新兴的沟通研究通常着重于优化特定于任务的效用作为沟通的驱动力。但是,通过优化信息和复杂性之间的信息瓶颈权衡,人类语言似乎在压力下发展,以有效地将含义压缩到通信信号中。在这项工作中,我们研究了如何交换这三个因素 - 效用,信息性和复杂性 - 与人类交流相比,包括新兴的沟通。为此,我们提出了矢量定量的变分信息瓶颈(VQ-VIB),这是一种训练神经剂将输入压缩到嵌入连续空间中的离散信号的方法。我们通过VQ-VIB训练代理商,并将其性能与以前建议的神经体系结构在接地环境和刘易斯参考游戏中进行比较。在所有神经体系结构和环境中,考虑到沟通信息有益的沟通融合率,并惩罚交流复杂性会导致类似人类的词典大小,同时保持高效用。此外,我们发现VQ-VIB优于其他离散通信方法。这项工作表明,人们认为人类语言进化的基本原理如何为人工代理中的新兴沟通提供信息。
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瓶颈问题是一系列重要的优化问题,最近在机器学习和信息理论领域引起了人们的关注。它们被广泛用于生成模型,公平的机器学习算法,对隐私保护机制的设计,并在各种多用户通信问题中作为信息理论性能界限出现。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个普通的优化问题家族,称为复杂性 - 裸露的瓶颈(俱乐部)模型,该模型(i)提供了一个统一的理论框架,该框架将大多数最先进的文献推广到信息理论隐私模型(ii)建立了对流行的生成和判别模型的新解释,(iii)构建了生成压缩模型的新见解,并且(iv)可以在公平的生成模型中使用。我们首先将俱乐部模型作为复杂性约束的隐私性优化问题。然后,我们将其与密切相关的瓶颈问题(即信息瓶颈(IB),隐私渠道(PF),确定性IB(DIB),条件熵瓶颈(CEB)和有条件的PF(CPF)连接。我们表明,俱乐部模型概括了所有这些问题以及大多数其他信息理论隐私模型。然后,我们通过使用神经网络来参数化相关信息数量的变异近似来构建深层俱乐部(DVCLUB)模型。在这些信息数量的基础上,我们提出了监督和无监督的DVClub模型的统一目标。然后,我们在无监督的设置中利用DVClub模型,然后将其与最先进的生成模型(例如变异自动编码器(VAE),生成对抗网络(GAN)以及Wasserstein Gan(WGAN)连接起来,Wasserstein自动编码器(WAE)和对抗性自动编码器(AAE)通过最佳运输(OT)问题模型。然后,我们证明DVCLUB模型也可以用于公平表示学习问题,其目标是在机器学习模型的训练阶段减轻不希望的偏差。我们对彩色命名和Celeba数据集进行了广泛的定量实验,并提供了公共实施,以评估和分析俱乐部模型。
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尽管深度强化学习(RL)最近取得了许多成功,但其方法仍然效率低下,这使得在数据方面解决了昂贵的许多问题。我们的目标是通过利用未标记的数据中的丰富监督信号来进行学习状态表示,以解决这一问题。本文介绍了三种不同的表示算法,可以访问传统RL算法使用的数据源的不同子集使用:(i)GRICA受到独立组件分析(ICA)的启发,并训练深层神经网络以输出统计独立的独立特征。输入。 Grica通过最大程度地减少每个功能与其他功能之间的相互信息来做到这一点。此外,格里卡仅需要未分类的环境状态。 (ii)潜在表示预测(LARP)还需要更多的上下文:除了要求状态作为输入外,它还需要先前的状态和连接它们的动作。该方法通过预测当前状态和行动的环境的下一个状态来学习状态表示。预测器与图形搜索算法一起使用。 (iii)重新培训通过训练深层神经网络来学习国家表示,以学习奖励功能的平滑版本。该表示形式用于预处理输入到深度RL,而奖励预测指标用于奖励成型。此方法仅需要环境中的状态奖励对学习表示表示。我们发现,每种方法都有其优势和缺点,并从我们的实验中得出结论,包括无监督的代表性学习在RL解决问题的管道中可以加快学习的速度。
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We explore deep reinforcement learning methods for multi-agent domains. We begin by analyzing the difficulty of traditional algorithms in the multi-agent case: Q-learning is challenged by an inherent non-stationarity of the environment, while policy gradient suffers from a variance that increases as the number of agents grows. We then present an adaptation of actor-critic methods that considers action policies of other agents and is able to successfully learn policies that require complex multiagent coordination. Additionally, we introduce a training regimen utilizing an ensemble of policies for each agent that leads to more robust multi-agent policies. We show the strength of our approach compared to existing methods in cooperative as well as competitive scenarios, where agent populations are able to discover various physical and informational coordination strategies.
