Ultra-high resolution image segmentation has raised increasing interests in recent years due to its realistic applications. In this paper, we innovate the widely used high-resolution image segmentation pipeline, in which an ultra-high resolution image is partitioned into regular patches for local segmentation and then the local results are merged into a high-resolution semantic mask. In particular, we introduce a novel locality-aware context fusion based segmentation model to process local patches, where the relevance between local patch and its various contexts are jointly and complementarily utilized to handle the semantic regions with large variations. Additionally, we present the alternating local enhancement module that restricts the negative impact of redundant information introduced from the contexts, and thus is endowed with the ability of fixing the locality-aware features to produce refined results. Furthermore, in comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that our model outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in public benchmarks. Our released codes are available at: https://github.com/liqiokkk/FCtL.
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表面缺陷检测是确保工业产品质量的极其至关重要的步骤。如今,基于编码器架构的卷积神经网络(CNN)在各种缺陷检测任务中取得了巨大的成功。然而,由于卷积的内在局部性,它们通常在明确建模长距离相互作用时表现出限制,这对于复杂情况下的像素缺陷检测至关重要,例如杂乱的背景和难以辨认的伪缺陷。最近的变压器尤其擅长学习全球图像依赖性,但对于详细的缺陷位置所需的本地结构信息有限。为了克服上述局限性,我们提出了一个有效的混合变压器体系结构,称为缺陷变压器(faft),用于表面缺陷检测,该检测将CNN和Transferaler纳入统一模型,以协作捕获本地和非本地关系。具体而言,在编码器模块中,首先采用卷积茎块来保留更详细的空间信息。然后,贴片聚合块用于生成具有四个层次结构的多尺度表示形式,每个层次结构之后分别是一系列的feft块,该块分别包括用于本地位置编码的本地位置块,一个轻巧的多功能自我自我 - 注意与良好的计算效率建模多尺度的全球上下文关系,以及用于功能转换和进一步位置信息学习的卷积馈送网络。最后,提出了一个简单但有效的解码器模块,以从编码器中的跳过连接中逐渐恢复空间细节。与其他基于CNN的网络相比,三个数据集上的广泛实验证明了我们方法的优势和效率。
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Vision transformers (ViTs) encoding an image as a sequence of patches bring new paradigms for semantic segmentation.We present an efficient framework of representation separation in local-patch level and global-region level for semantic segmentation with ViTs. It is targeted for the peculiar over-smoothness of ViTs in semantic segmentation, and therefore differs from current popular paradigms of context modeling and most existing related methods reinforcing the advantage of attention. We first deliver the decoupled two-pathway network in which another pathway enhances and passes down local-patch discrepancy complementary to global representations of transformers. We then propose the spatially adaptive separation module to obtain more separate deep representations and the discriminative cross-attention which yields more discriminative region representations through novel auxiliary supervisions. The proposed methods achieve some impressive results: 1) incorporated with large-scale plain ViTs, our methods achieve new state-of-the-art performances on five widely used benchmarks; 2) using masked pre-trained plain ViTs, we achieve 68.9% mIoU on Pascal Context, setting a new record; 3) pyramid ViTs integrated with the decoupled two-pathway network even surpass the well-designed high-resolution ViTs on Cityscapes; 4) the improved representations by our framework have favorable transferability in images with natural corruptions. The codes will be released publicly.
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大多数现有的RGB-D突出物体检测方法利用卷积操作并构建复杂的交织融合结构来实现跨模型信息集成。卷积操作的固有局部连接将基于卷积的方法的性能进行了限制到天花板的性能。在这项工作中,我们从全球信息对齐和转换的角度重新思考此任务。具体地,所提出的方法(Transcmd)级联几个跨模型集成单元来构造基于自上而下的变换器的信息传播路径(TIPP)。 Transcmd将多尺度和多模态特征集成作为序列到序列上下文传播和内置于变压器上的更新过程。此外,考虑到二次复杂性W.R.T.输入令牌的数量,我们设计了具有可接受的计算成本的修补程序令牌重新嵌入策略(Ptre)。七个RGB-D SOD基准数据集上的实验结果表明,在配备TIPP时,简单的两流编码器 - 解码器框架可以超越最先进的基于CNN的方法。
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Transformers have made remarkable progress towards modeling long-range dependencies within the medical image analysis domain. However, current transformer-based models suffer from several disadvantages: (1) existing methods fail to capture the important features of the images due to the naive tokenization scheme; (2) the models suffer from information loss because they only consider single-scale feature representations; and (3) the segmentation label maps generated by the models are not accurate enough without considering rich semantic contexts and anatomical textures. In this work, we present CASTformer, a novel type of adversarial transformers, for 2D medical image segmentation. First, we take advantage of the pyramid structure to construct multi-scale representations and handle multi-scale variations. We then design a novel class-aware transformer module to better learn the discriminative regions of objects with semantic structures. Lastly, we utilize an adversarial training strategy that boosts segmentation accuracy and correspondingly allows a transformer-based discriminator to capture high-level semantically correlated contents and low-level anatomical features. Our experiments demonstrate that CASTformer dramatically outperforms previous state-of-the-art transformer-based approaches on three benchmarks, obtaining 2.54%-5.88% absolute improvements in Dice over previous models. Further qualitative experiments provide a more detailed picture of the model's inner workings, shed light on the challenges in improved transparency, and demonstrate that transfer learning can greatly improve performance and reduce the size of medical image datasets in training, making CASTformer a strong starting point for downstream medical image analysis tasks.
