局部性的好处是石灰的主要前提之一,这是解释黑盒机器学习模型的最突出方法之一。这种强调依赖于一个假设,即我们在本地观察实例附近的越多,黑框模型变得越简单,并且我们可以用线性替代物模拟它越准确。尽管如此,我们的发现似乎是合乎逻辑的,表明,借助石灰的当前设计,当解释过于本地时,即当带宽参数$ \ sigma $趋于零时,替代模型可能会退化。基于此观察,本文的贡献是双重的。首先,我们研究带宽和培训附近对石灰解释的忠诚度和语义的影响。其次,基于我们的发现,我们提出了\史莱姆,这是一种调和忠诚度和位置的石灰的扩展。
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Explainable artificial intelligence is proposed to provide explanations for reasoning performed by an Artificial Intelligence. There is no consensus on how to evaluate the quality of these explanations, since even the definition of explanation itself is not clear in the literature. In particular, for the widely known Local Linear Explanations, there are qualitative proposals for the evaluation of explanations, although they suffer from theoretical inconsistencies. The case of image is even more problematic, where a visual explanation seems to explain a decision while detecting edges is what it really does. There are a large number of metrics in the literature specialized in quantitatively measuring different qualitative aspects so we should be able to develop metrics capable of measuring in a robust and correct way the desirable aspects of the explanations. In this paper, we propose a procedure called REVEL to evaluate different aspects concerning the quality of explanations with a theoretically coherent development. This procedure has several advances in the state of the art: it standardizes the concepts of explanation and develops a series of metrics not only to be able to compare between them but also to obtain absolute information regarding the explanation itself. The experiments have been carried out on image four datasets as benchmark where we show REVEL's descriptive and analytical power.
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Automated Machine Learning-based systems' integration into a wide range of tasks has expanded as a result of their performance and speed. Although there are numerous advantages to employing ML-based systems, if they are not interpretable, they should not be used in critical, high-risk applications where human lives are at risk. To address this issue, researchers and businesses have been focusing on finding ways to improve the interpretability of complex ML systems, and several such methods have been developed. Indeed, there are so many developed techniques that it is difficult for practitioners to choose the best among them for their applications, even when using evaluation metrics. As a result, the demand for a selection tool, a meta-explanation technique based on a high-quality evaluation metric, is apparent. In this paper, we present a local meta-explanation technique which builds on top of the truthfulness metric, which is a faithfulness-based metric. We demonstrate the effectiveness of both the technique and the metric by concretely defining all the concepts and through experimentation.
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Despite widespread adoption, machine learning models remain mostly black boxes. Understanding the reasons behind predictions is, however, quite important in assessing trust, which is fundamental if one plans to take action based on a prediction, or when choosing whether to deploy a new model. Such understanding also provides insights into the model, which can be used to transform an untrustworthy model or prediction into a trustworthy one.In this work, we propose LIME, a novel explanation technique that explains the predictions of any classifier in an interpretable and faithful manner, by learning an interpretable model locally around the prediction. We also propose a method to explain models by presenting representative individual predictions and their explanations in a non-redundant way, framing the task as a submodular optimization problem. We demonstrate the flexibility of these methods by explaining different models for text (e.g. random forests) and image classification (e.g. neural networks). We show the utility of explanations via novel experiments, both simulated and with human subjects, on various scenarios that require trust: deciding if one should trust a prediction, choosing between models, improving an untrustworthy classifier, and identifying why a classifier should not be trusted.
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Interpretability provides a means for humans to verify aspects of machine learning (ML) models and empower human+ML teaming in situations where the task cannot be fully automated. Different contexts require explanations with different properties. For example, the kind of explanation required to determine if an early cardiac arrest warning system is ready to be integrated into a care setting is very different from the type of explanation required for a loan applicant to help determine the actions they might need to take to make their application successful. Unfortunately, there is a lack of standardization when it comes to properties of explanations: different papers may use the same term to mean different quantities, and different terms to mean the same quantity. This lack of a standardized terminology and categorization of the properties of ML explanations prevents us from both rigorously comparing interpretable machine learning methods and identifying what properties are needed in what contexts. In this work, we survey properties defined in interpretable machine learning papers, synthesize them based on what they actually measure, and describe the trade-offs between different formulations of these properties. In doing so, we enable more informed selection of task-appropriate formulations of explanation properties as well as standardization for future work in interpretable machine learning.
