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With the rapid advances of image editing techniques in recent years, image manipulation detection has attracted considerable attention since the increasing security risks posed by tampered images. To address these challenges, a novel multi-scale multi-grained deep network (MSMG-Net) is proposed to automatically identify manipulated regions. In our MSMG-Net, a parallel multi-scale feature extraction structure is used to extract multi-scale features. Then the multi-grained feature learning is utilized to perceive object-level semantics relation of multi-scale features by introducing the shunted self-attention. To fuse multi-scale multi-grained features, global and local feature fusion block are designed for manipulated region segmentation by a bottom-up approach and multi-level feature aggregation block is designed for edge artifacts detection by a top-down approach. Thus, MSMG-Net can effectively perceive the object-level semantics and encode the edge artifact. Experimental results on five benchmark datasets justify the superior performance of the proposed method, outperforming state-of-the-art manipulation detection and localization methods. Extensive ablation experiments and feature visualization demonstrate the multi-scale multi-grained learning can present effective visual representations of manipulated regions. In addition, MSMG-Net shows better robustness when various post-processing methods further manipulate images.
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图像操纵检测的关键研究问题是如何学习对新型数据中的操纵敏感的宽大功能,而特定于防止在真实图像上的误报。目前的研究强调了敏感性,特异性主要忽略了。在本文中,我们通过多视图特征学习和多尺度监督来解决两个方面。通过利用篡改区域周围的噪声分布和边界伪影,前者旨在学习语义 - 不可知,更广泛的特征。后者允许我们从真实的图像中学习以通过依赖于语义分割损耗的现有技术来考虑非凡的图像。我们的想法是由我们术语MVSS-Net及其增强版MVSS-Net ++的新网络实现。六个公共基准数据集的综合实验证明了MVSS-Net系列的可行性,以实现像素级和图像级操作检测。
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Image manipulation localization aims at distinguishing forged regions from the whole test image. Although many outstanding prior arts have been proposed for this task, there are still two issues that need to be further studied: 1) how to fuse diverse types of features with forgery clues; 2) how to progressively integrate multistage features for better localization performance. In this paper, we propose a tripartite progressive integration network (TriPINet) for end-to-end image manipulation localization. First, we extract both visual perception information, e.g., RGB input images, and visual imperceptible features, e.g., frequency and noise traces for forensic feature learning. Second, we develop a guided cross-modality dual-attention (gCMDA) module to fuse different types of forged clues. Third, we design a set of progressive integration squeeze-and-excitation (PI-SE) modules to improve localization performance by appropriately incorporating multiscale features in the decoder. Extensive experiments are conducted to compare our method with state-of-the-art image forensics approaches. The proposed TriPINet obtains competitive results on several benchmark datasets.
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大多数现有的基于深度学习的方法用于血管分割的方法忽略了视网膜血管的两个重要方面,一个是船只的定向信息,另一个是整个基底区域的上下文信息。在本文中,我们提出了一个强大的方向和上下文纠缠的网络(称为OCE-NET),该网络具有提取血管的复杂方向和上下文信息的能力。为了实现复杂的方向,提出了动态复杂方向意识卷积(DCOA Conv),以提取具有多种取向的复杂血管,以改善血管连续性。为了同时捕获全球上下文信息并强调重要的本地信息,开发了一个全球和局部融合模块(GLFM),以同时对船舶的长距离依赖性进行建模,并将足够的关注放在局部薄船上。提出了一种新颖的方向和上下文纠缠的非本地(OCE-NL)模块,以将方向和上下文信息纠缠在一起。此外,提出了不平衡的注意模块(UARM)来处理背景,厚和薄容器的不平衡像素数量。在几个常用的数据集(驱动器,凝视和ChasceB1)和一些更具挑战性的数据集(AV Wide,UOA-DR,RFMID和UK BioBANK)上进行了广泛的实验。消融研究表明,所提出的方法在保持薄血管的连续性方面取得了有希望的性能,比较实验表明,我们的OCE-NET可以在视网膜血管分割上实现最新性能。
