({\ Mathbf X})\ phi_i({\ Mathbf y})$其中$ \ {(\ lambda_i,\ phi_i)\ as是eigenvalue-eigenVector-eigenVector对,是通信操作员的。众所周知,这种无限表示会均匀地汇合到内核$ k $。我们根据特征值的衰减率估算了这种融合的速度,并证明,以$ \ mathcal {o} \ big(\(\ big((\))sum_ {i = n+1}^\ infty \ lambda_i)^{\ frac {m} {m+n}} {m+n}} \ big)$或$ \ mathcal {o}}^\ infty \ lambda^2_i)^{\ frac {m} {2m+n}}} \ big)$。最后,我们证明了结果的某些应用在具有连续根和其他力量的整体操作员的频谱外观上。
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内核方法是机器学习中最流行的技术之一,使用再现内核希尔伯特空间(RKHS)的属性来解决学习任务。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的数据分析框架,与再现内核Hilbert $ C ^ * $ - 模块(rkhm)和rkhm中的内核嵌入(kme)。由于RKHM包含比RKHS或VVRKHS)的更丰富的信息,因此使用RKHM的分析使我们能够捕获和提取诸如功能数据的结构属性。我们向RKHM展示了rkhm理论的分支,以适用于数据分析,包括代表性定理,以及所提出的KME的注射性和普遍性。我们还显示RKHM概括RKHS和VVRKHS。然后,我们提供采用RKHM和提议的KME对数据分析的具体程序。
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最近,在构建用于应用和理论目的的再现内核Banach空间(RKBS)的兴趣已经存在兴趣,例如机器学习,采样重建,稀疏近似和功能分析。现有的结构包括通过双线性形式,半内部产品rkbs,带有$ \ ell ^ 1 $常规的rkbs的反身rkbs,$ p $ -norm rkbs,通过广义ercer内核等。rkbs的定义和rkbs的定义在这些参考文献中相关的再现内核取决于建设。此外,这些结构之间的关系尚不清楚。我们探索RKB的通用定义和用于独立于施工的RKB的再现内核。此外,我们提出了一种构建rkbs的框架,其通过连续的双线性形式和一对特征图统一上面提到的现有结构。提出了一类新的orlicz rkbss。最后,我们开发了在我们框架中构建的RKBS中机器学习的代表性定理,这也统一了现有rkbs中的代表定理。
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基于内核的测试提供了一个简单而有效的框架,该框架使用繁殖内核希尔伯特空间的理论设计非参数测试程序。在本文中,我们提出了新的理论工具,可用于在几种数据方案以及许多不同的测试问题中研究基于内核测试的渐近行为。与当前的方法不同,我们的方法避免使用冗长的$ u $和$ v $统计信息扩展并限制定理,该定理通常出现在文献中,并直接与希尔伯特空格上的随机功能合作。因此,我们的框架会导致对内核测试的简单明了的分析,只需要轻度的规律条件。此外,我们表明,通常可以通过证明我们方法所需的规律条件既足够又需要进行必要的规律条件来改进我们的分析。为了说明我们的方法的有效性,我们为有条件的独立性测试问题提供了一项新的内核测试,以及针对已知的基于内核测试的新分析。
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Quantifying the deviation of a probability distribution is challenging when the target distribution is defined by a density with an intractable normalizing constant. The kernel Stein discrepancy (KSD) was proposed to address this problem and has been applied to various tasks including diagnosing approximate MCMC samplers and goodness-of-fit testing for unnormalized statistical models. This article investigates a convergence control property of the diffusion kernel Stein discrepancy (DKSD), an instance of the KSD proposed by Barp et al. (2019). We extend the result of Gorham and Mackey (2017), which showed that the KSD controls the bounded-Lipschitz metric, to functions of polynomial growth. Specifically, we prove that the DKSD controls the integral probability metric defined by a class of pseudo-Lipschitz functions, a polynomial generalization of Lipschitz functions. We also provide practical sufficient conditions on the reproducing kernel for the stated property to hold. In particular, we show that the DKSD detects non-convergence in moments with an appropriate kernel.
