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The sentiment analysis task has various applications in practice. In the sentiment analysis task, words and phrases that represent positive and negative emotions are important. Finding out the words that represent the emotion from the text can improve the performance of the classification models for the sentiment analysis task. In this paper, we propose a methodology that combines the emotion lexicon with the classification model to enhance the accuracy of the models. Our experimental results show that the emotion lexicon combined with the classification model improves the performance of models.
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已经开发了许多方法,以通过消除社交媒体平台的庸俗,令人反感和激烈的评论来监测现代岁月中的消极性传播。然而,存在相对较少的研究,这些研究会收敛于拥抱积极性,加强在线论坛中的支持性和放心内容。因此,我们建议创建英国kannada希望语音数据集,Kanhope并比较几个实验来基准数据集。 DataSet由6,176个用户生成的评论组成,代码混合kannada从YouTube刮擦并手动注释为轴承希望语音或不希望的演讲。此外,我们介绍了DC-BERT4HOPE,一种使用Kanhope的英语翻译进行额外培训的双通道模型,以促进希望语音检测。该方法实现了0.756的加权F1分数,更好的其他模型。从此,卡霍普旨在促进坎卡达的研究,同时促进研究人员,以鼓励,积极和支持的在线内容中务实的方法。
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随着社交媒体平台上的开放文本数据的最新扩散,在过去几年中,文本的情感检测(ED)受到了更多关注。它有许多应用程序,特别是对于企业和在线服务提供商,情感检测技术可以通过分析客户/用户对产品和服务的感受来帮助他们做出明智的商业决策。在这项研究中,我们介绍了Armanemo,这是一个标记为七个类别的7000多个波斯句子的人类标记的情感数据集。该数据集是从不同资源中收集的,包括Twitter,Instagram和Digikala(伊朗电子商务公司)的评论。标签是基于埃克曼(Ekman)的六种基本情感(愤怒,恐惧,幸福,仇恨,悲伤,奇迹)和另一个类别(其他),以考虑Ekman模型中未包含的任何其他情绪。除数据集外,我们还提供了几种基线模型,用于情绪分类,重点是最新的基于变压器的语言模型。我们的最佳模型在我们的测试数据集中达到了75.39%的宏观平均得分。此外,我们还进行了转移学习实验,以将我们提出的数据集的概括与其他波斯情绪数据集进行比较。这些实验的结果表明,我们的数据集在现有的波斯情绪数据集中具有较高的概括性。 Armanemo可在https://github.com/arman-rayan-sharif/arman-text-emotion上公开使用。
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在大量人员中,在线社交媒体(OSMS)消费的广泛上升构成了遏制这些平台上仇恨内容的传播的关键问题。随着多种语言的效果越来越多,检测和表征仇恨的任务变得更加复杂。代码混合文本的微妙变化以及切换脚本仅增加了复杂性。本文介绍了哈索克2021多语种推特仇恨语音检测挑战的解决方案,由Team Precog IIIT Hyderabad。我们采用基于多语言变压器的方法,并为所有6个子任务描述了我们的架构作为挑战的一部分。在参加所有子特设券的6支球队中,我们的提交总体排名第3。
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BERT,ROBERTA或GPT-3等复杂的基于注意力的语言模型的外观已允许在许多场景中解决高度复杂的任务。但是,当应用于特定域时,这些模型会遇到相当大的困难。诸如Twitter之类的社交网络就是这种情况,Twitter是一种不断变化的信息流,以非正式和复杂的语言编写的信息流,鉴于人类的重要作用,每个信息都需要仔细评估,即使人类也需要理解。通过自然语言处理解决该领域的任务涉及严重的挑战。当将强大的最先进的多语言模型应用于这种情况下,特定语言的细微差别用来迷失翻译。为了面对这些挑战,我们提出了\ textbf {bertuit},这是迄今为止针对西班牙语提出的较大变压器,使用Roberta Optimization进行了230m西班牙推文的大规模数据集进行了预培训。我们的动机是提供一个强大的资源,以更好地了解西班牙Twitter,并用于专注于该社交网络的应用程序,特别强调致力于解决该平台中错误信息传播的解决方案。对Bertuit进行了多个任务评估,并与M-Bert,XLM-Roberta和XLM-T进行了比较,该任务非常具有竞争性的多语言变压器。在这种情况下,使用应用程序显示了我们方法的实用性:一种可视化骗局和分析作者群体传播虚假信息的零击方法。错误的信息在英语以外的其他语言等平台上疯狂地传播,这意味着在英语说话之外转移时,变形金刚的性能可能会受到影响。
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社交媒体的普及创造了仇恨言论和性别歧视等问题。社交媒体中性别歧视的识别和分类是非常相关的任务,因为它们允许建立更健康的社会环境。尽管如此,这些任务很挑战。这项工作提出了一种使用多语种和单晶的BERT和数据点转换和与英语和西班牙语分类的策略的系统来使用多语种和单语的BERT和数据点转换和集合策略。它在社交网络中的性别歧视的背景下进行了2021年(存在2021年)任务,由Iberian语言评估论坛(Iberlef)提出。描述了所提出的系统及其主要组件,并进行深入的超公数分析。观察到的主要结果是:(i)该系统比基线模型获得了更好的结果(多语种伯爵); (ii)集合模型比单声道模型获得了更好的结果; (iii)考虑所有单独模型和最佳标准化值的集合模型获得了两个任务的最佳精度和F1分数。这项工作在两个任务中获得的第一名,最高的精度(任务1和任务2的0.658.780)和F1分数(对于任务1的任务1和F1-宏为0.780的F1二进制)。
