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通过结肠镜检查检测和去除癌前息肉是预防全球结直肠癌的主要技术。然而,内镜医生的结直肠息肉率差异很大。众所周知,计算机辅助诊断(CAD)系统可以帮助内窥镜检测结肠息肉并最大程度地减少内镜医生之间的变化。在这项研究中,我们介绍了一种新颖的深度学习体系结构,称为{\ textbf {mkdcnet}},以自动息肉分割鲁棒性,以鲁棒性数据分布的重大变化。 MKDCNET只是一个编码器decoder神经网络,它使用预先训练的\ textIt {resnet50}作为编码器和小说\ textit {多个内核扩张卷积(MKDC)}块,可以扩展更多的观点,以了解更多强大的和异性的表示形式。对四个公开息肉数据集和细胞核数据集进行的广泛实验表明,当在从不同分布中对未见息肉数据进行测试时,在对同一数据集进行训练和测试时,所提出的MKDCNET在同一数据集进行训练和测试时,超出了最先进的方法。取得丰富的结果,我们证明了拟议的建筑的鲁棒性。从效率的角度来看,我们的算法可以在RTX 3090 GPU上以每秒($ \ of45 $)帧进行处理。 MKDCNET可能是建造临床结肠镜检查实时系统的强大基准。建议的MKDCNET的代码可在\ url {https://github.com/nikhilroxtomar/mkdcnet}上获得。
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医疗图像分割有助于计算机辅助诊断,手术和治疗。数字化组织载玻片图像用于分析和分段腺,核和其他生物标志物,这些标志物进一步用于计算机辅助医疗应用中。为此,许多研究人员开发了不同的神经网络来对组织学图像进行分割,主要是这些网络基于编码器编码器体系结构,并且还利用了复杂的注意力模块或变压器。但是,这些网络不太准确地捕获相关的本地和全局特征,并在多个尺度下具有准确的边界检测,因此,我们提出了一个编码器折叠网络,快速注意模块和多损耗函数(二进制交叉熵(BCE)损失的组合) ,焦点损失和骰子损失)。我们在两个公开可用数据集上评估了我们提出的网络的概括能力,用于医疗图像分割Monuseg和Glas,并胜过最先进的网络,在Monuseg数据集上提高了1.99%的提高,而GLAS数据集则提高了7.15%。实施代码可在此链接上获得:https://bit.ly/histoseg
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结肠镜检查是一种金标准程序,但依赖于高度操作员。已经努力自动化息肉的检测和分割,这是一种癌前前兆,以有效地减少错过率。广泛使用的通过编码器解码器驱动的计算机辅助息肉分段系统在精度方面具有高性能。然而,从各种中心收集的息肉分割数据集可以遵循不同的成像协议,导致数据分布的差异。因此,大多数方法遭受性能下降,并且需要对每个特定数据集进行重新训练。我们通过提出全局多尺度剩余融合网络(GMSRF-Net)来解决这个概括问题。我们所提出的网络在为所有分辨率尺度执行多尺度融合操作时保持高分辨率表示。为了进一步利用比例信息,我们在GMSRF-Net中设计交叉多尺度注意(CMSA)和多尺度特征选择(MSFS)模块。由CMSA和MSFS门控的重复融合操作展示了网络的改进的概括性。在两种不同的息肉分割数据集上进行的实验表明,我们提出的GMSRF-Net优于先前的最先进的方法,在骰子方面,在看不见的CVC-ClinicDB和Unseen KVasir-SEG上的前一流的最先进方法。系数。
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卷积神经网络(CNN)的深度学习体系结构在计算机视野领域取得了杰出的成功。 CNN构建的编码器架构U-Net在生物医学图像分割方面取得了重大突破,并且已在各种实用的情况下应用。但是,编码器部分中每个下采样层和简单堆积的卷积的平等设计不允许U-NET从不同深度提取足够的特征信息。医学图像的复杂性日益增加为现有方法带来了新的挑战。在本文中,我们提出了一个更深层,更紧凑的分裂注意U形网络(DCSAU-NET),该网络有效地利用了基于两个新颖框架的低级和高级语义信息:主要功能保护和紧凑的分裂注意力堵塞。我们评估了CVC-ClinicDB,2018 Data Science Bowl,ISIC-2018和SEGPC-2021数据集的建议模型。结果,DCSAU-NET在联合(MIOU)和F1-SOCRE的平均交点方面显示出比其他最先进的方法(SOTA)方法更好的性能。更重要的是,提出的模型在具有挑战性的图像上表现出了出色的细分性能。我们的工作代码以及更多技术细节,请访问https://github.com/xq141839/dcsau-net。
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深度学习技术的进步为生物医学图像分析应用产生了巨大的贡献。随着乳腺癌是女性中最致命的疾病,早期检测是提高生存能力的关键手段。如超声波的医学成像呈现出色器官功能的良好视觉表现;然而,对于任何分析这种扫描的放射科学家,这种扫描是挑战和耗时,这延迟了诊断过程。虽然提出了各种深度学习的方法,但是通过乳房超声成像介绍了具有最有效的残余交叉空间关注引导u-Net(RCA-IUnet)模型的最小训练参数,以进一步改善肿瘤分割不同肿瘤尺寸的分割性能。 RCA-IUNET模型跟随U-Net拓扑,剩余初始化深度可分离卷积和混合池(MAX池和光谱池)层。此外,添加了交叉空间注意滤波器以抑制无关的特征并专注于目标结构。建议模型的分割性能在使用标准分割评估指标的两个公共数据集上验证,其中它表现出其他最先进的分段模型。
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Deep learning has made a breakthrough in medical image segmentation in recent years due to its ability to extract high-level features without the need for prior knowledge. In this context, U-Net is one of the most advanced medical image segmentation models, with promising results in mammography. Despite its excellent overall performance in segmenting multimodal medical images, the traditional U-Net structure appears to be inadequate in various ways. There are certain U-Net design modifications, such as MultiResUNet, Connected-UNets, and AU-Net, that have improved overall performance in areas where the conventional U-Net architecture appears to be deficient. Following the success of UNet and its variants, we have presented two enhanced versions of the Connected-UNets architecture: ConnectedUNets+ and ConnectedUNets++. In ConnectedUNets+, we have replaced the simple skip connections of Connected-UNets architecture with residual skip connections, while in ConnectedUNets++, we have modified the encoder-decoder structure along with employing residual skip connections. We have evaluated our proposed architectures on two publicly available datasets, the Curated Breast Imaging Subset of Digital Database for Screening Mammography (CBIS-DDSM) and INbreast.
