我们引入了一个深度学习模型,该模型通常可以近似于常规条件分布(RCD)。所提出的模型分为三个阶段:首先从给定的度量空间$ \ mathcal {x} $到$ \ mathbb {r}^d $通过功能映射进行线性化输入,然后这些线性化的功能由深层馈电的神经网络处理,然后通过Bahdanau等人引入的注意机制的概率扩展,将网络的输出转换为$ 1 $ -WASSERSTEIN SPACE $ \ MATHCAL {P} _1(\ Mathbb {r}^d)$。 (2014)。我们发现,使用我们的框架构建的模型可以从$ \ mathbb {r}^d $到$ \ mathcal {p} _1(\ mathbb {r}^d)$均匀地在紧凑的集合上近似任何连续功能。当近似$ \ mathcal {p} _1(\ mathbb {r}^d)$ - 有价值的函数时,我们确定了两种避免维数的诅咒的方法。第一个策略描述了$ c(\ mathbb {r}^d,\ mathcal {p} _1(\ mathbb {r}^d))$中的函数,可以在$ \ mathbb {r}的任何紧凑子集上有效地近似地近似^D $。第二种方法描述了$ \ mathbb {r}^d $的紧凑子集,其中最多的$ c(\ mathbb {r}^d,\ mathcal {p} _1 _1(\ mathbb {r}^d))$可以有效地近似。结果经过实验验证。
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Several problems in stochastic analysis are defined through their geometry, and preserving that geometric structure is essential to generating meaningful predictions. Nevertheless, how to design principled deep learning (DL) models capable of encoding these geometric structures remains largely unknown. We address this open problem by introducing a universal causal geometric DL framework in which the user specifies a suitable pair of geometries $\mathscr{X}$ and $\mathscr{Y}$ and our framework returns a DL model capable of causally approximating any ``regular'' map sending time series in $\mathscr{X}^{\mathbb{Z}}$ to time series in $\mathscr{Y}^{\mathbb{Z}}$ while respecting their forward flow of information throughout time. Suitable geometries on $\mathscr{Y}$ include various (adapted) Wasserstein spaces arising in optimal stopping problems, a variety of statistical manifolds describing the conditional distribution of continuous-time finite state Markov chains, and all Fr\'echet spaces admitting a Schauder basis, e.g. as in classical finance. Suitable, $\mathscr{X}$ are any compact subset of any Euclidean space. Our results all quantitatively express the number of parameters needed for our DL model to achieve a given approximation error as a function of the target map's regularity and the geometric structure both of $\mathscr{X}$ and of $\mathscr{Y}$. Even when omitting any temporal structure, our universal approximation theorems are the first guarantees that H\"older functions, defined between such $\mathscr{X}$ and $\mathscr{Y}$ can be approximated by DL models.
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本文通过引入几何深度学习(GDL)框架来构建通用馈电型型模型与可区分的流形几何形状兼容的通用馈电型模型,从而解决了对非欧国人数据进行处理的需求。我们表明,我们的GDL模型可以在受控最大直径的紧凑型组上均匀地近似任何连续目标函数。我们在近似GDL模型的深度上获得了最大直径和上限的曲率依赖性下限。相反,我们发现任何两个非分类紧凑型歧管之间始终都有连续的函数,任何“局部定义”的GDL模型都不能均匀地近似。我们的最后一个主要结果确定了数据依赖性条件,确保实施我们近似的GDL模型破坏了“维度的诅咒”。我们发现,任何“现实世界”(即有限)数据集始终满足我们的状况,相反,如果目标函数平滑,则任何数据集都满足我们的要求。作为应用,我们确认了以下GDL模型的通用近似功能:Ganea等。 (2018)的双波利馈电网络,实施Krishnan等人的体系结构。 (2015年)的深卡尔曼 - 滤波器和深度玛克斯分类器。我们构建了:Meyer等人的SPD-Matrix回归剂的通用扩展/变体。 (2011)和Fletcher(2003)的Procrustean回归剂。在欧几里得的环境中,我们的结果暗示了Kidger和Lyons(2020)的近似定理和Yarotsky和Zhevnerchuk(2019)无估计近似率的数据依赖性版本的定量版本。
