期间使用的,该系统在享有声望的MBZIRC 2017和2020 Robotics竞赛中,还参加了DARPA SubT挑战赛。每次,我们的团队都能在世界各地最好的竞争对手中获得最高位置。在每种情况下,挑战都促使团队改善系统,并在紧迫的期限内获得大量高质量的体验。
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Enabling vertical take-off and landing while providing the ability to fly long ranges opens the door to a wide range of new real-world aircraft applications while improving many existing tasks. Tiltrotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a better choice than fixed-wing and multirotor aircraft for such applications. Prior works on these aircraft have addressed aerodynamic performance, design, modeling, and control. However, a less explored area is the study of their potential fault tolerance due to their inherent redundancy, which allows them to tolerate some degree of actuation failure. This paper introduces tolerance to several types of actuator failures in a tiltrotor VTOL aircraft. We discuss the design and modeling of a custom tiltrotor VTOL UAV, which is a combination of a fixed-wing aircraft and a quadrotor with tilting rotors, where the four propellers can be rotated individually. Then, we analyze the feasible wrench space the vehicle can generate and design the dynamic control allocation so that the system can adapt to actuator failures, benefiting from the configuration redundancy. The proposed approach is lightweight and is implemented as an extension to an already-existing flight control stack. Extensive experiments validate that the system can maintain the controlled flight under different actuator failures. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first study of the tiltrotor VTOL's fault-tolerance that exploits the configuration redundancy. The source code and simulation can be accessed at https://theairlab.org/vtol.
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空中操纵器(AM)表现出特别具有挑战性的非线性动力学;无人机和操纵器携带的是一个紧密耦合的动态系统,相互影响。描述这些动力学的数学模型构成了非线性控制和深度强化学习中许多解决方案的核心。传统上,动力学的配方涉及在拉格朗日框架中的欧拉角参数化或牛顿 - 欧拉框架中的四元素参数化。前者的缺点是诞生奇异性,而后者在算法上是复杂的。这项工作提出了一个混合解决方案,结合了两者的好处,即利用拉格朗日框架的四元化方法,将无奇异参数化与拉格朗日方法的算法简单性联系起来。我们通过提供有关运动学建模过程的详细见解以及一般空中操纵器动力学的表述。获得的动力学模型对实时物理引擎进行了实验验证。获得的动力学模型的实际应用显示在计算的扭矩反馈控制器(反馈线性化)的上下文中,我们通过日益复杂的模型分析其实时功能。
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This book provides a solution to the control and motion planning design for an octocopter system. It includes a particular choice of control and motion planning algorithms which is based on the authors' previous research work, so it can be used as a reference design guidance for students, researchers as well as autonomous vehicles hobbyists. The control is constructed based on a fault tolerant approach aiming to increase the chances of the system to detect and isolate a potential failure in order to produce feasible control signals to the remaining active motors. The used motion planning algorithm is risk-aware by means that it takes into account the constraints related to the fault-dependant and mission-related maneuverability analysis of the octocopter system during the planning stage. Such a planner generates only those reference trajectories along which the octocopter system would be safe and capable of good tracking in case of a single motor fault and of majority of double motor fault scenarios. The control and motion planning algorithms presented in the book aim to increase the overall reliability of the system for completing the mission.
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子格式微型航空车(MAV)中的准确而敏捷的轨迹跟踪是具有挑战性的,因为机器人的小规模会引起大型模型不确定性,要求强大的反馈控制器,而快速的动力学和计算约束则阻止了计算上昂贵的策略的部署。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种在MIT SoftFly(一个子)MAV(0.7克)上进行敏捷和计算有效轨迹跟踪的方法。我们的策略采用了级联的控制方案,在该方案中,自适应态度控制器与受过训练的神经网络政策相结合,以模仿轨迹跟踪可靠的管模型模型预测控制器(RTMPC)。神经网络政策是使用我们最近的工作获得的,这使该政策能够保留RTMPC的稳健性,但以其计算成本的一小部分。我们通过实验评估我们的方法,即使在更具挑战性的操作中,达到均方根误差也低于1.8 cm,与我们先前的工作相比,最大位置误差减少了60%,并证明了对大型外部干扰的稳健性
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In this paper, we propose an effective unified control law for accurately tracking agile trajectories for lifting-wing quadcopters with different installation angles, which have the capability of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) as well as high-speed cruise flight. First, we derive a differential flatness transform for the lifting-wing dynamics with a nonlinear model under coordinated turn condition. To increase the tracking performance on agile trajectories, the proposed controller incorporates the state and input variables calculated from differential flatness as feedforward. In particular, the jerk, the 3-order derivative of the trajectory, is converted into angular velocity as a feedforward item, which significantly improves the system bandwidth. At the same time, feedback and feedforward outputs are combined to deal with external disturbances and model mismatch. The control algorithm has been thoroughly evaluated in the outdoor flight tests, which show that it can achieve accurate trajectory tracking.
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For the aerial manipulator that performs aerial work tasks, the actual operating environment it faces is very complex, and it is affected by internal and external multi-source disturbances. In this paper, to effectively improve the anti-disturbance control performance of the aerial manipulator, an adaptive neural network backstepping control method based on variable inertia parameter modeling is proposed. Firstly, for the intense internal coupling disturbance, we analyze and model it from the perspective of the generation mechanism of the coupling disturbance, and derive the dynamics model of the aerial manipulator system and the coupling disturbance model based on the variable inertia parameters. Through the proposed coupling disturbance model, we can compensate the strong coupling disturbance in a way of feedforward. Then, the adaptive neural network is proposed and applid to estimate and compensate the additional disturbances, and the closed-loop controller is designed based on the backstepping control method. Finally, we verify the correctness of the proposed coupling disturbance model through physical experiment under a large range motion of the manipulator. Two sets of comparative simulation results also prove the accurate estimation of the proposed adaptive neural network for additional disturbances and the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed control method.
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