Understanding a visual scene goes beyond recognizing individual objects in isolation. Relationships between objects also constitute rich semantic information about the scene. In this work, we explicitly model the objects and their relationships using scene graphs, a visually-grounded graphical structure of an image. We propose a novel endto-end model that generates such structured scene representation from an input image. The model solves the scene graph inference problem using standard RNNs and learns to iteratively improves its predictions via message passing. Our joint inference model can take advantage of contextual cues to make better predictions on objects and their relationships. The experiments show that our model significantly outperforms previous methods for generating scene graphs using Visual Genome dataset and inferring support relations with NYU Depth v2 dataset.
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We investigate the problem of producing structured graph representations of visual scenes. Our work analyzes the role of motifs: regularly appearing substructures in scene graphs. We present new quantitative insights on such repeated structures in the Visual Genome dataset. Our analysis shows that object labels are highly predictive of relation labels but not vice-versa. We also find that there are recurring patterns even in larger subgraphs: more than 50% of graphs contain motifs involving at least two relations. Our analysis motivates a new baseline: given object detections, predict the most frequent relation between object pairs with the given labels, as seen in the training set. This baseline improves on the previous state-of-the-art by an average of 3.6% relative improvement across evaluation settings. We then introduce Stacked Motif Networks, a new architecture designed to capture higher order motifs in scene graphs that further improves over our strong baseline by an average 7.1% relative gain. Our code is available at github.com/rowanz/neural-motifs.
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We propose a novel scene graph generation model called Graph R-CNN, that is both effective and efficient at detecting objects and their relations in images. Our model contains a Relation Proposal Network (RePN) that efficiently deals with the quadratic number of potential relations between objects in an image. We also propose an attentional Graph Convolutional Network (aGCN) that effectively captures contextual information between objects and relations. Finally, we introduce a new evaluation metric that is more holistic and realistic than existing metrics. We report state-of-the-art performance on scene graph generation as evaluated using both existing and our proposed metrics.
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Recent scene graph generation (SGG) frameworks have focused on learning complex relationships among multiple objects in an image. Thanks to the nature of the message passing neural network (MPNN) that models high-order interactions between objects and their neighboring objects, they are dominant representation learning modules for SGG. However, existing MPNN-based frameworks assume the scene graph as a homogeneous graph, which restricts the context-awareness of visual relations between objects. That is, they overlook the fact that the relations tend to be highly dependent on the objects with which the relations are associated. In this paper, we propose an unbiased heterogeneous scene graph generation (HetSGG) framework that captures relation-aware context using message passing neural networks. We devise a novel message passing layer, called relation-aware message passing neural network (RMP), that aggregates the contextual information of an image considering the predicate type between objects. Our extensive evaluations demonstrate that HetSGG outperforms state-of-the-art methods, especially outperforming on tail predicate classes.
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This paper presents a framework for jointly grounding objects that follow certain semantic relationship constraints given in a scene graph. A typical natural scene contains several objects, often exhibiting visual relationships of varied complexities between them. These inter-object relationships provide strong contextual cues toward improving grounding performance compared to a traditional object query-only-based localization task. A scene graph is an efficient and structured way to represent all the objects and their semantic relationships in the image. In an attempt towards bridging these two modalities representing scenes and utilizing contextual information for improving object localization, we rigorously study the problem of grounding scene graphs on natural images. To this end, we propose a novel graph neural network-based approach referred to as Visio-Lingual Message PAssing Graph Neural Network (VL-MPAG Net). In VL-MPAG Net, we first construct a directed graph with object proposals as nodes and an edge between a pair of nodes representing a plausible relation between them. Then a three-step inter-graph and intra-graph message passing is performed to learn the context-dependent representation of the proposals and query objects. These object representations are used to score the proposals to generate object localization. The proposed method significantly outperforms the baselines on four public datasets.
