We present SLATE, a sequence labeling approach for extracting tasks from free-form content such as digitally handwritten (or "inked") notes on a virtual whiteboard. Our approach allows us to create a single, low-latency model to simultaneously perform sentence segmentation and classification of these sentences into task/non-task sentences. SLATE greatly outperforms a baseline two-model (sentence segmentation followed by classification model) approach, achieving a task F1 score of 84.4\%, a sentence segmentation (boundary similarity) score of 88.4% and three times lower latency compared to the baseline. Furthermore, we provide insights into tackling challenges of performing NLP on the inking domain. We release both our code and dataset for this novel task.
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无约束的手写文本识别是一项具有挑战性的计算机视觉任务。传统上,它是通过两步方法来处理的,结合了线细分,然后是文本线识别。我们第一次为手写文档识别任务提出了无端到端的无分段体系结构:文档注意网络。除文本识别外,该模型还接受了使用类似XML的方式使用开始和结束标签标记文本零件的训练。该模型由用于特征提取的FCN编码器和用于复发令牌预测过程的变压器解码器层组成。它将整个文本文档作为输入和顺序输出字符以及逻辑布局令牌。与现有基于分割的方法相反,该模型是在不使用任何分割标签的情况下进行训练的。我们在页面级别的Read 2016数据集以及CER分别为3.43%和3.70%的双页级别上获得了竞争成果。我们还为Rimes 2009数据集提供了页面级别的结果,达到CER的4.54%。我们在https://github.com/factodeeplearning/dan上提供所有源代码和预训练的模型权重。
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学术研究是解决以前从未解决过的问题的探索活动。通过这种性质,每个学术研究工作都需要进行文献审查,以区分其Novelties尚未通过事先作品解决。在自然语言处理中,该文献综述通常在“相关工作”部分下进行。鉴于研究文件的其余部分和引用的论文列表,自动相关工作生成的任务旨在自动生成“相关工作”部分。虽然这项任务是在10年前提出的,但直到最近,它被认为是作为科学多文件摘要问题的变种。然而,即使在今天,尚未标准化了自动相关工作和引用文本生成的问题。在这项调查中,我们进行了一个元研究,从问题制定,数据集收集,方法方法,绩效评估和未来前景的角度来比较相关工作的现有文献,以便为读者洞察到国家的进步 - 最内容的研究,以及如何进行未来的研究。我们还调查了我们建议未来工作要考虑整合的相关研究领域。
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Intelligently extracting and linking complex scientific information from unstructured text is a challenging endeavor particularly for those inexperienced with natural language processing. Here, we present a simple sequence-to-sequence approach to joint named entity recognition and relation extraction for complex hierarchical information in scientific text. The approach leverages a pre-trained large language model (LLM), GPT-3, that is fine-tuned on approximately 500 pairs of prompts (inputs) and completions (outputs). Information is extracted either from single sentences or across sentences in abstracts/passages, and the output can be returned as simple English sentences or a more structured format, such as a list of JSON objects. We demonstrate that LLMs trained in this way are capable of accurately extracting useful records of complex scientific knowledge for three representative tasks in materials chemistry: linking dopants with their host materials, cataloging metal-organic frameworks, and general chemistry/phase/morphology/application information extraction. This approach represents a simple, accessible, and highly-flexible route to obtaining large databases of structured knowledge extracted from unstructured text. An online demo is available at http://www.matscholar.com/info-extraction.
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The task of topical segmentation is well studied, but previous work has mostly addressed it in the context of structured, well-defined segments, such as segmentation into paragraphs, chapters, or segmenting text that originated from multiple sources. We tackle the task of segmenting running (spoken) narratives, which poses hitherto unaddressed challenges. As a test case, we address Holocaust survivor testimonies, given in English. Other than the importance of studying these testimonies for Holocaust research, we argue that they provide an interesting test case for topical segmentation, due to their unstructured surface level, relative abundance (tens of thousands of such testimonies were collected), and the relatively confined domain that they cover. We hypothesize that boundary points between segments correspond to low mutual information between the sentences proceeding and following the boundary. Based on this hypothesis, we explore a range of algorithmic approaches to the task, building on previous work on segmentation that uses generative Bayesian modeling and state-of-the-art neural machinery. Compared to manually annotated references, we find that the developed approaches show considerable improvements over previous work.