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我们使用运输公制(Delon和Desolneux 2020)中的单变量高斯混合物中的任意度量空间$ \ MATHCAL {X} $研究数据表示。我们得出了由称为\ emph {Probabilistic Transfersers}的小神经网络实现的特征图的保证。我们的保证是记忆类型:我们证明了深度约为$ n \ log(n)$的概率变压器和大约$ n^2 $ can bi-h \'{o} lder嵌入任何$ n $ - 点数据集从低度量失真的$ \ Mathcal {x} $,从而避免了维数的诅咒。我们进一步得出了概率的bi-lipschitz保证,可以兑换失真量和随机选择的点与该失真的随机选择点的可能性。如果$ \ MATHCAL {X} $的几何形状足够规律,那么我们可以为数据集中的所有点获得更强的Bi-Lipschitz保证。作为应用程序,我们从Riemannian歧管,指标和某些类型的数据集中获得了神经嵌入保证金组合图。
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我们研究了使用前馈神经网络实施其支持集的同时近似紧凑型积分功能的问题。我们的第一个主要结果将这个“结构化”近似问题转录为普遍性问题。我们通过在空间上构建通常的拓扑结构来做到这一点,$ l^1 _ {\ propatatorName {loc}}(\ m athbb {r}^d,\ m athbb {r}^d)locally-intellable-intellable-intellable-intellable-intellable-in紧凑型函数只能通过具有匹配的离散支持的函数来近似于$ l^1 $ norm。我们建立了Relu Feedforwward网络的普遍性,并在此精致拓扑结构中具有双线性池层。因此,我们发现具有双线性池的Relu FeedForward网络可以在实施其离散支持的同时近似紧凑的功能。我们在紧凑型Lipschitz函数的致密亚类中得出了通用近似定理的定量均匀版本。该定量结果表达了通过目标函数的规律性,其基本支持的度量和直径以及输入和输出空间的尺寸来构建此relu网络所需的双线性池层层的深度,宽度和数量。相反,我们表明多项式回归器和分析前馈网络在该空间中并非通用。
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比较概率分布是许多机器学习算法的关键。最大平均差异(MMD)和最佳运输距离(OT)是在过去几年吸引丰富的关注的概率措施之间的两类距离。本文建立了一些条件,可以通过MMD规范控制Wassersein距离。我们的作品受到压缩统计学习(CSL)理论的推动,资源有效的大规模学习的一般框架,其中训练数据总结在单个向量(称为草图)中,该训练数据捕获与所考虑的学习任务相关的信息。在CSL中的现有结果启发,我们介绍了H \“较旧的较低限制的等距属性(H \”较旧的LRIP)并表明这家属性具有有趣的保证对压缩统计学习。基于MMD与Wassersein距离之间的关系,我们通过引入和研究学习任务的Wassersein可读性的概念来提供压缩统计学习的保证,即概率分布之间的某些特定于特定的特定度量,可以由Wassersein界定距离。
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众所周知,进食前馈神经网络的学习速度很慢,并且在深度学习应用中呈现了几十年的瓶颈。例如,广泛用于训练神经网络的基于梯度的学习算法在所有网络参数都必须迭代调整时往往会缓慢起作用。为了解决这个问题,研究人员和从业人员都尝试引入随机性来减少学习要求。基于Igelnik和Pao的原始结构,具有随机输入层的重量和偏见的单层神经网络在实践中取得了成功,但是缺乏必要的理论理由。在本文中,我们开始填补这一理论差距。我们提供了一个(校正的)严格证明,即Igelnik和PAO结构是连续函数在紧凑型域上连续函数的通用近似值,并且近似错误渐近地衰减,例如$ o(1/\ sqrt {n})网络节点。然后,我们将此结果扩展到非反应设置,证明人们可以在$ n $的情况下实现任何理想的近似误差,而概率很大。我们进一步调整了这种随机神经网络结构,以近似欧几里得空间的平滑,紧凑的亚曼叶量的功能,从而在渐近和非催化形式的理论保证中提供了理论保证。最后,我们通过数值实验说明了我们在歧管上的结果。
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We consider the problem of estimating the optimal transport map between a (fixed) source distribution $P$ and an unknown target distribution $Q$, based on samples from $Q$. The estimation of such optimal transport maps has become increasingly relevant in modern statistical applications, such as generative modeling. At present, estimation rates are only known in a few settings (e.g. when $P$ and $Q$ have densities bounded above and below and when the transport map lies in a H\"older class), which are often not reflected in practice. We present a unified methodology for obtaining rates of estimation of optimal transport maps in general function spaces. Our assumptions are significantly weaker than those appearing in the literature: we require only that the source measure $P$ satisfies a Poincar\'e inequality and that the optimal map be the gradient of a smooth convex function that lies in a space whose metric entropy can be controlled. As a special case, we recover known estimation rates for bounded densities and H\"older transport maps, but also obtain nearly sharp results in many settings not covered by prior work. For example, we provide the first statistical rates of estimation when $P$ is the normal distribution and the transport map is given by an infinite-width shallow neural network.
