当前文献中可用的卷积神经网络(CNN)方法旨在主要与低分辨率图像合作。当应用于非常大的图像时,与GPU记忆相关的挑战,比语义通信所需的较小的接受场以及需要结合多尺度特征的需求。但是,可以减少输入图像的分辨率,但要大量关键信息丢失。基于概述的问题,我们引入了一个新的研究问题,以培训CNN模型为非常大的图像,并介绍“超级数据集”,这是一个简单而代表性的基准数据集,用于此任务。 Ultramnist是使用流行的MNIST数字设计的,并添加了更多的复杂性,以很好地复制现实世界问题的挑战。我们提出了两个问题的两个变体:“超级分类”和“预算意识到的超级名人分类”。标准的超快分类基准旨在促进新型CNN培训方法的开发,从而有效利用最佳可用GPU资源。预算感知的变体旨在促进在受限GPU记忆下工作的方法的开发。为了开发竞争解决方案,我们为标准基准及其预算感知变体提供了几种基线模型。我们研究了减少分辨率对涉及流行最先进模型中预审预定型骨架的基线模型的性能的影响和目前的结果。最后,借助提出的基准数据集和基线,我们希望为新一代的CNN方法铺平地面,适合以有效和资源的方式处理大型图像。
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大型预先训练的语言模型已经显示了几次拍摄学习的承诺,只提供了几个任务特定示例给出了基于文本的任务。款式将很快解决到目前为止为人类研究助理保留的分类任务吗?现有的基准标记不设计用于衡量应用设置的进度,因此不要直接回答这个问题。 RAFT基准(现实世界注释的少量拍摄任务)侧重于自然发生的任务,并使用镜像部署的评估设置。 RAFT的基线评估揭示了当前技术斗争的地区:推理在许多班级的长篇文章和任务上。人类基线表明,非专家人类难以反映出一些分类任务,反映了现实世界的价值有时依赖于域名专业知识。甚至非专业人类基线F1分数超过GPT-3平均为0.11。 RAFT DataSets和排行榜将跟踪哪些模型改进在https://raft.elict.org中转化为现实世界的优势。
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我们提出了一个新颖的框架,用于设计无乘数内核机器,该机器可以在智能边缘设备等资源约束平台上使用。该框架使用基于边缘传播(MP)技术的分段线性(PWL)近似值,仅使用加法/减法,移位,比较和寄存器底流/溢出操作。我们建议使用针对现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)平台进行优化的基于硬件的MP推理和在线培训算法。我们的FPGA实施消除了对DSP单元的需求,并减少了LUT的数量。通过重复使用相同的硬件进行推理和培训,我们表明该平台可以克服由MP近似产生的分类错误和本地最小值。该提议的无乘数MP-Kernel机器在FPGA上的实施导致估计的能源消耗为13.4 PJ,功率消耗为107 MW,每台均具有〜9K LUTS和FFS,每张均具有256 x 32个大小的核与其他可比实现相比,区域和区域。
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Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) provides information on the presence, extent, and severity of obstructive coronary artery disease. Large-scale clinical studies analyzing CCTA-derived metrics typically require ground-truth validation in the form of high-fidelity 3D intravascular imaging. However, manual rigid alignment of intravascular images to corresponding CCTA images is both time consuming and user-dependent. Moreover, intravascular modalities suffer from several non-rigid motion-induced distortions arising from distortions in the imaging catheter path. To address these issues, we here present a semi-automatic segmentation-based framework for both rigid and non-rigid matching of intravascular images to CCTA images. We formulate the problem in terms of finding the optimal \emph{virtual catheter path} that samples the CCTA data to recapitulate the coronary artery morphology found in the intravascular image. We validate our co-registration framework on a cohort of $n=40$ patients using bifurcation landmarks as ground truth for longitudinal and rotational registration. Our results indicate that our non-rigid registration significantly outperforms other co-registration approaches for luminal bifurcation alignment in both longitudinal (mean mismatch: 3.3 frames) and rotational directions (mean mismatch: 28.6 degrees). By providing a differentiable framework for automatic multi-modal intravascular data fusion, our developed co-registration modules significantly reduces the manual effort required to conduct large-scale multi-modal clinical studies while also providing a solid foundation for the development of machine learning-based co-registration approaches.
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The Information Bottleneck theory provides a theoretical and computational framework for finding approximate minimum sufficient statistics. Analysis of the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) training of a neural network on a toy problem has shown the existence of two phases, fitting and compression. In this work, we analyze the SGD training process of a Deep Neural Network on MNIST classification and confirm the existence of two phases of SGD training. We also propose a setup for estimating the mutual information for a Deep Neural Network through Variational Inference.
