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关于文本到图像生成的研究在产生多样化和照片现实的图像方面取得了重大进展,这是由在大规模图像文本数据上训练的扩散和自动回归模型驱动的。尽管最先进的模型可以产生共同实体的高质量图像,但它们通常很难产生不常见的实体的图像,例如“ chortai(dog)”或“ picarones(食物)”。为了解决此问题,我们介绍了检索型的文本对图像生成器(Re-Imagen),这是一种生成模型,它使用检索到的信息来产生高保真和忠实的图像,即使对于稀有或看不见的实体也是如此。给定文本提示,重新构造访问外部多模式知识库以检索相关(图像,文本)对,并将它们用作引用来生成图像。通过此检索步骤,重新构造的知识是对上述实体的高级语义和低级视觉细节的了解,从而提高了其在产生实体视觉外观的准确性。我们在包含(图像,文本,检索)的构造数据集上训练Re-Imagen,以教导该模型在文本提示和检索上扎根。此外,我们制定了一种新的抽样策略,以使文本和检索条件的无分类指南交流,以平衡文本和检索对齐。 Re-Imagen在两个图像生成基准上获得了新的SOTA FID结果,例如Coco(IE,FID = 5.25)和Wikiimage(即FID = 5.82),而无需微调。为了进一步评估该模型的功能,我们介绍了EntityDrawBench,这是一种新的基准测试,可评估从多个视觉域的各种实体的图像生成,从频繁到稀有。人类对EntityDrawBench的评估表明,Re-Imagen与照片现实主义中最好的先前模型相同,但具有明显的忠诚,尤其是在较不频繁的实体上。
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We introduce M-VADER: a diffusion model (DM) for image generation where the output can be specified using arbitrary combinations of images and text. We show how M-VADER enables the generation of images specified using combinations of image and text, and combinations of multiple images. Previously, a number of successful DM image generation algorithms have been introduced that make it possible to specify the output image using a text prompt. Inspired by the success of those models, and led by the notion that language was already developed to describe the elements of visual contexts that humans find most important, we introduce an embedding model closely related to a vision-language model. Specifically, we introduce the embedding model S-MAGMA: a 13 billion parameter multimodal decoder combining components from an autoregressive vision-language model MAGMA and biases finetuned for semantic search.
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Large-scale diffusion-based generative models have led to breakthroughs in text-conditioned high-resolution image synthesis. Starting from random noise, such text-to-image diffusion models gradually synthesize images in an iterative fashion while conditioning on text prompts. We find that their synthesis behavior qualitatively changes throughout this process: Early in sampling, generation strongly relies on the text prompt to generate text-aligned content, while later, the text conditioning is almost entirely ignored. This suggests that sharing model parameters throughout the entire generation process may not be ideal. Therefore, in contrast to existing works, we propose to train an ensemble of text-to-image diffusion models specialized for different synthesis stages. To maintain training efficiency, we initially train a single model, which is then split into specialized models that are trained for the specific stages of the iterative generation process. Our ensemble of diffusion models, called eDiff-I, results in improved text alignment while maintaining the same inference computation cost and preserving high visual quality, outperforming previous large-scale text-to-image diffusion models on the standard benchmark. In addition, we train our model to exploit a variety of embeddings for conditioning, including the T5 text, CLIP text, and CLIP image embeddings. We show that these different embeddings lead to different behaviors. Notably, the CLIP image embedding allows an intuitive way of transferring the style of a reference image to the target text-to-image output. Lastly, we show a technique that enables eDiff-I's "paint-with-words" capability. A user can select the word in the input text and paint it in a canvas to control the output, which is very handy for crafting the desired image in mind. The project page is available at https://deepimagination.cc/eDiff-I/
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Recent CLIP-guided 3D optimization methods, e.g., DreamFields and PureCLIPNeRF achieve great success in zero-shot text-guided 3D synthesis. However, due to the scratch training and random initialization without any prior knowledge, these methods usually fail to generate accurate and faithful 3D structures that conform to the corresponding text. In this paper, we make the first attempt to introduce the explicit 3D shape prior to CLIP-guided 3D optimization methods. Specifically, we first generate a high-quality 3D shape from input texts in the text-to-shape stage as the 3D shape prior. We then utilize it as the initialization of a neural radiance field and then optimize it with the full prompt. For the text-to-shape generation, we present a simple yet effective approach that directly bridges the text and image modalities with a powerful text-to-image diffusion model. To narrow the style domain gap between images synthesized by the text-to-image model and shape renderings used to train the image-to-shape generator, we further propose to jointly optimize a learnable text prompt and fine-tune the text-to-image diffusion model for rendering-style image generation. Our method, namely, Dream3D, is capable of generating imaginative 3D content with better visual quality and shape accuracy than state-of-the-art methods.