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在本文中,我们专注于探索有效的方法,以更快,准确和域的不可知性语义分割。受到相邻视频帧之间运动对齐的光流的启发,我们提出了一个流对齐模块(FAM),以了解相邻级别的特征映射之间的\ textit {语义流},并将高级特征广播到高分辨率特征有效地,有效地有效。 。此外,将我们的FAM与共同特征的金字塔结构集成在一起,甚至在轻量重量骨干网络(例如Resnet-18和DFNET)上也表现出优于其他实时方法的性能。然后,为了进一步加快推理过程,我们还提出了一个新型的封闭式双流对齐模块,以直接对齐高分辨率特征图和低分辨率特征图,在该图中我们将改进版本网络称为SFNET-LITE。广泛的实验是在几个具有挑战性的数据集上进行的,结果显示了SFNET和SFNET-LITE的有效性。特别是,建议的SFNET-LITE系列在使用RESNET-18主链和78.8 MIOU以120 fps运行的情况下,使用RTX-3090上的STDC主链在120 fps运行时,在60 fps运行时达到80.1 miou。此外,我们将四个具有挑战性的驾驶数据集(即CityScapes,Mapillary,IDD和BDD)统一到一个大数据集中,我们将其命名为Unified Drive细分(UDS)数据集。它包含不同的域和样式信息。我们基准了UDS上的几项代表性作品。 SFNET和SFNET-LITE仍然可以在UDS上取得最佳的速度和准确性权衡,这在如此新的挑战性环境中是强大的基准。所有代码和模型均可在https://github.com/lxtgh/sfsegnets上公开获得。
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在像素级别的特定类别分配地理空间对象是遥感图像分析中的基本任务。随着传感器技术的快速发展,可以在多个空间分辨率(MSR)中捕获远程感测图像,信息内容显示在不同的尺度上。从这些MSR图像中提取信息表示增强特征表示和表征的巨大机会。但是,MSR图像遭受了两个关键问题:1)地理对象的比例变化和2)在粗略空间分辨率下丢失详细信息。为了弥合这些差距,在本文中,我们提出了一种用于MSR远程感知图像的语义细分的新型刻度感知神经网络(SANET)。 SANET部署了密集连接的特征网络(DCFFM)模块,以捕获高质量的多尺度上下文,使得刻度变化正确地处理,并且对于大型和小物体而增加分割质量。空间特征重新校准(SFRM)模块进一步结合到网络中以学习具有增强的空间关系的完整语义内容,其中删除了信息丢失的负面影响。 DCFFM和SFRM的组合允许SANET学习尺度感知功能表示,这胜过现有的多尺度特征表示。三个语义分割数据集的广泛实验证明了拟议的Sanet在跨分辨率细分中的有效性。
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多模态数据在遥感(RS)中变得容易获得,并且可以提供有关地球表面的互补信息。因此,多模态信息的有效融合对于卢比的各种应用是重要的,而且由于域差异,噪音和冗余,也是非常具有挑战性的。缺乏有效和可扩展的融合技术,用于遍布多种模式编码器和完全利用互补信息。为此,我们提出了一种基于新型金字塔注意融合(PAF)模块和门控融合单元(GFU)的多模态遥感数据的新型多模态网络(Multimodnet)。 PAF模块旨在有效地从每个模态中获得丰富的细粒度上下文表示,具有内置的交叉级别和巧克力关注融合机制,GFU模块利用了新颖的门控机制,用于早期合并特征,从而降低隐藏的冗余和噪音。这使得可以有效地提取补充方式来提取最迟到的特征融合的最有价值和互补的信息。两个代表性RS基准数据集的广泛实验证明了多模态土地覆盖分类的多模型的有效性,鲁棒性和优越性。
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Camouflaged objects are seamlessly blended in with their surroundings, which brings a challenging detection task in computer vision. Optimizing a convolutional neural network (CNN) for camouflaged object detection (COD) tends to activate local discriminative regions while ignoring complete object extent, causing the partial activation issue which inevitably leads to missing or redundant regions of objects. In this paper, we argue that partial activation is caused by the intrinsic characteristics of CNN, where the convolution operations produce local receptive fields and experience difficulty to capture long-range feature dependency among image regions. In order to obtain feature maps that could activate full object extent, keeping the segmental results from being overwhelmed by noisy features, a novel framework termed Cross-Model Detail Querying network (DQnet) is proposed. It reasons the relations between long-range-aware representations and multi-scale local details to make the enhanced representation fully highlight the object regions and eliminate noise on non-object regions. Specifically, a vanilla ViT pretrained with self-supervised learning (SSL) is employed to model long-range dependencies among image regions. A ResNet is employed to enable learning fine-grained spatial local details in multiple scales. Then, to effectively retrieve object-related details, a Relation-Based Querying (RBQ) module is proposed to explore window-based interactions between the global representations and the multi-scale local details. Extensive experiments are conducted on the widely used COD datasets and show that our DQnet outperforms the current state-of-the-arts.
