尽管已经提出了广泛的技术来解决分配变化,但对$ \ textit {undSampled} $数据集进行的简单培训基线通常可以在几个流行的基准中实现接近最新的准确性。这是令人惊讶的,因为抛弃多数群体数据的底样采样算法。为了理解这种现象,我们询问学习是否从根本上受到缺乏少数群体样本的限制。我们证明,在非参数二进制分类的情况下确实是这种情况。我们的结果表明,在最坏的情况下,算法不能胜过实体采样,除非火车和测试分布之间存在高度重叠(在现实世界数据集中不太可能是这种情况),或者如果算法利用其他结构关于分配变化。特别是,在标签偏移的情况下,我们表明始终有一种最小值最佳采样算法。在群体循环的情况下,我们表明,当组分布之间的重叠很小时,有一种最小值的底样采样算法。我们还对标签移位数据集进行了实验案例研究,并发现与我们的理论相一致,可靠的神经网络分类器的测试准确性受少数样本的数量限制。
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尽管现代的大规模数据集通常由异质亚群(例如,多个人口统计组或多个文本语料库)组成 - 最小化平均损失的标准实践并不能保证所有亚人群中均匀的低损失。我们提出了一个凸面程序,该过程控制给定尺寸的所有亚群中最差的表现。我们的程序包括有限样本(非参数)收敛的保证,可以保证最坏的亚群。从经验上讲,我们观察到词汇相似性,葡萄酒质量和累犯预测任务,我们最糟糕的程序学习了对不看到看不见的亚人群的模型。
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鉴于$ n $ i.i.d.从未知的分发$ P $绘制的样本,何时可以生成更大的$ n + m $ samples,这些标题不能与$ n + m $ i.i.d区别区别。从$ p $绘制的样品?(AXELROD等人2019)将该问题正式化为样本放大问题,并为离散分布和高斯位置模型提供了最佳放大程序。然而,这些程序和相关的下限定制到特定分布类,对样本扩增的一般统计理解仍然很大程度上。在这项工作中,我们通过推出通常适用的放大程序,下限技术和与现有统计概念的联系来放置对公司统计基础的样本放大问题。我们的技术适用于一大类分布,包括指数家庭,并在样本放大和分配学习之间建立严格的联系。
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We study the fundamental question of how to define and measure the distance from calibration for probabilistic predictors. While the notion of perfect calibration is well-understood, there is no consensus on how to quantify the distance from perfect calibration. Numerous calibration measures have been proposed in the literature, but it is unclear how they compare to each other, and many popular measures such as Expected Calibration Error (ECE) fail to satisfy basic properties like continuity. We present a rigorous framework for analyzing calibration measures, inspired by the literature on property testing. We propose a ground-truth notion of distance from calibration: the $\ell_1$ distance to the nearest perfectly calibrated predictor. We define a consistent calibration measure as one that is a polynomial factor approximation to the this distance. Applying our framework, we identify three calibration measures that are consistent and can be estimated efficiently: smooth calibration, interval calibration, and Laplace kernel calibration. The former two give quadratic approximations to the ground truth distance, which we show is information-theoretically optimal. Our work thus establishes fundamental lower and upper bounds on measuring distance to calibration, and also provides theoretical justification for preferring certain metrics (like Laplace kernel calibration) in practice.
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To date, no "information-theoretic" frameworks for reasoning about generalization error have been shown to establish minimax rates for gradient descent in the setting of stochastic convex optimization. In this work, we consider the prospect of establishing such rates via several existing information-theoretic frameworks: input-output mutual information bounds, conditional mutual information bounds and variants, PAC-Bayes bounds, and recent conditional variants thereof. We prove that none of these bounds are able to establish minimax rates. We then consider a common tactic employed in studying gradient methods, whereby the final iterate is corrupted by Gaussian noise, producing a noisy "surrogate" algorithm. We prove that minimax rates cannot be established via the analysis of such surrogates. Our results suggest that new ideas are required to analyze gradient descent using information-theoretic techniques.