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在本文中,我们研究了与具有多种激活函数的浅神经网络相对应的变异空间的近似特性。我们介绍了两个主要工具,用于估计这些空间的度量熵,近似率和$ n $宽度。首先,我们介绍了平滑参数化词典的概念,并在非线性近似速率,度量熵和$ n $ widths上给出了上限。上限取决于参数化的平滑度。该结果适用于与浅神经网络相对应的脊功能的字典,并且在许多情况下它们的现有结果改善了。接下来,我们提供了一种方法,用于下限度量熵和$ n $ widths的变化空间,其中包含某些类别的山脊功能。该结果给出了$ l^2 $ approximation速率,度量熵和$ n $ widths的变化空间的急剧下限具有界变化的乙状结激活函数。
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量化概率分布之间的异化的统计分歧(SDS)是统计推理和机器学习的基本组成部分。用于估计这些分歧的现代方法依赖于通过神经网络(NN)进行参数化经验变化形式并优化参数空间。这种神经估算器在实践中大量使用,但相应的性能保证是部分的,并呼吁进一步探索。特别是,涉及的两个错误源之间存在基本的权衡:近似和经验估计。虽然前者需要NN课程富有富有表现力,但后者依赖于控制复杂性。我们通过非渐近误差界限基于浅NN的基于浅NN的估计的估算权,重点关注四个流行的$ \ mathsf {f} $ - 分离 - kullback-leibler,chi squared,squared hellinger,以及总变异。我们分析依赖于实证过程理论的非渐近功能近似定理和工具。界限揭示了NN尺寸和样品数量之间的张力,并使能够表征其缩放速率,以确保一致性。对于紧凑型支持的分布,我们进一步表明,上述上三次分歧的神经估算器以适当的NN生长速率接近Minimax率 - 最佳,实现了对数因子的参数速率。
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生成的对抗网络(GAN)在无监督学习方面取得了巨大的成功。尽管具有显着的经验表现,但关于gan的统计特性的理论研究有限。本文提供了gan的近似值和统计保证,以估算具有H \“ {o} lder空间密度的数据分布。我们的主要结果表明,如果正确选择了生成器和鉴别器网络架构,则gan是一致的估计器在较强的差异指标下的数据分布(例如Wasserstein-1距离。 ,这不受环境维度的诅咒。我们对低维数据的分析基于具有Lipschitz连续性保证的神经网络的通用近似理论,这可能具有独立的兴趣。
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Neural networks with random weights appear in a variety of machine learning applications, most prominently as the initialization of many deep learning algorithms and as a computationally cheap alternative to fully learned neural networks. In the present article, we enhance the theoretical understanding of random neural networks by addressing the following data separation problem: under what conditions can a random neural network make two classes $\mathcal{X}^-, \mathcal{X}^+ \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ (with positive distance) linearly separable? We show that a sufficiently large two-layer ReLU-network with standard Gaussian weights and uniformly distributed biases can solve this problem with high probability. Crucially, the number of required neurons is explicitly linked to geometric properties of the underlying sets $\mathcal{X}^-, \mathcal{X}^+$ and their mutual arrangement. This instance-specific viewpoint allows us to overcome the usual curse of dimensionality (exponential width of the layers) in non-pathological situations where the data carries low-complexity structure. We quantify the relevant structure of the data in terms of a novel notion of mutual complexity (based on a localized version of Gaussian mean width), which leads to sound and informative separation guarantees. We connect our result with related lines of work on approximation, memorization, and generalization.
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我们研究了由覆盖在R ^ M中的N维歧管支持的概率措施的近似 - 由可逆流和单层注射部件组成的神经网络。当M <= 3N时,我们显示R ^ n和r ^ m之间的注射流量在可扩展的嵌入物图像中支持的普遍近似措施,这是标准嵌入的适当子集。在这个制度拓扑障碍物中,拓扑障碍能够作为可允许的目标。当m> = 3n + 1时,我们使用称为*清洁技巧*的代数拓扑的论点来证明拓扑障碍物消失和注射般的流动普遍近似任何可分辨率的嵌入。沿途,我们表明,可以在Brehmer et Cranmer 2020中的猜想中建立“反向”可以建立铭刻流动网络的最优性。此外,设计的网络可以简单,它们可以配备其他属性,例如一个新的投影结果。
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Existing generalization bounds fail to explain crucial factors that drive generalization of modern neural networks. Since such bounds often hold uniformly over all parameters, they suffer from over-parametrization, and fail to account for the strong inductive bias of initialization and stochastic gradient descent. As an alternative, we propose a novel optimal transport interpretation of the generalization problem. This allows us to derive instance-dependent generalization bounds that depend on the local Lipschitz regularity of the earned prediction function in the data space. Therefore, our bounds are agnostic to the parametrization of the model and work well when the number of training samples is much smaller than the number of parameters. With small modifications, our approach yields accelerated rates for data on low-dimensional manifolds, and guarantees under distribution shifts. We empirically analyze our generalization bounds for neural networks, showing that the bound values are meaningful and capture the effect of popular regularization methods during training.
