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We show that a variety of modern deep learning tasks exhibit a "double-descent" phenomenon where, as we increase model size, performance first gets worse and then gets better. Moreover, we show that double descent occurs not just as a function of model size, but also as a function of the number of training epochs. We unify the above phenomena by defining a new complexity measure we call the effective model complexity and conjecture a generalized double descent with respect to this measure. Furthermore, our notion of model complexity allows us to identify certain regimes where increasing (even quadrupling) the number of train samples actually hurts test performance. * Work performed in part while Preetum Nakkiran was interning at OpenAI, with Ilya Sutskever. We especially thank Mikhail Belkin and Christopher Olah for helpful discussions throughout this work.
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权重规范$ \ | w \ | $和保证金$ \ gamma $通过归一化的保证金$ \ gamma/\ | w \ | $参与学习理论。由于标准神经净优化器不能控制归一化的边缘,因此很难测试该数量是否与概括有关。本文设计了一系列实验研究,这些研究明确控制了归一化的边缘,从而解决了两个核心问题。首先:归一化的边缘是否总是对概括产生因果影响?本文发现,在归一化的边缘似乎与概括没有关系的情况下,可以与Bartlett等人的理论背道而驰。(2017)。第二:标准化边缘是否对概括有因果影响?该论文发现是的 - 在标准培训设置中,测试性能紧密跟踪了标准化的边距。该论文将高斯流程模型表示为这种行为的有前途的解释。
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Learning curves provide insight into the dependence of a learner's generalization performance on the training set size. This important tool can be used for model selection, to predict the effect of more training data, and to reduce the computational complexity of model training and hyperparameter tuning. This review recounts the origins of the term, provides a formal definition of the learning curve, and briefly covers basics such as its estimation. Our main contribution is a comprehensive overview of the literature regarding the shape of learning curves. We discuss empirical and theoretical evidence that supports well-behaved curves that often have the shape of a power law or an exponential. We consider the learning curves of Gaussian processes, the complex shapes they can display, and the factors influencing them. We draw specific attention to examples of learning curves that are ill-behaved, showing worse learning performance with more training data. To wrap up, we point out various open problems that warrant deeper empirical and theoretical investigation. All in all, our review underscores that learning curves are surprisingly diverse and no universal model can be identified.
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We study the generalization of over-parameterized classifiers where Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) for learning leads to zero training error. In these over-parameterized settings there are many global minima with zero training error, some of which generalize better than others. We show that under certain conditions the fraction of "bad" global minima with a true error larger than {\epsilon} decays to zero exponentially fast with the number of training data n. The bound depends on the distribution of the true error over the set of classifier functions used for the given classification problem, and does not necessarily depend on the size or complexity (e.g. the number of parameters) of the classifier function set. This might explain the unexpectedly good generalization even of highly over-parameterized Neural Networks. We support our mathematical framework with experiments on a synthetic data set and a subset of MNIST.
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We explore an original strategy for building deep networks, based on stacking layers of denoising autoencoders which are trained locally to denoise corrupted versions of their inputs. The resulting algorithm is a straightforward variation on the stacking of ordinary autoencoders. It is however shown on a benchmark of classification problems to yield significantly lower classification error, thus bridging the performance gap with deep belief networks (DBN), and in several cases surpassing it. Higher level representations learnt in this purely unsupervised fashion also help boost the performance of subsequent SVM classifiers. Qualitative experiments show that, contrary to ordinary autoencoders, denoising autoencoders are able to learn Gabor-like edge detectors from natural image patches and larger stroke detectors from digit images. This work clearly establishes the value of using a denoising criterion as a tractable unsupervised objective to guide the learning of useful higher level representations.
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With a goal of understanding what drives generalization in deep networks, we consider several recently suggested explanations, including norm-based control, sharpness and robustness. We study how these measures can ensure generalization, highlighting the importance of scale normalization, and making a connection between sharpness and PAC-Bayes theory. We then investigate how well the measures explain different observed phenomena.
