Nostradamus, inspired by the French astrologer and reputed seer, is a detailed study exploring relations between environmental factors and changes in the stock market. In this paper, we analyze associative correlation and causation between environmental elements and stock prices based on the US financial market, global climate trends, and daily weather records to demonstrate significant relationships between climate and stock price fluctuation. Our analysis covers short and long-term rises and dips in company stock performances. Lastly, we take four natural disasters as a case study to observe their effect on the emotional state of people and their influence on the stock market.
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National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations(NASDAQ) is an American stock exchange based. It is one of the most valuable stock economic indices in the world and is located in New York City \cite{pagano2008quality}. The volatility of the stock market and the influence of economic indicators such as crude oil, gold, and the dollar in the stock market, and NASDAQ shares are also affected and have a volatile and chaotic nature \cite{firouzjaee2022lstm}.In this article, we have examined the effect of oil, dollar, gold, and the volatility of the stock market in the economic market, and then we have also examined the effect of these indicators on NASDAQ stocks. Then we started to analyze the impact of the feedback on the past prices of NASDAQ stocks and its impact on the current price. Using PCA and Linear Regression algorithm, we have designed an optimal dynamic learning experience for modeling these stocks. The results obtained from the quantitative analysis are consistent with the results of the qualitative analysis of economic studies, and the modeling done with the optimal dynamic experience of machine learning justifies the current price of NASDAQ shares.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used to create more sustainable production methods and model climate change, making it a valuable tool in the fight against environmental degradation. This paper describes the paradox of an energy-consuming technology serving the ecological challenges of tomorrow. The study provides an overview of the sectors that use AI-based solutions for environmental protection. It draws on numerous examples from AI for Green players to present use cases and concrete examples. In the second part of the study, the negative impacts of AI on the environment and the emerging technological solutions to support Green AI are examined. It is also shown that the research on less energy-consuming AI is motivated more by cost and energy autonomy constraints than by environmental considerations. This leads to a rebound effect that favors an increase in the complexity of models. Finally, the need to integrate environmental indicators into algorithms is discussed. The environmental dimension is part of the broader ethical problem of AI, and addressing it is crucial for ensuring the sustainability of AI in the long term.