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由于透明玻璃与图像中的任意物体相同,大多数现有物体检测方法产生较差的玻璃检测结果。与众不同的基于深度学习的智慧不同,只需使用对象边界作为辅助监督,我们利用标签解耦将原始标记的地图(GT)映射分解为内部扩散图和边界扩散图。与两个新生成的地图合作的GT映射破坏了物体边界的不平衡分布,导致玻璃检测质量改善。我们有三个关键贡献来解决透明的玻璃探测问题:(1)我们提出了一个三流神经网络(短暂的呼叫GlassNet),完全吸收三张地图中的有益功能。 (2)我们设计多尺度交互扩张模块,以探索更广泛的上下文信息。 (3)我们开发了一个基于关注的边界意识的功能拼接模块,用于集成多模态信息。基准数据集的广泛实验表明,在整体玻璃检测精度和边界清晰度方面,在SOTA方面对我们的方法进行了明确的改进。
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大多数息肉分段方法使用CNNS作为其骨干,导致在编码器和解码器之间的信息交换信息时的两个关键问题:1)考虑到不同级别特征之间的贡献的差异; 2)设计有效机制,以融合这些功能。不同于现有的基于CNN的方法,我们采用了一个变压器编码器,它学会了更强大和强大的表示。此外,考虑到息肉的图像采集影响和难以实现的性质,我们介绍了三种新模块,包括级联融合模块(CFM),伪装识别模块(CIM),A和相似性聚集模块(SAM)。其中,CFM用于从高级功能收集息肉的语义和位置信息,而CIM应用于在低级功能中伪装的息肉信息。在SAM的帮助下,我们将息肉区域的像素特征扩展到整个息肉区域的高电平语义位置信息,从而有效地融合了交叉级别特征。所提出的模型名为Polyp-PVT,有效地抑制了特征中的噪声,并显着提高了他们的表现力。在五个广泛采用的数据集上进行了广泛的实验表明,所提出的模型对各种具有挑战性的情况(例如,外观变化,小物体)比现有方法更加强大,并实现了新的最先进的性能。拟议的模型可在https://github.com/dengpingfan/polyp-pvt获得。
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为了防止操纵图像内容(例如剪接,复制移动和删除),我们开发了一个渐进的时空通道相关网络(PSCC-NET),以检测和本地化图像操作。 PSCC-NET以两路程的过程处理图像:一条自上而下的路径,该路径提取本地和全局特征以及检测输入图像是否被操纵的自下而上的路径,并在多个尺度上估算其操纵掩码,每个尺度都在其中面具的条件是在前一个。与传统的编码器编码器和无流动结构不同,PSCC-NET在不同尺度上的功能具有密集的交叉连接,以粗到更细致的方式产生操纵罩。此外,空间通道相关模块(SCCM)捕获自下而上路径中的空间和渠道相关性,该路径赋予了整体提示,使网络能够应对广泛的操纵攻击。得益于轻巧的主链和渐进式机制,PSCC-NET可以在50+ fps下处理1,080p图像。广泛的实验证明了PSCC-NET优于最先进方法在检测和定位方面。
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Dunhuang murals are a collection of Chinese style and national style, forming a self-contained Chinese-style Buddhist art. It has very high historical and cultural value and research significance. Among them, the lines of Dunhuang murals are highly general and expressive. It reflects the character's distinctive character and complex inner emotions. Therefore, the outline drawing of murals is of great significance to the research of Dunhuang Culture. The contour generation of Dunhuang murals belongs to image edge detection, which is an important branch of computer vision, aims to extract salient contour information in images. Although convolution-based deep learning networks have achieved good results in image edge extraction by exploring the contextual and semantic features of images. However, with the enlargement of the receptive field, some local detail information is lost. This makes it impossible for them to generate reasonable outline drawings of murals. In this paper, we propose a novel edge detector based on self-attention combined with convolution to generate line drawings of Dunhuang murals. Compared with existing edge detection methods, firstly, a new residual self-attention and convolution mixed module (Ramix) is proposed to fuse local and global features in feature maps. Secondly, a novel densely connected backbone extraction network is designed to efficiently propagate rich edge feature information from shallow layers into deep layers. Compared with existing methods, it is shown on different public datasets that our method is able to generate sharper and richer edge maps. In addition, testing on the Dunhuang mural dataset shows that our method can achieve very competitive performance.