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Despite their massive size, successful deep artificial neural networks can exhibit a remarkably small difference between training and test performance. Conventional wisdom attributes small generalization error either to properties of the model family, or to the regularization techniques used during training. Through extensive systematic experiments, we show how these traditional approaches fail to explain why large neural networks generalize well in practice. Specifically, our experiments establish that state-of-the-art convolutional networks for image classification trained with stochastic gradient methods easily fit a random labeling of the training data. This phenomenon is qualitatively unaffected by explicit regularization, and occurs even if we replace the true images by completely unstructured random noise. We corroborate these experimental findings with a theoretical construction showing that simple depth two neural networks already have perfect finite sample expressivity as soon as the number of parameters exceeds the number of data points as it usually does in practice. We interpret our experimental findings by comparison with traditional models. * Work performed while interning at Google Brain.† Work performed at Google Brain.
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标签 - 不平衡和组敏感分类中的目标是优化相关的指标,例如平衡错误和相同的机会。经典方法,例如加权交叉熵,在训练深网络到训练(TPT)的终端阶段时,这是超越零训练误差的训练。这种观察发生了最近在促进少数群体更大边值的直观机制之后开发启发式替代品的动力。与之前的启发式相比,我们遵循原则性分析,说明不同的损失调整如何影响边距。首先,我们证明,对于在TPT中训练的所有线性分类器,有必要引入乘法,而不是添加性的Logit调整,以便对杂项边缘进行适当的变化。为了表明这一点,我们发现将乘法CE修改的连接到成本敏感的支持向量机。也许是违反,我们还发现,在培训开始时,相同的乘法权重实际上可以损害少数群体。因此,虽然在TPT中,添加剂调整无效,但我们表明它们可以通过对乘法重量的初始负效应进行抗衡来加速会聚。通过这些发现的动机,我们制定了矢量缩放(VS)丢失,即捕获现有技术作为特殊情况。此外,我们引入了对群体敏感分类的VS损失的自然延伸,从而以统一的方式处理两种常见类型的不平衡(标签/组)。重要的是,我们对最先进的数据集的实验与我们的理论见解完全一致,并确认了我们算法的卓越性能。最后,对于不平衡的高斯 - 混合数据,我们执行泛化分析,揭示平衡/标准错误和相同机会之间的权衡。
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尽管过度拟合并且更普遍地,双重下降在机器学习中无处不在,但增加了最广泛使用的张量网络的参数数量,但矩阵乘积状态(MPS)通常会导致先前研究中的测试性能单调改善。为了更好地理解由MPS参数参数的体系结构的概括属性,我们构建了人工数据,这些数据可以由MPS精确建模并使用不同数量的参数训练模型。我们观察到一维数据的模型过于拟合,但也发现,对于更复杂的数据而言,过度拟合的意义较低,而对于MNIST图像数据,我们找不到任何过拟合的签名。我们推测,MPS的概括属性取决于数据的属性:具有一维数据(MPS ANSATZ是最合适的)MPS容易拟合的数据,而使用更复杂的数据,该数据不能完全适合MPS,过度拟合过度。可能不那么重要。
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最近的研究表明,通过梯度下降训练的无限宽神经网络(NN)的动态可以是神经切线核(NTK)\ CITEP {Jacot2018neural}的特征。在平方损失下,通过梯度下降训练的无限宽度NN,具有无限小的学习速率等同于与NTK \ CITEP {arora2019Exact}的内核回归。但是,当前ridge回归{arora2019Harnessing}只知道等价物,而NN和其他内核机(KMS)之间的等价,例如,支持向量机(SVM),仍然未知。因此,在这项工作中,我们建议在NN和SVM之间建立等效,具体而言,通过柔软的边缘损失和具有由子润发性培训的NTK培训的标准柔软裕度SVM培训的无限宽NN。我们的主要理论结果包括建立NN和广泛的$ \ ELL_2 $正规化KMS之间的等价,其中有限宽度界限,不能通过事先工作来处理,并显示出通过这种正规化损耗函数训练的每个有限宽度NN大约一公里。此外,我们展示了我们的理论可以实现三种实际应用,包括(i)\ yressit {非空心}通过相应的km界限Nn; (ii)无限宽度NN的\ yryit {非琐碎}鲁棒性证书(而现有的鲁棒性验证方法提供空中界定); (iii)本质上更强大的无限宽度NN,来自以前的内核回归。我们的实验代码可用于\ URL {https://github.com/leslie-ch/equiv-nn-svm}。
