在真实世界的机器学习应用中,可靠和安全的系统必须考虑超出标准测试设置精度的性能测量。这些其他目标包括分销(OOD)鲁棒性,预测一致性,对敌人的抵御能力,校准的不确定性估计,以及检测异常投入的能力。然而,提高这些目标的绩效通常是一种平衡行为,即今天的方法无法在不牺牲其他安全轴上的性能的情况下实现。例如,对抗性培训改善了对抗性鲁棒性,但急剧降低了其他分类器性能度量。同样,强大的数据增强和正则化技术往往提高鲁棒性,但损害异常检测,提出了对所有现有安全措施的帕累托改进是可能的。为满足这一挑战,我们设计了利用诸如分数形的图片的自然结构复杂性设计新的数据增强策略,这优于众多基线,靠近帕累托 - 最佳,并圆形提高安全措施。
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Modern deep neural networks can achieve high accuracy when the training distribution and test distribution are identically distributed, but this assumption is frequently violated in practice. When the train and test distributions are mismatched, accuracy can plummet. Currently there are few techniques that improve robustness to unforeseen data shifts encountered during deployment. In this work, we propose a technique to improve the robustness and uncertainty estimates of image classifiers. We propose AUGMIX, a data processing technique that is simple to implement, adds limited computational overhead, and helps models withstand unforeseen corruptions. AUGMIX significantly improves robustness and uncertainty measures on challenging image classification benchmarks, closing the gap between previous methods and the best possible performance in some cases by more than half.
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Self-supervision provides effective representations for downstream tasks without requiring labels. However, existing approaches lag behind fully supervised training and are often not thought beneficial beyond obviating or reducing the need for annotations. We find that self-supervision can benefit robustness in a variety of ways, including robustness to adversarial examples, label corruption, and common input corruptions. Additionally, self-supervision greatly benefits out-of-distribution detection on difficult, near-distribution outliers, so much so that it exceeds the performance of fully supervised methods. These results demonstrate the promise of self-supervision for improving robustness and uncertainty estimation and establish these tasks as new axes of evaluation for future self-supervised learning research.
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我们介绍了几个新的数据集即想象的A / O和Imagenet-R以及合成环境和测试套件,我们称为CAOS。 Imagenet-A / O允许研究人员专注于想象成剩余的盲点。由于追踪稳健的表示,以特殊创建了ImageNet-R,因为表示不再简单地自然,而是包括艺术和其他演绎。 Caos Suite由Carla Simulator构建,允许包含异常物体,可以创建可重复的合成环境和用于测试稳健性的场景。所有数据集都是为测试鲁棒性和衡量鲁棒性的衡量进展而创建的。数据集已用于各种其他作品中,以衡量其具有鲁棒性的自身进步,并允许切向进展,这些进展不会完全关注自然准确性。鉴于这些数据集,我们创建了几种旨在推进鲁棒性研究的新方法。我们以最大Logit的形式和典型程度的形式构建简单的基线,并以深度的形式创建新的数据增强方法,从而提高上述基准。最大Logit考虑Logit值而不是SoftMax操作后的值,而微小的变化会产生明显的改进。典型程分将输出分布与类的后部分布进行比较。我们表明,除了分段任务之外,这将提高对基线的性能。猜测可能在像素级别,像素的语义信息比类级信息的语义信息不太有意义。最后,新的Deepaulment的新增强技术利用神经网络在彻底不同于先前使用的传统几何和相机的转换的图像上创建增强。
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We introduce two challenging datasets that reliably cause machine learning model performance to substantially degrade. The datasets are collected with a simple adversarial filtration technique to create datasets with limited spurious cues. Our datasets' real-world, unmodified examples transfer to various unseen models reliably, demonstrating that computer vision models have shared weaknesses. The first dataset is called IMAGENET-A and is like the ImageNet test set, but it is far more challenging for existing models. We also curate an adversarial out-ofdistribution detection dataset called IMAGENET-O, which is the first out-of-distribution detection dataset created for ImageNet models. On IMAGENET-A a DenseNet-121 obtains around 2% accuracy, an accuracy drop of approximately 90%, and its out-of-distribution detection performance on IMAGENET-O is near random chance levels. We find that existing data augmentation techniques hardly boost performance, and using other public training datasets provides improvements that are limited. However, we find that improvements to computer vision architectures provide a promising path towards robust models.
