Over the years, sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) and, equivalently, particle filter (PF) theory has gained substantial attention from researchers. However, the performance of the resampling methodology, also known as offspring selection, has not advanced recently. We propose two deterministic offspring selection methods, which strive to minimize the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence and the total variation (TV) distance, respectively, between the particle distribution prior and subsequent to the offspring selection. By reducing the statistical distance between the selected offspring and the joint distribution, we obtain a heuristic search procedure that performs superior to a maximum likelihood search in precisely those contexts where the latter performs better than an SMC. For SMC and particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (pMCMC), our proposed offspring selection methods always outperform or compare favorably with the two state-of-the-art resampling schemes on two models commonly used as benchmarks from the literature.
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它已被广泛记录说粒子过滤器中的采样和重采样步骤不能差异化。介绍{\ itshape Reparameterisisisisisation技巧}以允许采样步骤重新重整为可微分功能。我们扩展{\ itshape Reparameterisisisation Trick}以包括重采样的随机输入,因此在此步骤之后限制了梯度计算中的不连续性。了解先前和可能性的梯度允许我们运行粒子马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗(P-MCMC)并在估算参数时使用No-U转样采样器(螺母)作为提案。我们将大都市调整后的Langevin算法(MALA)进行比较,汉密尔顿蒙特卡罗与不同数量的步骤和坚果。我们考虑两个状态空间模型,并表明坚果改善了马尔可夫链的混合,可以在较少的计算时间内产生更准确的结果。
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Non-linear state-space models, also known as general hidden Markov models, are ubiquitous in statistical machine learning, being the most classical generative models for serial data and sequences in general. The particle-based, rapid incremental smoother PaRIS is a sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) technique allowing for efficient online approximation of expectations of additive functionals under the smoothing distribution in these models. Such expectations appear naturally in several learning contexts, such as likelihood estimation (MLE) and Markov score climbing (MSC). PARIS has linear computational complexity, limited memory requirements and comes with non-asymptotic bounds, convergence results and stability guarantees. Still, being based on self-normalised importance sampling, the PaRIS estimator is biased. Our first contribution is to design a novel additive smoothing algorithm, the Parisian particle Gibbs PPG sampler, which can be viewed as a PaRIS algorithm driven by conditional SMC moves, resulting in bias-reduced estimates of the targeted quantities. We substantiate the PPG algorithm with theoretical results, including new bounds on bias and variance as well as deviation inequalities. Our second contribution is to apply PPG in a learning framework, covering MLE and MSC as special examples. In this context, we establish, under standard assumptions, non-asymptotic bounds highlighting the value of bias reduction and the implicit Rao--Blackwellization of PPG. These are the first non-asymptotic results of this kind in this setting. We illustrate our theoretical results with numerical experiments supporting our claims.
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标准化流是可易处理的密度模型,可以近似复杂的目标分布,例如物理系统的玻尔兹曼分布。但是,当前的训练流量要么具有寻求模式的行为,要么使用昂贵的MCMC模拟事先生成的目标样本,要么使用具有很高差异的随机损失。为了避免这些问题,我们以退火重要性采样(AIS)增强流量,并最大程度地减少覆盖$ \ alpha $ -divergence的质量,并使用$ \ alpha = 2 $,从而最大程度地减少了重要性的重量差异。我们的方法是流动性Bootstrap(Fab),使用AIS在流动较差的目标区域中生成样品,从而促进了新模式的发现。我们以AIS的最小差异分布来定位,以通过重要性抽样来估计$ \ alpha $ -Divergence。我们还使用优先的缓冲区来存储和重复使用AIS样本。这两个功能显着提高了Fab的性能。我们将FAB应用于复杂的多模式目标,并表明我们可以在以前的方法失败的情况下非常准确地近似它们。据我们所知,我们是第一个仅使用非均衡目标密度学习丙氨酸二肽分子的玻璃体分布,而无需通过分子动力学(MD)模拟生成的样品:FAB与通过最大可能性训练更好的效果,而不是通过最大可能性产生的结果。在MD样品上使用100倍的目标评估。在重新获得重要权重的样品后,我们获得了与地面真相几乎相同的二面角的无偏直方图。
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这项正在进行的工作旨在为统计学习提供统一的介绍,从诸如GMM和HMM等经典模型到现代神经网络(如VAE和扩散模型)缓慢地构建。如今,有许多互联网资源可以孤立地解释这一点或新的机器学习算法,但是它们并没有(也不能在如此简短的空间中)将这些算法彼此连接起来,或者与统计模型的经典文献相连现代算法出现了。同样明显缺乏的是一个单一的符号系统,尽管对那些已经熟悉材料的人(如这些帖子的作者)不满意,但对新手的入境造成了重大障碍。同样,我的目的是将各种模型(尽可能)吸收到一个用于推理和学习的框架上,表明(以及为什么)如何以最小的变化将一个模型更改为另一个模型(其中一些是新颖的,另一些是文献中的)。某些背景当然是必要的。我以为读者熟悉基本的多变量计算,概率和统计以及线性代数。这本书的目标当然不是​​完整性,而是从基本知识到过去十年中极强大的新模型的直线路径或多或少。然后,目标是补充而不是替换,诸如Bishop的\ emph {模式识别和机器学习}之类的综合文本,该文本现在已经15岁了。
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The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of deep learning for the solution of the nonlinear filtering problem. This is achieved by solving the Zakai equation by a deep splitting method, previously developed for approximate solution of (stochastic) partial differential equations. This is combined with an energy-based model for the approximation of functions by a deep neural network. This results in a computationally fast filter that takes observations as input and that does not require re-training when new observations are received. The method is tested on four examples, two linear in one and twenty dimensions and two nonlinear in one dimension. The method shows promising performance when benchmarked against the Kalman filter and the bootstrap particle filter.
