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受到控制障碍功能(CBF)在解决安全性方面的成功以及数据驱动技术建模功能的兴起的启发,我们提出了一种使用高斯流程(GPS)在线合成CBF的非参数方法。 CBF等数学结构通过先验设计候选功能来实现安全性。但是,设计这样的候选功能可能具有挑战性。这种设置的一个实际示例是在需要确定安全且可导航区域的灾难恢复方案中设计CBF。在这样的示例中,安全性边界未知,不能先验设计。在我们的方法中,我们使用安全样本或观察结果来在线构建CBF,通过在这些样品上具有灵活的GP,并称我们为高斯CBF的配方。除非参数外,例如分析性障碍性和稳健的不确定性估计,GP具有有利的特性。这允许通过合并方差估计来实现具有高安全性保证的后部组件,同时还计算封闭形式中相关的部分导数以实现安全控制。此外,我们方法的合成安全函数允许根据数据任意更改相应的安全集,从而允许非Convex安全集。我们通过证明对固定但任意的安全集和避免碰撞的安全性在线构建安全集的安全控制,从而在四极管上验证了我们的方法。最后,我们将高斯CBF与常规的CBF并列,在嘈杂状态下,以突出其灵活性和对噪声的鲁棒性。实验视频可以在:https://youtu.be/hx6uokvcigk上看到。
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This paper proposes embedded Gaussian Process Barrier States (GP-BaS), a methodology to safely control unmodeled dynamics of nonlinear system using Bayesian learning. Gaussian Processes (GPs) are used to model the dynamics of the safety-critical system, which is subsequently used in the GP-BaS model. We derive the barrier state dynamics utilizing the GP posterior, which is used to construct a safety embedded Gaussian process dynamical model (GPDM). We show that the safety-critical system can be controlled to remain inside the safe region as long as we can design a controller that renders the BaS-GPDM's trajectories bounded (or asymptotically stable). The proposed approach overcomes various limitations in early attempts at combining GPs with barrier functions due to the abstention of restrictive assumptions such as linearity of the system with respect to control, relative degree of the constraints and number or nature of constraints. This work is implemented on various examples for trajectory optimization and control including optimal stabilization of unstable linear system and safe trajectory optimization of a Dubins vehicle navigating through an obstacle course and on a quadrotor in an obstacle avoidance task using GP differentiable dynamic programming (GP-DDP). The proposed framework is capable of maintaining safe optimization and control of unmodeled dynamics and is purely data driven.
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基于学习的控制方案最近表现出了出色的效力执行复杂的任务。但是,为了将它们部署在实际系统中,保证该系统在在线培训和执行过程中将保持安全至关重要。因此,我们需要安全的在线学习框架,能够自主地理论当前的信息是否足以确保安全或需要新的测量。在本文中,我们提出了一个由两个部分组成的框架:首先,在需要时积极收集测量的隔离外检测机制,以确保至少一个安全备份方向始终可供使用;其次,基于高斯的基于过程的概率安全 - 关键控制器可确保系统始终保持安全的可能性。我们的方法通过使用控制屏障功能来利用模型知识,并以事件触发的方式从在线数据流中收集测量,以确保学习的安全至关重要控制器的递归可行性。反过来,这又使我们能够提供具有很高概率的安全集的正式结果,即使在先验未开发的区域中也是如此。最后,我们在自适应巡航控制系统的数值模拟中验证了所提出的框架。
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Ensuring safety is of paramount importance in physical human-robot interaction applications. This requires both an adherence to safety constraints defined on the system state, as well as guaranteeing compliant behaviour of the robot. If the underlying dynamical system is known exactly, the former can be addressed with the help of control barrier functions. Incorporation of elastic actuators in the robot's mechanical design can address the latter requirement. However, this elasticity can increase the complexity of the resulting system, leading to unmodeled dynamics, such that control barrier functions cannot directly ensure safety. In this paper, we mitigate this issue by learning the unknown dynamics using Gaussian process regression. By employing the model in a feedback linearizing control law, the safety conditions resulting from control barrier functions can be robustified to take into account model errors, while remaining feasible. In order enforce them on-line, we formulate the derived safety conditions in the form of a second-order cone program. We demonstrate our proposed approach with simulations on a two-degree of freedom planar robot with elastic joints.
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我们呈现$ \ mathcal {cl} _1 $ - $ \ mathcal {gp} $,控制框架,使能安全同时学习和控制能够进行不确定因素的系统。这两个主要成分是基于收缩理论的$ \ mathcal {l} _1 $($ \ mathcal {cl} _1 $)控制和贝叶斯学习以高斯过程(GP)回归。$ \ mathcal {cl} _1 $控制器可确保在提供安全证书时满足控制目标。此外,$ \ mathcal {cl} _1 $ - $ \ mathcal {gp} $将任何可用数据纳入了GP的不确定因素模型,这提高了性能并使运动计划能够安全地实现最佳状态。这样,即使在学习瞬变期间,也可以保证系统的安全操作。我们提供了一些用于在各种环境中安全学习和控制平面的平面电路系统的说明性示例。
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强化学习(RL)和连续的非线性控制已成功部署在复杂的顺序决策任务的多个领域中。但是,鉴于学习过程的探索性质和模型不确定性的存在,由于缺乏安全保证,将它们应用于安全至关重要的控制任务是一项挑战。另一方面,尽管将控制理论方法与学习算法相结合,但在安全RL应用中显示了希望,但安全数据收集过程的样本效率尚未得到很好的解决。在本文中,我们提出了一个\ emph {可证明的}示例有效的情节安全学习框架,用于在线控制任务,以利用未知的非线性动力学系统来利用安全的探索和剥削。特别是,框架1)在随机设置中扩展控制屏障功能(CBF),以在模型学习过程中实现可证明的高概率安全性,2)整合基于乐观的探索策略,以有效地将安全探索过程与学习的动态有效地指导安全探索过程对于\ emph {接近最佳}控制性能。我们对与理论保证的最佳控制器和概率安全性的偶发性遗憾进行了正式分析。提供了仿真结果以证明所提出算法的有效性和效率。
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Learning-enabled control systems have demonstrated impressive empirical performance on challenging control problems in robotics, but this performance comes at the cost of reduced transparency and lack of guarantees on the safety or stability of the learned controllers. In recent years, new techniques have emerged to provide these guarantees by learning certificates alongside control policies -- these certificates provide concise, data-driven proofs that guarantee the safety and stability of the learned control system. These methods not only allow the user to verify the safety of a learned controller but also provide supervision during training, allowing safety and stability requirements to influence the training process itself. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of this rapidly developing field of certificate learning. We hope that this paper will serve as an accessible introduction to the theory and practice of certificate learning, both to those who wish to apply these tools to practical robotics problems and to those who wish to dive more deeply into the theory of learning for control.
