我们为正规化优化问题$ g(\ boldsymbol {x}) + h(\ boldsymbol {x})$提供了有效的解决方案,其中$ \ boldsymbol {x} $在单位sphere $ \ vert \ vert \ boldsymbol { x} \ vert_2 = 1 $。在这里$ g(\ cdot)$是lipschitz连续梯度的平稳成本)$通常是非平滑的,但凸出并且绝对同质,\ textit {ef。,}〜规范正则化及其组合。我们的解决方案基于Riemannian近端梯度,使用我们称为\ textIt {代理步骤}}的想法 - 一个标量变量,我们证明,与间隔内的实际步骤大小相对于实际的步骤。对于凸面和绝对均匀的$ h(\ cdot)$,替代步骤尺寸存在,并确定封闭形式中的实际步骤大小和切线更新,因此是完整的近端梯度迭代。基于这些见解,我们使用代理步骤设计了Riemannian近端梯度方法。我们证明,我们的方法仅基于$ g(\ cdot)$成本的线条搜索技术而收敛到关键点。提出的方法可以用几行代码实现。我们通过应用核规范,$ \ ell_1 $规范和核谱规则正规化来显示其有用性。这些改进是一致的,并得到数值实验的支持。
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Riemannian优化是解决优化问题的原则框架,其中所需的最佳被限制为光滑的歧管$ \ Mathcal {M} $。在此框架中设计的算法通常需要对歧管的几何描述,该描述通常包括切线空间,缩回和成本函数的梯度。但是,在许多情况下,由于缺乏信息或棘手的性能,只能访问这些元素的子集(或根本没有)。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,可以在这种情况下执行近似Riemannian优化,其中约束歧管是$ \ r^{d} $的子手机。至少,我们的方法仅需要一组无噪用的成本函数$(\ x_ {i},y_ {i})\ in {\ mathcal {m}} \ times \ times \ times \ times \ times \ mathbb {r} $和内在的歧管$ \ MATHCAL {M} $的维度。使用样品,并利用歧管-MLS框架(Sober和Levin 2020),我们构建了缺少的组件的近似值,这些组件娱乐可证明的保证并分析其计算成本。如果某些组件通过分析给出(例如,如果成本函数及其梯度明确给出,或者可以计算切线空间),则可以轻松地适应该算法以使用准确的表达式而不是近似值。我们使用我们的方法分析了基于Riemannian梯度的方法的全球收敛性,并从经验上证明了该方法的强度,以及基于类似原理的共轭梯度类型方法。
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我们研究无限制的黎曼优化的免投影方法。特别是,我们提出了黎曼弗兰克 - 沃尔夫(RFW)方法。我们将RFW的非渐近收敛率分析为最佳(高音)凸起问题,以及非凸起目标的临界点。我们还提出了一种实用的设置,其中RFW可以获得线性收敛速度。作为一个具体的例子,我们将RFW专用于正定矩阵的歧管,并将其应用于两个任务:(i)计算矩阵几何平均值(riemannian质心); (ii)计算Bures-Wasserstein重心。这两个任务都涉及大量凸间间隔约束,为此,我们表明RFW要求的Riemannian“线性”Oracle承认了闭合形式的解决方案;该结果可能是独立的兴趣。我们进一步专门从事RFW到特殊正交组,并表明这里也可以以封闭形式解决riemannian“线性”甲骨文。在这里,我们描述了数据矩阵同步的应用程序(促使问题)。我们补充了我们的理论结果,并对RFW对最先进的riemananian优化方法进行了实证比较,并观察到RFW竞争性地对计算黎曼心质的任务进行竞争性。
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We investigate the problem of recovering a partially observed high-rank matrix whose columns obey a nonlinear structure such as a union of subspaces, an algebraic variety or grouped in clusters. The recovery problem is formulated as the rank minimization of a nonlinear feature map applied to the original matrix, which is then further approximated by a constrained non-convex optimization problem involving the Grassmann manifold. We propose two sets of algorithms, one arising from Riemannian optimization and the other as an alternating minimization scheme, both of which include first- and second-order variants. Both sets of algorithms have theoretical guarantees. In particular, for the alternating minimization, we establish global convergence and worst-case complexity bounds. Additionally, using the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz property, we show that the alternating minimization converges to a unique limit point. We provide extensive numerical results for the recovery of union of subspaces and clustering under entry sampling and dense Gaussian sampling. Our methods are competitive with existing approaches and, in particular, high accuracy is achieved in the recovery using Riemannian second-order methods.