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我们提出了快速的文本2stylegan,这是一种自然语言界面,可适应预先训练的甘体,以实现文本引导的人脸合成。利用对比性语言图像预训练(剪辑)的最新进展,在培训过程中不需要文本数据。Fast Text2Stylegan被配制为条件变异自动编码器(CVAE),可在测试时为生成的图像提供额外的控制和多样性。我们的模型在遇到新的文本提示时不需要重新训练或微调剂或剪辑。与先前的工作相反,我们不依赖于测试时间的优化,这使我们的方法数量级比先前的工作快。从经验上讲,在FFHQ数据集上,我们的方法提供了与先前的工作相比,自然语言描述中具有不同详细程度的自然语言描述中的图像。
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We present Muse, a text-to-image Transformer model that achieves state-of-the-art image generation performance while being significantly more efficient than diffusion or autoregressive models. Muse is trained on a masked modeling task in discrete token space: given the text embedding extracted from a pre-trained large language model (LLM), Muse is trained to predict randomly masked image tokens. Compared to pixel-space diffusion models, such as Imagen and DALL-E 2, Muse is significantly more efficient due to the use of discrete tokens and requiring fewer sampling iterations; compared to autoregressive models, such as Parti, Muse is more efficient due to the use of parallel decoding. The use of a pre-trained LLM enables fine-grained language understanding, translating to high-fidelity image generation and the understanding of visual concepts such as objects, their spatial relationships, pose, cardinality etc. Our 900M parameter model achieves a new SOTA on CC3M, with an FID score of 6.06. The Muse 3B parameter model achieves an FID of 7.88 on zero-shot COCO evaluation, along with a CLIP score of 0.32. Muse also directly enables a number of image editing applications without the need to fine-tune or invert the model: inpainting, outpainting, and mask-free editing. More results are available at https://muse-model.github.io
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Diffusion models have shown great promise for image generation, beating GANs in terms of generation diversity, with comparable image quality. However, their application to 3D shapes has been limited to point or voxel representations that can in practice not accurately represent a 3D surface. We propose a diffusion model for neural implicit representations of 3D shapes that operates in the latent space of an auto-decoder. This allows us to generate diverse and high quality 3D surfaces. We additionally show that we can condition our model on images or text to enable image-to-3D generation and text-to-3D generation using CLIP embeddings. Furthermore, adding noise to the latent codes of existing shapes allows us to explore shape variations.
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Text-driven person image generation is an emerging and challenging task in cross-modality image generation. Controllable person image generation promotes a wide range of applications such as digital human interaction and virtual try-on. However, previous methods mostly employ single-modality information as the prior condition (e.g. pose-guided person image generation), or utilize the preset words for text-driven human synthesis. Introducing a sentence composed of free words with an editable semantic pose map to describe person appearance is a more user-friendly way. In this paper, we propose HumanDiffusion, a coarse-to-fine alignment diffusion framework, for text-driven person image generation. Specifically, two collaborative modules are proposed, the Stylized Memory Retrieval (SMR) module for fine-grained feature distillation in data processing and the Multi-scale Cross-modality Alignment (MCA) module for coarse-to-fine feature alignment in diffusion. These two modules guarantee the alignment quality of the text and image, from image-level to feature-level, from low-resolution to high-resolution. As a result, HumanDiffusion realizes open-vocabulary person image generation with desired semantic poses. Extensive experiments conducted on DeepFashion demonstrate the superiority of our method compared with previous approaches. Moreover, better results could be obtained for complicated person images with various details and uncommon poses.
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Denoising diffusion models (DDMs) have led to staggering performance leaps in image generation, editing and restoration. However, existing DDMs use very large datasets for training. Here, we introduce a framework for training a DDM on a single image. Our method, which we coin SinDDM, learns the internal statistics of the training image by using a multi-scale diffusion process. To drive the reverse diffusion process, we use a fully-convolutional light-weight denoiser, which is conditioned on both the noise level and the scale. This architecture allows generating samples of arbitrary dimensions, in a coarse-to-fine manner. As we illustrate, SinDDM generates diverse high-quality samples, and is applicable in a wide array of tasks, including style transfer and harmonization. Furthermore, it can be easily guided by external supervision. Particularly, we demonstrate text-guided generation from a single image using a pre-trained CLIP model.