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在因果推理和强盗文献中,基于观察数据的线性功能估算线性功能的问题是规范的。我们分析了首先估计治疗效果函数的广泛的两阶段程序,然后使用该数量来估计线性功能。我们证明了此类过程的均方误差上的非反应性上限:这些边界表明,为了获得非反应性最佳程序,应在特定加权$ l^2 $中最大程度地估算治疗效果的误差。 -规范。我们根据该加权规范的约束回归分析了两阶段的程序,并通过匹配非轴突局部局部最小值下限,在有限样品中建立了实例依赖性最优性。这些结果表明,除了取决于渐近效率方差之外,最佳的非质子风险除了取决于样本量支持的最富有函数类别的真实结果函数与其近似类别之间的加权规范距离。
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我们束缚了使用梯度流训练的深度线性网络的多余风险。在先前用于建立最小$ \ ell_2 $ -norm interpolant的风险范围的设置中,我们表明随机初始化的深线性网络可以紧密近似甚至匹配已知的范围,即最小$ \ ell_2 $ - norm interpolant。我们的分析还表明,插值深线性模型具有与最小$ \ ell_2 $ -Norm解决方案完全相同的条件差异。由于噪声仅通过条件差异影响多余的风险,因此这意味着深度并不能提高算法“隐藏噪声”的能力。我们的模拟验证了我们边界的各个方面反映了简单数据分布的典型行为。我们还发现,在具有Relu网络的模拟中也可以看到类似的现象,尽管情况更加细微。
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我们研究了测试有序域上的离散概率分布是否是指定数量的垃圾箱的直方图。$ k $的简洁近似值的最常见工具之一是$ k $ [n] $,是概率分布,在一组$ k $间隔上是分段常数的。直方图测试问题如下:从$ [n] $上的未知分布中给定样品$ \ mathbf {p} $,我们想区分$ \ mathbf {p} $的情况从任何$ k $ - 组织图中,总变化距离的$ \ varepsilon $ -far。我们的主要结果是针对此测试问题的样本接近最佳和计算有效的算法,以及几乎匹配的(在对数因素内)样品复杂性下限。具体而言,我们表明直方图测试问题具有样品复杂性$ \ widetilde \ theta(\ sqrt {nk} / \ varepsilon + k / \ varepsilon^2 + \ sqrt {n} / \ varepsilon^2)$。
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我们提出并分析了算法,以解决用户级差分隐私约束下的一系列学习任务。用户级DP仅保证只保证个人样本的隐私,而是保护用户的整个贡献($ M \ GE 1 $ Samples),而不是对信息泄漏提供更严格但更现实的保护。我们表明,对于高维平均估计,具有平稳损失,随机凸优化和学习假设类别的经验风险最小化,具有有限度量熵,隐私成本随着用户提供的$ O(1 / \ SQRT {M})$减少更多样本。相比之下,在增加用户数量$ N $时,隐私成本以较快的价格降低(1 / n)$率。我们将这些结果与下界相提并论,显示了我们算法的最低限度估计和随机凸优化的算法。我们的算法依赖于私有平均估计的新颖技术,其任意维度与误差缩放为浓度半径$ \ tai $的分布而不是整个范围。
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我们考虑了二进制隐藏的马尔可夫模型上的高维平均值估计问题,该模型阐明了数据,样本大小,维度和统计推断中信号强度的记忆之间的相互作用。在此模型中,估算器观察$ n $样品的$ d $ dimensional参数vector $ \ theta _ {*} \ in \ mathbb {r}^{d} $,乘以随机符号$ s_i $($ 1 \ \ $ 1 \ \ s_i $) le i \ le n $),并被各向同性标准高斯噪声损坏。标志$ \ {s_ {i} \} _ {i \ in [n]} \ in \ { - 1,1 \}^{n} $是从带有flip概率$ \ flip概率$ \的固定同质马尔可夫链中绘制的delta \ in [0,1/2] $。随着$ \ delta $的变化,该型号顺利地插入了两个认真的模型:高斯定位模型,$ \ delta = 0 $和高斯混合模型,$ \ delta = 1/2 $。假设估算器知道$ \ delta $,我们建立了一个几乎最小的最佳(达到对数因素)估计错误率,作为$ \ | \ theta _ {*} \ |,\ delta,d,d,n $的函数。然后,我们为估计$ \ delta $的情况提供了上限,假设$ \ theta _ {*} $的知识(可能不准确)。当$ \ theta _ {*} $是一个准确已知的常数时,界限被证明是紧身的。然后将这些结果组合到算法中,该算法用$ \ delta $ unknown估算$ \ theta _ {*} $先验,并说明了其错误的理论保证。
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Machine learning models are often susceptible to adversarial perturbations of their inputs. Even small perturbations can cause state-of-the-art classifiers with high "standard" accuracy to produce an incorrect prediction with high confidence. To better understand this phenomenon, we study adversarially robust learning from the viewpoint of generalization. We show that already in a simple natural data model, the sample complexity of robust learning can be significantly larger than that of "standard" learning. This gap is information theoretic and holds irrespective of the training algorithm or the model family. We complement our theoretical results with experiments on popular image classification datasets and show that a similar gap exists here as well. We postulate that the difficulty of training robust classifiers stems, at least partially, from this inherently larger sample complexity.
