We present a toolchain for solving path planning problems for concentric tube robots through obstacle fields. First, ellipsoidal sets representing the target area and obstacles are constructed from labelled point clouds. Then, the nonlinear and highly nonconvex optimal control problem is solved by introducing a homotopy on the obstacle positions where at one extreme of the parameter the obstacles are removed from the operating space, and at the other extreme they are located at their intended positions. We present a detailed example (with more than a thousand obstacles) from stereotactic neurosurgery with real-world data obtained from labelled MPRI scans.
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Despite recent progress on trajectory planning of multiple robots and path planning of a single tethered robot, planning of multiple tethered robots to reach their individual targets without entanglements remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we present a complete approach to address this problem. Firstly, we propose a multi-robot tether-aware representation of homotopy, using which we can efficiently evaluate the feasibility and safety of a potential path in terms of (1) the cable length required to reach a target following the path, and (2) the risk of entanglements with the cables of other robots. Then, the proposed representation is applied in a decentralized and online planning framework that includes a graph-based kinodynamic trajectory finder and an optimization-based trajectory refinement, to generate entanglement-free, collision-free and dynamically feasible trajectories. The efficiency of the proposed homotopy representation is compared against existing single and multiple tethered robot planning approaches. Simulations with up to 8 UAVs show the effectiveness of the approach in entanglement prevention and its real-time capabilities. Flight experiments using 3 tethered UAVs verify the practicality of the presented approach.
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Tendon-driven robots, where one or more tendons under tension bend and manipulate a flexible backbone, can improve minimally invasive surgeries involving difficult-to-reach regions in the human body. Planning motions safely within constrained anatomical environments requires accuracy and efficiency in shape estimation and collision checking. Tendon robots that employ arbitrarily-routed tendons can achieve complex and interesting shapes, enabling them to travel to difficult-to-reach anatomical regions. Arbitrarily-routed tendon-driven robots have unintuitive nonlinear kinematics. Therefore, we envision clinicians leveraging an assistive interactive-rate motion planner to automatically generate collision-free trajectories to clinician-specified destinations during minimally-invasive surgical procedures. Standard motion-planning techniques cannot achieve interactive-rate motion planning with the current expensive tendon robot kinematic models. In this work, we present a 3-phase motion-planning system for arbitrarily-routed tendon-driven robots with a Precompute phase, a Load phase, and a Supervisory Control phase. Our system achieves an interactive rate by developing a fast kinematic model (over 1,000 times faster than current models), a fast voxel collision method (27.6 times faster than standard methods), and leveraging a precomputed roadmap of the entire robot workspace with pre-voxelized vertices and edges. In simulated experiments, we show that our motion-planning method achieves high tip-position accuracy and generates plans at 14.8 Hz on average in a segmented collapsed lung pleural space anatomical environment. Our results show that our method is 17,700 times faster than popular off-the-shelf motion planning algorithms with standard FK and collision detection approaches. Our open-source code is available online.
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反向运动学(IK)是找到满足一个或多个末端效应器的位置或姿势的限制的机器人联合配置的问题。对于具有冗余自由度的机器人,通常存在无限,不透露的解决方案。当通过工作空间中的障碍施加碰撞限制时,IK问题进一步复杂。通常,不存在产生可行配置的闭合表达,促使使用数值解决方案方法。然而,这些方法依赖于局部优化非凸起问题,通常需要准确的初始化或许多重新初始化来收敛到有效的解决方案。在这项工作中,我们首先将复杂的工作空间约束制定逆运动学,作为凸的可行性问题,其低级可行点提供精确的IK解决方案。然后,我们呈现\ texttt {cidgik}(距离 - 几何反向运动学的凸迭代),这是一种解决这种可行性问题的算法,其具有旨在鼓励低秩最小化的半导体级程序的序列。我们的问题制定优雅地统一机器人的配置空间和工作空间约束:内在机器人几何形状和避免避免都表示为简单的线性矩阵方程和不等式。我们对各种流行的操纵器模型的实验结果比传统的非线性优化的方法更快,更准确的会聚,特别是在具有许多障碍的环境中。
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长期以来,PATH规划一直是机器人技术的主要研究领域之一,PRM和RRT是最有效的计划者之一。尽管通常非常有效,但这些基于抽样的计划者在“狭窄通道”的重要情况下可能会变得昂贵。本文开发了专门为狭窄通道问题制定的路径规划范例。核心是基于计划由椭圆形工会封装的刚体机器人的计划。每个环境特征都使用具有$ \ Mathcal {C}^1 $边界的严格凸面来表示几何(例如,超级方面)。这样做的主要好处是,配置空间障碍物可以以封闭形式明确地进行参数化,从而可以使用先验知识来避免采样不可行的配置。然后,通过表征针对多个椭圆形的紧密体积,可以保证涉及旋转的机器人过渡无碰撞,而无需执行传统的碰撞检测。此外,通过与随机抽样策略结合使用,可以将提出的计划框架扩展到解决较高的维度问题,在该问题中,机器人具有移动的基础和铰接的附属物。基准结果表明,所提出的框架通常优于基于采样的计划者的计算时间和成功率,在找到单身机器人和具有较高维度配置空间的狭窄走廊的路径方面。使用建议的框架进行了物理实验,在人形机器人中进一步证明,该机器人在几个混乱的环境中行走,通道狭窄。
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Steerable needles are capable of accurately targeting difficult-to-reach clinical sites in the body. By bending around sensitive anatomical structures, steerable needles have the potential to reduce the invasiveness of many medical procedures. However, inserting these needles with curved trajectories increases the risk of tissue damage due to perpendicular forces exerted on the surrounding tissue by the needle's shaft, potentially resulting in lateral shearing through tissue. Such forces can cause significant damage to surrounding tissue, negatively affecting patient outcomes. In this work, we derive a tissue and needle force model based on a Cosserat string formulation, which describes the normal forces and frictional forces along the shaft as a function of the planned needle path, friction model and parameters, and tip piercing force. We propose this new force model and associated cost function as a safer and more clinically relevant metric than those currently used in motion planning for steerable needles. We fit and validate our model through physical needle robot experiments in a gel phantom. We use this force model to define a bottleneck cost function for motion planning and evaluate it against the commonly used path-length cost function in hundreds of randomly generated 3-D environments. Plans generated with our force-based cost show a 62% reduction in the peak modeled tissue force with only a 0.07% increase in length on average compared to using the path-length cost in planning. Additionally, we demonstrate the ability to plan motions with our force-based cost function in a lung tumor biopsy scenario from a segmented computed tomography (CT) scan. By planning motions for the needle that aim to minimize the modeled needle-to-tissue force explicitly, our method plans needle paths that may reduce the risk of significant tissue damage while still reaching desired targets in the body.