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It is important to detect anomalous inputs when deploying machine learning systems. The use of larger and more complex inputs in deep learning magnifies the difficulty of distinguishing between anomalous and in-distribution examples. At the same time, diverse image and text data are available in enormous quantities. We propose leveraging these data to improve deep anomaly detection by training anomaly detectors against an auxiliary dataset of outliers, an approach we call Outlier Exposure (OE). This enables anomaly detectors to generalize and detect unseen anomalies. In extensive experiments on natural language processing and small-and large-scale vision tasks, we find that Outlier Exposure significantly improves detection performance. We also observe that cutting-edge generative models trained on CIFAR-10 may assign higher likelihoods to SVHN images than to CIFAR-10 images; we use OE to mitigate this issue. We also analyze the flexibility and robustness of Outlier Exposure, and identify characteristics of the auxiliary dataset that improve performance.
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He et al. (2018) have called into question the utility of pre-training by showing that training from scratch can often yield similar performance to pre-training. We show that although pre-training may not improve performance on traditional classification metrics, it improves model robustness and uncertainty estimates. Through extensive experiments on adversarial examples, label corruption, class imbalance, out-of-distribution detection, and confidence calibration, we demonstrate large gains from pre-training and complementary effects with task-specific methods. We introduce adversarial pre-training and show approximately a 10% absolute improvement over the previous state-of-the-art in adversarial robustness. In some cases, using pre-training without task-specific methods also surpasses the state-of-the-art, highlighting the need for pretraining when evaluating future methods on robustness and uncertainty tasks.
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已知现代深度神经网络模型将错误地将分布式(OOD)测试数据分类为具有很高信心的分数(ID)培训课程之一。这可能会对关键安全应用产生灾难性的后果。一种流行的缓解策略是训练单独的分类器,该分类器可以在测试时间检测此类OOD样本。在大多数实际设置中,在火车时间尚不清楚OOD的示例,因此,一个关键问题是:如何使用合成OOD样品来增加ID数据以训练这样的OOD检测器?在本文中,我们为称为CNC的OOD数据增强提出了一种新颖的复合腐败技术。 CNC的主要优点之一是,除了培训集外,它不需要任何固定数据。此外,与当前的最新技术(SOTA)技术不同,CNC不需要在测试时间进行反向传播或结合,从而使我们的方法在推断时更快。我们与过去4年中主要会议的20种方法进行了广泛的比较,表明,在OOD检测准确性和推理时间方面,使用基于CNC的数据增强训练的模型都胜过SOTA。我们包括详细的事后分析,以研究我们方法成功的原因,并确定CNC样本的较高相对熵和多样性是可能的原因。我们还通过对二维数据集进行零件分解分析提供理论见解,以揭示(视觉和定量),我们的方法导致ID类别周围的边界更紧密,从而更好地检测了OOD样品。源代码链接:https://github.com/cnc-ood
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Deep neural networks achieve high prediction accuracy when the train and test distributions coincide. In practice though, various types of corruptions occur which deviate from this setup and cause severe performance degradations. Few methods have been proposed to address generalization in the presence of unforeseen domain shifts. In particular, digital noise corruptions arise commonly in practice during the image acquisition stage and present a significant challenge for current robustness approaches. In this paper, we propose a diverse Gaussian noise consistency regularization method for improving robustness of image classifiers under a variety of noise corruptions while still maintaining high clean accuracy. We derive bounds to motivate and understand the behavior of our Gaussian noise consistency regularization using a local loss landscape analysis. We show that this simple approach improves robustness against various unforeseen noise corruptions by 4.2-18.4% over adversarial training and other strong diverse data augmentation baselines across several benchmarks. Furthermore, when combined with state-of-the-art diverse data augmentation techniques, experiments against state-of-the-art show our method further improves robustness accuracy by 3.7% and uncertainty calibration by 5.5% for all common corruptions on several image classification benchmarks.