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The surrogate loss of variational autoencoders (VAEs) poses various challenges to their training, inducing the imbalance between task fitting and representation inference. To avert this, the existing strategies for VAEs focus on adjusting the tradeoff by introducing hyperparameters, deriving a tighter bound under some mild assumptions, or decomposing the loss components per certain neural settings. VAEs still suffer from uncertain tradeoff learning.We propose a novel evolutionary variational autoencoder (eVAE) building on the variational information bottleneck (VIB) theory and integrative evolutionary neural learning. eVAE integrates a variational genetic algorithm into VAE with variational evolutionary operators including variational mutation, crossover, and evolution. Its inner-outer-joint training mechanism synergistically and dynamically generates and updates the uncertain tradeoff learning in the evidence lower bound (ELBO) without additional constraints. Apart from learning a lossy compression and representation of data under the VIB assumption, eVAE presents an evolutionary paradigm to tune critical factors of VAEs and deep neural networks and addresses the premature convergence and random search problem by integrating evolutionary optimization into deep learning. Experiments show that eVAE addresses the KL-vanishing problem for text generation with low reconstruction loss, generates all disentangled factors with sharp images, and improves the image generation quality,respectively. eVAE achieves better reconstruction loss, disentanglement, and generation-inference balance than its competitors.
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多代理增强学习(MARL)在价值函数分解方法的发展中见证了重大进展。由于单调性,它可以通过最大程度地分解每个代理实用程序来优化联合动作值函数。在本文中,我们表明,在部分可观察到的MARL问题中,代理商对自己的行为的订购可能会对代表功能类施加并发约束(跨不同状态),从而在培训期间造成重大估计错误。我们解决了这一限制,并提出了PAC,PAC是一个新的框架,利用了最佳联合行动选择的反事实预测产生的辅助信息,这可以通过新颖的反事实损失通过新颖的辅助来实现价值功能分解。开发了一种基于变异推理的信息编码方法,以从估计的基线收集和编码反事实预测。为了实现分散的执行,我们还得出了受最大收入MARL框架启发的分级分配的代理策略。我们评估了有关多代理捕食者捕食者和一组Starcraft II微管理任务的PAC。经验结果表明,在所有基准上,PAC对基于最先进的价值和基于策略的多代理增强学习算法的结果得到了改善。
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提出了一种新的双峰生成模型,用于生成条件样品和关节样品,并采用学习简洁的瓶颈表示的训练方法。所提出的模型被称为变异Wyner模型,是基于网络信息理论中的两个经典问题(分布式仿真和信道综合)设计的,其中Wyner的共同信息是对公共表示简洁性的基本限制。该模型是通过最大程度地减少对称的kullback的训练 - 差异 - 变异分布和模型分布之间具有正则化项,用于常见信息,重建一致性和潜在空间匹配项,该术语是通过对逆密度比率估计技术进行的。通过与合成和现实世界数据集的联合和有条件生成的实验以及具有挑战性的零照片图像检索任务,证明了所提出的方法的实用性。
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这篇综述解决了在深度强化学习(DRL)背景下学习测量数据的抽象表示的问题。尽管数据通常是模棱两可,高维且复杂的解释,但许多动态系统可以通过一组低维状态变量有效地描述。从数据中发现这些状态变量是提高数据效率,稳健性和DRL方法的概括,应对维度的诅咒以及将可解释性和见解带入Black-Box DRL的关键方面。这篇综述通过描述用于学习世界的学习代表的主要深度学习工具,提供对方法和原则的系统观点,总结应用程序,基准和评估策略,并讨论开放的方式,从而提供了DRL中无监督的代表性学习的全面概述,挑战和未来的方向。
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Learning rich skills through temporal abstractions without supervision of external rewards is at the frontier of Reinforcement Learning research. Existing works mainly fall into two distinctive categories: variational and Laplacian-based option discovery. The former maximizes the diversity of the discovered options through a mutual information loss but overlooks coverage of the state space, while the latter focuses on improving the coverage of options by increasing connectivity during exploration, but does not consider diversity. In this paper, we propose a unified framework that quantifies diversity and coverage through a novel use of the Determinantal Point Process (DPP) and enables unsupervised option discovery explicitly optimizing both objectives. Specifically, we define the DPP kernel matrix with the Laplacian spectrum of the state transition graph and use the expected mode number in the trajectories as the objective to capture and enhance both diversity and coverage of the learned options. The proposed option discovery algorithm is extensively evaluated using challenging tasks built with Mujoco and Atari, demonstrating that our proposed algorithm substantially outperforms SOTA baselines from both diversity- and coverage-driven categories. The codes are available at https://github.com/LucasCJYSDL/ODPP.