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社交媒体职位的情感分析和各种营销和情感目的的评论正在获得认可。随着各种母语中的代码混合含量的增加,需要康复研究来产生有前途的结果。这篇研究论文以广泛的Dravidian语言kannada,泰米尔和马拉雅拉姆的语义混合社交媒体评论的情感分析,对这项研究赋予了这项研究。它描述了Dravidian-Codemix在Fire 2021通过使用预先训练的模型如Ulmfit和Multi语言BERT在代码混合数据集,音译(TRAAI)上的训练型模型,英文翻译(TRAA)的培训模型来描述TRAI数据和所有三个的结合。结果记录在本研究论文中,最佳型号分别在泰米尔,克南纳和马拉雅拉姆任务中站在4号,第5和第10位。
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Hope is characterized as openness of spirit toward the future, a desire, expectation, and wish for something to happen or to be true that remarkably affects human's state of mind, emotions, behaviors, and decisions. Hope is usually associated with concepts of desired expectations and possibility/probability concerning the future. Despite its importance, hope has rarely been studied as a social media analysis task. This paper presents a hope speech dataset that classifies each tweet first into "Hope" and "Not Hope", then into three fine-grained hope categories: "Generalized Hope", "Realistic Hope", and "Unrealistic Hope" (along with "Not Hope"). English tweets in the first half of 2022 were collected to build this dataset. Furthermore, we describe our annotation process and guidelines in detail and discuss the challenges of classifying hope and the limitations of the existing hope speech detection corpora. In addition, we reported several baselines based on different learning approaches, such as traditional machine learning, deep learning, and transformers, to benchmark our dataset. We evaluated our baselines using weighted-averaged and macro-averaged F1-scores. Observations show that a strict process for annotator selection and detailed annotation guidelines enhanced the dataset's quality. This strict annotation process resulted in promising performance for simple machine learning classifiers with only bi-grams; however, binary and multiclass hope speech detection results reveal that contextual embedding models have higher performance in this dataset.
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Since a lexicon-based approach is more elegant scientifically, explaining the solution components and being easier to generalize to other applications, this paper provides a new approach for offensive language and hate speech detection on social media. Our approach embodies a lexicon of implicit and explicit offensive and swearing expressions annotated with contextual information. Due to the severity of the social media abusive comments in Brazil, and the lack of research in Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese is the language used to validate the models. Nevertheless, our method may be applied to any other language. The conducted experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, outperforming the current baseline methods for the Portuguese language.
