图像重新定位旨在更改图像大小,同时保留重要内容并最大程度地减少明显的扭曲。但是,先前的图像重新定位方法创建了遭受工件和扭曲的输出。此外,大多数以前的作品都尝试同时重新定位输入图像的背景和前景。同时调整前景和背景会导致对象的长宽比的变化。纵横比的变化对于人类对象并不理想。我们提出了一种克服这些问题的重新定位方法。提出的方法包括以下步骤。首先,一种涂上方法使用输入图像和前景对象的二进制掩码来生成背景图像,而无需任何前景对象。其次,接缝雕刻方法将背景图像调整到目标大小。然后,一种超分辨率方法增加了输入图像质量,然后提取前景对象。最后,将重定位的背景和提取的超级分辨对象馈入粒子群优化算法(PSO)中。 PSO算法使用审美质量评估作为其目标函数,以确定将对象放置在背景中的最佳位置和大小。我们使用图像质量评估和美学质量评估措施来显示我们与流行的图像重新定位技术相比的优越结果。
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图像超分辨率(SR)是重要的图像处理方法之一,可改善计算机视野领域的图像分辨率。在过去的二十年中,在超级分辨率领域取得了重大进展,尤其是通过使用深度学习方法。这项调查是为了在深度学习的角度进行详细的调查,对单像超分辨率的最新进展进行详细的调查,同时还将告知图像超分辨率的初始经典方法。该调查将图像SR方法分类为四个类别,即经典方法,基于学习的方法,无监督学习的方法和特定领域的SR方法。我们还介绍了SR的问题,以提供有关图像质量指标,可用参考数据集和SR挑战的直觉。使用参考数据集评估基于深度学习的方法。一些审查的最先进的图像SR方法包括增强的深SR网络(EDSR),周期循环gan(Cincgan),多尺度残留网络(MSRN),Meta残留密度网络(META-RDN) ,反复反射网络(RBPN),二阶注意网络(SAN),SR反馈网络(SRFBN)和基于小波的残留注意网络(WRAN)。最后,这项调查以研究人员将解决SR的未来方向和趋势和开放问题的未来方向和趋势。
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Figure 1: Example inpainting results of our method on images of natural scene, face and texture. Missing regions are shown in white. In each pair, the left is input image and right is the direct output of our trained generative neural networks without any post-processing.
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Face Restoration (FR) aims to restore High-Quality (HQ) faces from Low-Quality (LQ) input images, which is a domain-specific image restoration problem in the low-level computer vision area. The early face restoration methods mainly use statistic priors and degradation models, which are difficult to meet the requirements of real-world applications in practice. In recent years, face restoration has witnessed great progress after stepping into the deep learning era. However, there are few works to study deep learning-based face restoration methods systematically. Thus, this paper comprehensively surveys recent advances in deep learning techniques for face restoration. Specifically, we first summarize different problem formulations and analyze the characteristic of the face image. Second, we discuss the challenges of face restoration. Concerning these challenges, we present a comprehensive review of existing FR methods, including prior based methods and deep learning-based methods. Then, we explore developed techniques in the task of FR covering network architectures, loss functions, and benchmark datasets. We also conduct a systematic benchmark evaluation on representative methods. Finally, we discuss future directions, including network designs, metrics, benchmark datasets, applications,etc. We also provide an open-source repository for all the discussed methods, which is available at https://github.com/TaoWangzj/Awesome-Face-Restoration.
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Deep learning techniques have made considerable progress in image inpainting, restoration, and reconstruction in the last few years. Image outpainting, also known as image extrapolation, lacks attention and practical approaches to be fulfilled, owing to difficulties caused by large-scale area loss and less legitimate neighboring information. These difficulties have made outpainted images handled by most of the existing models unrealistic to human eyes and spatially inconsistent. When upsampling through deconvolution to generate fake content, the naive generation methods may lead to results lacking high-frequency details and structural authenticity. Therefore, as our novelties to handle image outpainting problems, we introduce structural prior as a condition to optimize the generation quality and a new semantic embedding term to enhance perceptual sanity. we propose a deep learning method based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and condition edges as structural prior in order to assist the generation. We use a multi-phase adversarial training scheme that comprises edge inference training, contents inpainting training, and joint training. The newly added semantic embedding loss is proved effective in practice.
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Deep convolutional networks have become a popular tool for image generation and restoration. Generally, their excellent performance is imputed to their ability to learn realistic image priors from a large number of example images. In this paper, we show that, on the contrary, the structure of a generator network is sufficient to capture a great deal of low-level image statistics prior to any learning. In order to do so, we show that a randomly-initialized neural network can be used as a handcrafted prior with excellent results in standard inverse problems such as denoising, superresolution, and inpainting. Furthermore, the same prior can be used to invert deep neural representations to diagnose them, and to restore images based on flash-no flash input pairs.