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识别息肉对于在计算机辅助临床支持系统中自动分析内窥镜图像的自动分析具有挑战性。已经提出了基于卷积网络(CNN),变压器及其组合的模型,以分割息肉以有希望的结果。但是,这些方法在模拟息肉的局部外观方面存在局限性,或者在解码过程中缺乏用于空间依赖性的多层次特征。本文提出了一个新颖的网络,即结肠形式,以解决这些局限性。 Colonformer是一种编码器架构,能够在编码器和解码器分支上对远程语义信息进行建模。编码器是一种基于变压器的轻量级体系结构,用于在多尺度上建模全局语义关系。解码器是一种层次结构结构,旨在学习多层功能以丰富特征表示。此外,添加了一个新的Skip连接技术,以完善整体地图中的息肉对象的边界以进行精确分割。已经在五个流行的基准数据集上进行了广泛的实验,以进行息肉分割,包括Kvasir,CVC-Clinic DB,CVC-ColondB,CVC-T和Etis-Larib。实验结果表明,我们的结肠构造者在所有基准数据集上的表现优于其他最先进的方法。
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医学图像分割可以为临床分析提供详细信息,这对于发现的详细位置很重要的情况可能是有用的。了解疾病的位置可以在治疗和决策中发挥重要作用。基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的编码器 - 解码器技术具有自动化医学图像分割系统的性能。几种基于CNN的方法利用了诸如空间和渠道的技术来提高性能。近年来引起关注的另一种技术是残留致密块(RDB)。密集连接块中的连续卷积层能够用不同的接收领域提取各种特征,从而提高性能。然而,连续堆积的卷积运营商可能不一定生成有助于识别目标结构的功能。在本文中,我们提出了一种逐步的交替注意网络(PAANET)。我们开发逐步交替注意密度(Paad)块,其在密集块中的每个卷积层中使用来自所有尺度的特征构建指导注意力图(GAM)。 GAM允许密集块中的以下层集中在与目标区域相关的空间位置。每个备用Paad块都反转GAM以生成反向注意地图,指导后面的图层,以提取边界和边缘相关信息,精炼分割过程。我们对三种不同的生物医学图像分割数据集的实验表明,与其他最先进的方法相比,我们的Paanet达到了有利的性能。
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结肠镜检查被广泛认为是早期检测结直肠癌(CRC)的金标准程序。分割对于两种重要的临床应用,即病变检测和分类很有价值,提供了提高准确性和鲁棒性的手段。结肠镜检查中息肉的手动分割是耗时的。结果,使用深度学习(DL)进行息肉的自动化已经变得很重要。但是,基于DL的解决方案可能容易受到过度拟合的影响,因此无法推广到不同结肠镜捕获的图像。最新的基于变压器的语义分割的体系结构既实现更高的性能又比替代方案更好,但是通常可以预测$ \ frac {h} {4} \ times \ times \ frac {w} {4} {4} $ apatial dimensions的分割图h \ times w $输入图像。为此,我们提出了一种用于全尺寸分割的新体系结构,该结构利用了变压器在主要分支中提取最重要的特征的优势,同时用二级全卷积分支全面预测其限制了其局限性。然后将两个分支的最终功能融合,以最终预测$ h \ times w $分段地图。我们在KVASIR-SEG和CVC-ClinicDB数据集基准上都证明了我们方法相对于MDICE,MIOU,MPRECISION和MRECALL METICS的最先进性能。此外,我们在每个数据集上训练模型,并对另一个数据集进行评估以证明其出色的概括性能。
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Transformer-based models have been widely demonstrated to be successful in computer vision tasks by modelling long-range dependencies and capturing global representations. However, they are often dominated by features of large patterns leading to the loss of local details (e.g., boundaries and small objects), which are critical in medical image segmentation. To alleviate this problem, we propose a Dual-Aggregation Transformer Network called DuAT, which is characterized by two innovative designs, namely, the Global-to-Local Spatial Aggregation (GLSA) and Selective Boundary Aggregation (SBA) modules. The GLSA has the ability to aggregate and represent both global and local spatial features, which are beneficial for locating large and small objects, respectively. The SBA module is used to aggregate the boundary characteristic from low-level features and semantic information from high-level features for better preserving boundary details and locating the re-calibration objects. Extensive experiments in six benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in the segmentation of skin lesion images, and polyps in colonoscopy images. In addition, our approach is more robust than existing methods in various challenging situations such as small object segmentation and ambiguous object boundaries.
