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Deep anomaly detection methods learn representations that separate between normal and anomalous images. Although self-supervised representation learning is commonly used, small dataset sizes limit its effectiveness. It was previously shown that utilizing external, generic datasets (e.g. ImageNet classification) can significantly improve anomaly detection performance. One approach is outlier exposure, which fails when the external datasets do not resemble the anomalies. We take the approach of transferring representations pre-trained on external datasets for anomaly detection. Anomaly detection performance can be significantly improved by fine-tuning the pre-trained representations on the normal training images. In this paper, we first demonstrate and analyze that contrastive learning, the most popular self-supervised learning paradigm cannot be naively applied to pre-trained features. The reason is that pre-trained feature initialization causes poor conditioning for standard contrastive objectives, resulting in bad optimization dynamics. Based on our analysis, we provide a modified contrastive objective, the Mean-Shifted Contrastive Loss. Our method is highly effective and achieves a new state-of-the-art anomaly detection performance including $98.6\%$ ROC-AUC on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
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异常检测是一种既定的研究区,寻求识别出预定分布外的样本。异常检测管道由两个主要阶段组成:(1)特征提取和(2)正常评分分配。最近的论文使用预先训练的网络进行特征提取,实现最先进的结果。然而,使用预先训练的网络没有完全利用火车时间可用的正常样本。本文建议通过使用教师学生培训利用此信息。在我们的环境中,佩带的教师网络用于训练正常训练样本上的学生网络。由于学生网络仅在正常样本上培训,因此预计将偏离异常情况下的教师网络。这种差异可以用作预先训练的特征向量的互补表示。我们的方法 - 变换 - 利用预先训练的视觉变压器(VIV)来提取两个特征向量:预先接受的(不可知论者)功能和教师 - 学生(微调)功能。我们报告最先进的AUROC导致共同的单向设置,其中一个类被认为是正常的,其余的被认为是异常的,并且多模式设置,其中所有类别但是一个被认为是正常的,只有一个类被认为是异常的。代码可在https://github.com/matancohen1/transformaly获得。
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Novelty detection, i.e., identifying whether a given sample is drawn from outside the training distribution, is essential for reliable machine learning. To this end, there have been many attempts at learning a representation well-suited for novelty detection and designing a score based on such representation. In this paper, we propose a simple, yet effective method named contrasting shifted instances (CSI), inspired by the recent success on contrastive learning of visual representations. Specifically, in addition to contrasting a given sample with other instances as in conventional contrastive learning methods, our training scheme contrasts the sample with distributionally-shifted augmentations of itself. Based on this, we propose a new detection score that is specific to the proposed training scheme. Our experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method under various novelty detection scenarios, including unlabeled one-class, unlabeled multi-class and labeled multi-class settings, with various image benchmark datasets. Code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/alinlab/CSI.
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We aim for image-based novelty detection. Despite considerable progress, existing models either fail or face a dramatic drop under the so-called "near-distribution" setting, where the differences between normal and anomalous samples are subtle. We first demonstrate existing methods experience up to 20% decrease in performance in the near-distribution setting. Next, we propose to exploit a score-based generative model to produce synthetic near-distribution anomalous data. Our model is then fine-tuned to distinguish such data from the normal samples. We provide a quantitative as well as qualitative evaluation of this strategy, and compare the results with a variety of GAN-based models. Effectiveness of our method for both the near-distribution and standard novelty detection is assessed through extensive experiments on datasets in diverse applications such as medical images, object classification, and quality control. This reveals that our method considerably improves over existing models, and consistently decreases the gap between the near-distribution and standard novelty detection performance. The code repository is available at https://github.com/rohban-lab/FITYMI.