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关于二进制分类的绝大多数统计理论都以准确性为特征。然而,在许多情况下,已知准确性反映了分类错误的实际后果,最著名的是在不平衡的二元分类中,其中数据以两个类别之一的样本为主。本文的第一部分将贝叶斯最佳分类器的新概括从精度到从混淆矩阵计算的任何性能度量标准中。具体而言,该结果(a)表明,随机分类器有时优于最佳确定性分类器,并且(b)删除了经验上无法验证的绝对连续性假设,该假设是较知差的,但遍及现有结果。然后,我们演示了如何使用这种广义的贝叶斯分类器来获得遗憾的界限,以估算统一损失下的回归函数的误差。最后,我们使用这些结果来开发一些针对不平衡算法分类的第一个有限样本统计保证。具体而言,我们证明了最佳分类性能取决于类不平衡的属性,例如一种称为统一类不平衡的新颖概念,以前尚未正式化。在$ k $ neart的邻居分类的情况下,我们进一步以数值说明这些贡献
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This paper investigates the stability of deep ReLU neural networks for nonparametric regression under the assumption that the noise has only a finite p-th moment. We unveil how the optimal rate of convergence depends on p, the degree of smoothness and the intrinsic dimension in a class of nonparametric regression functions with hierarchical composition structure when both the adaptive Huber loss and deep ReLU neural networks are used. This optimal rate of convergence cannot be obtained by the ordinary least squares but can be achieved by the Huber loss with a properly chosen parameter that adapts to the sample size, smoothness, and moment parameters. A concentration inequality for the adaptive Huber ReLU neural network estimators with allowable optimization errors is also derived. To establish a matching lower bound within the class of neural network estimators using the Huber loss, we employ a different strategy from the traditional route: constructing a deep ReLU network estimator that has a better empirical loss than the true function and the difference between these two functions furnishes a low bound. This step is related to the Huberization bias, yet more critically to the approximability of deep ReLU networks. As a result, we also contribute some new results on the approximation theory of deep ReLU neural networks.
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统一测试是财产测试中最有研究的问题之一,其中许多已知的测试统计数据,包括基于计数碰撞,单例和经验电视距离的统计数据。众所周知,以$ 1- \ delta $概率为$ n = \ theta \ left(\ frac {\ sqrt {m {m {m) \ log(1/\ delta)}}} {\ epsilon^2} + \ frac {\ log(1/\ delta)} {\ epsilon^2} \ right)$,这是由经验性的电视测试器实现的。然而,在模拟中,这些理论分析具有误导性:在许多情况下,即使在所有参数的渐近制度中,它们也无法正确排序现有测试人员的性能,即$ 0 $或$ \ infty $。我们通过研究算法所需的\ emph {常数因子}来解释这一差异。我们表明,碰撞测试仪在均匀输入和非均匀输入之间的分离偏差数量中达到了急剧的最大常数。然后,我们根据Huber损失介绍了一个新的测试仪,并表明它不仅与此分离相匹配,而且还具有与该分离的高斯相对应的尾巴。这导致样本复杂性为$(1 + o(1))\ frac {\ sqrt {m \ log(1/\ delta)}}} {\ epsilon^2} $在该术语中,在此术语中,与此术语为主导所有其他现有测试人员。
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This paper studies offline policy learning, which aims at utilizing observations collected a priori (from either fixed or adaptively evolving behavior policies) to learn an optimal individualized decision rule that achieves the best overall outcomes for a given population. Existing policy learning methods rely on a uniform overlap assumption, i.e., the propensities of exploring all actions for all individual characteristics are lower bounded in the offline dataset; put differently, the performance of the existing methods depends on the worst-case propensity in the offline dataset. As one has no control over the data collection process, this assumption can be unrealistic in many situations, especially when the behavior policies are allowed to evolve over time with diminishing propensities for certain actions. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm that optimizes lower confidence bounds (LCBs) -- instead of point estimates -- of the policy values. The LCBs are constructed using knowledge of the behavior policies for collecting the offline data. Without assuming any uniform overlap condition, we establish a data-dependent upper bound for the suboptimality of our algorithm, which only depends on (i) the overlap for the optimal policy, and (ii) the complexity of the policy class we optimize over. As an implication, for adaptively collected data, we ensure efficient policy learning as long as the propensities for optimal actions are lower bounded over time, while those for suboptimal ones are allowed to diminish arbitrarily fast. In our theoretical analysis, we develop a new self-normalized type concentration inequality for inverse-propensity-weighting estimators, generalizing the well-known empirical Bernstein's inequality to unbounded and non-i.i.d. data.
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量化概率分布之间的异化的统计分歧(SDS)是统计推理和机器学习的基本组成部分。用于估计这些分歧的现代方法依赖于通过神经网络(NN)进行参数化经验变化形式并优化参数空间。这种神经估算器在实践中大量使用,但相应的性能保证是部分的,并呼吁进一步探索。特别是,涉及的两个错误源之间存在基本的权衡:近似和经验估计。虽然前者需要NN课程富有富有表现力,但后者依赖于控制复杂性。我们通过非渐近误差界限基于浅NN的基于浅NN的估计的估算权,重点关注四个流行的$ \ mathsf {f} $ - 分离 - kullback-leibler,chi squared,squared hellinger,以及总变异。我们分析依赖于实证过程理论的非渐近功能近似定理和工具。界限揭示了NN尺寸和样品数量之间的张力,并使能够表征其缩放速率,以确保一致性。对于紧凑型支持的分布,我们进一步表明,上述上三次分歧的神经估算器以适当的NN生长速率接近Minimax率 - 最佳,实现了对数因子的参数速率。
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