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We consider a class of Riemannian optimization problems where the objective is the sum of a smooth function and a nonsmooth function, considered in the ambient space. This class of problems finds important applications in machine learning and statistics such as the sparse principal component analysis, sparse spectral clustering, and orthogonal dictionary learning. We propose a Riemannian alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to solve this class of problems. Our algorithm adopts easily computable steps in each iteration. The iteration complexity of the proposed algorithm for obtaining an $\epsilon$-stationary point is analyzed under mild assumptions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Riemannian ADMM with provable convergence guarantee for solving Riemannian optimization problem with nonsmooth objective. Numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method.
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从最佳运输到稳健的维度降低,可以将大量的机器学习应用程序放入Riemannian歧管上的Min-Max优化问题中。尽管在欧几里得的环境中已经分析了许多最小的最大算法,但事实证明,将这些结果转化为Riemannian案例已被证明是难以捉摸的。张等。 [2022]最近表明,测量凸凹入的凹入问题总是容纳鞍点解决方案。受此结果的启发,我们研究了Riemannian和最佳欧几里得空间凸入concove算法之间的性能差距。我们在负面的情况下回答了这个问题,证明Riemannian校正的外部(RCEG)方法在地球上强烈convex-concove案例中以线性速率实现了最后近期收敛,与欧几里得结果匹配。我们的结果还扩展到随机或非平滑案例,在这种情况下,RCEG和Riemanian梯度上升下降(RGDA)达到了近乎最佳的收敛速率,直到因歧管的曲率而定为因素。
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近期在应用于培训深度神经网络和数据分析中的其他优化问题中的非凸优化的优化算法的兴趣增加,我们概述了最近对非凸优化优化算法的全球性能保证的理论结果。我们从古典参数开始,显示一般非凸面问题无法在合理的时间内有效地解决。然后,我们提供了一个问题列表,可以通过利用问题的结构来有效地找到全球最小化器,因为可能的问题。处理非凸性的另一种方法是放宽目标,从找到全局最小,以找到静止点或局部最小值。对于该设置,我们首先为确定性一阶方法的收敛速率提出了已知结果,然后是最佳随机和随机梯度方案的一般理论分析,以及随机第一阶方法的概述。之后,我们讨论了非常一般的非凸面问题,例如最小化$ \ alpha $ -weakly-are-convex功能和满足Polyak-lojasiewicz条件的功能,这仍然允许获得一阶的理论融合保证方法。然后,我们考虑更高阶和零序/衍生物的方法及其收敛速率,以获得非凸优化问题。
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在本文中,我们通过推断在歧管上的迭代来提出一种简单的加速度方案,用于利曼梯度方法。我们显示何时从Riemannian梯度下降法生成迭代元素,加速方案是渐近地达到最佳收敛速率,并且比最近提出的Riemannian Nesterov加速梯度方法在计算上更有利。我们的实验验证了新型加速策略的实际好处。
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Recently, there has been great interest in connections between continuous-time dynamical systems and optimization algorithms, notably in the context of accelerated methods for smooth and unconstrained problems. In this paper we extend this perspective to nonsmooth and constrained problems by obtaining differential inclusions associated to novel accelerated variants of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Through a Lyapunov analysis, we derive rates of convergence for these dynamical systems in different settings that illustrate an interesting tradeoff between decaying versus constant damping strategies. We also obtain perturbed equations capturing fine-grained details of these methods, which have improved stability and preserve the leading order convergence rates.
