Although numerous algorithms have been proposed to solve the categorical data clustering problem, how to access the statistical significance of a set of categorical clusters remains unaddressed. To fulfill this void, we employ the likelihood ratio test to derive a test statistic that can serve as a significance-based objective function in categorical data clustering. Consequently, a new clustering algorithm is proposed in which the significance-based objective function is optimized via a Monte Carlo search procedure. As a by-product, we can further calculate an empirical $p$-value to assess the statistical significance of a set of clusters and develop an improved gap statistic for estimating the cluster number. Extensive experimental studies suggest that our method is able to achieve comparable performance to state-of-the-art categorical data clustering algorithms. Moreover, the effectiveness of such a significance-based formulation on statistical cluster validation and cluster number estimation is demonstrated through comprehensive empirical results.
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因果发现是学习给定观察数据的变量之间的因果关系,对于许多应用程序很重要。现有的因果发现方法假设数据足够,在许多现实世界数据集中可能并非如此。结果,在有限的数据下,许多现有的因果发现方法可能会失败。在这项工作中,我们提出了贝叶斯的频繁独立性测试,以在数据不足下提高基于约束的因果发现方法的性能:1)我们首先引入了一种贝叶斯方法来估计互信息(MI),我们提出了一个可靠的方法基于MI的独立测试; 2)其次,我们考虑了假设可能性的贝叶斯估计,并将其纳入定义明确的统计检验中,从而进行了基于统计测试的强大独立性检验。我们将提出的独立测试应用于基于约束的因果发现方法,并评估样品不足的基准数据集上的性能。实验在SOTA方法的准确性和效率方面表现出显着的性能提高。
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我们介绍了强大的子组发现的问题,即,找到一个关于一个或多个目标属性的脱颖而出的子集的一组可解释的描述,2)是统计上的鲁棒,并且3)非冗余。许多尝试已经挖掘了局部强壮的子组或解决模式爆炸,但我们是第一个从全球建模角度同时解决这两个挑战的爆炸。首先,我们制定广泛的模型类别的子组列表,即订购的子组,可以组成的单次组和多变量目标,该目标可以由标称或数字变量组成,并且包括其定义中的传统Top-1子组发现。这种新颖的模型类允许我们使用最小描述长度(MDL)原理来形式地形化最佳强大的子组发现,在那里我们分别为标称和数字目标的最佳归一化最大可能性和贝叶斯编码而度假。其次,正如查找最佳子组列表都是NP-Hard,我们提出了SSD ++,一个贪婪的启发式,找到了很好的子组列表,并保证了根据MDL标准的最重要的子组在每次迭代中添加,这被显示为等同于贝叶斯一个样本比例,多项式或子组之间的多项式或T检验,以及数据集边际目标分布以及多假设检测罚款。我们经验上显示了54个数据集,即SSD ++优于先前的子组设置发现方法和子组列表大小。
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分类属性是那些可以采用离散值集的那些,例如颜色。这项工作是关于将vects压缩到基于小维度离散矢量的分类属性。基于目前的哈希的方法将传感器压缩到低维离散矢量的分类属性不提供压缩表示之间的汉明距离的任何保证。在这里,我们呈现fsketch以创建稀疏分类数据的草图和估算器,以估计仅从其草图中的未压缩数据之间的成对汉明距离。我们声称这些草图可以在通常的数据挖掘任务中使用代替原始数据而不会影响任务的质量。为此,我们确保草图也是分类,稀疏,汉明距离估计是合理的精确性。素描结构和汉明距离估计算法都只需要一条单通;此外,对数据点的改变可以以有效的方式结合到其草图中。压缩性取决于数据的稀疏程度如何且与原始维度无关 - 使我们的算法对许多现实生活场景具有吸引力。我们的索赔通过对FSKetch性质的严格理论分析来支持,并通过对某些现实世界数据集的相关算法进行广泛的比较评估。我们表明FSKetch明显更快,并且通过使用其草图获得的准确性是RMSE,聚类和相似性搜索的标准无监督任务的顶部。
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高斯混合物模型(GMM)提供了一个简单而原则的框架,具有适用于统计推断的属性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的基于模型的聚类算法,称为EGMM(证据GMM),在信念函数的理论框架中,以更好地表征集群成员的不确定性。通过代表每个对象的群集成员的质量函数,提出了由所需群集的功率组组成的组件组成的证据高斯混合物分布来对整个数据集进行建模。 EGMM中的参数通过特殊设计的预期最大化(EM)算法估算。还提供了允许自动确定正确数量簇的有效性指数。所提出的EGMM与经典GMM一样简单,但可以为所考虑的数据集生成更有信息的证据分区。合成和真实数据集实验表明,所提出的EGMM的性能比其他代表性聚类算法更好。此外,通过应用多模式脑图像分割的应用也证明了其优势。
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The cross-entropy (CE) method is a new generic approach to combinatorial and multi-extremal optimization and rare event simulation. The purpose of this tutorial is to give a gentle introduction to the CE method. We present the CE methodology, the basic algorithm and its modifications, and discuss applications in combinatorial optimization and machine learning.
