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Compared with model-based control and optimization methods, reinforcement learning (RL) provides a data-driven, learning-based framework to formulate and solve sequential decision-making problems. The RL framework has become promising due to largely improved data availability and computing power in the aviation industry. Many aviation-based applications can be formulated or treated as sequential decision-making problems. Some of them are offline planning problems, while others need to be solved online and are safety-critical. In this survey paper, we first describe standard RL formulations and solutions. Then we survey the landscape of existing RL-based applications in aviation. Finally, we summarize the paper, identify the technical gaps, and suggest future directions of RL research in aviation.
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在包装交付,交通监控,搜索和救援操作以及军事战斗订婚等不同应用中,对使用无人驾驶汽车(UAV)(无人机)的需求越来越不断增加。在所有这些应用程序中,无人机用于自动导航环境 - 没有人类互动,执行特定任务并避免障碍。自主无人机导航通常是使用强化学习(RL)来完成的,在该学习中,代理在域中充当专家在避免障碍的同时导航环境。了解导航环境和算法限制在选择适当的RL算法以有效解决导航问题方面起着至关重要的作用。因此,本研究首先确定了无人机导航任务,并讨论导航框架和仿真软件。接下来,根据环境,算法特征,能力和不同无人机导航问题的应用程序对RL算法进行分类和讨论,这将帮助从业人员和研究人员为其无人机导航使用情况选择适当的RL算法。此外,确定的差距和机会将推动无人机导航研究。
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Development of navigation algorithms is essential for the successful deployment of robots in rapidly changing hazardous environments for which prior knowledge of configuration is often limited or unavailable. Use of traditional path-planning algorithms, which are based on localization and require detailed obstacle maps with goal locations, is not possible. In this regard, vision-based algorithms hold great promise, as visual information can be readily acquired by a robot's onboard sensors and provides a much richer source of information from which deep neural networks can extract complex patterns. Deep reinforcement learning has been used to achieve vision-based robot navigation. However, the efficacy of these algorithms in environments with dynamic obstacles and high variation in the configuration space has not been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, we employ a deep Dyna-Q learning algorithm for room evacuation and obstacle avoidance in partially observable environments based on low-resolution raw image data from an onboard camera. We explore the performance of a robotic agent in environments containing no obstacles, convex obstacles, and concave obstacles, both static and dynamic. Obstacles and the exit are initialized in random positions at the start of each episode of reinforcement learning. Overall, we show that our algorithm and training approach can generalize learning for collision-free evacuation of environments with complex obstacle configurations. It is evident that the agent can navigate to a goal location while avoiding multiple static and dynamic obstacles, and can escape from a concave obstacle while searching for and navigating to the exit.
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With the development of deep representation learning, the domain of reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. This review summarises deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms and provides a taxonomy of automated driving tasks where (D)RL methods have been employed, while addressing key computational challenges in real world deployment of autonomous driving agents. It also delineates adjacent domains such as behavior cloning, imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning that are related but are not classical RL algorithms. The role of simulators in training agents, methods to validate, test and robustify existing solutions in RL are discussed.
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In order to avoid conventional controlling methods which created obstacles due to the complexity of systems and intense demand on data density, developing modern and more efficient control methods are required. In this way, reinforcement learning off-policy and model-free algorithms help to avoid working with complex models. In terms of speed and accuracy, they become prominent methods because the algorithms use their past experience to learn the optimal policies. In this study, three reinforcement learning algorithms; DDPG, TD3 and SAC have been used to train Fetch robotic manipulator for four different tasks in MuJoCo simulation environment. All of these algorithms are off-policy and able to achieve their desired target by optimizing both policy and value functions. In the current study, the efficiency and the speed of these three algorithms are analyzed in a controlled environment.
