我们描述了JD Explore Academy对WMT 2022共享的一般翻译任务的提交。我们参加了所有高资源曲目和一条中型曲目,包括中文英语,德语英语,捷克语英语,俄语 - 英语和日语英语。我们通过扩大两个主要因素,即语言对和模型大小,即\ textbf {vega-mt}系统来推动以前的工作的极限 - 进行翻译的双向培训。至于语言对,我们将“双向”扩展到“多向”设置,涵盖所有参与语言,以利用跨语言的常识,并将其转移到下游双语任务中。至于型号尺寸,我们将变压器限制到拥有近47亿参数的极大模型,以完全增强我们VEGA-MT的模型容量。此外,我们采用数据增强策略,例如单语数据的循环翻译以及双语和单语数据的双向自我训练,以全面利用双语和单语言数据。为了使我们的Vega-MT适应通用域测试集,设计了概括调整。根据受约束系统的官方自动分数,根据图1所示的sacrebleu,我们在{zh-en(33.5),en-zh(49.7)(49.7),de-en(33.7)上获得了第一名-de(37.8),CS-EN(54.9),En-CS(41.4)和En-Ru(32.7)},在{ru-en(45.1)和Ja-en(25.6)}和第三名上的第二名和第三名在{en-ja(41.5)}上; W.R.T彗星,我们在{zh-en(45.1),en-zh(61.7),de-en(58.0),en-de(63.2),cs-en(74.7),ru-en(ru-en(ru-en)上,我们获得了第一名64.9),en-ru(69.6)和en-ja(65.1)},分别在{en-cs(95.3)和ja-en(40.6)}上的第二名。将发布模型,以通过GitHub和Omniforce平台来促进MT社区。
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对于多语言序列到序列预审预周序模型(多语言SEQ2SEQ PLM),例如姆巴特(Mbart),自制的预处理任务接受了多种单语言的培训,例如25种来自CommonCrawl的语言,而下游的跨语言任务通常在双语语言子集上进行,例如英语 - 德国人,存在数据差异,即领域的差异,以及跨语言学习客观差异,即在训练和填充阶段之间的任务差异。为了弥合上述跨语言域和任务差距,我们将使用额外的代码切换恢复任务扩展了香草预后管道。具体而言,第一阶段采用自我监督的代码转换还原任务作为借口任务,从而允许多语言SEQ2SEQ PLM获取一些域内对齐信息。在第二阶段,我们正常在下游数据上微调模型。 NLG评估(12个双语翻译任务,30个零射击任务和2项跨语言摘要任务)和NLU评估(7个跨语性自然语言推理任务)的实验表明,我们的模型超过了强大的基线MBART,具有标准的FINETUNNING,这表明了我们的模型策略,一致。分析表明,我们的方法可以缩小跨语性句子表示的欧几里得距离,并通过微不足道的计算成本改善模型概括。我们在:https://github.com/zanchangtong/csr4mbart上发布代码。
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This paper demonstrates that multilingual denoising pre-training produces significant performance gains across a wide variety of machine translation (MT) tasks. We present mBART -a sequence-to-sequence denoising auto-encoder pre-trained on large-scale monolingual corpora in many languages using the BART objective . mBART is the first method for pre-training a complete sequence-to-sequence model by denoising full texts in multiple languages, while previous approaches have focused only on the encoder, decoder, or reconstructing parts of the text. Pre-training a complete model allows it to be directly fine tuned for supervised (both sentence-level and document-level) and unsupervised machine translation, with no task-specific modifications. We demonstrate that adding mBART initialization produces performance gains in all but the highest-resource settings, including up to 12 BLEU points for low resource MT and over 5 BLEU points for many document-level and unsupervised models. We also show it also enables new types of transfer to language pairs with no bi-text or that were not in the pre-training corpus, and present extensive analysis of which factors contribute the most to effective pre-training.