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近年来,许多作品已经解决了在视频中发现从未见过的问题。然而,大多数工作都集中在从安全摄像机中检测监视视频中的异常帧。同时,异常检测(AD)在具有异常力学行为的视频中的任务大多被忽视。在这些视频中的异常检测是学术和实际的兴趣,因为它们可以在许多制造,维护和现实生活中自动检测出故障。为了评估检测这种异常的不同方法的潜力,我们评估了两个简单的基线方法:(i)时间汇集图像广告技术。 (ii)用于视频分类的预追溯特征的视频的密度估计。开发此类方法要求新的基准,以允许评估不同可能的方法。我们介绍了物理异常轨迹或运动(幻像)数据集,其中包含六个不同的视频类。每个类都包括正常和异常的视频。课程在呈现的现象,正常的级别变异性和视频中的异常类型中不同。我们还建议甚至更难的基准,应该在高度变量场景中发现异常活动。
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分布(OOD)检测对于确保机器学习系统的可靠性和安全性至关重要。例如,在自动驾驶中,我们希望驾驶系统在发现在训练时间中从未见过的异常​​场景或对象时,发出警报并将控件移交给人类,并且无法做出安全的决定。该术语《 OOD检测》于2017年首次出现,此后引起了研究界的越来越多的关注,从而导致了大量开发的方法,从基于分类到基于密度到基于距离的方法。同时,其他几个问题,包括异常检测(AD),新颖性检测(ND),开放式识别(OSR)和离群检测(OD)(OD),在动机和方法方面与OOD检测密切相关。尽管有共同的目标,但这些主题是孤立发展的,它们在定义和问题设定方面的细微差异通常会使读者和从业者感到困惑。在这项调查中,我们首先提出一个称为广义OOD检测的统一框架,该框架涵盖了上述五个问题,即AD,ND,OSR,OOD检测和OD。在我们的框架下,这五个问题可以看作是特殊情况或子任务,并且更容易区分。然后,我们通过总结了他们最近的技术发展来审查这五个领域中的每一个,特别关注OOD检测方法。我们以公开挑战和潜在的研究方向结束了这项调查。
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由于缺乏标签信息,异常检测是机器学习中的基本但具有挑战性的问题。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖而强大的框架,称为SLA $ ^ 2 $ P,用于无监督的异常检测。在从原始数据中提取代表性嵌入后,我们将随机投影应用于特征,并将不同投影转换的特征视为属于不同的伪类。然后,我们在这些转换功能上培训一个分类器网络,以执行自我监督的学习。接下来,我们向变换特征添加对冲扰动,以减少预测标签的软MAX分数,并基于这些扰动特征对分类器的预测不确定性来降低预测标签和设计异常分数。我们的动机是,由于相对较小的数量和分散的异常模式,1)伪标签分类器的培训更集中学习正常数据的语义信息而不是异常数据; 2)正常数据的转换特征比异常的扰动更强大。因此,异常的扰动转化的特征不能良好分类,因此具有比正常样本的异常分数低。在图像,文本和固有的表格基准数据集上进行了广泛的实验,并表明SLA $ ^ 2 $ p实现了最先进的导致无监督的异常检测任务一致。
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Video anomaly detection (VAD) is a challenging computer vision task with many practical applications. As anomalies are inherently ambiguous, it is essential for users to understand the reasoning behind a system's decision in order to determine if the rationale is sound. In this paper, we propose a simple but highly effective method that pushes the boundaries of VAD accuracy and interpretability using attribute-based representations. Our method represents every object by its velocity and pose. The anomaly scores are computed using a density-based approach. Surprisingly, we find that this simple representation is sufficient to achieve state-of-the-art performance in ShanghaiTech, the largest and most complex VAD dataset. Combining our interpretable attribute-based representations with implicit, deep representation yields state-of-the-art performance with a $99.1\%, 93.3\%$, and $85.9\%$ AUROC on Ped2, Avenue, and ShanghaiTech, respectively. Our method is accurate, interpretable, and easy to implement.
