通用的对抗扰动(UAP)是不可察觉的,图像敏捷的矢量,引起深度神经网络(DNNS),从而从具有很高概率的数据分布中误分类输入。现有方法不会为转换创造强大的UAPS,从而将其适用性限制为现实世界攻击。在这项工作中,我们介绍了一个新的概念和强大的普遍对抗性扰动的表述。基于我们的公式,我们构建了一种小说,迭代算法,该算法利用了概率的鲁棒性界限来生成UAPS,以与通过组成任意亚差异性转换功能生成的转换产生鲁棒。我们对流行的CIFAR-10和ILSVRC 2012数据集进行了广泛的评估,该数据集测量了人类解剖性语义转换(例如旋转,对比变化等)在现实世界中常见的鲁棒性。我们的结果表明,我们生成的UAP比基线的UAP更强大。
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时间序列数据在许多现实世界中(例如,移动健康)和深神经网络(DNNS)中产生,在解决它们方面已取得了巨大的成功。尽管他们成功了,但对他们对对抗性攻击的稳健性知之甚少。在本文中,我们提出了一个通过统计特征(TSA-STAT)}称为时间序列攻击的新型对抗框架}。为了解决时间序列域的独特挑战,TSA-STAT对时间序列数据的统计特征采取限制来构建对抗性示例。优化的多项式转换用于创建比基于加性扰动的攻击(就成功欺骗DNN而言)更有效的攻击。我们还提供有关构建对抗性示例的统计功能规范的认证界限。我们对各种现实世界基准数据集的实验表明,TSA-STAT在欺骗DNN的时间序列域和改善其稳健性方面的有效性。 TSA-STAT算法的源代码可在https://github.com/tahabelkhouja/time-series-series-attacks-via-statity-features上获得
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在安全 - 关键的深度学习应用中,鲁棒性测量是一个至关重要的前部阶段。但是,现有的鲁棒性验证方法对于在现实世界中部署机器学习系统不足以实用。一方面,这些方法试图声称没有扰动可以``傻瓜''深神经网络(DNNS),这在实践中可能太严格了。另一方面,现有作品严格考虑像素空间上的$ l_p $有界的添加剂扰动,尽管扰动(例如颜色转换和几何变换)在现实世界中更实际且经常发生。因此,从实际的角度来看,我们提出了一种基于适应性浓度的新颖和一般{\ IT概率的稳健性评估方法}(ProA),并且可以测量深度学习模型对功能扰动的鲁棒性。 PROA可以根据模型的概率鲁棒性提供统计保证,\ textit {i.e。},部署后训练有素的模型遇到的失败概率。我们的实验证明了PAA在评估对广泛功能扰动的概率鲁棒性方面的有效性和灵活性,并且与现有的最新基准相比,POA可以很好地扩展到各种大型深度神经网络。为了重现性,我们在github上发布工具:\ url {https://github.com/trustai/proa}。
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Standard methods for generating adversarial examples for neural networks do not consistently fool neural network classifiers in the physical world due to a combination of viewpoint shifts, camera noise, and other natural transformations, limiting their relevance to real-world systems. We demonstrate the existence of robust 3D adversarial objects, and we present the first algorithm for synthesizing examples that are adversarial over a chosen distribution of transformations. We synthesize two-dimensional adversarial images that are robust to noise, distortion, and affine transformation. We apply our algorithm to complex three-dimensional objects, using 3D-printing to manufacture the first physical adversarial objects. Our results demonstrate the existence of 3D adversarial objects in the physical world.