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多视图聚类(MVC)最佳地集成了来自不同视图的互补信息,以提高聚类性能。尽管在各种应用中证明了有希望的性能,但大多数现有方法都直接融合了多个预先指定的相似性,以学习聚类的最佳相似性矩阵,这可能会导致过度复杂的优化和密集的计算成本。在本文中,我们通过对齐方式最大化提出了晚期Fusion MVC,以解决这些问题。为此,我们首先揭示了现有K-均值聚类的理论联系以及基本分区和共识之一之间的对齐。基于此观察结果,我们提出了一种简单但有效的多视算法,称为LF-MVC-GAM。它可以从每个单独的视图中最佳地将多个源信息融合到分区级别,并最大程度地将共识分区与这些加权基础分区保持一致。这种对齐方式有助于整合分区级别信息,并通过充分简化优化过程来大大降低计算复杂性。然后,我们设计了另一个变体LF-MVC-LAM,以通过在多个分区空间之间保留局部内在结构来进一步提高聚类性能。之后,我们开发了两种三步迭代算法,以通过理论上保证的收敛来解决最终的优化问题。此外,我们提供了所提出算法的概括误差约束分析。对十八个多视图基准数据集进行了广泛的实验,证明了拟议的LF-MVC-GAM和LF-MVC-LAM的有效性和效率,范围从小到大型数据项不等。拟议算法的代码可在上公开获得。
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Mixtures of von Mises-Fisher distributions can be used to cluster data on the unit hypersphere. This is particularly adapted for high-dimensional directional data such as texts. We propose in this article to estimate a von Mises mixture using a l 1 penalized likelihood. This leads to sparse prototypes that improve clustering interpretability. We introduce an expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm for this estimation and explore the trade-off between the sparsity term and the likelihood one with a path following algorithm. The model's behaviour is studied on simulated data and, we show the advantages of the approach on real data benchmark. We also introduce a new data set on financial reports and exhibit the benefits of our method for exploratory analysis.
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我们提出了对学度校正随机块模型(DCSBM)的合适性测试。该测试基于调整后的卡方统计量,用于测量$ n $多项式分布的组之间的平等性,该分布具有$ d_1,\ dots,d_n $观测值。在网络模型的背景下,多项式的数量($ n $)的数量比观测值数量($ d_i $)快得多,与节点$ i $的度相对应,因此设置偏离了经典的渐近学。我们表明,只要$ \ {d_i \} $的谐波平均值生长到无穷大,就可以使统计量在NULL下分配。顺序应用时,该测试也可以用于确定社区数量。该测试在邻接矩阵的压缩版本上进行操作,因此在学位上有条件,因此对大型稀疏网络具有高度可扩展性。我们结合了一个新颖的想法,即在测试$ K $社区时根据$(k+1)$ - 社区分配来压缩行。这种方法在不牺牲计算效率的情况下增加了顺序应用中的力量,我们证明了它在恢复社区数量方面的一致性。由于测试统计量不依赖于特定的替代方案,因此其效用超出了顺序测试,可用于同时测试DCSBM家族以外的各种替代方案。特别是,我们证明该测试与具有社区结构的潜在可变性网络模型的一般家庭一致。
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分层群集的主要挑战之一是如何适当地识别群集树较低级别的代表点,这些点将被用作群集树的较高级别的根源以进行进一步的聚合。然而,传统的分层聚类方法采用了一些简单的技巧来选择可能不像代表的“代表”点。因此,构造的簇树在其稳健性和可靠性较弱的方面不太吸引。针对这个问题,我们提出了一种新的分层聚类算法,其中,在构建聚类树形图的同时,我们可以有效地检测基于对每个子最小跨越树中的互易读数的互动最近数据点进行评分的代表点。 UCI数据集的广泛实验表明,所提出的算法比其他基准更准确。同时,在我们的分析下,所提出的算法具有O(nlogn)时间复杂度和O(logn)空间复杂度,表明它具有在处理具有更少时间和存储消​​耗的大规模数据方面具有可扩展性。
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While methods for comparing two learning algorithms on a single data set have been scrutinized for quite some time already, the issue of statistical tests for comparisons of more algorithms on multiple data sets, which is even more essential to typical machine learning studies, has been all but ignored. This article reviews the current practice and then theoretically and empirically examines several suitable tests. Based on that, we recommend a set of simple, yet safe and robust non-parametric tests for statistical comparisons of classifiers: the Wilcoxon signed ranks test for comparison of two classifiers and the Friedman test with the corresponding post-hoc tests for comparison of more classifiers over multiple data sets. Results of the latter can also be neatly presented with the newly introduced CD (critical difference) diagrams.