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各种科学和工程领域使用参数化机制模型。工程师和科学家通常可以假设几个竞争模型来解释特定的过程或现象。考虑一个模特歧视设置,我们希望找到最佳机械,动态模型候选者和最佳模型参数估计。通常,若干竞争机械模型可以解释可用数据,因此通过找到最大化模型预测发散的实验设置,可以通过找到最大化模型预测发散的实验设置来实现最佳地收集额外数据的动态实验。我们争论文献中有两种主要方法,用于解决最佳设计问题:(i)分析方法,使用线性和高斯近似来找设计目标的闭合表达式,以及(ii)数据驱动方法,这通常依赖于计算密集的蒙特卡罗技术。 olofsson等人。 (ICML 35,2018)介绍了高斯工艺(GP)替代模型来杂交的分析和数据驱动方法,这允许计算的实验设计,以识别黑盒式模型。在这项研究中,我们证明我们可以扩展现有的动态实验设计方法,以纳入更广泛的问题不确定性。我们还延伸了Olofsson等人。 (2018)使用GP代理模型来辨别动态黑盒式模型的方法。我们在文献中的着名案例研究中评估了我们的方法,并探讨了使用GP代理到近似基于梯度的方法的后果。
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高斯流程已成为各种安全至关重要环境的有前途的工具,因为后方差可用于直接估计模型误差并量化风险。但是,针对安全 - 关键环境的最新技术取决于核超参数是已知的,这通常不适用。为了减轻这种情况,我们在具有未知的超参数的设置中引入了强大的高斯过程统一误差界。我们的方法计算超参数空间中的一个置信区域,这使我们能够获得具有任意超参数的高斯过程模型误差的概率上限。我们不需要对超参数的任何界限,这是相关工作中常见的假设。相反,我们能够以直观的方式从数据中得出界限。我们还采用了建议的技术来为一类基于学习的控制问题提供绩效保证。实验表明,界限的性能明显优于香草和完全贝叶斯高斯工艺。
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Safety is one of the biggest concerns to applying reinforcement learning (RL) to the physical world. In its core part, it is challenging to ensure RL agents persistently satisfy a hard state constraint without white-box or black-box dynamics models. This paper presents an integrated model learning and safe control framework to safeguard any agent, where its dynamics are learned as Gaussian processes. The proposed theory provides (i) a novel method to construct an offline dataset for model learning that best achieves safety requirements; (ii) a parameterization rule for safety index to ensure the existence of safe control; (iii) a safety guarantee in terms of probabilistic forward invariance when the model is learned using the aforementioned dataset. Simulation results show that our framework guarantees almost zero safety violation on various continuous control tasks.
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We propose a learning-based robust predictive control algorithm that compensates for significant uncertainty in the dynamics for a class of discrete-time systems that are nominally linear with an additive nonlinear component. Such systems commonly model the nonlinear effects of an unknown environment on a nominal system. We optimize over a class of nonlinear feedback policies inspired by certainty equivalent "estimate-and-cancel" control laws pioneered in classical adaptive control to achieve significant performance improvements in the presence of uncertainties of large magnitude, a setting in which existing learning-based predictive control algorithms often struggle to guarantee safety. In contrast to previous work in robust adaptive MPC, our approach allows us to take advantage of structure (i.e., the numerical predictions) in the a priori unknown dynamics learned online through function approximation. Our approach also extends typical nonlinear adaptive control methods to systems with state and input constraints even when we cannot directly cancel the additive uncertain function from the dynamics. We apply contemporary statistical estimation techniques to certify the system's safety through persistent constraint satisfaction with high probability. Moreover, we propose using Bayesian meta-learning algorithms that learn calibrated model priors to help satisfy the assumptions of the control design in challenging settings. Finally, we show in simulation that our method can accommodate more significant unknown dynamics terms than existing methods and that the use of Bayesian meta-learning allows us to adapt to the test environments more rapidly.
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强化学习(RL)控制器在控制社区中产生了兴奋。 RL控制器相对于现有方法的主要优点是它们能够优化不确定的系统,独立于明确假设过程不确定性。最近对工程应用的关注是针对安全RL控制器的发展。以前的作品已经提出了通过从随机模型预测控制领域的限制收紧来解释约束满足的方法。在这里,我们将这些方法扩展到植物模型不匹配。具体地,我们提出了一种利用离线仿真模型的高斯过程的数据驱动方法,并使用相关的后部不确定预测来解释联合机会限制和植物模型不匹配。该方法通过案例研究反对非线性模型预测控制的基准测试。结果证明了方法理解过程不确定性的能力,即使在植物模型错配的情况下也能满足联合机会限制。
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