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循证医学,医疗保健专业人员在做出决定时提到最佳证据的实践,形成现代医疗保健的基础。但是,它依赖于劳动密集型系统评论,其中域名专家必须从数千个出版物中汇总和提取信息,主要是随机对照试验(RCT)结果转化为证据表。本文通过对两个语言处理任务分解的问题来调查自动化证据表生成:\ texit {命名实体识别},它标识文本中的关键实体,例如药物名称,以及\ texit {关系提取},它会映射它们的关系将它们分成有序元组。我们专注于发布的RCT摘要的句子的自动制表,报告研究结果的结果。使用转移学习和基于变压器的语言表示的原则,开发了两个深度神经网络模型作为联合提取管道的一部分。为了培训和测试这些模型,开发了一种新的金标语,包括来自六种疾病区域的近600个结果句。这种方法表现出显着的优势,我们的系统在多种自然语言处理任务和疾病区域中表现良好,以及在训练期间不均匀地展示疾病域。此外,我们显示这些结果可以通过培训我们的模型仅在200个例句中培训。最终系统是一个概念证明,即证明表的产生可以是半自动的,代表全自动系统评论的一步。
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Identification of named entities from legal texts is an essential building block for developing other legal Artificial Intelligence applications. Named Entities in legal texts are slightly different and more fine-grained than commonly used named entities like Person, Organization, Location etc. In this paper, we introduce a new corpus of 46545 annotated legal named entities mapped to 14 legal entity types. The Baseline model for extracting legal named entities from judgment text is also developed.
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Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) is the task of automatically detecting and correcting errors in text. The task not only includes the correction of grammatical errors, such as missing prepositions and mismatched subject-verb agreement, but also orthographic and semantic errors, such as misspellings and word choice errors respectively. The field has seen significant progress in the last decade, motivated in part by a series of five shared tasks, which drove the development of rule-based methods, statistical classifiers, statistical machine translation, and finally neural machine translation systems which represent the current dominant state of the art. In this survey paper, we condense the field into a single article and first outline some of the linguistic challenges of the task, introduce the most popular datasets that are available to researchers (for both English and other languages), and summarise the various methods and techniques that have been developed with a particular focus on artificial error generation. We next describe the many different approaches to evaluation as well as concerns surrounding metric reliability, especially in relation to subjective human judgements, before concluding with an overview of recent progress and suggestions for future work and remaining challenges. We hope that this survey will serve as comprehensive resource for researchers who are new to the field or who want to be kept apprised of recent developments.
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The widely studied task of Natural Language Inference (NLI) requires a system to recognize whether one piece of text is textually entailed by another, i.e. whether the entirety of its meaning can be inferred from the other. In current NLI datasets and models, textual entailment relations are typically defined on the sentence- or paragraph-level. However, even a simple sentence often contains multiple propositions, i.e. distinct units of meaning conveyed by the sentence. As these propositions can carry different truth values in the context of a given premise, we argue for the need to recognize the textual entailment relation of each proposition in a sentence individually. We propose PropSegmEnt, a corpus of over 35K propositions annotated by expert human raters. Our dataset structure resembles the tasks of (1) segmenting sentences within a document to the set of propositions, and (2) classifying the entailment relation of each proposition with respect to a different yet topically-aligned document, i.e. documents describing the same event or entity. We establish strong baselines for the segmentation and entailment tasks. Through case studies on summary hallucination detection and document-level NLI, we demonstrate that our conceptual framework is potentially useful for understanding and explaining the compositionality of NLI labels.
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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Spoken language understanding (SLU) tasks have been studied for many decades in the speech research community, but have not received as much attention as lower-level tasks like speech and speaker recognition. In particular, there are not nearly as many SLU task benchmarks, and many of the existing ones use data that is not freely available to all researchers. Recent work has begun to introduce such benchmark datasets for several tasks. In this work, we introduce several new annotated SLU benchmark tasks based on freely available speech data, which complement existing benchmarks and address gaps in the SLU evaluation landscape. We contribute four tasks: question answering and summarization involve inference over longer speech sequences; named entity localization addresses the speech-specific task of locating the targeted content in the signal; dialog act classification identifies the function of a given speech utterance. We follow the blueprint of the Spoken Language Understanding Evaluation (SLUE) benchmark suite. In order to facilitate the development of SLU models that leverage the success of pre-trained speech representations, we will be publishing for each task (i) annotations for a relatively small fine-tuning set, (ii) annotated development and test sets, and (iii) baseline models for easy reproducibility and comparisons. In this work, we present the details of data collection and annotation and the performance of the baseline models. We also perform sensitivity analysis of pipeline models' performance (speech recognizer + text model) to the speech recognition accuracy, using more than 20 state-of-the-art speech recognition models.