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3D密集字幕是最近提供的新型任务,其中点云包含比2D对应物更多的几何信息。但是,由于点云中包含的更高复杂性和更广泛的对象关系,它也更具挑战性。现有方法仅将这种关系视为图表中对象特征学习的副产品,而无需特别编码它们,从而导致了亚最佳结果。在本文中,旨在通过捕获和利用3D场景中的复杂关系来改善3D密集的字幕,我们提出了更多的多阶关系挖掘模型,以支持产生更多的描述性和全面标题。从技术上讲,我们更多地以渐进的方式编码对象关系,因为可以从有限数量的基本关系中推论复杂的关系。我们首先设计了一种新型的空间布局图卷积(SLGC),该图形将几个一阶关系编码为在3D对象建议上构造的图的边缘。接下来,从结果图中,我们进一步提取多个三重态,这些三重态将基本的一阶关系封装为基本单元,并构造几个以对象为中心的三重态注意图(OTAG),以推断每个目标对象的多阶关系。将OTAG的更新的节点功能聚合并输入标题解码器,以提供丰富的关系提示,因此可以生成包括与上下文对象的不同关系的字幕。 SCAN2CAP数据集的广泛实验证明了我们提出的更多及其组件的有效性,并且我们也表现优于当前最新方法。我们的代码可从https://github.com/sxjyjay/more获得。
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Scene Graph Generation (SGG) serves a comprehensive representation of the images for human understanding as well as visual understanding tasks. Due to the long tail bias problem of the object and predicate labels in the available annotated data, the scene graph generated from current methodologies can be biased toward common, non-informative relationship labels. Relationship can sometimes be non-mutually exclusive, which can be described from multiple perspectives like geometrical relationships or semantic relationships, making it even more challenging to predict the most suitable relationship label. In this work, we proposed the SG-Shuffle pipeline for scene graph generation with 3 components: 1) Parallel Transformer Encoder, which learns to predict object relationships in a more exclusive manner by grouping relationship labels into groups of similar purpose; 2) Shuffle Transformer, which learns to select the final relationship labels from the category-specific feature generated in the previous step; and 3) Weighted CE loss, used to alleviate the training bias caused by the imbalanced dataset.
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The goal of this paper is to detect objects by exploiting their interrelationships. Rather than relying on predefined and labeled graph structures, we infer a graph prior from object co-occurrence statistics. The key idea of our paper is to model object relations as a function of initial class predictions and co-occurrence priors to generate a graph representation of an image for improved classification and bounding box regression. We additionally learn the object-relation joint distribution via energy based modeling. Sampling from this distribution generates a refined graph representation of the image which in turn produces improved detection performance. Experiments on the Visual Genome and MS-COCO datasets demonstrate our method is detector agnostic, end-to-end trainable, and especially beneficial for rare object classes. What is more, we establish a consistent improvement over object detectors like DETR and Faster-RCNN, as well as state-of-the-art methods modeling object interrelationships.
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Visual relationships capture a wide variety of interactions between pairs of objects in images (e.g. "man riding bicycle" and "man pushing bicycle"). Consequently, the set of possible relationships is extremely large and it is difficult to obtain sufficient training examples for all possible relationships. Because of this limitation, previous work on visual relationship detection has concentrated on predicting only a handful of relationships. Though most relationships are infrequent, their objects (e.g. "man" and "bicycle") and predicates (e.g. "riding" and "pushing") independently occur more frequently. We propose a model that uses this insight to train visual models for objects and predicates individually and later combines them together to predict multiple relationships per image. We improve on prior work by leveraging language priors from semantic word embeddings to finetune the likelihood of a predicted relationship. Our model can scale to predict thousands of types of relationships from a few examples. Additionally, we localize the objects in the predicted relationships as bounding boxes in the image. We further demonstrate that understanding relationships can improve content based image retrieval.