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Designing a local planner to control tractor-trailer vehicles in forward and backward maneuvering is a challenging control problem in the research community of autonomous driving systems. Considering a critical situation in the stability of tractor-trailer systems, a practical and novel approach is presented to design a non-linear MPC(NMPC) local planner for tractor-trailer autonomous vehicles in both forward and backward maneuvering. The tractor velocity and steering angle are considered to be control variables. The proposed NMPC local planner is designed to handle jackknife situations, avoiding multiple static obstacles, and path following in both forward and backward maneuvering. The challenges mentioned above are converted into a constrained problem that can be handled simultaneously by the proposed NMPC local planner. The direct multiple shooting approach is used to convert the optimal control problem(OCP) into a non-linear programming problem(NLP) that IPOPT solvers can solve in CasADi. The controller performance is evaluated through different backup and forward maneuvering scenarios in the Gazebo simulation environment in real-time. It achieves asymptotic stability in avoiding static obstacles and accurate tracking performance while respecting path constraints. Finally, the proposed NMPC local planner is integrated with an open-source autonomous driving software stack called AutowareAi.
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Continuous formulations of trajectory planning problems have two main benefits. First, constraints are guaranteed to be satisfied at all times. Secondly, dynamic obstacles can be naturally considered with time. This paper introduces a novel B-spline based trajectory optimization method for multi-jointed robots that provides a continuous trajectory with guaranteed continuous constraints satisfaction. At the core of this method, B-spline basic operations, like addition, multiplication, and derivative, are rigorously defined and applied for problem formulation. B-spline unique characteristics, such as the convex hull and smooth curves properties, are utilized to reformulate the original continuous optimization problem into a finite-dimensional problem. Collision avoidance with static obstacles is achieved using the signed distance field, while that with dynamic obstacles is accomplished via constructing time-varying separating hyperplanes. Simulation results on various robots validate the effectiveness of the algorithm. In addition, this paper provides experimental validations with a 6-link FANUC robot avoiding static and moving obstacles.
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该论文提出了一个计划者,以使用质心动力学和人形机器人的完整运动学来产生步行轨迹。机器人与行走表面之间的相互作用是通过新条件明确建模的,即\ emph {动态互补性约束}。该方法不需要预定义的接触序列,并自动生成脚步。我们通过一组任务来表征机器人控制目标,并通过解决最佳控制问题来解决它。我们表明,可以通过指定最小的参考集,例如恒定所需的质量速度中心和地面上的参考点来自动实现行走运动。此外,我们分析了接触模型选择如何影响计算时间。我们通过为人形机器人ICUB生成和测试步行轨迹来验证该方法。
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本文着重于影响弹性的移动机器人的碰撞运动计划和控制的新兴范式转移,并开发了一个统一的层次结构框架,用于在未知和部分观察的杂物空间中导航。在较低级别上,我们开发了一种变形恢复控制和轨迹重新启动策略,该策略处理可能在本地运行时发生的碰撞。低级系统会积极检测碰撞(通过内部内置的移动机器人上的嵌入式霍尔效应传感器),使机器人能够从其内部恢复,并在本地调整后影响后的轨迹。然后,在高层,我们提出了一种基于搜索的计划算法,以确定如何最好地利用潜在的碰撞来改善某些指标,例如控制能量和计算时间。我们的方法建立在A*带有跳跃点的基础上。我们生成了一种新颖的启发式功能,并进行了碰撞检查和调整技术,从而使A*算法通过利用和利用可能的碰撞来更快地收敛到达目标。通过将全局A*算法和局部变形恢复和重新融合策略以及该框架的各个组件相结合而生成的整体分层框架在模拟和实验中都经过了广泛的测试。一项消融研究借鉴了与基于搜索的最先进的避免碰撞计划者(用于整体框架)的链接,以及基于搜索的避免碰撞和基于采样的碰撞 - 碰撞 - 全球规划师(对于更高的较高的碰撞 - 等级)。结果证明了我们的方法在未知环境中具有碰撞的运动计划和控制的功效,在2D中运行的一类撞击弹性机器人具有孤立的障碍物。
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