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我们提出了一种两阶段的培训方法,用于开发单个NMT模型,以翻译英语和英语的看不见的语言。对于第一阶段,我们将编码器模型初始化以鉴定XLM-R和Roberta的权重,然后对25种语言的平行数据进行多种语言微调。我们发现该模型可以推广到对看不见的语言的零击翻译。在第二阶段,我们利用这种概括能力从单语数据集生成合成的并行数据,然后用连续的反向翻译训练。最终模型扩展到了英语到许多方向,同时保持了多到英语的性能。我们称我们的方法为ecxtra(以英语为中心的跨语言(x)转移)。我们的方法依次利用辅助并行数据和单语言数据,并且在概念上很简单,仅在两个阶段都使用标准的跨熵目标。最终的ECXTRA模型对8种低资源语言的无监督NMT进行了评估,该语言为英语至哈萨克语(22.3> 10.4 bleu)以及其他15个翻译方向的竞争性能而获得了新的最先进。
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在所有人类语言对之间实现通用翻译是机器翻译的圣杯(MT)研究。虽然最近在大量的多语言MT中的进展是达到这一目标的一步,但它变得明显,即简单地通过在更加平行数据上训练扩展多语言MT系统是不可编译的,因为用于低资源和非英语的标记数据的可用性 - 姓氏对禁止有限。为此,我们展示了一种务实的方法,可以使用监督和自我监督目标的混合来构建涵盖数百种语言的多语种MT模型,具体取决于不同语言对的数据可用性。我们展示这两种训练范例之间的协同作用使模型能够在零资源设置中产生高质量的翻译,甚至超过监控的用于中资和中资和中资质。我们开展广泛的实验,了解多语言监督,域错配和平行和单机数据量的效果,以了解我们自我监督的多语言模型的质量。为了展示方法的可扩展性,我们培训具有200多种语言的模型,并在几个先前研究的语言上展示了对零资源翻译的高性能。我们希望我们的调查结果将成为踏脚石,以便为下一千种语言进行翻译。
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本文介绍了我们提交给WMT21共享新闻翻译任务的受限轨道。我们专注于三个相对低的资源语言对孟加拉,从印地语,英语往返Hausa,以及来自Zulu的Xhosa。为了克服相对低行数据的限制,我们使用采用并行和单晶体数据的多任务目标训练多语言模型。此外,我们使用后退转换增强数据。我们还培养了一种双语模型,包括后退转换和知识蒸馏,然后使用序列到序列映射来组合两种模型。我们看到迄今为止英语和来自Hausa的Bleu Point的相对收益约为70%,以及与双语基线相比,孟加拉和从Zulu的孟加拉和从Zulu的相对改善约25%。
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Pre-training is an effective technique for ensuring robust performance on a variety of machine learning tasks. It typically depends on large-scale crawled corpora that can result in toxic or biased models. Such data can also be problematic with respect to copyright, attribution, and privacy. Pre-training with synthetic tasks and data is a promising way of alleviating such concerns since no real-world information is ingested by the model. Our goal in this paper is to understand what makes for a good pre-trained model when using synthetic resources. We answer this question in the context of neural machine translation by considering two novel approaches to translation model pre-training. Our first approach studies the effect of pre-training on obfuscated data derived from a parallel corpus by mapping words to a vocabulary of 'nonsense' tokens. Our second approach explores the effect of pre-training on procedurally generated synthetic parallel data that does not depend on any real human language corpus. Our empirical evaluation on multiple language pairs shows that, to a surprising degree, the benefits of pre-training can be realized even with obfuscated or purely synthetic parallel data. In our analysis, we consider the extent to which obfuscated and synthetic pre-training techniques can be used to mitigate the issue of hallucinated model toxicity.