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通过定义具有可变复杂性的流量类型独立环境,基于深度加强学习,介绍一种新的动态障碍避免方法。在当前文献中填补了差距,我们彻底调查了缺失速度信息对代理商在避免任务中的性能的影响。这是实践中至关重要的问题,因为几个传感器仅产生物体或车辆的位置信息。我们在部分可观察性方面评估频繁应用的方法,即在深神经网络中的复发性并简单帧堆叠。为我们的分析,我们依靠最先进的无模型深射RL算法。发现速度信息缺乏影响代理商的性能。两种方法 - 复发性和帧堆叠 - 不能在观察空间中一致地替换缺失的速度信息。但是,在简化的情况下,它们可以显着提高性能并稳定整体培训程序。
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无人驾驶汽车(UAV)已被广泛用于军事战。在本文中,我们将自动运动控制(AMC)问题作为马尔可夫决策过程(MDP),并提出了一种先进的深度强化学习(DRL)方法,该方法允许无人机在大型动态三维(3D)中执行复杂的任务)环境。为了克服优先体验重播(PER)算法的局限性并提高性能,拟议的异步课程体验重播(ACER)使用多线程来异步更新优先级,分配了真实优先级,并应用了临时体验池,以使可用的更高体验可用学习质量。还引入了第一个无用的体验池(FIUO)体验池,以确保存储体验的更高使用价值。此外,与课程学习(CL)相结合,从简单到困难的抽样体验进行了更合理的培训范式,设计用于培训无人机。通过在基于真实无人机的参数构建的复杂未知环境中训练,提议的ACER将收敛速度提高24.66 \%,而与最先进的双胞胎延迟的深层确定性相比策略梯度(TD3)算法。在具有不同复杂性的环境中进行的测试实验表明,ACER剂的鲁棒性和泛化能力。
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本文利用了强化学习和深度学习的最新发展来解决供应链库存管理(SCIM)问题,这是一个复杂的顺序决策问题,包括确定在给定时间范围内生产和运送到不同仓库的最佳产品数量。给出了随机两回波供应链环境的数学公式,该公式可以管理任意数量的仓库和产品类型。此外,开发了一个与深钢筋学习(DRL)算法接口的开源库,并公开可用于解决遇险问题。通过在合成生成的数据上进行了丰富的数值实验,比较了最新的DRL算法实现的性能。实验计划的设计和执行,包括供应链的不同结构,拓扑,需求,能力和成本。结果表明,PPO算法非常适合环境的不同特征。 VPG算法几乎总是会收敛到局部最大值,即使它通常达到可接受的性能水平。最后,A3C是最快的算法,但是就像VPG一样,与PPO相比,它从未取得最好的性能。总之,数值实验表明,DRL的性能始终如一,比标准的重新订购策略(例如静态(S,Q) - policy)更好。因此,它可以被认为是解决随机两回波问题的现实世界实例的实用和有效选择。
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In the field of autonomous robots, reinforcement learning (RL) is an increasingly used method to solve the task of dynamic obstacle avoidance for mobile robots, autonomous ships, and drones. A common practice to train those agents is to use a training environment with random initialization of agent and obstacles. Such approaches might suffer from a low coverage of high-risk scenarios in training, leading to impaired final performance of obstacle avoidance. This paper proposes a general training environment where we gain control over the difficulty of the obstacle avoidance task by using short training episodes and assessing the difficulty by two metrics: The number of obstacles and a collision risk metric. We found that shifting the training towards a greater task difficulty can massively increase the final performance. A baseline agent, using a traditional training environment based on random initialization of agent and obstacles and longer training episodes, leads to a significantly weaker performance. To prove the generalizability of the proposed approach, we designed two realistic use cases: A mobile robot and a maritime ship under the threat of approaching obstacles. In both applications, the previous results can be confirmed, which emphasizes the general usability of the proposed approach, detached from a specific application context and independent of the agent's dynamics. We further added Gaussian noise to the sensor signals, resulting in only a marginal degradation of performance and thus indicating solid robustness of the trained agent.
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Autonomous vehicles are suited for continuous area patrolling problems. However, finding an optimal patrolling strategy can be challenging for many reasons. Firstly, patrolling environments are often complex and can include unknown and evolving environmental factors. Secondly, autonomous vehicles can have failures or hardware constraints such as limited battery lives. Importantly, patrolling large areas often requires multiple agents that need to collectively coordinate their actions. In this work, we consider these limitations and propose an approach based on a distributed, model-free deep reinforcement learning based multi-agent patrolling strategy. In this approach, agents make decisions locally based on their own environmental observations and on shared information. In addition, agents are trained to automatically recharge themselves when required to support continuous collective patrolling. A homogeneous multi-agent architecture is proposed, where all patrolling agents have an identical policy. This architecture provides a robust patrolling system that can tolerate agent failures and allow supplementary agents to be added to replace failed agents or to increase the overall patrol performance. This performance is validated through experiments from multiple perspectives, including the overall patrol performance, the efficiency of the battery recharging strategy, the overall robustness of the system, and the agents' ability to adapt to environment dynamics.
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