Complex and contact-rich robotic manipulation tasks, particularly those that involve multi-fingered hands and underactuated object manipulation, present a significant challenge to any control method. Methods based on reinforcement learning offer an appealing choice for such settings, as they can enable robots to learn to delicately balance contact forces and dexterously reposition objects without strong modeling assumptions. However, running reinforcement learning on real-world dexterous manipulation systems often requires significant manual engineering. This negates the benefits of autonomous data collection and ease of use that reinforcement learning should in principle provide. In this paper, we describe a system for vision-based dexterous manipulation that provides a "programming-free" approach for users to define new tasks and enable robots with complex multi-fingered hands to learn to perform them through interaction. The core principle underlying our system is that, in a vision-based setting, users should be able to provide high-level intermediate supervision that circumvents challenges in teleoperation or kinesthetic teaching which allow a robot to not only learn a task efficiently but also to autonomously practice. Our system includes a framework for users to define a final task and intermediate sub-tasks with image examples, a reinforcement learning procedure that learns the task autonomously without interventions, and experimental results with a four-finger robotic hand learning multi-stage object manipulation tasks directly in the real world, without simulation, manual modeling, or reward engineering.
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For an autonomous agent to fulfill a wide range of user-specified goals at test time, it must be able to learn broadly applicable and general-purpose skill repertoires. Furthermore, to provide the requisite level of generality, these skills must handle raw sensory input such as images. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that acquires such general-purpose skills by combining unsupervised representation learning and reinforcement learning of goal-conditioned policies. Since the particular goals that might be required at test-time are not known in advance, the agent performs a self-supervised "practice" phase where it imagines goals and attempts to achieve them. We learn a visual representation with three distinct purposes: sampling goals for self-supervised practice, providing a structured transformation of raw sensory inputs, and computing a reward signal for goal reaching. We also propose a retroactive goal relabeling scheme to further improve the sample-efficiency of our method. Our off-policy algorithm is efficient enough to learn policies that operate on raw image observations and goals for a real-world robotic system, and substantially outperforms prior techniques. * Equal contribution. Order was determined by coin flip.
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Reinforcement learning holds the promise of enabling autonomous robots to learn large repertoires of behavioral skills with minimal human intervention. However, robotic applications of reinforcement learning often compromise the autonomy of the learning process in favor of achieving training times that are practical for real physical systems. This typically involves introducing hand-engineered policy representations and human-supplied demonstrations. Deep reinforcement learning alleviates this limitation by training general-purpose neural network policies, but applications of direct deep reinforcement learning algorithms have so far been restricted to simulated settings and relatively simple tasks, due to their apparent high sample complexity. In this paper, we demonstrate that a recent deep reinforcement learning algorithm based on offpolicy training of deep Q-functions can scale to complex 3D manipulation tasks and can learn deep neural network policies efficiently enough to train on real physical robots. We demonstrate that the training times can be further reduced by parallelizing the algorithm across multiple robots which pool their policy updates asynchronously. Our experimental evaluation shows that our method can learn a variety of 3D manipulation skills in simulation and a complex door opening skill on real robots without any prior demonstrations or manually designed representations.
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Exploration in environments with sparse rewards has been a persistent problem in reinforcement learning (RL). Many tasks are natural to specify with a sparse reward, and manually shaping a reward function can result in suboptimal performance. However, finding a non-zero reward is exponentially more difficult with increasing task horizon or action dimensionality. This puts many real-world tasks out of practical reach of RL methods. In this work, we use demonstrations to overcome the exploration problem and successfully learn to perform long-horizon, multi-step robotics tasks with continuous control such as stacking blocks with a robot arm. Our method, which builds on top of Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients and Hindsight Experience Replay, provides an order of magnitude of speedup over RL on simulated robotics tasks. It is simple to implement and makes only the additional assumption that we can collect a small set of demonstrations. Furthermore, our method is able to solve tasks not solvable by either RL or behavior cloning alone, and often ends up outperforming the demonstrator policy.