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由于机器学习(ML)系统变得普遍存在,因此保护其安全性至关重要。然而,最近已经证明,动机的对手能够通过使用语义转换扰乱测试数据来误导ML系统。虽然存在丰富的研究机构,但为ML模型提供了可提供的稳健性保证,以防止$ \ ell_p $ norm界限对抗对抗扰动,抵御语义扰动的保证仍然很广泛。在本文中,我们提供了TSS - 一种统一的框架,用于针对一般对抗性语义转换的鲁棒性认证。首先,根据每个转换的性质,我们将常见的变换划分为两类,即可解决的(例如,高斯模糊)和差异可解的(例如,旋转)变换。对于前者,我们提出了特定于转型的随机平滑策略并获得强大的稳健性认证。后者类别涵盖涉及插值错误的变换,我们提出了一种基于分层采样的新方法,以证明稳健性。我们的框架TSS利用这些认证策略并结合了一致性增强的培训,以提供严谨的鲁棒性认证。我们对十种挑战性语义转化进行了广泛的实验,并表明TSS显着优于现有技术。此外,据我们所知,TSS是第一种在大规模想象数据集上实现非竞争认证稳健性的方法。例如,我们的框架在ImageNet上实现了旋转攻击的30.4%认证的稳健准确性(在$ \ PM 30 ^ \ CIC $)。此外,要考虑更广泛的转换,我们展示了TSS对自适应攻击和不可预见的图像损坏,例如CIFAR-10-C和Imagenet-C。
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最大限度的训练原则,最大限度地减少最大的对抗性损失,也称为对抗性培训(AT),已被证明是一种提高对抗性鲁棒性的最先进的方法。尽管如此,超出了在对抗环境中尚未经过严格探索的最小最大优化。在本文中,我们展示了如何利用多个领域的最小最大优化的一般框架,以推进不同类型的对抗性攻击的设计。特别是,给定一组风险源,最小化最坏情况攻击损失可以通过引入在域集的概率单纯x上最大化的域权重来重新重整为最小最大问题。我们在三次攻击生成问题中展示了这个统一的框架 - 攻击模型集合,在多个输入下设计了通用扰动,并制作攻击对数据转换的弹性。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法导致对现有的启发式策略以及对培训的最先进的防御方法而言,鲁棒性改善,培训对多种扰动类型具有稳健。此外,我们发现,从我们的MIN-MAX框架中学到的自调整域权重可以提供整体工具来解释跨域攻击难度的攻击水平。代码可在https://github.com/wangjksjtu/minmaxsod中获得。
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We identify obfuscated gradients, a kind of gradient masking, as a phenomenon that leads to a false sense of security in defenses against adversarial examples. While defenses that cause obfuscated gradients appear to defeat iterative optimizationbased attacks, we find defenses relying on this effect can be circumvented. We describe characteristic behaviors of defenses exhibiting the effect, and for each of the three types of obfuscated gradients we discover, we develop attack techniques to overcome it. In a case study, examining noncertified white-box-secure defenses at ICLR 2018, we find obfuscated gradients are a common occurrence, with 7 of 9 defenses relying on obfuscated gradients. Our new attacks successfully circumvent 6 completely, and 1 partially, in the original threat model each paper considers.
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The authors thank Nicholas Carlini (UC Berkeley) and Dimitris Tsipras (MIT) for feedback to improve the survey quality. We also acknowledge X. Huang (Uni. Liverpool), K. R. Reddy (IISC), E. Valle (UNICAMP), Y. Yoo (CLAIR) and others for providing pointers to make the survey more comprehensive.
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This paper investigates recently proposed approaches for defending against adversarial examples and evaluating adversarial robustness. We motivate adversarial risk as an objective for achieving models robust to worst-case inputs. We then frame commonly used attacks and evaluation metrics as defining a tractable surrogate objective to the true adversarial risk. This suggests that models may optimize this surrogate rather than the true adversarial risk. We formalize this notion as obscurity to an adversary, and develop tools and heuristics for identifying obscured models and designing transparent models. We demonstrate that this is a significant problem in practice by repurposing gradient-free optimization techniques into adversarial attacks, which we use to decrease the accuracy of several recently proposed defenses to near zero. Our hope is that our formulations and results will help researchers to develop more powerful defenses.
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Adversarial examples that fool machine learning models, particularly deep neural networks, have been a topic of intense research interest, with attacks and defenses being developed in a tight back-and-forth. Most past defenses are best effort and have been shown to be vulnerable to sophisticated attacks. Recently a set of certified defenses have been introduced, which provide guarantees of robustness to normbounded attacks. However these defenses either do not scale to large datasets or are limited in the types of models they can support. This paper presents the first certified defense that both scales to large networks and datasets (such as Google's Inception network for ImageNet) and applies broadly to arbitrary model types. Our defense, called PixelDP, is based on a novel connection between robustness against adversarial examples and differential privacy, a cryptographically-inspired privacy formalism, that provides a rigorous, generic, and flexible foundation for defense.