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As more and more artificial intelligence (AI) technologies move from the laboratory to real-world applications, the open-set and robustness challenges brought by data from the real world have received increasing attention. Data augmentation is a widely used method to improve model performance, and some recent works have also confirmed its positive effect on the robustness of AI models. However, most of the existing data augmentation methods are heuristic, lacking the exploration of their internal mechanisms. We apply the explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) method, explore the internal mechanisms of popular data augmentation methods, analyze the relationship between game interactions and some widely used robustness metrics, and propose a new proxy for model robustness in the open-set environment. Based on the analysis of the internal mechanisms, we develop a mask-based boosting method for data augmentation that comprehensively improves several robustness measures of AI models and beats state-of-the-art data augmentation approaches. Experiments show that our method can be widely applied to many popular data augmentation methods. Different from the adversarial training, our boosting method not only significantly improves the robustness of models, but also improves the accuracy of test sets. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/Anonymous_for_submission}.
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We introduce four new real-world distribution shift datasets consisting of changes in image style, image blurriness, geographic location, camera operation, and more. With our new datasets, we take stock of previously proposed methods for improving out-of-distribution robustness and put them to the test. We find that using larger models and artificial data augmentations can improve robustness on realworld distribution shifts, contrary to claims in prior work. We find improvements in artificial robustness benchmarks can transfer to real-world distribution shifts, contrary to claims in prior work. Motivated by our observation that data augmentations can help with real-world distribution shifts, we also introduce a new data augmentation method which advances the state-of-the-art and outperforms models pretrained with 1000× more labeled data. Overall we find that some methods consistently help with distribution shifts in texture and local image statistics, but these methods do not help with some other distribution shifts like geographic changes. Our results show that future research must study multiple distribution shifts simultaneously, as we demonstrate that no evaluated method consistently improves robustness.
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在图像分类中,在检测分布(OOD)数据时发生了许多发展。但是,大多数OOD检测方法是在一组标准数据集上评估的,该数据集与培训数据任意不同。没有明确的定义``好的''ood数据集。此外,最先进的OOD检测方法已经在这些标准基准上取得了几乎完美的结果。在本文中,我们定义了2类OOD数据使用与分布(ID)数据的感知/视觉和语义相似性的微妙概念。我们将附近的OOD样本定义为感知上相似但语义上与ID样本的不同,并将样本转移为视觉上不同但在语义上与ID相似的点数据。然后,我们提出了一个基于GAN的框架,用于从这两个类别中生成OOD样品,给定一个ID数据集。通过有关MNIST,CIFAR-10/100和Imagenet的广泛实验,我们表明A)在常规基准上表现出色的ART OOD检测方法对我们提出的基准测试的稳健性明显较小。 N基准测试,反之亦然,因此表明甚至可能不需要单独的OOD集来可靠地评估OOD检测中的性能。
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虽然直接进行微调(FT)大规模调查,但在特定于任务数据上进行了预定的模型,众所周知,可以引起强大的分配任务绩效,但最近的作品表明,不同的适应协议,例如线性探测(LP),例如线性探测(LP) ft,可以改善分布的概括。但是,此类适应协议的设计空间仍未探索,并且对此类协议的评估主要集中在分配转移上。因此,在这项工作中,我们评估了跨分布转移和机器学习安全指标(例如,异常检测,校准,对腐败的鲁棒性)的共同适应协议。我们发现协议引起了不同的权衡,这些权衡从事先评估中显而易见。此外,我们证明,适当的数据增强和协议可以大大减轻这种权衡。最后,我们假设并从经验上看到,在LP期间使用促进硬度的增强功能,然后使用增强功能对ft进行ft可能对缓解折衷尤其有效。
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In this paper we establish rigorous benchmarks for image classifier robustness. Our first benchmark, IMAGENET-C, standardizes and expands the corruption robustness topic, while showing which classifiers are preferable in safety-critical applications. Then we propose a new dataset called IMAGENET-P which enables researchers to benchmark a classifier's robustness to common perturbations. Unlike recent robustness research, this benchmark evaluates performance on common corruptions and perturbations not worst-case adversarial perturbations. We find that there are negligible changes in relative corruption robustness from AlexNet classifiers to ResNet classifiers. Afterward we discover ways to enhance corruption and perturbation robustness. We even find that a bypassed adversarial defense provides substantial common perturbation robustness. Together our benchmarks may aid future work toward networks that robustly generalize.