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目前的论文研究了最小化损失$ f(\ boldsymbol {x})$的问题,而在s $ \ boldsymbol {d} \ boldsymbol {x} \的约束,其中$ s $是一个关闭的集合,凸面或非,$ \ boldsymbol {d} $是熔化参数的矩阵。融合约束可以捕获平滑度,稀疏或更一般的约束模式。为了解决这个通用的问题,我们将Beltrami-Courant罚球方法与近距离原则相结合。后者是通过最小化惩罚目标的推动$ f(\ boldsymbol {x})+ \ frac {\ rho} {2} \ text {dist}(\ boldsymbol {d} \ boldsymbol {x},s)^ 2 $涉及大型调整常量$ \ rho $和$ \ boldsymbol {d} \ boldsymbol {x} $的平方欧几里德距离$ s $。通过最小化大多数代理函数$ f(\ boldsymbol {x},从当前迭代$ \ boldsymbol {x} _n $构建相应的近距离算法的下一个迭代$ \ boldsymbol {x} _ {n + 1} $。 )+ \ frac {\ rho} {2} \ | \ boldsymbol {d} \ boldsymbol {x} - \ mathcal {p} _ {s}(\ boldsymbol {d} \ boldsymbol {x} _n)\ | ^ 2 $。对于固定$ \ rho $和subanalytic损失$ f(\ boldsymbol {x})$和子质约束设置$ s $,我们证明了汇聚点。在更强大的假设下,我们提供了收敛速率并展示线性本地收敛性。我们还构造了一个最陡的下降(SD)变型,以避免昂贵的线性系统解决。为了基准我们的算法,我们比较乘法器(ADMM)的交替方向方法。我们广泛的数值测试包括在度量投影,凸回归,凸聚类,总变化图像去噪和矩阵的投影到良好状态数的问题。这些实验表明了我们在高维问题上最陡的速度和可接受的准确性。
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本文研究了关于Riemannian流形的大规模优化问题,其目标函数是负面概要损失的有限总和。这些问题在各种机器学习和信号处理应用中出现。通过在歧管环境中引入Fisher信息矩阵的概念,我们提出了一种新型的Riemannian自然梯度方法,可以将其视为自然梯度方法的自然扩展,从欧几里得环境到歧管设置。我们在标准假设下建立了我们提出的方法的几乎纯净的全球融合。此外,我们表明,如果损失函数满足某些凸度和平稳性条件,并且输入输出图满足了雅各布稳定条件,那么我们提出的方法享有局部线性 - 或在Riemannian jacobian的Lipschitz连续性下,输入输出图,甚至二次 - 收敛速率。然后,我们证明,如果网络的宽度足够大,则可以通过具有批归归量的两层完全连接的神经网络来满足Riemannian Jacobian稳定性条件。这证明了我们的收敛率结果的实际相关性。对机器学习产生的应用的数值实验证明了该方法比最先进的方法的优势。
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Projection robust Wasserstein (PRW) distance, or Wasserstein projection pursuit (WPP), is a robust variant of the Wasserstein distance. Recent work suggests that this quantity is more robust than the standard Wasserstein distance, in particular when comparing probability measures in high-dimensions. However, it is ruled out for practical application because the optimization model is essentially non-convex and non-smooth which makes the computation intractable. Our contribution in this paper is to revisit the original motivation behind WPP/PRW, but take the hard route of showing that, despite its non-convexity and lack of nonsmoothness, and even despite some hardness results proved by~\citet{Niles-2019-Estimation} in a minimax sense, the original formulation for PRW/WPP \textit{can} be efficiently computed in practice using Riemannian optimization, yielding in relevant cases better behavior than its convex relaxation. More specifically, we provide three simple algorithms with solid theoretical guarantee on their complexity bound (one in the appendix), and demonstrate their effectiveness and efficiency by conducing extensive experiments on synthetic and real data. This paper provides a first step into a computational theory of the PRW distance and provides the links between optimal transport and Riemannian optimization.