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异常检测旨在识别来自正常数据分布的异常情况。该领域已经取得了许多进展,包括创新使用无监督的对比学习。然而,现有方法通常假设清洁训练数据,并且当数据包含未知异常时受限。本文介绍了一种新型半监督异常检测方法,统一了与无监督的对比学习的能源的模型的概念。 ELSA通过基于新能量函数的精心设计的微调步骤灌输对任何数据污染的鲁棒性,这些步骤迫使正常数据分为原型的类别。多种污染方案的实验表明,所提出的模型实现了SOTA性能。广泛的分析还验证了每个组件在所提出的模型中的贡献。除了实验之外,我们还提供了一种理论解释,对何对象学习独自无法检测到数据污染下的异常。
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We study anomaly detection for the case when the normal class consists of more than one object category. This is an obvious generalization of the standard one-class anomaly detection problem. However, we show that jointly using multiple one-class anomaly detectors to solve this problem yields poorer results as compared to training a single one-class anomaly detector on all normal object categories together. We further develop a new anomaly detector called DeepMAD that learns compact distinguishing features by exploiting the multiple normal objects categories. This algorithm achieves higher AUC values for different datasets compared to two top performing one-class algorithms that either are trained on each normal object category or jointly trained on all normal object categories combined. In addition to theoretical results we present empirical results using the CIFAR-10, fMNIST, CIFAR-100, and a new dataset we developed called RECYCLE.
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We aim at constructing a high performance model for defect detection that detects unknown anomalous patterns of an image without anomalous data. To this end, we propose a two-stage framework for building anomaly detectors using normal training data only. We first learn self-supervised deep representations and then build a generative one-class classifier on learned representations. We learn representations by classifying normal data from the CutPaste, a simple data augmentation strategy that cuts an image patch and pastes at a random location of a large image. Our empirical study on MVTec anomaly detection dataset demonstrates the proposed algorithm is general to be able to detect various types of real-world defects. We bring the improvement upon previous arts by 3.1 AUCs when learning representations from scratch. By transfer learning on pretrained representations on ImageNet, we achieve a new state-of-theart 96.6 AUC. Lastly, we extend the framework to learn and extract representations from patches to allow localizing defective areas without annotations during training.
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在本文中,我们考虑一个高度通用的图像识别设置,其中,给定标记和未标记的图像集,任务是在未标记的集合中对所有图像进行分类。这里,未标记的图像可以来自标记的类或新颖的图像。现有的识别方法无法处理此设置,因为它们会产生几种限制性假设,例如仅来自已知或未知 - 类的未标记的实例以及已知的未知类的数量。我们解决了更加不受约束的环境,命名为“广义类别发现”,并挑战所有这些假设。我们首先通过从新型类别发现和适应这项任务的最先进的算法来建立强有力的基线。接下来,我们建议使用视觉变形金刚,为此开放的世界设置具有对比的代表学习。然后,我们介绍一个简单而有效的半监督$ k $ -means方法,将未标记的数据自动聚类,看不见的类,显着优于基线。最后,我们还提出了一种新的方法来估计未标记数据中的类别数。我们彻底评估了我们在公共数据集上的方法,包括Cifar10,CiFar100和Imagenet-100,以及包括幼崽,斯坦福汽车和植宝司19,包括幼崽,斯坦福汽车和Herbarium19,在这个新的环境中基准测试,以培养未来的研究。
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Despite significant advances in image anomaly detection and segmentation, few methods use 3D information. We utilize a recently introduced 3D anomaly detection dataset to evaluate whether or not using 3D information is a lost opportunity. First, we present a surprising finding: standard color-only methods outperform all current methods that are explicitly designed to exploit 3D information. This is counter-intuitive as even a simple inspection of the dataset shows that color-only methods are insufficient for images containing geometric anomalies. This motivates the question: how can anomaly detection methods effectively use 3D information? We investigate a range of shape representations including hand-crafted and deep-learning-based; we demonstrate that rotation invariance plays the leading role in the performance. We uncover a simple 3D-only method that beats all recent approaches while not using deep learning, external pre-training datasets, or color information. As the 3D-only method cannot detect color and texture anomalies, we combine it with color-based features, significantly outperforming previous state-of-the-art. Our method, dubbed BTF (Back to the Feature) achieves pixel-wise ROCAUC: 99.3% and PRO: 96.4% on MVTec 3D-AD.
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