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深度神经网络容易受到来自对抗性投入的攻击,并且最近,特洛伊木马误解或劫持模型的决定。我们通过探索有界抗逆性示例空间和生成的对抗网络内的自然输入空间来揭示有界面的对抗性实例 - 通用自然主义侵害贴片的兴趣类 - 我们呼叫TNT。现在,一个对手可以用一个自然主义的补丁来手臂自己,不太恶意,身体上可实现,高效 - 实现高攻击成功率和普遍性。 TNT是普遍的,因为在场景中的TNT中捕获的任何输入图像都将:i)误导网络(未确定的攻击);或ii)迫使网络进行恶意决定(有针对性的攻击)。现在,有趣的是,一个对抗性补丁攻击者有可能发挥更大的控制水平 - 选择一个独立,自然的贴片的能力,与被限制为嘈杂的扰动的触发器 - 到目前为止只有可能与特洛伊木马攻击方法有可能干扰模型建设过程,以嵌入风险发现的后门;但是,仍然意识到在物理世界中部署的补丁。通过对大型视觉分类任务的广泛实验,想象成在其整个验证集50,000张图像中进行评估,我们展示了TNT的现实威胁和攻击的稳健性。我们展示了攻击的概括,以创建比现有最先进的方法实现更高攻击成功率的补丁。我们的结果表明,攻击对不同的视觉分类任务(CIFAR-10,GTSRB,PUBFIG)和多个最先进的深神经网络,如WieredEnet50,Inception-V3和VGG-16。
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Recent studies show that the state-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial examples, resulting from small-magnitude perturbations added to the input. Given that that emerging physical systems are using DNNs in safety-critical situations, adversarial examples could mislead these systems and cause dangerous situations. Therefore, understanding adversarial examples in the physical world is an important step towards developing resilient learning algorithms. We propose a general attack algorithm, Robust Physical Perturbations (RP 2 ), to generate robust visual adversarial perturbations under different physical conditions. Using the real-world case of road sign classification, we show that adversarial examples generated using RP 2 achieve high targeted misclassification rates against standard-architecture road sign classifiers in the physical world under various environmental conditions, including viewpoints. Due to the current lack of a standardized testing method, we propose a two-stage evaluation methodology for robust physical adversarial examples consisting of lab and field tests. Using this methodology, we evaluate the efficacy of physical adversarial manipulations on real objects. With a perturbation in the form of only black and white stickers, we attack a real stop sign, causing targeted misclassification in 100% of the images obtained in lab settings, and in 84.8% of the captured video frames obtained on a moving vehicle (field test) for the target classifier.
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我们识别普遍对抗扰动(UAP)的性质,将它们与标准的对抗性扰动区分开来。具体而言,我们表明,由投影梯度下降产生的靶向UAPS表现出两种人对齐的特性:语义局部性和空间不变性,标准的靶向对抗扰动缺乏。我们还证明,除标准对抗扰动之外,UAPS含有明显较低的泛化信号 - 即,UAPS在比标准的对抗的扰动的较小程度上利用非鲁棒特征。
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尽管深层神经网络在各种任务中取得了巨大的成功,但它们对不可察觉的对抗性扰动的脆弱性阻碍了他们在现实世界中的部署。最近,与随机合奏的作品相对于经过最小的计算开销的标准对手训练(AT)模型,对对抗性训练(AT)模型的对抗性鲁棒性有了显着改善,这使它们成为安全临界资源限制应用程序的有前途解决方案。但是,这种令人印象深刻的表现提出了一个问题:这些稳健性是由随机合奏提供的吗?在这项工作中,我们从理论和经验上都解决了这个问题。从理论上讲,我们首先确定通常采用的鲁棒性评估方法(例如自适应PGD)在这种情况下提供了错误的安全感。随后,我们提出了一种理论上有效的对抗攻击算法(ARC),即使在自适应PGD无法做到这一点的情况下,也能妥协随机合奏。我们在各种网络体系结构,培训方案,数据集和规范上进行全面的实验,以支持我们的主张,并经验证明,随机合奏实际上比在模型上更容易受到$ \ ell_p $结合的对抗性扰动的影响。我们的代码可以在https://github.com/hsndbk4/arc上找到。
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Adaptive attacks have (rightfully) become the de facto standard for evaluating defenses to adversarial examples. We find, however, that typical adaptive evaluations are incomplete. We demonstrate that thirteen defenses recently published at ICLR, ICML and NeurIPS-and which illustrate a diverse set of defense strategies-can be circumvented despite attempting to perform evaluations using adaptive attacks. While prior evaluation papers focused mainly on the end result-showing that a defense was ineffective-this paper focuses on laying out the methodology and the approach necessary to perform an adaptive attack. Some of our attack strategies are generalizable, but no single strategy would have been sufficient for all defenses. This underlines our key message that adaptive attacks cannot be automated and always require careful and appropriate tuning to a given defense. We hope that these analyses will serve as guidance on how to properly perform adaptive attacks against defenses to adversarial examples, and thus will allow the community to make further progress in building more robust models.
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Neural networks provide state-of-the-art results for most machine learning tasks. Unfortunately, neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples: given an input x and any target classification t, it is possible to find a new input x that is similar to x but classified as t. This makes it difficult to apply neural networks in security-critical areas. Defensive distillation is a recently proposed approach that can take an arbitrary neural network, and increase its robustness, reducing the success rate of current attacks' ability to find adversarial examples from 95% to 0.5%.In this paper, we demonstrate that defensive distillation does not significantly increase the robustness of neural networks by introducing three new attack algorithms that are successful on both distilled and undistilled neural networks with 100% probability. Our attacks are tailored to three distance metrics used previously in the literature, and when compared to previous adversarial example generation algorithms, our attacks are often much more effective (and never worse). Furthermore, we propose using high-confidence adversarial examples in a simple transferability test we show can also be used to break defensive distillation. We hope our attacks will be used as a benchmark in future defense attempts to create neural networks that resist adversarial examples.
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