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Automated offensive language detection is essential in combating the spread of hate speech, particularly in social media. This paper describes our work on Offensive Language Identification in low resource Indic language Marathi. The problem is formulated as a text classification task to identify a tweet as offensive or non-offensive. We evaluate different mono-lingual and multi-lingual BERT models on this classification task, focusing on BERT models pre-trained with social media datasets. We compare the performance of MuRIL, MahaTweetBERT, MahaTweetBERT-Hateful, and MahaBERT on the HASOC 2022 test set. We also explore external data augmentation from other existing Marathi hate speech corpus HASOC 2021 and L3Cube-MahaHate. The MahaTweetBERT, a BERT model, pre-trained on Marathi tweets when fine-tuned on the combined dataset (HASOC 2021 + HASOC 2022 + MahaHate), outperforms all models with an F1 score of 98.43 on the HASOC 2022 test set. With this, we also provide a new state-of-the-art result on HASOC 2022 / MOLD v2 test set.
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为了解决检测到令人反感的评论/帖子的难题,这些评论/帖子具有很多非正式的,非结构化,错误的和码混合,我们在本研究论文中介绍了两种发明方法。社交媒体平台上的攻击性评论/帖子,可以影响个人,团体或未成年人。为了对两个受欢迎的Dravidian语言,泰米尔和马拉雅拉姆分类,作为哈索克的一部分 - Dravidiancodemix Fire 2021共享任务,我们采用了两个基于变压器的原型,该原型成功地站在前8名以获得所有任务。可以查看和使用我们方法的代码。
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由于BERT出现,变压器语言模型和转移学习已成为自然语言理解任务的最先进。最近,一些作品适用于特定领域的预训练,专制模型,例如科学论文,医疗文件等。在这项工作中,我们呈现RoberTuito,用于西班牙语中的用户生成内容的预先训练的语言模型。我们在西班牙语中培训了罗伯特托5亿推文。关于涉及用户生成文本的4个任务的基准测试显示,罗伯特托多于西班牙语的其他预先接受的语言模型。为了帮助进一步研究,我们将罗伯特多公开可在HuggingFace Model Hub上提供。
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Understanding customer feedback is becoming a necessity for companies to identify problems and improve their products and services. Text classification and sentiment analysis can play a major role in analyzing this data by using a variety of machine and deep learning approaches. In this work, different transformer-based models are utilized to explore how efficient these models are when working with a German customer feedback dataset. In addition, these pre-trained models are further analyzed to determine if adapting them to a specific domain using unlabeled data can yield better results than off-the-shelf pre-trained models. To evaluate the models, two downstream tasks from the GermEval 2017 are considered. The experimental results show that transformer-based models can reach significant improvements compared to a fastText baseline and outperform the published scores and previous models. For the subtask Relevance Classification, the best models achieve a micro-averaged $F1$-Score of 96.1 % on the first test set and 95.9 % on the second one, and a score of 85.1 % and 85.3 % for the subtask Polarity Classification.
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Content moderation is the process of screening and monitoring user-generated content online. It plays a crucial role in stopping content resulting from unacceptable behaviors such as hate speech, harassment, violence against specific groups, terrorism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, or misogyny, to mention some few, in Online Social Platforms. These platforms make use of a plethora of tools to detect and manage malicious information; however, malicious actors also improve their skills, developing strategies to surpass these barriers and continuing to spread misleading information. Twisting and camouflaging keywords are among the most used techniques to evade platform content moderation systems. In response to this recent ongoing issue, this paper presents an innovative approach to address this linguistic trend in social networks through the simulation of different content evasion techniques and a multilingual Transformer model for content evasion detection. In this way, we share with the rest of the scientific community a multilingual public tool, named "pyleetspeak" to generate/simulate in a customizable way the phenomenon of content evasion through automatic word camouflage and a multilingual Named-Entity Recognition (NER) Transformer-based model tuned for its recognition and detection. The multilingual NER model is evaluated in different textual scenarios, detecting different types and mixtures of camouflage techniques, achieving an overall weighted F1 score of 0.8795. This article contributes significantly to countering malicious information by developing multilingual tools to simulate and detect new methods of evasion of content on social networks, making the fight against information disorders more effective.
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