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The lack of any sender authentication mechanism in place makes CAN (Controller Area Network) vulnerable to security threats. For instance, an attacker can impersonate an ECU (Electronic Control Unit) on the bus and send spoofed messages unobtrusively with the identifier of the impersonated ECU. To address the insecure nature of the system, this thesis demonstrates a sender authentication technique that uses power consumption measurements of the electronic control units (ECUs) and a classification model to determine the transmitting states of the ECUs. The method's evaluation in real-world settings shows that the technique applies in a broad range of operating conditions and achieves good accuracy. A key challenge of machine learning-based security controls is the potential of false positives. A false-positive alert may induce panic in operators, lead to incorrect reactions, and in the long run cause alarm fatigue. For reliable decision-making in such a circumstance, knowing the cause for unusual model behavior is essential. But, the black-box nature of these models makes them uninterpretable. Therefore, another contribution of this thesis explores explanation techniques for inputs of type image and time series that (1) assign weights to individual inputs based on their sensitivity toward the target class, (2) and quantify the variations in the explanation by reconstructing the sensitive regions of the inputs using a generative model. In summary, this thesis (https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/handle/10012/18134) presents methods for addressing the security and interpretability in automotive systems, which can also be applied in other settings where safe, transparent, and reliable decision-making is crucial.
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Modern telecom systems are monitored with performance and system logs from multiple application layers and components. Detecting anomalous events from these logs is key to identify security breaches, resource over-utilization, critical/fatal errors, etc. Current supervised log anomaly detection frameworks tend to perform poorly on new types or signatures of anomalies with few or unseen samples in the training data. In this work, we propose a meta-learning-based log anomaly detection framework (LogAnMeta) for detecting anomalies from sequence of log events with few samples. LoganMeta train a hybrid few-shot classifier in an episodic manner. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method
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Complex and contact-rich robotic manipulation tasks, particularly those that involve multi-fingered hands and underactuated object manipulation, present a significant challenge to any control method. Methods based on reinforcement learning offer an appealing choice for such settings, as they can enable robots to learn to delicately balance contact forces and dexterously reposition objects without strong modeling assumptions. However, running reinforcement learning on real-world dexterous manipulation systems often requires significant manual engineering. This negates the benefits of autonomous data collection and ease of use that reinforcement learning should in principle provide. In this paper, we describe a system for vision-based dexterous manipulation that provides a "programming-free" approach for users to define new tasks and enable robots with complex multi-fingered hands to learn to perform them through interaction. The core principle underlying our system is that, in a vision-based setting, users should be able to provide high-level intermediate supervision that circumvents challenges in teleoperation or kinesthetic teaching which allow a robot to not only learn a task efficiently but also to autonomously practice. Our system includes a framework for users to define a final task and intermediate sub-tasks with image examples, a reinforcement learning procedure that learns the task autonomously without interventions, and experimental results with a four-finger robotic hand learning multi-stage object manipulation tasks directly in the real world, without simulation, manual modeling, or reward engineering.
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Non-parametric tests can determine the better of two stochastic optimization algorithms when benchmarking results are ordinal, like the final fitness values of multiple trials. For many benchmarks, however, a trial can also terminate once it reaches a pre-specified target value. When only some trials reach the target value, two variables characterize a trial's outcome: the time it takes to reach the target value (or not) and its final fitness value. This paper describes a simple way to impose linear order on this two-variable trial data set so that traditional non-parametric methods can determine the better algorithm when neither dominates. We illustrate the method with the Mann-Whitney U-test. A simulation demonstrates that U-scores are much more effective than dominance when tasked with identifying the better of two algorithms. We test U-scores by having them determine the winners of the CEC 2022 Special Session and Competition on Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization.
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The one-inclusion graph algorithm of Haussler, Littlestone, and Warmuth achieves an optimal in-expectation risk bound in the standard PAC classification setup. In one of the first COLT open problems, Warmuth conjectured that this prediction strategy always implies an optimal high probability bound on the risk, and hence is also an optimal PAC algorithm. We refute this conjecture in the strongest sense: for any practically interesting Vapnik-Chervonenkis class, we provide an in-expectation optimal one-inclusion graph algorithm whose high probability risk bound cannot go beyond that implied by Markov's inequality. Our construction of these poorly performing one-inclusion graph algorithms uses Varshamov-Tenengolts error correcting codes. Our negative result has several implications. First, it shows that the same poor high-probability performance is inherited by several recent prediction strategies based on generalizations of the one-inclusion graph algorithm. Second, our analysis shows yet another statistical problem that enjoys an estimator that is provably optimal in expectation via a leave-one-out argument, but fails in the high-probability regime. This discrepancy occurs despite the boundedness of the binary loss for which arguments based on concentration inequalities often provide sharp high probability risk bounds.
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