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Interpretability is a pressing issue for machine learning. Common approaches to interpretable machine learning constrain interactions between features of the input, rendering the effects of those features on a model's output comprehensible but at the expense of model complexity. We approach interpretability from a new angle: constrain the information about the features without restricting the complexity of the model. Borrowing from information theory, we use the Distributed Information Bottleneck to find optimal compressions of each feature that maximally preserve information about the output. The learned information allocation, by feature and by feature value, provides rich opportunities for interpretation, particularly in problems with many features and complex feature interactions. The central object of analysis is not a single trained model, but rather a spectrum of models serving as approximations that leverage variable amounts of information about the inputs. Information is allocated to features by their relevance to the output, thereby solving the problem of feature selection by constructing a learned continuum of feature inclusion-to-exclusion. The optimal compression of each feature -- at every stage of approximation -- allows fine-grained inspection of the distinctions among feature values that are most impactful for prediction. We develop a framework for extracting insight from the spectrum of approximate models and demonstrate its utility on a range of tabular datasets.
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Communication enables agents to cooperate to achieve their goals. Learning when to communicate, i.e., sparse (in time) communication, and whom to message is particularly important when bandwidth is limited. Recent work in learning sparse individualized communication, however, suffers from high variance during training, where decreasing communication comes at the cost of decreased reward, particularly in cooperative tasks. We use the information bottleneck to reframe sparsity as a representation learning problem, which we show naturally enables lossless sparse communication at lower budgets than prior art. In this paper, we propose a method for true lossless sparsity in communication via Information Maximizing Gated Sparse Multi-Agent Communication (IMGS-MAC). Our model uses two individualized regularization objectives, an information maximization autoencoder and sparse communication loss, to create informative and sparse communication. We evaluate the learned communication `language' through direct causal analysis of messages in non-sparse runs to determine the range of lossless sparse budgets, which allow zero-shot sparsity, and the range of sparse budgets that will inquire a reward loss, which is minimized by our learned gating function with few-shot sparsity. To demonstrate the efficacy of our results, we experiment in cooperative multi-agent tasks where communication is essential for success. We evaluate our model with both continuous and discrete messages. We focus our analysis on a variety of ablations to show the effect of message representations, including their properties, and lossless performance of our model.
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随着我们日常环境中机器人的存在越来越多,提高社交技能至关重要。尽管如此,社会机器人技术仍然面临许多挑战。一种瓶颈是,由于社会规范的强烈取决于环境,因此需要经常适应机器人行为。例如,与办公室的工人相比,机器人应更仔细地在医院的患者周围进行仔细的导航。在这项工作中,我们将元强化学习(META-RL)作为潜在解决方案进行了研究。在这里,机器人行为是通过强化学习来学习的,需要选择奖励功能,以便机器人学习适合给定环境的行为。我们建议使用一种变异元过程,该过程迅速使机器人的行为适应新的奖励功能。结果,给定一个新的环境,可以快速评估不同的奖励功能,并选择适当的奖励功能。该过程学习奖励函数的矢量表示和可以在这种表示形式下进行条件的元政策。从新的奖励函数中进行观察,该过程确定了其表示形式,并条件元元素对其进行了条件。在研究程序的功能时,我们意识到它遭受了后塌陷的困扰,在表示表示中只有一个尺寸的子集编码有用的信息,从而导致性能降低。我们的第二个贡献是径向基函数(RBF)层,部分减轻了这种负面影响。 RBF层将表示形式提升到较高的维空间,这对于元容器更容易利用。我们证明了RBF层的兴趣以及在四个机器人模拟任务上对社会机器人技术的使用元素使用。
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Learning useful representations without supervision remains a key challenge in machine learning. In this paper, we propose a simple yet powerful generative model that learns such discrete representations. Our model, the Vector Quantised-Variational AutoEncoder (VQ-VAE), differs from VAEs in two key ways: the encoder network outputs discrete, rather than continuous, codes; and the prior is learnt rather than static. In order to learn a discrete latent representation, we incorporate ideas from vector quantisation (VQ). Using the VQ method allows the model to circumvent issues of "posterior collapse" --where the latents are ignored when they are paired with a powerful autoregressive decoder --typically observed in the VAE framework. Pairing these representations with an autoregressive prior, the model can generate high quality images, videos, and speech as well as doing high quality speaker conversion and unsupervised learning of phonemes, providing further evidence of the utility of the learnt representations.
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