a) original (b) hole+constraints (c) hole filled (d) constraints (e) constrained retarget (f) reshuffleFigure 1: Structural image editing. Left to right: (a) the original image; (b) a hole is marked (magenta) and we use line constraints (red/green/blue) to improve the continuity of the roofline; (c) the hole is filled in; (d) user-supplied line constraints for retargeting;(e) retargeting using constraints eliminates two columns automatically; and (f) user translates the roof upward using reshuffling.
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GAN能够进行一代视频培训的生成和操纵任务。然而,这些单一视频GAN需要不合理的时间来训练单个视频,使它们几乎不切实际。在本文中,我们提出了从单个视频发电的GaN的必要性,并为各种生成和操纵任务引入非参数基准。我们恢复古典时空补丁 - 最近的邻居接近并使其适应可扩展的无条件生成模型,而无需任何学习。这种简单的基线令人惊讶地优于视觉质量和现实主义(通过定量和定性评估确认)的单视频导航,并且不成比例地更快(运行时从几天减少到秒)。除了不同的视频生成之外,我们使用相同的框架展示了其他应用程序,包括视频类比和时空复回靶向。我们所提出的方法很容易缩放到全高清视频。这些观察结果表明,古典方法(如果正确调整),这些任务的大幅优于重度深度学习机械。这为单视频生成和操作任务设置了新的基线,并且不太重要 - 首次从单个视频中从单个视频中产生多样化。
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We propose "factor matting", an alternative formulation of the video matting problem in terms of counterfactual video synthesis that is better suited for re-composition tasks. The goal of factor matting is to separate the contents of video into independent components, each visualizing a counterfactual version of the scene where contents of other components have been removed. We show that factor matting maps well to a more general Bayesian framing of the matting problem that accounts for complex conditional interactions between layers. Based on this observation, we present a method for solving the factor matting problem that produces useful decompositions even for video with complex cross-layer interactions like splashes, shadows, and reflections. Our method is trained per-video and requires neither pre-training on external large datasets, nor knowledge about the 3D structure of the scene. We conduct extensive experiments, and show that our method not only can disentangle scenes with complex interactions, but also outperforms top methods on existing tasks such as classical video matting and background subtraction. In addition, we demonstrate the benefits of our approach on a range of downstream tasks. Please refer to our project webpage for more details: https://factormatte.github.io
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The quantitative evaluation of optical flow algorithms by Barron et al. (1994) led to significant advances in performance. The challenges for optical flow algorithms today go beyond the datasets and evaluation methods proposed in that paper. Instead, they center on problems associated with complex natural scenes, including nonrigid motion, real sensor noise, and motion discontinuities. We propose a new set of benchmarks and evaluation methods for the next generation of optical flow algorithms. To that end, we contribute four types of data to test different aspects of optical flow algorithms: (1) sequences with nonrigid motion where the ground-truth flow is determined by A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (Baker et al. 2007).
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最近,Deep Models已经建立了SOTA性能,用于低分辨率图像介绍,但它们缺乏与现代相机(如4K或更多相关的现代相机)以及大孔相关的分辨率的保真度。我们为4K及以上代表现代传感器的照片贡献了一个介绍的基准数据集。我们展示了一个新颖的框架,结合了深度学习和传统方法。我们使用现有的深入介质模型喇嘛合理地填充孔,建立三个由结构,分割,深度组成的指南图像,并应用多个引导的贴片amatch,以产生八个候选候选图像。接下来,我们通过一个新型的策划模块来喂食所有候选构图,该模块选择了8x8反对称成对偏好矩阵的列求和良好的介绍。我们框架的结果受到了8个强大基线的用户的压倒性优先,其定量指标的改进高达7.4,而不是最好的基线喇嘛,而我们的技术与4种不同的SOTA配对时,我们的技术都会改善每个座椅,以使我们的每个人都非常偏爱用户,而不是用户偏爱用户。强大的超级分子基线。
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The accuracy of k-nearest neighbor (kNN) classification depends significantly on the metric used to compute distances between different examples. In this paper, we show how to learn a Mahalanobis distance metric for kNN classification from labeled examples. The Mahalanobis metric can equivalently be viewed as a global linear transformation of the input space that precedes kNN classification using Euclidean distances. In our approach, the metric is trained with the goal that the k-nearest neighbors always belong to the same class while examples from different classes are separated by a large margin. As in support vector machines (SVMs), the margin criterion leads to a convex optimization based on the hinge loss. Unlike learning in SVMs, however, our approach requires no modification or extension for problems in multiway (as opposed to binary) classification. In our framework, the Mahalanobis distance metric is obtained as the solution to a semidefinite program. On several data sets of varying size and difficulty, we find that metrics trained in this way lead to significant improvements in kNN classification. Sometimes these results can be further improved by clustering the training examples and learning an individual metric within each cluster. We show how to learn and combine these local metrics in a globally integrated manner.