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Relation extraction (RE) is a sub-discipline of information extraction (IE) which focuses on the prediction of a relational predicate from a natural-language input unit (such as a sentence, a clause, or even a short paragraph consisting of multiple sentences and/or clauses). Together with named-entity recognition (NER) and disambiguation (NED), RE forms the basis for many advanced IE tasks such as knowledge-base (KB) population and verification. In this work, we explore how recent approaches for open information extraction (OpenIE) may help to improve the task of RE by encoding structured information about the sentences' principal units, such as subjects, objects, verbal phrases, and adverbials, into various forms of vectorized (and hence unstructured) representations of the sentences. Our main conjecture is that the decomposition of long and possibly convoluted sentences into multiple smaller clauses via OpenIE even helps to fine-tune context-sensitive language models such as BERT (and its plethora of variants) for RE. Our experiments over two annotated corpora, KnowledgeNet and FewRel, demonstrate the improved accuracy of our enriched models compared to existing RE approaches. Our best results reach 92% and 71% of F1 score for KnowledgeNet and FewRel, respectively, proving the effectiveness of our approach on competitive benchmarks.
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Objective. The impact of social determinants of health (SDoH) on patients' healthcare quality and the disparity is well-known. Many SDoH items are not coded in structured forms in electronic health records. These items are often captured in free-text clinical notes, but there are limited methods for automatically extracting them. We explore a multi-stage pipeline involving named entity recognition (NER), relation classification (RC), and text classification methods to extract SDoH information from clinical notes automatically. Materials and Methods. The study uses the N2C2 Shared Task data, which was collected from two sources of clinical notes: MIMIC-III and University of Washington Harborview Medical Centers. It contains 4480 social history sections with full annotation for twelve SDoHs. In order to handle the issue of overlapping entities, we developed a novel marker-based NER model. We used it in a multi-stage pipeline to extract SDoH information from clinical notes. Results. Our marker-based system outperformed the state-of-the-art span-based models at handling overlapping entities based on the overall Micro-F1 score performance. It also achieved state-of-the-art performance compared to the shared task methods. Conclusion. The major finding of this study is that the multi-stage pipeline effectively extracts SDoH information from clinical notes. This approach can potentially improve the understanding and tracking of SDoHs in clinical settings. However, error propagation may be an issue, and further research is needed to improve the extraction of entities with complex semantic meanings and low-resource entities using external knowledge.
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Furigana是日语写作中使用的发音笔记。能够检测到这些可以帮助提高光学特征识别(OCR)性能,或通过正确显示Furigana来制作日本书面媒体的更准确的数字副本。该项目的重点是在日本书籍和漫画中检测Furigana。尽管已经研究了日本文本的检测,但目前尚无提议检测Furigana的方法。我们构建了一个包含日本书面媒体和Furigana注释的新数据集。我们建议对此类数据的评估度量,该度量与对象检测中使用的评估协议类似,除非它允许对象组通过一个注释标记。我们提出了一种基于数学形态和连接组件分析的Furigana检测方法。我们评估数据集的检测,并比较文本提取的不同方法。我们还分别评估了不同类型的图像,例如书籍和漫画,并讨论每种图像的挑战。所提出的方法在数据集上达到76 \%的F1得分。该方法在常规书籍上表现良好,但在漫画和不规则格式的书籍上的表现较少。最后,我们证明所提出的方法可以在漫画109数据集上提高OCR的性能5 \%。源代码可通过\ texttt {\ url {https://github.com/nikolajkb/furiganadetection}}}
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在视觉上丰富的文件(VRD)上的结构化文本理解是文档智能的重要组成部分。由于VRD中的内容和布局的复杂性,结构化文本理解是一项有挑战性的任务。大多数现有的研究将此问题与两个子任务结尾:实体标记和实体链接,这需要整体地了解令牌和段级别的文档的上下文。但是,很少的工作已经关注有效地从不同层次提取结构化数据的解决方案。本文提出了一个名为structext的统一框架,它对于处理两个子任务是灵活的,有效的。具体地,基于变压器,我们引入了一个段令牌对齐的编码器,以处理不同粒度水平的实体标记和实体链接任务。此外,我们设计了一种具有三个自我监督任务的新型预训练策略,以学习更丰富的代表性。 Structext使用现有屏蔽的视觉语言建模任务和新句子长度预测和配对框方向任务,以跨文本,图像和布局结合多模态信息。我们评估我们在分段级别和令牌级别的结构化文本理解的方法,并表明它优于最先进的同行,在Funsd,Srie和Ephoie数据集中具有显着优越的性能。
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我们提出了文件的实体级关系联合模型。与其他方法形成鲜明对比 - 重点关注本地句子中的对,因此需要提及级别的注释 - 我们的模型在实体级别运行。为此,遵循多任务方法,它在Coreference分辨率上建立并通过多级别表示结合全局实体和本地提到信息来聚集相关信号。我们在积木数据集中实现最先进的关系提取结果,并报告了未来参考的第一个实体级端到端关系提取结果。最后,我们的实验结果表明,联合方法与特定于任务专用的学习相提并论,虽然由于共享参数和培训步骤而言更有效。
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