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Contextual information is vital in visual understanding problems, such as semantic segmentation and object detection. We propose a Criss-Cross Network (CCNet) for obtaining full-image contextual information in a very effective and efficient way. Concretely, for each pixel, a novel criss-cross attention module harvests the contextual information of all the pixels on its criss-cross path. By taking a further recurrent operation, each pixel can finally capture the full-image dependencies. Besides, a category consistent loss is proposed to enforce the criss-cross attention module to produce more discriminative features. Overall, CCNet is with the following merits: 1) GPU memory friendly. Compared with the non-local block, the proposed recurrent criss-cross attention module requires 11× less GPU memory usage. 2) High computational efficiency. The recurrent criss-cross attention significantly reduces FLOPs by about 85% of the non-local block. 3) The state-of-the-art performance. We conduct extensive experiments on semantic segmentation benchmarks including Cityscapes, ADE20K, human parsing benchmark LIP, instance segmentation benchmark COCO, video segmentation benchmark CamVid. In particular, our CCNet achieves the mIoU scores of 81.9%, 45.76% and 55.47% on the Cityscapes test set, the ADE20K validation set and the LIP validation set respectively, which are the new state-of-the-art results. The source codes are available at https://github.com/speedinghzl/CCNet.
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Ultra-high resolution image segmentation has raised increasing interests in recent years due to its realistic applications. In this paper, we innovate the widely used high-resolution image segmentation pipeline, in which an ultra-high resolution image is partitioned into regular patches for local segmentation and then the local results are merged into a high-resolution semantic mask. In particular, we introduce a novel locality-aware context fusion based segmentation model to process local patches, where the relevance between local patch and its various contexts are jointly and complementarily utilized to handle the semantic regions with large variations. Additionally, we present the alternating local enhancement module that restricts the negative impact of redundant information introduced from the contexts, and thus is endowed with the ability of fixing the locality-aware features to produce refined results. Furthermore, in comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that our model outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in public benchmarks. Our released codes are available at: https://github.com/liqiokkk/FCtL.
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Semantic segmentation of UAV aerial remote sensing images provides a more efficient and convenient surveying and mapping method for traditional surveying and mapping. In order to make the model lightweight and improve a certain accuracy, this research developed a new lightweight and efficient network for the extraction of ground features from UAV aerial remote sensing images, called LDMCNet. Meanwhile, this research develops a powerful lightweight backbone network for the proposed semantic segmentation model. It is called LDCNet, and it is hoped that it can become the backbone network of a new generation of lightweight semantic segmentation algorithms. The proposed model uses dual multi-scale context modules, namely the Atrous Space Pyramid Pooling module (ASPP) and the Object Context Representation module (OCR). In addition, this research constructs a private dataset for semantic segmentation of aerial remote sensing images from drones. This data set contains 2431 training sets, 945 validation sets, and 475 test sets. The proposed model performs well on this dataset, with only 1.4M parameters and 5.48G floating-point operations (FLOPs), achieving an average intersection-over-union ratio (mIoU) of 71.12%. 7.88% higher than the baseline model. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, training on the public datasets "LoveDA" and "CITY-OSM" also achieved excellent results, achieving mIoU of 65.27% and 74.39%, respectively.
