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Reliable and cost-effective counting of people in large indoor spaces is a significant challenge with many applications. An emerging approach is to deploy multiple fisheye cameras mounted overhead to monitor the whole space. However, due to the overlapping fields of view, person re-identificaiton (PRID) is critical for the accuracy of counting. While PRID has been thoroughly researched for traditional rectilinear cameras, few methods have been proposed for fisheye cameras and their performance is comparatively lower. To close this performance gap, we propose a multi-feature framework for fisheye PRID where we combine deep-learning, color-based and location-based features by means of novel feature fusion. We evaluate the performance of our framework for various feature combinations on FRIDA, a public fisheye PRID dataset. The results demonstrate that our multi-feature approach outperforms recent appearance-based deep-learning methods by almost 18% points and location-based methods by almost 3% points in accuracy.
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The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has put healthcare systems worldwide to their limits, resulting in increased waiting time for diagnosis and required medical assistance. With chest radiographs (CXR) being one of the most common COVID-19 diagnosis methods, many artificial intelligence tools for image-based COVID-19 detection have been developed, often trained on a small number of images from COVID-19-positive patients. Thus, the need for high-quality and well-annotated CXR image databases increased. This paper introduces POLCOVID dataset, containing chest X-ray (CXR) images of patients with COVID-19 or other-type pneumonia, and healthy individuals gathered from 15 Polish hospitals. The original radiographs are accompanied by the preprocessed images limited to the lung area and the corresponding lung masks obtained with the segmentation model. Moreover, the manually created lung masks are provided for a part of POLCOVID dataset and the other four publicly available CXR image collections. POLCOVID dataset can help in pneumonia or COVID-19 diagnosis, while the set of matched images and lung masks may serve for the development of lung segmentation solutions.
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Large language models trained for code generation can be applied to speaking virtual worlds into existence (creating virtual worlds). In this work we show that prompt-based methods can both accelerate in-VR level editing, as well as can become part of gameplay rather than just part of game development. As an example, we present Codex VR Pong which shows non-deterministic game mechanics using generative processes to not only create static content but also non-trivial interactions between 3D objects. This demonstration naturally leads to an integral discussion on how one would evaluate and benchmark experiences created by generative models - as there are no qualitative or quantitative metrics that apply in these scenarios. We conclude by discussing impending challenges of AI-assisted co-creation in VR.
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We present Polite Teacher, a simple yet effective method for the task of semi-supervised instance segmentation. The proposed architecture relies on the Teacher-Student mutual learning framework. To filter out noisy pseudo-labels, we use confidence thresholding for bounding boxes and mask scoring for masks. The approach has been tested with CenterMask, a single-stage anchor-free detector. Tested on the COCO 2017 val dataset, our architecture significantly (approx. +8 pp. in mask AP) outperforms the baseline at different supervision regimes. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first works tackling the problem of semi-supervised instance segmentation and the first one devoted to an anchor-free detector.
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在这项工作中,我们询问并回答是什么使经典的强化学习合作。在社会困境情况下合作对于动物,人类和机器至关重要。尽管进化论揭示了促进合作的一系列机制,但代理商学习合作的条件受到争议。在这里,我们证明了多项式学习设置的哪些单个要素如何导致合作。具体而言,我们考虑了在经典环境中,在经典的环境中,具有一定的囚犯困境,并在经典的环境中使用Epsilon-Greedy探索进行了广泛使用的时间差异增强算法。两个学习代理中的每一个都学会了一种策略,该策略可以在最后一轮的两个代理商的行动选择上进行以下动作选择。我们发现,除了对未来奖励的高度关心,较低的勘探率和较小的学习率之外,这主要是加固学习过程的内在随机波动,最终合作率将最终的合作率翻了一番,高达80 \%。因此,固有的噪声不是迭代学习过程的必要邪恶。这是学习合作的关键资产。但是,我们还指出了合作行为的很高可能性与在合理的时间内实现这一目标之间的权衡。我们的发现与有目的地设计合作算法和调节不希望的犯罪效果有关。
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本文通过讨论参加了为期三年的SubT竞赛的六支球队的不同大满贯策略和成果,报道了地下大满贯的现状。特别是,本文有四个主要目标。首先,我们审查团队采用的算法,架构和系统;特别重点是以激光雷达以激光雷达为中心的SLAM解决方案(几乎所有竞争中所有团队的首选方法),异质的多机器人操作(包括空中机器人和地面机器人)和现实世界的地下操作(从存在需要处理严格的计算约束的晦涩之处)。我们不会回避讨论不同SubT SLAM系统背后的肮脏细节,这些系统通常会从技术论文中省略。其次,我们通过强调当前的SLAM系统的可能性以及我们认为与一些良好的系统工程有关的范围来讨论该领域的成熟度。第三,我们概述了我们认为是基本的开放问题,这些问题可能需要进一步的研究才能突破。最后,我们提供了在SubT挑战和相关工作期间生产的开源SLAM实现和数据集的列表,并构成了研究人员和从业人员的有用资源。
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作为一种相对较新的运动形式,电子竞技提供了无与伦比的数据可用性。尽管游戏发动机生成的大量数据,但提取它们并验证其完整性以实用和科学用途的目的是具有挑战性的。我们的工作旨在通过提供来自Starcraft II电子竞技锦标赛的原始文件和预处理的文件来向更广泛的科学界开放电子竞技。这些文件可用于统计和机器学习建模任务,并与各种基于实验室的测量(例如行为测试,脑成像)相关。我们已经收集了公开可用的游戏发动机,生成了比赛的“重播”,并使用低级应用程序编程界面(API)Parser库进行了数据提取和清理。此外,我们开源并发布了在创建数据集过程中开发的所有自定义工具。这些工具包括Pytorch和Pytorch Lightning API抽象来加载和建模数据。我们的数据集包含自2016年以来的主要和Premiere Starcraft II锦标赛的重播。为了准备数据集,我们处理了55个锦标赛的“ replaypacks”,其中包含17930个带有游戏状态信息的文件。根据对可用的星际争霸II数据集的初步调查,我们观察到我们的数据集是其出版物后最大的星际争霸II电子竞技数据的最大可用来源。对提取数据的分析有望在各种受监督和自我监督的任务中进行进一步的人工智能(AI),机器学习(ML),心理学,人工互动(HCI)和与运动有关的研究。
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