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Generating photos satisfying multiple constraints find broad utility in the content creation industry. A key hurdle to accomplishing this task is the need for paired data consisting of all modalities (i.e., constraints) and their corresponding output. Moreover, existing methods need retraining using paired data across all modalities to introduce a new condition. This paper proposes a solution to this problem based on denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs). Our motivation for choosing diffusion models over other generative models comes from the flexible internal structure of diffusion models. Since each sampling step in the DDPM follows a Gaussian distribution, we show that there exists a closed-form solution for generating an image given various constraints. Our method can unite multiple diffusion models trained on multiple sub-tasks and conquer the combined task through our proposed sampling strategy. We also introduce a novel reliability parameter that allows using different off-the-shelf diffusion models trained across various datasets during sampling time alone to guide it to the desired outcome satisfying multiple constraints. We perform experiments on various standard multimodal tasks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. More details can be found in https://nithin-gk.github.io/projectpages/Multidiff/index.html
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Research connecting text and images has recently seen several breakthroughs, with models like CLIP, DALL-E 2, and Stable Diffusion. However, the connection between text and other visual modalities, such as lidar data, has received less attention, prohibited by the lack of text-lidar datasets. In this work, we propose LidarCLIP, a mapping from automotive point clouds to a pre-existing CLIP embedding space. Using image-lidar pairs, we supervise a point cloud encoder with the image CLIP embeddings, effectively relating text and lidar data with the image domain as an intermediary. We show the effectiveness of LidarCLIP by demonstrating that lidar-based retrieval is generally on par with image-based retrieval, but with complementary strengths and weaknesses. By combining image and lidar features, we improve upon both single-modality methods and enable a targeted search for challenging detection scenarios under adverse sensor conditions. We also use LidarCLIP as a tool to investigate fundamental lidar capabilities through natural language. Finally, we leverage our compatibility with CLIP to explore a range of applications, such as point cloud captioning and lidar-to-image generation, without any additional training. We hope LidarCLIP can inspire future work to dive deeper into connections between text and point cloud understanding. Code and trained models available at https://github.com/atonderski/lidarclip.
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Can a text-to-image diffusion model be used as a training objective for adapting a GAN generator to another domain? In this paper, we show that the classifier-free guidance can be leveraged as a critic and enable generators to distill knowledge from large-scale text-to-image diffusion models. Generators can be efficiently shifted into new domains indicated by text prompts without access to groundtruth samples from target domains. We demonstrate the effectiveness and controllability of our method through extensive experiments. Although not trained to minimize CLIP loss, our model achieves equally high CLIP scores and significantly lower FID than prior work on short prompts, and outperforms the baseline qualitatively and quantitatively on long and complicated prompts. To our best knowledge, the proposed method is the first attempt at incorporating large-scale pre-trained diffusion models and distillation sampling for text-driven image generator domain adaptation and gives a quality previously beyond possible. Moreover, we extend our work to 3D-aware style-based generators and DreamBooth guidance.
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Recent works on diffusion models have demonstrated a strong capability for conditioning image generation, e.g., text-guided image synthesis. Such success inspires many efforts trying to use large-scale pre-trained diffusion models for tackling a challenging problem--real image editing. Works conducted in this area learn a unique textual token corresponding to several images containing the same object. However, under many circumstances, only one image is available, such as the painting of the Girl with a Pearl Earring. Using existing works on fine-tuning the pre-trained diffusion models with a single image causes severe overfitting issues. The information leakage from the pre-trained diffusion models makes editing can not keep the same content as the given image while creating new features depicted by the language guidance. This work aims to address the problem of single-image editing. We propose a novel model-based guidance built upon the classifier-free guidance so that the knowledge from the model trained on a single image can be distilled into the pre-trained diffusion model, enabling content creation even with one given image. Additionally, we propose a patch-based fine-tuning that can effectively help the model generate images of arbitrary resolution. We provide extensive experiments to validate the design choices of our approach and show promising editing capabilities, including changing style, content addition, and object manipulation. The code is available for research purposes at https://github.com/zhang-zx/SINE.git .
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While recent work on text-conditional 3D object generation has shown promising results, the state-of-the-art methods typically require multiple GPU-hours to produce a single sample. This is in stark contrast to state-of-the-art generative image models, which produce samples in a number of seconds or minutes. In this paper, we explore an alternative method for 3D object generation which produces 3D models in only 1-2 minutes on a single GPU. Our method first generates a single synthetic view using a text-to-image diffusion model, and then produces a 3D point cloud using a second diffusion model which conditions on the generated image. While our method still falls short of the state-of-the-art in terms of sample quality, it is one to two orders of magnitude faster to sample from, offering a practical trade-off for some use cases. We release our pre-trained point cloud diffusion models, as well as evaluation code and models, at https://github.com/openai/point-e.
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Evaluating and comparing text-to-image models is a challenging problem. Significant advances in the field have recently been made, piquing interest of various industrial sectors. As a consequence, a gold standard in the field should cover a variety of tasks and application contexts. In this paper a novel evaluation approach is experimented, on the basis of: (i) a curated data set, made by high-quality royalty-free image-text pairs, divided into ten categories; (ii) a quantitative metric, the CLIP-score, (iii) a human evaluation task to distinguish, for a given text, the real and the generated images. The proposed method has been applied to the most recent models, i.e., DALLE2, Latent Diffusion, Stable Diffusion, GLIDE and Craiyon. Early experimental results show that the accuracy of the human judgement is fully coherent with the CLIP-score. The dataset has been made available to the public.
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