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过度参数化的神经网络的实际成功促进了最近对插值方法的科学研究,这些研究非常适合其训练数据。如果没有灾难性的测试表现,包括神经网络在内的某些插值方法(包括神经网络)可以符合嘈杂的训练数据,这是违反统计学习理论的标准直觉的。为了解释这一点,最近的一系列工作研究了$ \ textit {良性过拟合} $,这是一种现象,其中一些插值方法即使在存在噪音的情况下也接近了贝叶斯的最佳性。在这项工作中,我们认为,虽然良性过度拟合既具有启发性和富有成效的研究在测试时间的风险,这意味着这些模型既不是良性也不是灾难性的,而是属于中间状态。我们称此中级制度$ \ textit {perked forporting} $,我们启动其系统研究。我们首先在内核(Ridge)回归(KR)的背景下探索这种现象,通过在脊参数和核特征光谱上获得条件,KR在这些条件下表现出三种行为。我们发现,具有PowerLaw光谱的内核,包括Laplace内核和Relu神经切线内核,表现出了过度拟合的。然后,我们通过分类法的镜头从经验上研究深度神经网络,并发现接受插值训练的人是脾气暴躁的,而那些训练的人则是良性的。我们希望我们的工作能够使人们对现代学习过度拟合的过度理解。
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A recent line of work studies overparametrized neural networks in the "kernel regime," i.e. when the network behaves during training as a kernelized linear predictor, and thus training with gradient descent has the effect of finding the minimum RKHS norm solution. This stands in contrast to other studies which demonstrate how gradient descent on overparametrized multilayer networks can induce rich implicit biases that are not RKHS norms. Building on an observation by Chizat and Bach [2018], we show how the scale of the initialization controls the transition between the "kernel" (aka lazy) and "rich" (aka active) regimes and affects generalization properties in multilayer homogeneous models. We provide a complete and detailed analysis for a simple two-layer model that already exhibits an interesting and meaningful transition between the kernel and rich regimes, and we demonstrate the transition for more complex matrix factorization models and multilayer non-linear networks.
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神经崩溃的概念是指在各种规范分类问题中经验观察到的几种新兴现象。在训练深度神经网络的终端阶段,同一类的所有示例的特征嵌入往往会崩溃为单一表示,而不同类别的特征往往会尽可能分开。通常通过简化的模型(称为无约束的特征表示)来研究神经崩溃,其中假定模型具有“无限表达性”,并且可以将每个数据点映射到任何任意表示。在这项工作中,我们提出了不受约束的功能表示的更现实的变体,该变体考虑到了网络的有限表达性。经验证据表明,嘈杂数据点的记忆导致神经崩溃的降解(扩张)。使用记忆 - 稀释(M-D)现象的模型,我们展示了一种机制,通过该机制,不同的损失导致嘈杂数据上受过训练的网络的不同性能。我们的证据揭示了为什么标签平滑性(经验观察到产生正则化效果的跨凝性的修改)导致分类任务的概括改善的原因。
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We consider the problem of data classification where the training set consists of just a few data points. We explore this phenomenon mathematically and reveal key relationships between the geometry of an AI model's feature space, the structure of the underlying data distributions, and the model's generalisation capabilities. The main thrust of our analysis is to reveal the influence on the model's generalisation capabilities of nonlinear feature transformations mapping the original data into high, and possibly infinite, dimensional spaces.
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“良性过度装备”,分类器记住嘈杂的培训数据仍然达到良好的概括性表现,在机器学习界造成了很大的关注。为了解释这种令人惊讶的现象,一系列作品在过度参数化的线性回归,分类和内核方法中提供了理论典范。然而,如果在对逆势实例存在下仍发生良性的过度,则尚不清楚,即欺骗分类器的微小和有意的扰动的例子。在本文中,我们表明,良性过度确实发生在对抗性培训中,是防御对抗性实例的原则性的方法。详细地,我们证明了在$ \ ell_p $普发的扰动下的子高斯数据的混合中的普遍培训的线性分类器的风险限制。我们的结果表明,在中度扰动下,尽管过度禁止嘈杂的培训数据,所以发生前列训练的线性分类器可以实现近乎最佳的标准和对抗性风险。数值实验验证了我们的理论发现。
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