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最先进的实体匹配(EM)方法很难解释,并且为EM带来可解释的AI具有重要的价值。不幸的是,大多数流行的解释性方法无法开箱即用,需要适应。在本文中,我们确定了将本地事后特征归因方法应用于实体匹配的三个挑战:跨记录的交互作用,不匹配的解释和灵敏度变化。我们提出了新颖的模型 - 静态和模式 - 富含模型的方法柠檬柠檬,该方法通过(i)产生双重解释来避免交叉记录的互动效果来应对所有三个挑战,(ii)介绍了归因潜力的新颖概念,以解释两个记录如何能够拥有如何具有匹配,(iii)自动选择解释粒度以匹配匹配器和记录对的灵敏度。公共数据集上的实验表明,所提出的方法更忠实于匹配器,并且在帮助用户了解匹配器的决策边界的工作中比以前的工作更具忠诚度。此外,用户研究表明,与标准的解释相比石灰的适应。
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Explainability has been widely stated as a cornerstone of the responsible and trustworthy use of machine learning models. With the ubiquitous use of Deep Neural Network (DNN) models expanding to risk-sensitive and safety-critical domains, many methods have been proposed to explain the decisions of these models. Recent years have also seen concerted efforts that have shown how such explanations can be distorted (attacked) by minor input perturbations. While there have been many surveys that review explainability methods themselves, there has been no effort hitherto to assimilate the different methods and metrics proposed to study the robustness of explanations of DNN models. In this work, we present a comprehensive survey of methods that study, understand, attack, and defend explanations of DNN models. We also present a detailed review of different metrics used to evaluate explanation methods, as well as describe attributional attack and defense methods. We conclude with lessons and take-aways for the community towards ensuring robust explanations of DNN model predictions.
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A significant drawback of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) approaches is the assumption of feature independence. This paper focuses on integrating causal knowledge in XAI methods to increase trust and help users assess explanations' quality. We propose a novel extension to a widely used local and model-agnostic explainer that explicitly encodes causal relationships in the data generated around the input instance to explain. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves superior performance comparing the initial one for both the fidelity in mimicking the black-box and the stability of the explanations.
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Understanding why a model makes certain predictions is crucial when adapting it for real world decision making. LIME is a popular model-agnostic feature attribution method for the tasks of classification and regression. However, the task of learning to rank in information retrieval is more complex in comparison with either classification or regression. In this work, we extend LIME to propose Rank-LIME, a model-agnostic, local, post-hoc linear feature attribution method for the task of learning to rank that generates explanations for ranked lists. We employ novel correlation-based perturbations, differentiable ranking loss functions and introduce new metrics to evaluate ranking based additive feature attribution models. We compare Rank-LIME with a variety of competing systems, with models trained on the MS MARCO datasets and observe that Rank-LIME outperforms existing explanation algorithms in terms of Model Fidelity and Explain-NDCG. With this we propose one of the first algorithms to generate additive feature attributions for explaining ranked lists.
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In the last years many accurate decision support systems have been constructed as black boxes, that is as systems that hide their internal logic to the user. This lack of explanation constitutes both a practical and an ethical issue. The literature reports many approaches aimed at overcoming this crucial weakness sometimes at the cost of scarifying accuracy for interpretability. The applications in which black box decision systems can be used are various, and each approach is typically developed to provide a solution for a specific problem and, as a consequence, delineating explicitly or implicitly its own definition of interpretability and explanation. The aim of this paper is to provide a classification of the main problems addressed in the literature with respect to the notion of explanation and the type of black box system. Given a problem definition, a black box type, and a desired explanation this survey should help the researcher to find the proposals more useful for his own work. The proposed classification of approaches to open black box models should also be useful for putting the many research open questions in perspective.
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了解黑盒机器学习模型对于广泛采用至关重要。学习全球可解释的模型是一种方法,但是与他们一起实现高性能是具有挑战性的。另一种方法是使用本地解释的模型来解释个人预测。对于本地可解释的建模,已经提出了各种方法,并且确实使用了常用,但是它们的保真度低,即它们的解释不能很好地近似预测。在本文中,我们的目标是推动高保真性的本地解释建模。我们提出了一个新颖的框架,使用实例的亚采样(LIMIS)进行局部解释的建模。 Limis利用策略梯度选择少数实例,并使用这些选定的实例将黑框模型提炼成一个低容量的本地解释模型。培训是通过衡量本地可解释模型的保真度直接获得的奖励来指导的。我们在多个表格数据集上显示了LIMIS接近匹配黑框模型的预测准确性,从忠诚度和预测准确性方面大大优于最先进的本地解释模型。
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最近,使用模型无法轻易解释,最常见的神经网络的模型最近解决了计算机视觉中的许多问题。替代解释器是一种流行的事后解释性方法,可以进一步了解模型如何到达特定预测。通过训练一个简单,更容易解释的模型,以局部近似于非解剖系统的决策边界,我们可以估计输入特征在预测上的相对重要性。专注于图像,替代解释器,例如石灰,通过在可解释的域中采样来生成查询图像周围的本地邻域。但是,这些可解释的域传统上仅来自查询图像的固有特征,而不是考虑到该数据的流形,该数据的多种模型已在训练中暴露在训练中(或更普遍地,实际图像的多种形式) 。这导致对潜在低概率图像训练的次优替代物。我们通过对齐本地社区来解决此限制,即使无法访问此分配,代理人也接受了原始培训数据分配的培训。我们提出了两种这样做的方法,即(1)改变对局部邻域进行采样的方法,以及(2)使用感知指标传达自然图像分布的某些特性。
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