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在本文中,我们研究了可以从原始图像中学习低级技能的曲目的问题,这些曲目可以测序以完成长效的视觉运动任务。强化学习(RL)是一种自主获取短疗法技能的有前途的方法。但是,RL算法的重点很大程度上是这些个人技能的成功,而不是学习和扎根大量的技能曲目,这些技能可以对这些技能进行测序,这些技能可以对完成扩展的多阶段任务进行测序。后者需要稳健性和持久性,因为技能的错误会随着时间的流逝而复杂,并且可能要求机器人在其曲目中具有许多原始技能,而不仅仅是一个。为此,我们介绍了Ember,Ember是一种基于模型的RL方法,用于学习原始技能,适合完成长途视觉运动任务。 Ember使用学识渊博的模型,评论家和成功分类器学习和计划,成功分类器既可以作为RL的奖励功能,又是一种基础机制,可连续检测机器人在失败或扰动下是否应重试技能。此外,学到的模型是任务不合时宜的,并使用来自所有技能的数据进行了培训,从而使机器人能够有效地学习许多不同的原语。这些视觉运动原始技能及其相关的前后条件可以直接与现成的符号计划者结合在一起,以完成长途任务。在Franka Emika机器人部门上,我们发现Ember使机器人能够以85%的成功率完成三个长马视觉运动任务,例如组织办公桌,文件柜和抽屉,需要排序多达12个技能,这些技能最多需要12个技能,涉及14个独特的学识渊博,并要求对新物体进行概括。
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我们研究了从机器人交互的大型离线数据集学习一系列基于视觉的操纵任务的问题。为了实现这一目标,人类需要简单有效地将任务指定给机器人。目标图像是一种流行的任务规范形式,因为它们已经在机器人的观察空间接地。然而,目标图像也有许多缺点:它们对人类提供的不方便,它们可以通过提供导致稀疏奖励信号的所需行为,或者在非目标达到任务的情况下指定任务信息。自然语言为任务规范提供了一种方便而灵活的替代方案,而是随着机器人观察空间的接地语言挑战。为了可扩展地学习此基础,我们建议利用具有人群源语言标签的离线机器人数据集(包括高度最佳,自主收集的数据)。使用此数据,我们学习一个简单的分类器,该分类器预测状态的更改是否完成了语言指令。这提供了一种语言调节奖励函数,然后可以用于离线多任务RL。在我们的实验中,我们发现,在语言条件的操作任务中,我们的方法优于目标 - 图像规格和语言条件仿制技术超过25%,并且能够从自然语言中执行Visuomotor任务,例如“打开右抽屉“和”移动订书机“,在弗兰卡·埃米卡熊猫机器人上。
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Dexterous manipulation with anthropomorphic robot hands remains a challenging problem in robotics because of the high-dimensional state and action spaces and complex contacts. Nevertheless, skillful closed-loop manipulation is required to enable humanoid robots to operate in unstructured real-world environments. Reinforcement learning (RL) has traditionally imposed enormous interaction data requirements for optimizing such complex control problems. We introduce a new framework that leverages recent advances in GPU-based simulation along with the strength of imitation learning in guiding policy search towards promising behaviors to make RL training feasible in these domains. To this end, we present an immersive virtual reality teleoperation interface designed for interactive human-like manipulation on contact rich tasks and a suite of manipulation environments inspired by tasks of daily living. Finally, we demonstrate the complementary strengths of massively parallel RL and imitation learning, yielding robust and natural behaviors. Videos of trained policies, our source code, and the collected demonstration datasets are available at human_like_manipulation/.
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Physical interactions can often help reveal information that is not readily apparent. For example, we may tug at a table leg to evaluate whether it is built well, or turn a water bottle upside down to check that it is watertight. We propose to train robots to acquire such interactive behaviors automatically, for the purpose of evaluating the result of an attempted robotic skill execution. These evaluations in turn serve as "interactive reward functions" (IRFs) for training reinforcement learning policies to perform the target skill, such as screwing the table leg tightly. In addition, even after task policies are fully trained, IRFs can serve as verification mechanisms that improve online task execution. For any given task, our IRFs can be conveniently trained using only examples of successful outcomes, and no further specification is needed to train the task policy thereafter. In our evaluations on door locking and weighted block stacking in simulation, and screw tightening on a real robot, IRFs enable large performance improvements, even outperforming baselines with access to demonstrations or carefully engineered rewards. Project website:
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While reinforcement learning (RL) has become a more popular approach for robotics, designing sufficiently informative reward functions for complex tasks has proven to be extremely difficult due their inability to capture human intent and policy exploitation. Preference based RL algorithms seek to overcome these challenges by directly learning reward functions from human feedback. Unfortunately, prior work either requires an unreasonable number of queries implausible for any human to answer or overly restricts the class of reward functions to guarantee the elicitation of the most informative queries, resulting in models that are insufficiently expressive for realistic robotics tasks. Contrary to most works that focus on query selection to \emph{minimize} the amount of data required for learning reward functions, we take an opposite approach: \emph{expanding} the pool of available data by viewing human-in-the-loop RL through the more flexible lens of multi-task learning. Motivated by the success of meta-learning, we pre-train preference models on prior task data and quickly adapt them for new tasks using only a handful of queries. Empirically, we reduce the amount of online feedback needed to train manipulation policies in Meta-World by 20$\times$, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a real Franka Panda Robot. Moreover, this reduction in query-complexity allows us to train robot policies from actual human users. Videos of our results and code can be found at
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通过各种物体学习各种灵巧的操纵行为仍然是一个开放的巨大挑战。虽然政策学习方法为攻击此问题提供了强大的途径,但它们需要大量的每任务工程和算法调整。本文试图通过开发预先保证的灵巧操纵(PGDM)框架来逃避这些约束,从而在没有任何特定于任务的推理或超级参数调整的情况下会产生各种灵活的操纵行为。 PGD​​M的核心是一种众所周知的机器人构建体,即pre grasps(即用于对象相互作用的手工置序)。这种简单的原始性足以诱导有效的探索策略来获取复杂的灵巧操纵行为。为了详尽地验证这些主张,我们介绍了TCDM,这是根据多个对象和灵巧的操纵器定义的50个不同操纵任务的基准。 TCDM的任务是使用来自各种来源(动画师,人类行为等)的示例对象轨迹自动定义的,而无需任何执行任务工程和/或监督。我们的实验验证了PGDM的探索策略,该策略是由令人惊讶的简单成分(单个预抓姿势)引起的,与先前方法的性能相匹配,这些方法需要昂贵的每任意功能/奖励工程,专家监督和高参数调整。有关动画可视化,训练有素的策略和项目代码,请参阅:
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