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Besides the complex nature of colonoscopy frames with intrinsic frame formation artefacts such as light reflections and the diversity of polyp types/shapes, the publicly available polyp segmentation training datasets are limited, small and imbalanced. In this case, the automated polyp segmentation using a deep neural network remains an open challenge due to the overfitting of training on small datasets. We proposed a simple yet effective polyp segmentation pipeline that couples the segmentation (FCN) and classification (CNN) tasks. We find the effectiveness of interactive weight transfer between dense and coarse vision tasks that mitigates the overfitting in learning. And It motivates us to design a new training scheme within our segmentation pipeline. Our method is evaluated on CVC-EndoSceneStill and Kvasir-SEG datasets. It achieves 4.34% and 5.70% Polyp-IoU improvements compared to the state-of-the-art methods on the EndoSceneStill and Kvasir-SEG datasets, respectively.
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Lesion segmentation requires both speed and accuracy. In this paper, we propose a simple yet efficient network DSNet, which consists of a encoder based on Transformer and a convolutional neural network(CNN)-based distinct pyramid decoder containing three dual-stream attention (DSA) modules. Specifically, the DSA module fuses features from two adjacent levels through the false positive stream attention (FPSA) branch and the false negative stream attention (FNSA) branch to obtain features with diversified contextual information. We compare our method with various state-of-the-art (SOTA) lesion segmentation methods with several public datasets, including CVC-ClinicDB, Kvasir-SEG, and ISIC-2018 Task 1. The experimental results show that our method achieves SOTA performance in terms of mean Dice coefficient (mDice) and mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) with low model complexity and memory consumption.
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Colonoscopy, currently the most efficient and recognized colon polyp detection technology, is necessary for early screening and prevention of colorectal cancer. However, due to the varying size and complex morphological features of colonic polyps as well as the indistinct boundary between polyps and mucosa, accurate segmentation of polyps is still challenging. Deep learning has become popular for accurate polyp segmentation tasks with excellent results. However, due to the structure of polyps image and the varying shapes of polyps, it is easy for existing deep learning models to overfit the current dataset. As a result, the model may not process unseen colonoscopy data. To address this, we propose a new state-of-the-art model for medical image segmentation, the SSFormer, which uses a pyramid Transformer encoder to improve the generalization ability of models. Specifically, our proposed Progressive Locality Decoder can be adapted to the pyramid Transformer backbone to emphasize local features and restrict attention dispersion. The SSFormer achieves stateof-the-art performance in both learning and generalization assessment.