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非线性自适应控制理论中的一个关键假设是系统的不确定性可以在一组已知基本函数的线性跨度中表示。虽然该假设导致有效的算法,但它将应用限制为非常特定的系统类别。我们介绍一种新的非参数自适应算法,其在参数上学习无限尺寸密度,以取消再现内核希尔伯特空间中的未知干扰。令人惊讶的是,所产生的控制输入承认,尽管其底层无限尺寸结构,但是尽管它的潜在无限尺寸结构实现了其实施的分析表达。虽然这种自适应输入具有丰富和富有敏感性的 - 例如,传统的线性参数化 - 其计算复杂性随时间线性增长,使其比其参数对应力相对较高。利用随机傅里叶特征的理论,我们提供了一种有效的随机实现,该实现恢复了经典参数方法的复杂性,同时可透明地保留非参数输入的表征性。特别地,我们的显式范围仅取决于系统的基础参数,允许我们所提出的算法有效地缩放到高维系统。作为该方法的说明,我们展示了随机近似算法学习由牛顿重力交互的十点批量组成的60维系统的预测模型的能力。
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Many applications, such as system identification, classification of time series, direct and inverse problems in partial differential equations, and uncertainty quantification lead to the question of approximation of a non-linear operator between metric spaces $\mathfrak{X}$ and $\mathfrak{Y}$. We study the problem of determining the degree of approximation of such operators on a compact subset $K_\mathfrak{X}\subset \mathfrak{X}$ using a finite amount of information. If $\mathcal{F}: K_\mathfrak{X}\to K_\mathfrak{Y}$, a well established strategy to approximate $\mathcal{F}(F)$ for some $F\in K_\mathfrak{X}$ is to encode $F$ (respectively, $\mathcal{F}(F)$) in terms of a finite number $d$ (repectively $m$) of real numbers. Together with appropriate reconstruction algorithms (decoders), the problem reduces to the approximation of $m$ functions on a compact subset of a high dimensional Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^d$, equivalently, the unit sphere $\mathbb{S}^d$ embedded in $\mathbb{R}^{d+1}$. The problem is challenging because $d$, $m$, as well as the complexity of the approximation on $\mathbb{S}^d$ are all large, and it is necessary to estimate the accuracy keeping track of the inter-dependence of all the approximations involved. In this paper, we establish constructive methods to do this efficiently; i.e., with the constants involved in the estimates on the approximation on $\mathbb{S}^d$ being $\mathcal{O}(d^{1/6})$. We study different smoothness classes for the operators, and also propose a method for approximation of $\mathcal{F}(F)$ using only information in a small neighborhood of $F$, resulting in an effective reduction in the number of parameters involved.
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本文涉及高维度中经验措施的收敛。我们提出了一类新的指标,并表明在这样的指标下,融合不受维度的诅咒(COD)。这样的特征对于高维分析至关重要,并且与经典指标相反({\ it,例如,瓦斯泰尔距离)。所提出的指标源自最大平均差异,我们通过提出选择测试功能空间的特定标准来概括,以确保没有COD的属性。因此,我们将此类别称为广义最大平均差异(GMMD)。所选测试功能空间的示例包括复制的内核希尔伯特空间,巴伦空间和流动诱导的功能空间。提出了所提出的指标的三种应用:1。在随机变量的情况下,经验度量的收敛; 2. $ n $粒子系统的收敛到麦基·维拉索夫随机微分方程的解决方案; 3.构建$ \ varepsilon $ -NASH平衡,用于均质$ n $ - 玩家游戏的平均范围限制。作为副产品,我们证明,考虑到接近GMMD测量的目标分布和目标分布的一定表示,我们可以在Wasserstein距离和相对熵方面生成接近目标的分布。总体而言,我们表明,所提出的指标类是一种强大的工具,可以在没有COD的高维度中分析经验度量的收敛性。
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