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We review clustering as an analysis tool and the underlying concepts from an introductory perspective. What is clustering and how can clusterings be realised programmatically? How can data be represented and prepared for a clustering task? And how can clustering results be validated? Connectivity-based versus prototype-based approaches are reflected in the context of several popular methods: single-linkage, spectral embedding, k-means, and Gaussian mixtures are discussed as well as the density-based protocols (H)DBSCAN, Jarvis-Patrick, CommonNN, and density-peaks.
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在这项工作中,我们提出了一种维度减少算法,即AKA。素描,用于分类数据集。我们提出的草图算法舱从高维分类向量构造低维二进制草图,我们的距离估计算法CHAM仅计算任何两个原始向量之间的汉明距离的近似近似。 Cham以确保良好估计的速度要求的最小尺寸理论上只取决于数据点的稀疏性 - 使其对涉及稀疏数据集的许多现实生活场景有用。我们对我们的方法提供了严格的理论分析,并在几个高维现实世界数据集上进行了广泛的实验,包括一个超过一百万维度的实验。我们表明,与使用完整数据集和其他维数减少技术相比,机舱和Cham Duo是一种明显的快速准确的任务和群集,如RMSE,全对相似性和聚类。
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We consider a semi-supervised $k$-clustering problem where information is available on whether pairs of objects are in the same or in different clusters. This information is either available with certainty or with a limited level of confidence. We introduce the PCCC algorithm, which iteratively assigns objects to clusters while accounting for the information provided on the pairs of objects. Our algorithm can include relationships as hard constraints that are guaranteed to be satisfied or as soft constraints that can be violated subject to a penalty. This flexibility distinguishes our algorithm from the state-of-the-art in which all pairwise constraints are either considered hard, or all are considered soft. Unlike existing algorithms, our algorithm scales to large-scale instances with up to 60,000 objects, 100 clusters, and millions of cannot-link constraints (which are the most challenging constraints to incorporate). We compare the PCCC algorithm with state-of-the-art approaches in an extensive computational study. Even though the PCCC algorithm is more general than the state-of-the-art approaches in its applicability, it outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches on instances with all hard constraints or all soft constraints both in terms of running time and various metrics of solution quality. The source code of the PCCC algorithm is publicly available on GitHub.
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We present a new algorithm for Bayesian network structure learning, called Max-Min Hill-Climbing (MMHC). The algorithm combines ideas from local learning, constraint-based, and search-and-score techniques in a principled and effective way. It first reconstructs the skeleton of a Bayesian network and then performs a Bayesian-scoring greedy hill-climbing search to orient the edges. In our extensive empirical evaluation MMHC outperforms on average and in terms of various metrics several prototypical and state-of-the-art algorithms, namely the PC, Sparse Candidate, Three Phase Dependency Analysis, Optimal Reinsertion, Greedy Equivalence Search, and Greedy Search. These are the first empirical results simultaneously comparing most of the major Bayesian network algorithms against each other. MMHC offers certain theoretical advantages, specifically over the Sparse Candidate algorithm, corroborated by our experiments. MMHC and detailed results of our study are publicly available at paper/mmhc index.html.
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G-Enum histograms are a new fast and fully automated method for irregular histogram construction. By framing histogram construction as a density estimation problem and its automation as a model selection task, these histograms leverage the Minimum Description Length principle (MDL) to derive two different model selection criteria. Several proven theoretical results about these criteria give insights about their asymptotic behavior and are used to speed up their optimisation. These insights, combined to a greedy search heuristic, are used to construct histograms in linearithmic time rather than the polynomial time incurred by previous works. The capabilities of the proposed MDL density estimation method are illustrated with reference to other fully automated methods in the literature, both on synthetic and large real-world data sets.
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