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以前的工作主要侧重于改善NLU任务的交叉传输,具有多语言预用编码器(MPE),或提高与伯特的监督机器翻译的性能。然而,探索了,MPE是否可以有助于促进NMT模型的交叉传递性。在本文中,我们专注于NMT中的零射频转移任务。在此任务中,NMT模型培训,只有一个语言对的并行数据集和搁置架MPE,然后它直接测试在零拍语言对上。我们为此任务提出了Sixt,一个简单而有效的模型。 SIXT利用了两阶段培训计划利用MPE,并进一步改进了解离编码器和容量增强的解码器。使用此方法,SIMPT显着优于MBart,这是一个用于NMT的预磨削的多语言编码器解码器模型,平均改善了14个源语言的零拍摄的任何英语测试集上的7.1 BLEU。此外,培训计算成本和培训数据较少,我们的模型在15个任何英语测试组上实现了比Criss和M2M-100,两个强大的多语言NMT基线更好的性能。
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已经表明,机器翻译模型通常在培训语料库中不常见的命名实体产生不良的翻译。早期命名实体翻译方法主要关注语音音译,忽略翻译中的句子上下文,并在域和语言覆盖范围内有限。为了解决这一限制,我们提出了深入的,一种去噪的实体预训练方法,它利用大量单机数据和知识库来改进句子中的命名实体转换准确性。此外,我们调查了一种多任务学习策略,使得在实体增强的单晶体数据和并行数据上FineTunes在实体上的训练有素的神经机器翻译模型中进一步改进实体翻译。三种语言对的实验结果表明,方法导致强大的脱景自动编码基线的显着改进,增益高达1.3 BLEU,高达9.2的英语翻译实体准确度。
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This paper introduces the joint submission of the Beijing Jiaotong University and WeChat AI to the WMT'22 chat translation task for English-German. Based on the Transformer, we apply several effective variants. In our experiments, we utilize the pre-training-then-fine-tuning paradigm. In the first pre-training stage, we employ data filtering and synthetic data generation (i.e., back-translation, forward-translation, and knowledge distillation). In the second fine-tuning stage, we investigate speaker-aware in-domain data generation, speaker adaptation, prompt-based context modeling, target denoising fine-tuning, and boosted self-COMET-based model ensemble. Our systems achieve 0.810 and 0.946 COMET scores. The COMET scores of English-German and German-English are the highest among all submissions.
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本文概述了NVIDIA Nemo的神经电机翻译系统,用于WMT21新闻和生物医学共享翻译任务的受限数据跟踪。我们的新闻任务提交英语 - 德语(EN-DE)和英语 - 俄语(EN-RU)是基于基于基于基线变换器的序列到序列模型之上。具体而言,我们使用1)检查点平均2)模型缩放3)模型缩放3)与从左右分解模型的逆转传播和知识蒸馏的数据增强4)从前一年的测试集上的FINETUNING 5)型号集合6)浅融合解码变压器语言模型和7)嘈杂的频道重新排名。此外,我们的BioMedical任务提交的英语 - 俄语使用生物学偏见的词汇表,并从事新闻任务数据的划痕,从新闻任务数据集中策划的医学相关文本以及共享任务提供的生物医学数据。我们的新闻系统在WMT'20 en-de试验中实现了39.5的Sacrebleu得分优于去年任务38.8的最佳提交。我们的生物医学任务ru-en和en-ru系统分别在WMT'20生物医学任务测试集中达到43.8和40.3的Bleu分数,优于上一年的最佳提交。
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Machine Translation Quality Estimation (QE) is the task of evaluating translation output in the absence of human-written references. Due to the scarcity of human-labeled QE data, previous works attempted to utilize the abundant unlabeled parallel corpora to produce additional training data with pseudo labels. In this paper, we demonstrate a significant gap between parallel data and real QE data: for QE data, it is strictly guaranteed that the source side is original texts and the target side is translated (namely translationese). However, for parallel data, it is indiscriminate and the translationese may occur on either source or target side. We compare the impact of parallel data with different translation directions in QE data augmentation, and find that using the source-original part of parallel corpus consistently outperforms its target-original counterpart. Moreover, since the WMT corpus lacks direction information for each parallel sentence, we train a classifier to distinguish source- and target-original bitext, and carry out an analysis of their difference in both style and domain. Together, these findings suggest using source-original parallel data for QE data augmentation, which brings a relative improvement of up to 4.0% and 6.4% compared to undifferentiated data on sentence- and word-level QE tasks respectively.