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对共同腐败的稳健性的文献表明对逆势培训是否可以提高这种环境的性能,没有达成共识。 First, we show that, when used with an appropriately selected perturbation radius, $\ell_p$ adversarial training can serve as a strong baseline against common corruptions improving both accuracy and calibration.然后,我们解释了为什么对抗性训练比具有简单高斯噪声的数据增强更好地表现,这被观察到是对共同腐败的有意义的基线。与此相关,我们确定了高斯增强过度适用于用于培训的特定标准偏差的$ \ sigma $ -oviting现象,这对培训具有显着不利影响的普通腐败精度。我们讨论如何缓解这一问题,然后如何通过学习的感知图像贴片相似度引入对抗性训练的有效放松来进一步增强$ \ ell_p $普发的培训。通过对CiFar-10和Imagenet-100的实验,我们表明我们的方法不仅改善了$ \ ell_p $普发的培训基线,而且还有累积的收益与Augmix,Deepaulment,Ant和Sin等数据增强方法,导致普通腐败的最先进的表现。我们的实验代码在HTTPS://github.com/tml-epfl/adv-training - 窗子上公开使用。
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数据增强是一种提高深神经网络(DNN)的鲁棒性的简单而有效的方法。多样性和硬度是数据增强的两个互补维度,以实现稳健性。例如,Augmix探讨了各种增强套的随机组成,以增强更广泛的覆盖,而对抗性培训产生过态度硬质样品以发现弱点。通过此激励,我们提出了一个数据增强框架,被称为奥古曼克,统一多样性和硬度的两个方面。 Augmax首先将多个增强运算符进行随机样本,然后学习所选操作员的对抗性混合物。作为更强大的数据增强形式,奥格梅纳队导致了一个明显的增强输入分布,使模型培训更具挑战性。为了解决这个问题,我们进一步设计了一个解散的归一化模块,称为Dubin(双批次和实例规范化),其解除了奥古曼克斯出现的实例 - 明智的特征异质性。实验表明,Augmax-Dubin将显着改善分配的鲁棒性,优于现有技术,在CiFar10-C,CiFar100-C,微小Imagenet-C和Imagenet-C上以3.03%,3.49%,1.82%和0.71%。可提供代码和预磨料模型:https://github.com/vita-group/augmax。
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Novelty detection, i.e., identifying whether a given sample is drawn from outside the training distribution, is essential for reliable machine learning. To this end, there have been many attempts at learning a representation well-suited for novelty detection and designing a score based on such representation. In this paper, we propose a simple, yet effective method named contrasting shifted instances (CSI), inspired by the recent success on contrastive learning of visual representations. Specifically, in addition to contrasting a given sample with other instances as in conventional contrastive learning methods, our training scheme contrasts the sample with distributionally-shifted augmentations of itself. Based on this, we propose a new detection score that is specific to the proposed training scheme. Our experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method under various novelty detection scenarios, including unlabeled one-class, unlabeled multi-class and labeled multi-class settings, with various image benchmark datasets. Code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/alinlab/CSI.
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如今,几次拍摄设置中的分类和分配(OOD)检测仍然具有具有挑战性的目标,因为罕见和几次拍摄设置中的样品有限,并且由于对抗攻击。完成这些目标对于安全,安全和防御的关键系统非常重要。同时,由于深度神经网络分类器为远离训练数据的样品集中置信,因此检测是挑战的具有挑战性。为了解决这些限制,我们提出了几次射击的鲁棒(FROB)模型进行分类和少量拍摄的检测。我们设计了肥胖,以改善鲁棒性和可靠的置信度预测,对几次拍摄的检测。我们生成正常类分布的支持边界,并将其与少量异常曝光(OE)相结合。我们提出了一种基于生成和鉴别模型的自我监督的学习少量置信界限方法。 FROB的贡献是产生的边界以自我监督的学习方式的结合,并在学习边界处施加低信心。 Frob隐含地在边界上产生强烈的对抗性样本,并强制来自ood的样本,包括我们的边界,对分类器的信心不太自信。 FROB通过适用于未知,在野外的测试集中实现概念的概念,与训练数据集无关。为了提高稳健性,甚至可以为零拍摄重新设计OE。通过包括我们的边界,FROB减少了与模型的几次稳健性相关的阈值;它保持了大约独立于几幅射击的表现。不同集合和单级分类(OCC)数据的少量射击鲁棒性分析评估(OCC)数据显示,FROB在鲁棒性方面实现了竞争性能,以鲁棒性对异常较少的样本人口和可变性实现了基准。
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