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背景:COVID-19患者的早期检测和隔离对于成功实施缓解策略并最终遏制疾病扩散至关重要。由于在每个国家 /地区进行的每日共同测试数量有限,因此模拟COVID-19的扩散以及目前每种缓解策略的潜在影响仍然是管理医疗保健系统和指导决策者的最有效方法之一。方法:我们介绍了Covidhunter,这是一种灵活而准确的Covid-19爆发模拟模型,该模型评估了应用于区域的当前缓解措施,并提供有关即将进行的缓解措施的强度的建议。 Covidhunter的关键思想是通过模拟考虑到外部因素的影响,例如环境条件(例如气候,温度,湿度,湿度)和缓解措施。结果:使用瑞士作为案例研究,Covidhunter估计,如果政策制定者放宽30天的缓解措施50%,那么医院病床的日常容量和每日死亡人数平均每天的死亡人数平均增加了5.1倍,则会增加5.1倍谁可能会占用ICU床和呼吸机一段时间。与现有模型不同,Covidhunter模型可以准确监视,并预测COVID-19造成的病例,住院和死亡人数。我们的模型可以灵活地配置,并且可以易于修改,以在不同的环境条件和缓解措施下对不同方案进行建模。可用性:我们在上发布了covidhunter实现的源代码,并展示如何在任何情况下灵活配置我们的模型,并轻松地将其扩展为不同的度量和条件。
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共同检测和隔离Covid-19患者对于成功实施缓解策略并最终遏制疾病扩散至关重要。由于在每个国家 /地区进行的每日共同测试数量有限,因此模拟COVID-19的扩散以及目前每种缓解策略的潜在影响仍然是管理医疗保健系统和指导决策者的最有效方法之一。我们介绍了Covidhunter,这是一种灵活而准确的Covid-19爆发模拟模型,评估了当前适用于该地区的缓解措施,可预测Covid-19统计数据(每日案件,住院和死亡人数),并就何种建议提供建议。力量即将进行的缓解措施应该是。 Covidhunter的关键思想是通过模拟考虑到外部因素的影响,例如环境条件(例如气候,温度,湿度,湿度),关注的不同变体,疫苗接种率和缓解措施。 Covidhunter以瑞士为案例研究,估计我们正在经历一场致命的新浪潮,该浪潮将于2022年1月26日达到顶峰,这与我们2020年2月的浪潮非常相似。决策者只有一个选择是为了增加30天的当前缓解措施的强度。与现有模型不同,Covidhunter模型可以准确监视,并预测COVID-19造成的病例,住院和死亡人数。我们的模型可以灵活地进行配置,并且可以易于修改,以在不同的环境条件和缓解措施下对不同方案进行建模。我们在上发布了covidhunter实现的源代码。
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尽管机器学习方法已在金融领域广泛使用,但在非常成功的学位上,这些方法仍然可以根据解释性,可比性和可重复性来定制特定研究和不透明。这项研究的主要目的是通过提供一种通用方法来阐明这一领域,该方法是调查 - 不合Snostic且可解释给金融市场从业人员,从而提高了其效率,降低了进入的障碍,并提高了实验的可重复性。提出的方法在两个自动交易平台组件上展示。也就是说,价格水平,众所周知的交易模式和一种新颖的2步特征提取方法。该方法依赖于假设检验,该假设检验在其他社会和科学学科中广泛应用,以有效地评估除简单分类准确性之外的具体结果。提出的主要假设是为了评估所选的交易模式是否适合在机器学习设置中使用。在整个实验中,我们发现在机器学习设置中使用所考虑的交易模式仅由统计数据得到部分支持,从而导致效果尺寸微不足道(反弹7- $ 0.64 \ pm 1.02 $,反弹11 $ 0.38 \ pm 0.98 $,并且篮板15- $ 1.05 \ pm 1.16 $),但允许拒绝零假设。我们展示了美国期货市场工具上的通用方法,并提供了证据表明,通过这种方法,我们可以轻松获得除传统绩效和盈利度指标之外的信息指标。这项工作是最早将这种严格的统计支持方法应用于金融市场领域的工作之一,我们希望这可能是更多研究的跳板。
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Efficient energy consumption is crucial for achieving sustainable energy goals in the era of climate change and grid modernization. Thus, it is vital to understand how energy is consumed at finer resolutions such as household in order to plan demand-response events or analyze the impacts of weather, electricity prices, electric vehicles, solar, and occupancy schedules on energy consumption. However, availability and access to detailed energy-use data, which would enable detailed studies, has been rare. In this paper, we release a unique, large-scale, synthetic, residential energy-use dataset for the residential sector across the contiguous United States covering millions of households. The data comprise of hourly energy use profiles for synthetic households, disaggregated into Thermostatically Controlled Loads (TCL) and appliance use. The underlying framework is constructed using a bottom-up approach. Diverse open-source surveys and first principles models are used for end-use modeling. Extensive validation of the synthetic dataset has been conducted through comparisons with reported energy-use data. We present a detailed, open, high-resolution, residential energy-use dataset for the United States.