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X射线图像在制造业的质量保证中起着重要作用,因为它可以反映焊接区域的内部条件。然而,不同缺陷类型的形状和规模大大变化,这使得模型检测焊接缺陷的挑战性。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于卷积神经网络的焊接缺陷检测方法,即打火机和更快的YOLO(LF-YOLO)。具体地,增强的多尺度特征(RMF)模块旨在实现基于参数和无参数的多尺度信息提取操作。 RMF使得提取的特征映射能够代表更丰富的信息,该信息是通过卓越的层级融合结构实现的。为了提高检测网络的性能,我们提出了一个有效的特征提取(EFE)模块。 EFE处理具有极低消耗量的输入数据,并提高了实际行业中整个网络的实用性。实验结果表明,我们的焊接缺陷检测网络在性能和消耗之间实现了令人满意的平衡,达到92.9平均平均精度MAP50,每秒61.5帧(FPS)。为了进一步证明我们方法的能力,我们在公共数据集MS Coco上测试它,结果表明我们的LF-YOLO具有出色的多功能性检测性能。代码可在https://github.com/lmomoy/lf-yolo上获得。
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人行道表面数据的获取和评估在路面条件评估中起着至关重要的作用。在本文中,提出了一个称为RHA-NET的自动路面裂纹分割的有效端到端网络,以提高路面裂纹分割精度。 RHA-NET是通过将残留块(重阻)和混合注意块集成到编码器架构结构中来构建的。这些重组用于提高RHA-NET提取高级抽象特征的能力。混合注意块旨在融合低级功能和高级功能,以帮助模型专注于正确的频道和裂纹区域,从而提高RHA-NET的功能表现能力。构建并用于训练和评估所提出的模型的图像数据集,其中包含由自设计的移动机器人收集的789个路面裂纹图像。与其他最先进的网络相比,所提出的模型在全面的消融研究中验证了添加残留块和混合注意机制的功能。此外,通过引入深度可分离卷积生成的模型的轻加权版本可以更好地实现性能和更快的处理速度,而U-NET参数数量的1/30。开发的系统可以在嵌入式设备Jetson TX2(25 fps)上实时划分路面裂纹。实时实验拍摄的视频将在https://youtu.be/3xiogk0fig4上发布。
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由于字体,大小,颜色和方向的各种文本变化,任意形状的场景文本检测是一项具有挑战性的任务。大多数现有基于回归的方法求助于回归文本区域的口罩或轮廓点以建模文本实例。但是,回归完整的口罩需要高训练的复杂性,并且轮廓点不足以捕获高度弯曲的文本的细节。为了解决上述限制,我们提出了一个名为TextDCT的新颖的轻巧锚文本检测框架,该框架采用离散的余弦变换(DCT)将文本掩码编码为紧凑型向量。此外,考虑到金字塔层中训练样本不平衡的数量,我们仅采用单层头来进行自上而下的预测。为了建模单层头部的多尺度文本,我们通过将缩水文本区域视为正样本,并通过融合来介绍一个新颖的积极抽样策略,并通过融合来设计特征意识模块(FAM),以实现空间意识和规模的意识丰富的上下文信息并关注更重要的功能。此外,我们提出了一种分割的非量最大抑制(S-NMS)方法,该方法可以过滤低质量的掩模回归。在四个具有挑战性的数据集上进行了广泛的实验,这表明我们的TextDCT在准确性和效率上都获得了竞争性能。具体而言,TextDCT分别以每秒17.2帧(FPS)和F-measure的F-MEASIE达到85.1,而CTW1500和Total-Text数据集的F-Measure 84.9分别为15.1 fps。
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In recent years, object detection has achieved a very large performance improvement, but the detection result of small objects is still not very satisfactory. This work proposes a strategy based on feature fusion and dilated convolution that employs dilated convolution to broaden the receptive field of feature maps at various scales in order to address this issue. On the one hand, it can improve the detection accuracy of larger objects. On the other hand, it provides more contextual information for small objects, which is beneficial to improving the detection accuracy of small objects. The shallow semantic information of small objects is obtained by filtering out the noise in the feature map, and the feature information of more small objects is preserved by using multi-scale fusion feature module and attention mechanism. The fusion of these shallow feature information and deep semantic information can generate richer feature maps for small object detection. Experiments show that this method can have higher accuracy than the traditional YOLOv3 network in the detection of small objects and occluded objects. In addition, we achieve 32.8\% Mean Average Precision on the detection of small objects on MS COCO2017 test set. For 640*640 input, this method has 88.76\% mAP on the PASCAL VOC2012 dataset.
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