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我们为在一般来源条件下的希尔伯特量表中的新型Tikhonov登记学习问题提供了最小的自适应率。我们的分析不需要在假设类中包含回归函数,并且最著名的是不使用传统的\ textit {先验{先验}假设。使用插值理论,我们证明了Mercer运算符的光谱可以在存在“紧密''$ l^{\ infty} $嵌入的存在的情况下,可以推断出合适的Hilbert鳞片的嵌入。我们的分析利用了新的傅立叶能力条件在某些参数制度中,修改后的Mercer运算符的最佳Lorentz范围空间。
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We consider autocovariance operators of a stationary stochastic process on a Polish space that is embedded into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We investigate how empirical estimates of these operators converge along realizations of the process under various conditions. In particular, we examine ergodic and strongly mixing processes and obtain several asymptotic results as well as finite sample error bounds. We provide applications of our theory in terms of consistency results for kernel PCA with dependent data and the conditional mean embedding of transition probabilities. Finally, we use our approach to examine the nonparametric estimation of Markov transition operators and highlight how our theory can give a consistency analysis for a large family of spectral analysis methods including kernel-based dynamic mode decomposition.
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通过梯度流优化平均平衡误差,研究了功能空间中神经网络的动态。我们认为,在underParameterized制度中,网络了解由与其特征值对应的率的神经切线内核(NTK)确定的整体运算符$ t_ {k ^ \ infty} $的特征功能。例如,对于SPENTE $ S ^ {D-1} $和旋转不变的权重分配的均匀分布式数据,$ t_ {k ^ \ infty} $的特征函数是球形谐波。我们的结果可以理解为描述interparameterized制度中的光谱偏压。证据使用“阻尼偏差”的概念,其中NTK物质对具有由于阻尼因子的发生而具有大特征值的特征的偏差。除了下公共条例的制度之外,阻尼偏差可用于跟踪过度分辨率设置中经验风险的动态,允许我们在文献中延长某些结果。我们得出结论,阻尼偏差在优化平方误差时提供了动态的简单和统一的视角。
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最近的实证工作表明,由卷积神经网络(CNNS)启发的分层卷积核(CNNS)显着提高了内核方法​​在图像分类任务中的性能。对这些架构成功的广泛解释是它们编码适合自然图像的假设类。然而,了解卷积架构中近似和泛化之间的精确相互作用仍然是一个挑战。在本文中,我们考虑均匀分布在超立方体上的协变量(图像像素)的程式化设置,并完全表征由单层卷积,汇集和下采样操作组成的内核的RKH。然后,我们使用这些内核通过标准内部产品内核来研究内核方法的样本效率的增益。特别是,我们展示了1)卷积层通过将RKHS限制为“本地”功能来打破维度的诅咒; 2)局部汇集偏置朝向低频功能,这是较小的翻译稳定; 3)下采样可以修改高频成粒空间,但留下了大致不变的低频部分。值得注意的是,我们的结果量化了选择适应目标函数的架构如何导致样本复杂性的大量改善。
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最大平均差异(MMD)(例如内核Stein差异(KSD))已成为广泛应用的中心,包括假设测试,采样器选择,分布近似和变异推断。在每种情况下,这些基于内核的差异度量都需要(i)(i)将目标p与其他概率度量分开,甚至(ii)控制弱收敛到P。在本文中,我们得出了新的足够和必要的条件,以确保(i) (ii)。对于可分开的度量空间上的MMD,我们表征了那些将BOCHNER嵌入量度分开的内核,并引入了简单条件,以将所有措施用无限的内核分开,并控制与有界内核的收敛。我们在$ \ mathbb {r}^d $上使用这些结果来实质性地扩大了KSD分离和收敛控制的已知条件,并开发了已知的第一个KSD,以恰好将弱收敛到P。我们的假设检验,测量和改善样本质量以及用Stein变异梯度下降进行抽样的结果。
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在本文中,我们研究了与具有多种激活函数的浅神经网络相对应的变异空间的近似特性。我们介绍了两个主要工具,用于估计这些空间的度量熵,近似率和$ n $宽度。首先,我们介绍了平滑参数化词典的概念,并在非线性近似速率,度量熵和$ n $ widths上给出了上限。上限取决于参数化的平滑度。该结果适用于与浅神经网络相对应的脊功能的字典,并且在许多情况下它们的现有结果改善了。接下来,我们提供了一种方法,用于下限度量熵和$ n $ widths的变化空间,其中包含某些类别的山脊功能。该结果给出了$ l^2 $ approximation速率,度量熵和$ n $ widths的变化空间的急剧下限具有界变化的乙状结激活函数。
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We consider the problem of estimating the optimal transport map between a (fixed) source distribution $P$ and an unknown target distribution $Q$, based on samples from $Q$. The estimation of such optimal transport maps has become increasingly relevant in modern statistical applications, such as generative modeling. At present, estimation rates are only known in a few settings (e.g. when $P$ and $Q$ have densities bounded above and below and when the transport map lies in a H\"older class), which are often not reflected in practice. We present a unified methodology for obtaining rates of estimation of optimal transport maps in general function spaces. Our assumptions are significantly weaker than those appearing in the literature: we require only that the source measure $P$ satisfies a Poincar\'e inequality and that the optimal map be the gradient of a smooth convex function that lies in a space whose metric entropy can be controlled. As a special case, we recover known estimation rates for bounded densities and H\"older transport maps, but also obtain nearly sharp results in many settings not covered by prior work. For example, we provide the first statistical rates of estimation when $P$ is the normal distribution and the transport map is given by an infinite-width shallow neural network.