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最近报道了登革热爆发的数量急剧增加,气候变化可能会延长该疾病的地理传播。在这种情况下,本文展示了神经网络方法如何结合登革热和COVID-19数据以及外部因素(例如社交行为或气候变量),以开发可以改善我们的知识并为健康提供有用工具的预测模型决策者。通过使用具有不同社会和自然参数的神经网络,在本文中,我们定义了一个相关模型,我们通过该模型表明,Covid-19和登革热的病例数量非常相似。然后,我们通过将模型扩展到纳入两种疾病的长期短期记忆模型(LSTM)来说明我们的模型的相关性,并在缺乏足够的登革热数据的国家 /地区使用COVID-19估计登革热感染的数据。
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The rapid development of technology has brought unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to become widely known in the current era. The market of UAVs is also predicted to continue growing with related technologies in the future. UAVs have been used in various sectors, including livestock, forestry, and agriculture. In agricultural applications, UAVs are highly capable of increasing the productivity of the farm and reducing farmers' workload. This paper discusses the application of UAVs in agriculture, particularly in spraying and crop monitoring. This study examines the urgency of UAV implementation in the agriculture sector. A short history of UAVs is provided in this paper to portray the development of UAVs from time to time. The classification of UAVs is also discussed to differentiate various types of UAVs. The application of UAVs in spraying and crop monitoring is based on the previous studies that have been done by many scientific groups and researchers who are working closely to propose solutions for agriculture-related issues. Furthermore, the limitations of UAV applications are also identified. The challenges in implementing agricultural UAVs in Indonesia are also presented.
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了解极端事件及其可能性是研究气候变化影响,风险评估,适应和保护生物的关键。在这项工作中,我们开发了一种方法来构建极端热浪的预测模型。这些模型基于卷积神经网络,对极长的8,000年气候模型输出进行了培训。由于极端事件之间的关系本质上是概率的,因此我们强调概率预测和验证。我们证明,深度神经网络适用于法国持续持续14天的热浪,快速动态驱动器提前15天(500 hpa地球电位高度场),并且在慢速较长的交货时间内,慢速物理时间驱动器(土壤水分)。该方法很容易实现和通用。我们发现,深神经网络选择了与北半球波数字3模式相关的极端热浪。我们发现,当将2米温度场添加到500 HPA地球电位高度和土壤水分场中时,2米温度场不包含任何新的有用统计信息。主要的科学信息是,训练深层神经网络预测极端热浪的发生是在严重缺乏数据的情况下发生的。我们建议大多数其他应用在大规模的大气和气候现象中都是如此。我们讨论了处理缺乏数据制度的观点,例如罕见的事件模拟,以及转移学习如何在后一种任务中发挥作用。
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In 2021 300 mm of rain, nearly half the average annual rainfall, fell near Catania (Sicily island, Italy). Such events took place in just a few hours, with dramatic consequences on the environmental, social, economic, and health systems of the region. This is the reason why, detecting extreme rainfall events is a crucial prerequisite for planning actions able to reverse possibly intensified dramatic future scenarios. In this paper, the Affinity Propagation algorithm, a clustering algorithm grounded on machine learning, was applied, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time, to identify excess rain events in Sicily. This was possible by using a high-frequency, large dataset we collected, ranging from 2009 to 2021 which we named RSE (the Rainfall Sicily Extreme dataset). Weather indicators were then been employed to validate the results, thus confirming the presence of recent anomalous rainfall events in eastern Sicily. We believe that easy-to-use and multi-modal data science techniques, such as the one proposed in this study, could give rise to significant improvements in policy-making for successfully contrasting climate changes.
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As ride-hailing services become increasingly popular, being able to accurately predict demand for such services can help operators efficiently allocate drivers to customers, and reduce idle time, improve congestion, and enhance the passenger experience. This paper proposes UberNet, a deep learning Convolutional Neural Network for short-term prediction of demand for ride-hailing services. UberNet empploys a multivariate framework that utilises a number of temporal and spatial features that have been found in the literature to explain demand for ride-hailing services. The proposed model includes two sub-networks that aim to encode the source series of various features and decode the predicting series, respectively. To assess the performance and effectiveness of UberNet, we use 9 months of Uber pickup data in 2014 and 28 spatial and temporal features from New York City. By comparing the performance of UberNet with several other approaches, we show that the prediction quality of the model is highly competitive. Further, Ubernet's prediction performance is better when using economic, social and built environment features. This suggests that Ubernet is more naturally suited to including complex motivators in making real-time passenger demand predictions for ride-hailing services.
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