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深度学习方法在图像染色中优于传统方法。为了生成上下文纹理,研究人员仍在努力改进现有方法,并提出可以提取,传播和重建类似于地面真实区域的特征的模型。此外,更深层的缺乏高质量的特征传递机制有助于对所产生的染色区域有助于持久的像差。为了解决这些限制,我们提出了V-Linknet跨空间学习策略网络。为了改善语境化功能的学习,我们设计了一种使用两个编码器的损失模型。此外,我们提出了递归残留过渡层(RSTL)。 RSTL提取高电平语义信息并将其传播为下层。最后,我们将在与不同面具的同一面孔和不同面部面上的相同面上进行了比较的措施。为了提高图像修复再现性,我们提出了一种标准协议来克服各种掩模和图像的偏差。我们使用实验方法调查V-LinkNet组件。当使用标准协议时,在Celeba-HQ上评估时,我们的结果超越了现有技术。此外,我们的模型可以在Paris Street View上评估时概括良好,以及具有标准协议的Parume2数据集。
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For satellite images, the presence of clouds presents a problem as clouds obscure more than half to two-thirds of the ground information. This problem causes many issues for reliability in a noise-free environment to communicate data and other applications that need seamless monitoring. Removing the clouds from the images while keeping the background pixels intact can help address the mentioned issues. Recently, deep learning methods have become popular for researching cloud removal by demonstrating promising results, among which Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have shown considerably better performance. In this project, we aim to address cloud removal from satellite images using AttentionGAN and then compare our results by reproducing the results obtained using traditional GANs and auto-encoders. We use RICE dataset. The outcome of this project can be used to develop applications that require cloud-free satellite images. Moreover, our results could be helpful for making further research improvements.
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Large-scale labeled data are generally required to train deep neural networks in order to obtain better performance in visual feature learning from images or videos for computer vision applications. To avoid extensive cost of collecting and annotating large-scale datasets, as a subset of unsupervised learning methods, self-supervised learning methods are proposed to learn general image and video features from large-scale unlabeled data without using any human-annotated labels. This paper provides an extensive review of deep learning-based self-supervised general visual feature learning methods from images or videos. First, the motivation, general pipeline, and terminologies of this field are described. Then the common deep neural network architectures that used for self-supervised learning are summarized. Next, the schema and evaluation metrics of self-supervised learning methods are reviewed followed by the commonly used image and video datasets and the existing self-supervised visual feature learning methods. Finally, quantitative performance comparisons of the reviewed methods on benchmark datasets are summarized and discussed for both image and video feature learning. At last, this paper is concluded and lists a set of promising future directions for self-supervised visual feature learning.
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最近,Deep Models已经建立了SOTA性能,用于低分辨率图像介绍,但它们缺乏与现代相机(如4K或更多相关的现代相机)以及大孔相关的分辨率的保真度。我们为4K及以上代表现代传感器的照片贡献了一个介绍的基准数据集。我们展示了一个新颖的框架,结合了深度学习和传统方法。我们使用现有的深入介质模型喇嘛合理地填充孔,建立三个由结构,分割,深度组成的指南图像,并应用多个引导的贴片amatch,以产生八个候选候选图像。接下来,我们通过一个新型的策划模块来喂食所有候选构图,该模块选择了8x8反对称成对偏好矩阵的列求和良好的介绍。我们框架的结果受到了8个强大基线的用户的压倒性优先,其定量指标的改进高达7.4,而不是最好的基线喇嘛,而我们的技术与4种不同的SOTA配对时,我们的技术都会改善每个座椅,以使我们的每个人都非常偏爱用户,而不是用户偏爱用户。强大的超级分子基线。
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Image Super-Resolution (SR) is essential for a wide range of computer vision and image processing tasks. Investigating infrared (IR) image (or thermal images) super-resolution is a continuing concern within the development of deep learning. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive perspective of IR image super-resolution, including its applications, hardware imaging system dilemmas, and taxonomy of image processing methodologies. In addition, the datasets and evaluation metrics in IR image super-resolution tasks are also discussed. Furthermore, the deficiencies in current technologies and possible promising directions for the community to explore are highlighted. To cope with the rapid development in this field, we intend to regularly update the relevant excellent work at \url{https://github.com/yongsongH/Infrared_Image_SR_Survey
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深度信息在许多图像处理应用程序中是有用的。然而,由于拍摄图像是在2D成像传感器上投射3D场景的过程,因此深度信息嵌入图像中。从图像中提取深度信息是一个具有挑战性的任务。引导原理是由于散焦引起的蓝色水平与物体和焦平面之间的距离有关。基于该原理和广泛使用的假设,即高斯模糊是散焦模糊的良好模型,我们制定了作为高斯模糊分类问题的空间变化散焦模糊的问题。我们通过培训深度神经网络来解决图像补丁中的20级蓝色蓝色之一来解决问题。我们创建了一个超过500000美元的尺寸为32 \ times32 $的数据集,用于培训和测试几种知名网络模型。我们发现MobileNetv2由于其较低的内存要求和高精度而适用于此应用。训练模型用于确定通过施加迭代加权引导滤波器来改进的贴剂模糊。结果是散焦图,其携带每个像素的模糊度的信息。我们将提出的方法与最先进的技术进行比较,我们展示了其在自适应图像增强,散焦倍率和多聚焦图像融合中的成功应用。
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edu.hk (a) Image Reconstruction (b) Image Colorization (c) Image Super-Resolution (d) Image Denoising (e) Image Inpainting (f) Semantic Manipulation Figure 1: Multi-code GAN prior facilitates many image processing applications using the reconstruction from fixed PGGAN [23] models.
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