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The lack of efficient segmentation methods and fully-labeled datasets limits the comprehensive assessment of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) microstructures like retinal vessel network (RVN) and foveal avascular zone (FAZ), which are of great value in ophthalmic and systematic diseases evaluation. Here, we introduce an innovative OCTA microstructure segmentation network (OMSN) by combining an encoder-decoder-based architecture with multi-scale skip connections and the split-attention-based residual network ResNeSt, paying specific attention to OCTA microstructural features while facilitating better model convergence and feature representations. The proposed OMSN achieves excellent single/multi-task performances for RVN or/and FAZ segmentation. Especially, the evaluation metrics on multi-task models outperform single-task models on the same dataset. On this basis, a fully annotated retinal OCTA segmentation (FAROS) dataset is constructed semi-automatically, filling the vacancy of a pixel-level fully-labeled OCTA dataset. OMSN multi-task segmentation model retrained with FAROS further certifies its outstanding accuracy for simultaneous RVN and FAZ segmentation.
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肝癌是世界上最常见的恶性疾病之一。 CT图像中肝脏肿瘤和血管的分割和标记可以为肝脏肿瘤诊断和手术干预中的医生提供便利。在过去的几十年中,基于深度学习的自动CT分段方法在医学领域得到了广泛的关注。在此期间出现了许多最先进的分段算法。然而,大多数现有的分割方法只关心局部特征背景,并在医学图像的全局相关性中具有感知缺陷,这显着影响了肝脏肿瘤和血管的分割效果。我们引入了一种基于变压器和SebottLenet的多尺度特征上下文融合网络,称为TransFusionNet。该网络可以准确地检测和识别肝脏容器的兴趣区域的细节,同时它可以通过利用CT图像的全球信息来改善肝肿瘤的形态边缘的识别。实验表明,TransFusionNet优于公共数据集LITS和3DIRCADB以及我们的临床数据集的最先进方法。最后,我们提出了一种基于训练模型的自动三维重建算法。该算法可以在1秒内快速准确地完成重建。
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In this study, we propose a lung nodule detection scheme which fully incorporates the clinic workflow of radiologists. Particularly, we exploit Bi-Directional Maximum intensity projection (MIP) images of various thicknesses (i.e., 3, 5 and 10mm) along with a 3D patch of CT scan, consisting of 10 adjacent slices to feed into self-distillation-based Multi-Encoders Network (MEDS-Net). The proposed architecture first condenses 3D patch input to three channels by using a dense block which consists of dense units which effectively examine the nodule presence from 2D axial slices. This condensed information, along with the forward and backward MIP images, is fed to three different encoders to learn the most meaningful representation, which is forwarded into the decoded block at various levels. At the decoder block, we employ a self-distillation mechanism by connecting the distillation block, which contains five lung nodule detectors. It helps to expedite the convergence and improves the learning ability of the proposed architecture. Finally, the proposed scheme reduces the false positives by complementing the main detector with auxiliary detectors. The proposed scheme has been rigorously evaluated on 888 scans of LUNA16 dataset and obtained a CPM score of 93.6\%. The results demonstrate that incorporating of bi-direction MIP images enables MEDS-Net to effectively distinguish nodules from surroundings which help to achieve the sensitivity of 91.5% and 92.8% with false positives rate of 0.25 and 0.5 per scan, respectively.
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Recently, many attempts have been made to construct a transformer base U-shaped architecture, and new methods have been proposed that outperformed CNN-based rivals. However, serious problems such as blockiness and cropped edges in predicted masks remain because of transformers' patch partitioning operations. In this work, we propose a new U-shaped architecture for medical image segmentation with the help of the newly introduced focal modulation mechanism. The proposed architecture has asymmetric depths for the encoder and decoder. Due to the ability of the focal module to aggregate local and global features, our model could simultaneously benefit the wide receptive field of transformers and local viewing of CNNs. This helps the proposed method balance the local and global feature usage to outperform one of the most powerful transformer-based U-shaped models called Swin-UNet. We achieved a 1.68% higher DICE score and a 0.89 better HD metric on the Synapse dataset. Also, with extremely limited data, we had a 4.25% higher DICE score on the NeoPolyp dataset. Our implementations are available at: https://github.com/givkashi/Focal-UNet
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