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现有的研究解决场景图生成(SGG) - 图像中场景理解的关键技术 - 从检测角度,即使用边界框检测到对象,然后预测其成对关系。我们认为这种范式引起了几个阻碍该领域进步的问题。例如,当前数据集中的基于框的标签通常包含冗余类,例如头发,并遗漏对上下文理解至关重要的背景信息。在这项工作中,我们介绍了Panoptic场景图生成(PSG),这是一项新的问题任务,要求该模型基于全景分割而不是刚性边界框生成更全面的场景图表示。一个高质量的PSG数据集包含可可和视觉基因组的49k井被宣传的重叠图像,是为社区创建的,以跟踪其进度。为了进行基准测试,我们构建了四个两阶段基线,这些基线是根据SGG中的经典方法修改的,以及两个单阶段基准,称为PSGTR和PSGFORMER,它们基于基于高效的变压器检测器,即detr。虽然PSGTR使用一组查询来直接学习三重态,但PSGFormer以来自两个变压器解码器的查询形式分别模拟对象和关系,然后是一种迅速的关系 - 对象对象匹配机制。最后,我们分享了关于公开挑战和未来方向的见解。
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Despite progress in perceptual tasks such as image classification, computers still perform poorly on cognitive tasks such as image description and question answering. Cognition is core to tasks that involve not just recognizing, but reasoning about our visual world. However, models used to tackle the rich content in images for cognitive tasks are still being trained using the same datasets designed for perceptual tasks. To achieve success at cognitive tasks, models need to understand the interactions and relationships between objects in
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由Hong和Pavlic(2021)引入的单隐式层随机加权特征网络(RWFN)被开发为关系学习任务的神经张量网络方法的替代方案。其相对较小的占地面积结合使用了两个随机输入投影 - 一种昆虫 - 脑激发的输入表示和随机傅里叶特征 - 允许它以相对较低的培训成本实现有关关系的丰富表现力。特别是,当红和帕德奇比较RWFN到逻辑张量网络(LTNS)进行语义图像解释(SII)任务以提取图像的结构化语义描述,他们表明,两个隐藏的RWFN集成更好地捕获输入之间的关系具有更快的培训过程,即使它使用了更少的学习参数。在本文中,我们使用RWFN来执行视觉关系检测(VRD)任务,这些任务是更具挑战性的SII任务。零拍摄学习方法与RWFN一起使用,可以利用与其他所见关系和背景知识的相似性 - 以对象,关系和对象之间的逻辑约束表示 - 实现能够预测未出现在培训中的三维群体放。在视觉关系数据集上的实验,用于比较RWFN和LTNS之间的性能,其中一个领先的统计关系学习框架之一,显示RWFNS以谓词检测任务的销售胜过LTNS,同时使用较少数量的适应性参数(1:56比率)。此外,即使RWFNS的空间复杂性远小于LTNS(1:27比率),RWFN表示的背景技术也可用于减轻训练集的不完整性。
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Scene graph generation from images is a task of great interest to applications such as robotics, because graphs are the main way to represent knowledge about the world and regulate human-robot interactions in tasks such as Visual Question Answering (VQA). Unfortunately, its corresponding area of machine learning is still relatively in its infancy, and the solutions currently offered do not specialize well in concrete usage scenarios. Specifically, they do not take existing "expert" knowledge about the domain world into account; and that might indeed be necessary in order to provide the level of reliability demanded by the use case scenarios. In this paper, we propose an initial approximation to a framework called Ontology-Guided Scene Graph Generation (OG-SGG), that can improve the performance of an existing machine learning based scene graph generator using prior knowledge supplied in the form of an ontology (specifically, using the axioms defined within); and we present results evaluated on a specific scenario founded in telepresence robotics. These results show quantitative and qualitative improvements in the generated scene graphs.
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场景图生成(SGG)旨在捕获对物体对之间的各种相互作用,这对于完整的场景了解至关重要。在整个关系集上培训的现有SGG方法未能由于培训数据中的各种偏差而导致视觉和文本相关性的复杂原理。学习表明像“ON”这样的通用空间配置的琐碎关系,而不是“停放”,例如“停放”,不执行这种复杂的推理,伤害泛化。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的SGG培训框架,以利用基于其信息的关系标签。我们的模型 - 不可知论培训程序对培训数据中的较少信息样本造成缺失的信息关系,并在算标签上培训算法的SGG模型以及现有的注释。我们表明,这种方法可以成功地与最先进的SGG方法结合使用,并在标准视觉基因组基准测试中显着提高它们的性能。此外,我们在更具挑战性的零射击设置中获得了看不见的三胞胎的相当大的改进。
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