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黎曼优化中加速梯度方法的研究最近见证了显着的进展。然而,与欧几里德的环境相比,利莫曼环境仍然缺乏对加速的系统理解。我们重新审视\ citet {monteiro2013accelerated}的\ citet {monteiro2013accelerated}的\ citeterated {monteiro2013accelerated},这是一个强大的框架,用于获得加速的欧几里德方法。随后,我们提出了一个Riemannian版的A-HPE。我们对Riemannian A-HPE分析的基础是欧几里德A-HPE的一系列洞察力,我们将仔细控制Riemannian几何形状引起的扭曲。我们描述了许多riemannian加速梯度方法作为我们框架的具体实例。
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我们考虑使用梯度下降来最大程度地减少$ f(x)= \ phi(xx^{t})$在$ n \ times r $因件矩阵$ x $上,其中$ \ phi是一种基础平稳凸成本函数定义了$ n \ times n $矩阵。虽然只能在合理的时间内发现只有二阶固定点$ x $,但如果$ x $的排名不足,则其排名不足证明其是全球最佳的。这种认证全球最优性的方式必然需要当前迭代$ x $的搜索等级$ r $,以相对于级别$ r^{\ star} $过度参数化。不幸的是,过度参数显着减慢了梯度下降的收敛性,从$ r = r = r = r^{\ star} $的线性速率到$ r> r> r> r> r^{\ star} $,即使$ \ phi $是$ \ phi $强烈凸。在本文中,我们提出了一项廉价的预处理,该预处理恢复了过度参数化的情况下梯度下降回到线性的收敛速率,同时也使在全局最小化器$ x^{\ star} $中可能不良条件变得不可知。
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Difference-of-Convex (DC) minimization, referring to the problem of minimizing the difference of two convex functions, has been found rich applications in statistical learning and studied extensively for decades. However, existing methods are primarily based on multi-stage convex relaxation, only leading to weak optimality of critical points. This paper proposes a coordinate descent method for minimizing a class of DC functions based on sequential nonconvex approximation. Our approach iteratively solves a nonconvex one-dimensional subproblem globally, and it is guaranteed to converge to a coordinate-wise stationary point. We prove that this new optimality condition is always stronger than the standard critical point condition and directional point condition under a mild \textit{locally bounded nonconvexity assumption}. For comparisons, we also include a naive variant of coordinate descent methods based on sequential convex approximation in our study. When the objective function satisfies a \textit{globally bounded nonconvexity assumption} and \textit{Luo-Tseng error bound assumption}, coordinate descent methods achieve \textit{Q-linear} convergence rate. Also, for many applications of interest, we show that the nonconvex one-dimensional subproblem can be computed exactly and efficiently using a breakpoint searching method. Finally, we have conducted extensive experiments on several statistical learning tasks to show the superiority of our approach. Keywords: Coordinate Descent, DC Minimization, DC Programming, Difference-of-Convex Programs, Nonconvex Optimization, Sparse Optimization, Binary Optimization.
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低级和非平滑矩阵优化问题捕获了统计和机器学习中的许多基本任务。尽管近年来在开发\ textIt {平滑}低级优化问题的有效方法方面取得了重大进展,这些问题避免了保持高级矩阵和计算昂贵的高级SVD,但不平滑问题的进步的步伐缓慢。在本文中,我们考虑了针对此类问题的标准凸放松。主要是,我们证明,在\ textit {严格的互补性}条件下,在相对温和的假设下,非平滑目标可以写成最大的光滑功能,近似于两个流行的\ textit {mirriry-prox}方法的变体: \ textIt {外部方法}和带有\ textIt {矩阵启用梯度更新}的镜像 - prox,当用“温暖启动”初始化时,将速率$ o(1/t)$的最佳解决方案收集到最佳解决方案,同时仅需要两个\ textIt {low-rank} svds每迭代。此外,对于外部方法,我们还考虑了严格互补性的放松版本,该版本在所需的SVD等级与我们需要初始化该方法的球的半径之间取决于权衡。我们通过几个非平滑级矩阵恢复任务的经验实验来支持我们的理论结果,这既证明了严格的互补性假设的合理性,又证明了我们所提出的低级镜像 - 镜像变体的有效收敛。
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我们考虑凸优化问题,这些问题被广泛用作低级基质恢复问题的凸松弛。特别是,在几个重要问题(例如相位检索和鲁棒PCA)中,在许多情况下的基本假设是最佳解决方案是排名一列。在本文中,我们考虑了目标上的简单自然的条件,以使这些放松的最佳解决方案确实是独特的,并且是一个排名。主要是,我们表明,在这种情况下,使用线路搜索的标准Frank-Wolfe方法(即,没有任何参数调整),该方法仅需要单个排名一级的SVD计算,可以找到$ \ epsilon $ - 仅在$ o(\ log {1/\ epsilon})$迭代(而不是以前最著名的$ o(1/\ epsilon)$)中的近似解决方案,尽管目的不是强烈凸。我们考虑了基本方法的几种变体,具有改善的复杂性,以及由强大的PCA促进的扩展,最后是对非平滑问题的扩展。
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