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We propose a general purpose variational inference algorithm that forms a natural counterpart of gradient descent for optimization. Our method iteratively transports a set of particles to match the target distribution, by applying a form of functional gradient descent that minimizes the KL divergence. Empirical studies are performed on various real world models and datasets, on which our method is competitive with existing state-of-the-art methods. The derivation of our method is based on a new theoretical result that connects the derivative of KL divergence under smooth transforms with Stein's identity and a recently proposed kernelized Stein discrepancy, which is of independent interest.
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Leveraging well-established MCMC strategies, we propose MCMC-interactive variational inference (MIVI) to not only estimate the posterior in a time constrained manner, but also facilitate the design of MCMC transitions. Constructing a variational distribution followed by a short Markov chain that has parameters to learn, MIVI takes advantage of the complementary properties of variational inference and MCMC to encourage mutual improvement. On one hand, with the variational distribution locating high posterior density regions, the Markov chain is optimized within the variational inference framework to efficiently target the posterior despite a small number of transitions. On the other hand, the optimized Markov chain with considerable flexibility guides the variational distribution towards the posterior and alleviates its underestimation of uncertainty. Furthermore, we prove the optimized Markov chain in MIVI admits extrapolation, which means its marginal distribution gets closer to the true posterior as the chain grows. Therefore, the Markov chain can be used separately as an efficient MCMC scheme. Experiments show that MIVI not only accurately and efficiently approximates the posteriors but also facilitates designs of stochastic gradient MCMC and Gibbs sampling transitions.
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统计模型是机器学习的核心,具有广泛适用性,跨各种下游任务。模型通常由通过最大似然估计从数据估计的自由参数控制。但是,当面对现实世界数据集时,许多模型运行到一个关键问题:它们是在完全观察到的数据方面配制的,而在实践中,数据集会困扰缺失数据。来自不完整数据的统计模型估计理论在概念上类似于潜在变量模型的估计,其中存在强大的工具,例如变分推理(VI)。然而,与标准潜在变量模型相比,具有不完整数据的参数估计通常需要估计缺失变量的指数 - 许多条件分布,因此使标准的VI方法是棘手的。通过引入变分Gibbs推理(VGI),是一种新的通用方法来解决这个差距,以估计来自不完整数据的统计模型参数。我们在一组合成和实际估算任务上验证VGI,从不完整的数据中估算重要的机器学习模型,VAE和标准化流程。拟议的方法,同时通用,实现比现有的特定模型特定估计方法竞争或更好的性能。
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We present the GPry algorithm for fast Bayesian inference of general (non-Gaussian) posteriors with a moderate number of parameters. GPry does not need any pre-training, special hardware such as GPUs, and is intended as a drop-in replacement for traditional Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inference. Our algorithm is based on generating a Gaussian Process surrogate model of the log-posterior, aided by a Support Vector Machine classifier that excludes extreme or non-finite values. An active learning scheme allows us to reduce the number of required posterior evaluations by two orders of magnitude compared to traditional Monte Carlo inference. Our algorithm allows for parallel evaluations of the posterior at optimal locations, further reducing wall-clock times. We significantly improve performance using properties of the posterior in our active learning scheme and for the definition of the GP prior. In particular we account for the expected dynamical range of the posterior in different dimensionalities. We test our model against a number of synthetic and cosmological examples. GPry outperforms traditional Monte Carlo methods when the evaluation time of the likelihood (or the calculation of theoretical observables) is of the order of seconds; for evaluation times of over a minute it can perform inference in days that would take months using traditional methods. GPry is distributed as an open source Python package (pip install gpry) and can also be found at https://github.com/jonaselgammal/GPry.
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