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我们在并行计算机架构上的图像的自适应粒子表示(APR)上的离散卷积运算符的本机实现数据结构和算法。 APR是一个内容 - 自适应图像表示,其本地地将采样分辨率局部调整到图像信号。已经开发为大,稀疏图像的像素表示的替代方案,因为它们通常在荧光显微镜中发生。已经显示出降低存储,可视化和处理此类图像的存储器和运行时成本。然而,这要求图像处理本身在APRS上运行,而无需中间恢复为像素。然而,设计高效和可扩展的APR-Native图像处理原语是APR的不规则内存结构的复杂性。这里,我们提供了使用可以在离散卷积方面配制的各种算法有效和本地地处理APR图像所需的算法建筑块。我们表明APR卷积自然地导致缩放 - 自适应算法,可在多核CPU和GPU架构上有效地平行化。与基于像素的算法和概念性数据的卷积相比,我们量化了加速度。我们在单个NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Gaming GPU上实现了最多1 TB / s的像素等效吞吐量,而不是基于像素的实现的存储器最多两个数量级。
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Figure 1: Example inpainting results of our method on images of natural scene, face and texture. Missing regions are shown in white. In each pair, the left is input image and right is the direct output of our trained generative neural networks without any post-processing.
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面部特征跟踪是成像跳芭式(BCG)的关键组成部分,其中需要精确定量面部关键点的位移,以获得良好的心率估计。皮肤特征跟踪能够在帕金森病中基于视频的电机降解量化。传统的计算机视觉算法包括刻度不变特征变换(SIFT),加速强大的功能(冲浪)和LUCAS-KANADE方法(LK)。这些长期代表了最先进的效率和准确性,但是当存在常见的变形时,如图所示,如图所示,如此。在过去的五年中,深度卷积神经网络对大多数计算机视觉任务的传统方法表现优于传统的传统方法。我们提出了一种用于特征跟踪的管道,其应用卷积堆积的AutoEncoder,以将图像中最相似的裁剪标识到包含感兴趣的特征的参考裁剪。 AutoEncoder学会将图像作物代表到特定于对象类别的深度特征编码。我们在面部图像上培训AutoEncoder,并验证其在手动标记的脸部和手视频中通常验证其跟踪皮肤功能的能力。独特的皮肤特征(痣)的跟踪误差是如此之小,因为我们不能排除他们基于$ \ chi ^ 2 $ -test的手动标签。对于0.6-4.2像素的平均误差,我们的方法在所有情况下都表现出了其他方法。更重要的是,我们的方法是唯一一个不分歧的方法。我们得出的结论是,我们的方法为特征跟踪,特征匹配和图像配准比传统算法创建更好的特征描述符。
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Stereo matching is one of the most active research areas in computer vision. While a large number of algorithms for stereo correspondence have been developed, relatively little work has been done on characterizing their performance. In this paper, we present a taxonomy of dense, two-frame stereo methods. Our taxonomy is designed to assess the different components and design decisions made in individual stereo algorithms. Using this taxonomy, we compare existing stereo methods and present experiments evaluating the performance of many different variants. In order to establish a common software platform and a collection of data sets for easy evaluation, we have designed a stand-alone, flexible C++ implementation that enables the evaluation of individual components and that can easily be extended to include new algorithms. We have also produced several new multi-frame stereo data sets with ground truth and are making both the code and data sets available on the Web. Finally, we include a comparative evaluation of a large set of today's best-performing stereo algorithms.
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Self-similarity based super-resolution (SR) algorithms are able to produce visually pleasing results without extensive training on external databases. Such algorithms exploit the statistical prior that patches in a natural image tend to recur within and across scales of the same image. However, the internal dictionary obtained from the given image may not always be sufficiently expressive to cover the textural appearance variations in the scene. In this paper, we extend self-similarity based SR to overcome this drawback. We expand the internal patch search space by allowing geometric variations. We do so by explicitly localizing planes in the scene and using the detected perspective geometry to guide the patch search process. We also incorporate additional affine transformations to accommodate local shape variations. We propose a compositional model to simultaneously handle both types of transformations. We extensively evaluate the performance in both urban and natural scenes. Even without using any external training databases, we achieve significantly superior results on urban scenes, while maintaining comparable performance on natural scenes as other state-of-the-art SR algorithms.
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图像分割的随机沃克方法是半自动图像分割的流行工具,尤其是在生物医学领域。但是,它的线性渐近运行时间和内存要求使应用于增加大小不切实际的3D数据集。我们提出了一个分层框架,据我们所知,这是克服这些随机沃克算法的限制并实现sublinear的运行时间和持续的内存复杂性的尝试。该框架的目的是 - 与基线​​方法相比,而不是改善细分质量,以使交互式分割在核心外数据集中成为可能。确认该方法的合成数据和CT-ORG数据集进行了定量评估,其中确认了算法运行时间的预期改进,同时确认了高分段质量。即使对于数百千兆字节的大小,增量(即互动更新)运行时间也已在标准PC上以秒为单位。在一个小案例研究中,证明了当前生物医学研究对大型现实世界的适用性。在广泛使用的卷渲染和处理软件Voreen(https://www.uni-muenster.de/voreen/)的5.2版5.2版中,介绍方法的实现公开可用。
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