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我们提出了一种通用的傅立叶分析技术,用于构建来自$ \ m m i} _2 _2(\ m athbb {r})$的正常基础的翻译不变核的正顺序扩展。这使我们能够根据相关的laguerre函数,(ii)在有理功能方面和(iii)的cauchy内核来推导所有半级订单的(i)MAT \'ERN内核的显式扩展。高斯内核在Hermite功能方面。
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We reformulate unsupervised dimension reduction problem (UDR) in the language of tempered distributions, i.e. as a problem of approximating an empirical probability density function by another tempered distribution, supported in a $k$-dimensional subspace. We show that this task is connected with another classical problem of data science -- the sufficient dimension reduction problem (SDR). In fact, an algorithm for the first problem induces an algorithm for the second and vice versa. In order to reduce an optimization problem over distributions to an optimization problem over ordinary functions we introduce a nonnegative penalty function that ``forces'' the support of the model distribution to be $k$-dimensional. Then we present an algorithm for the minimization of the penalized objective, based on the infinite-dimensional low-rank optimization, which we call the alternating scheme. Also, we design an efficient approximate algorithm for a special case of the problem, where the distance between the empirical distribution and the model distribution is measured by Maximum Mean Discrepancy defined by a Mercer kernel of a certain type. We test our methods on four examples (three UDR and one SDR) using synthetic data and standard datasets.
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我们考虑通过复制内核希尔伯特空间的相关协方差操作员对概率分布进行分析。我们表明,冯·诺伊曼(Von Neumann)的熵和这些操作员的相对熵与香农熵和相对熵的通常概念密切相关,并具有许多特性。它们与来自概率分布的各种口径的有效估计算法结合在一起。我们还考虑了产品空间,并表明对于张量产品内核,我们可以定义互信息和联合熵的概念,然后可以完美地表征独立性,但只能部分条件独立。我们最终展示了这些新的相对熵概念如何导致对数分区函数的新上限,这些函数可以与变异推理方法中的凸优化一起使用,从而提供了新的概率推理方法家族。
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Consider $n$ points independently sampled from a density $p$ of class $\mathcal{C}^2$ on a smooth compact $d$-dimensional sub-manifold $\mathcal{M}$ of $\mathbb{R}^m$, and consider the generator of a random walk visiting these points according to a transition kernel $K$. We study the almost sure uniform convergence of this operator to the diffusive Laplace-Beltrami operator when $n$ tends to infinity. This work extends known results of the past 15 years. In particular, our result does not require the kernel $K$ to be continuous, which covers the cases of walks exploring $k$NN-random and geometric graphs, and convergence rates are given. The distance between the random walk generator and the limiting operator is separated into several terms: a statistical term, related to the law of large numbers, is treated with concentration tools and an approximation term that we control with tools from differential geometry. The convergence of $k$NN Laplacians is detailed.
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本文涉及高维度中经验措施的收敛。我们提出了一类新的指标,并表明在这样的指标下,融合不受维度的诅咒(COD)。这样的特征对于高维分析至关重要,并且与经典指标相反({\ it,例如,瓦斯泰尔距离)。所提出的指标源自最大平均差异,我们通过提出选择测试功能空间的特定标准来概括,以确保没有COD的属性。因此,我们将此类别称为广义最大平均差异(GMMD)。所选测试功能空间的示例包括复制的内核希尔伯特空间,巴伦空间和流动诱导的功能空间。提出了所提出的指标的三种应用:1。在随机变量的情况下,经验度量的收敛; 2. $ n $粒子系统的收敛到麦基·维拉索夫随机微分方程的解决方案; 3.构建$ \ varepsilon $ -NASH平衡,用于均质$ n $ - 玩家游戏的平均范围限制。作为副产品,我们证明,考虑到接近GMMD测量的目标分布和目标分布的一定表示,我们可以在Wasserstein距离和相对熵方面生成接近目标的分布。总体而言,我们表明,所提出的指标类是一种强大的工具,可以在没有COD的高维度中分析经验度量的收敛性。
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