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本文介绍了我们针对IWSLT 2022离线任务的端到端Yitrans语音翻译系统的提交,该任务从英语音频转换为德语,中文和日语。 Yitrans系统建立在大规模训练的编码器模型上。更具体地说,我们首先设计了多阶段的预训练策略,以建立具有大量标记和未标记数据的多模式模型。然后,我们为下游语音翻译任务微调模型的相应组件。此外,我们做出了各种努力,以提高性能,例如数据过滤,数据增强,语音细分,模型集合等。实验结果表明,我们的Yitrans系统比在三个翻译方向上的强基线取得了显着改进,并且比去年在TST2021英语 - 德国人中的最佳端到端系统方面的改进+5.2 BLEU改进。根据自动评估指标,我们的最终意见在英语 - 德国和英语端到端系统上排名第一。我们使代码和模型公开可用。
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在本文中,我们介绍了DOCMT5,这是一种预先培训的多语言序列到序列语言模型,具有大规模并行文档。虽然以前的方法专注于利用句子级并行数据,但我们尝试构建一个可以理解和生成长文件的通用预训练模型。我们提出了一个简单有效的预训练目标 - 文件重新排序机翻译(DRMT),其中需要翻译和屏蔽的输入文件。 DRMT在各种文档级生成任务中对强大基线带来一致的改进,包括超过12个BLEU积分,用于观看语言对文件级MT,超过7个BLEU积分,用于看不见的语言对文件级MT和3胭脂-1位为言语对交叉术概要。我们在WMT20 De-en和IWSLT15 Zh-ZH文档翻译任务中实现了最先进的(SOTA)。我们还对文档预培训的各种因素进行了广泛的分析,包括(1)预培训数据质量的影响和(2)组合单语言和交叉训练的影响。我们计划公开使用我们的模型检查站。
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翻译质量估计(QE)是预测机器翻译(MT)输出质量的任务,而无需任何参考。作为MT实际应用中的重要组成部分,这项任务已越来越受到关注。在本文中,我们首先提出了XLMRScore,这是一种基于使用XLM-Roberta(XLMR)模型计算的BertScore的简单无监督的QE方法,同时讨论了使用此方法发生的问题。接下来,我们建议两种减轻问题的方法:用未知令牌和预训练模型的跨语性对准替换未翻译的单词,以表示彼此之间的一致性单词。我们在WMT21 QE共享任务的四个低资源语言对上评估了所提出的方法,以及本文介绍的新的英语FARSI测试数据集。实验表明,我们的方法可以在两个零射击方案的监督基线中获得可比的结果,即皮尔森相关性的差异少于0.01,同时在所有低资源语言对中的平均低资源语言对中的无人看管竞争对手的平均水平超过8%的平均水平超过8%。 。
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本报告介绍了在大型多语种计算机翻译中为WMT21共享任务的Microsoft的机器翻译系统。我们参加了所有三种评估轨道,包括大轨道和两个小轨道,前者是无约束的,后两者完全受约束。我们的模型提交到共享任务的初始化用deltalm \脚注{\ url {https://aka.ms/deltalm}},一个通用的预训练的多语言编码器 - 解码器模型,并相应地使用巨大的收集并行进行微调数据和允许的数据源根据轨道设置,以及应用逐步学习和迭代背翻译方法进一步提高性能。我们的最终提交在自动评估度量方面排名第一的三条轨道。
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Pre-trained models have achieved remarkable success in natural language processing (NLP). However, existing pre-training methods underutilize the benefits of language understanding for generation. Inspired by the idea of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), we propose a GAN-style model for encoder-decoder pre-training by introducing an auxiliary discriminator, unifying the ability of language understanding and generation in a single model. Our model, named as GanLM, is trained with two pre-training objectives: replaced token detection and replaced token denoising. Specifically, given masked source sentences, the generator outputs the target distribution and the discriminator predicts whether the target sampled tokens from distribution are incorrect. The target sentence is replaced with misclassified tokens to construct noisy previous context, which is used to generate the gold sentence. In general, both tasks improve the ability of language understanding and generation by selectively using the denoising data. Extensive experiments in language generation benchmarks show that GanLM with the powerful language understanding capability outperforms various strong pre-trained language models (PLMs) and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
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Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) is usually done via sequence-level knowledge distillation (Seq-KD) from a full-sentence neural machine translation (NMT) model. However, there is still a significant performance gap between NMT and SiMT. In this work, we propose to leverage monolingual data to improve SiMT, which trains a SiMT student on the combination of bilingual data and external monolingual data distilled by Seq-KD. Preliminary experiments on En-Zh and En-Ja news domain corpora demonstrate that monolingual data can significantly improve translation quality (e.g., +3.15 BLEU on En-Zh). Inspired by the behavior of human simultaneous interpreters, we propose a novel monolingual sampling strategy for SiMT, considering both chunk length and monotonicity. Experimental results show that our sampling strategy consistently outperforms the random sampling strategy (and other conventional typical NMT monolingual sampling strategies) by avoiding the key problem of SiMT -- hallucination, and has better scalability. We achieve +0.72 BLEU improvements on average against random sampling on En-Zh and En-Ja. Data and codes can be found at https://github.com/hexuandeng/Mono4SiMT.
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