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在广泛的实用应用中,需要进行远程感知的城市场景图像的语义细分,例如土地覆盖地图,城市变化检测,环境保护和经济评估。在深度学习技术的快速发展,卷积神经网络(CNN)的迅速发展。 )多年来一直在语义细分中占主导地位。 CNN采用层次特征表示,证明了局部信息提取的强大功能。但是,卷积层的本地属性限制了网络捕获全局上下文。最近,作为计算机视觉领域的热门话题,Transformer在全球信息建模中展示了其巨大的潜力,从而增强了许多与视觉相关的任务,例如图像分类,对象检测,尤其是语义细分。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于变压器的解码器,并为实时城市场景细分构建了一个类似Unet的变压器(UneTformer)。为了有效的分割,不显示器将轻量级RESNET18选择作为编码器,并开发出有效的全球关注机制,以模拟解码器中的全局和局部信息。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法不仅运行速度更快,而且与最先进的轻量级模型相比,其准确性更高。具体而言,拟议的未显示器分别在无人机和洛夫加数据集上分别达到了67.8%和52.4%的MIOU,而在单个NVIDIA GTX 3090 GPU上输入了512x512输入的推理速度最多可以达到322.4 fps。在进一步的探索中,拟议的基于变压器的解码器与SWIN变压器编码器结合使用,还可以在Vaihingen数据集上实现最新的结果(91.3%F1和84.1%MIOU)。源代码将在https://github.com/wanglibo1995/geoseg上免费获得。
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Astounding results from Transformer models on natural language tasks have intrigued the vision community to study their application to computer vision problems. Among their salient benefits, Transformers enable modeling long dependencies between input sequence elements and support parallel processing of sequence as compared to recurrent networks e.g., Long short-term memory (LSTM). Different from convolutional networks, Transformers require minimal inductive biases for their design and are naturally suited as set-functions. Furthermore, the straightforward design of Transformers allows processing multiple modalities (e.g., images, videos, text and speech) using similar processing blocks and demonstrates excellent scalability to very large capacity networks and huge datasets. These strengths have led to exciting progress on a number of vision tasks using Transformer networks. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Transformer models in the computer vision discipline. We start with an introduction to fundamental concepts behind the success of Transformers i.e., self-attention, large-scale pre-training, and bidirectional feature encoding. We then cover extensive applications of transformers in vision including popular recognition tasks (e.g., image classification, object detection, action recognition, and segmentation), generative modeling, multi-modal tasks (e.g., visual-question answering, visual reasoning, and visual grounding), video processing (e.g., activity recognition, video forecasting), low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image enhancement, and colorization) and 3D analysis (e.g., point cloud classification and segmentation). We compare the respective advantages and limitations of popular techniques both in terms of architectural design and their experimental value. Finally, we provide an analysis on open research directions and possible future works. We hope this effort will ignite further interest in the community to solve current challenges towards the application of transformer models in computer vision.
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Image segmentation is a key topic in image processing and computer vision with applications such as scene understanding, medical image analysis, robotic perception, video surveillance, augmented reality, and image compression, among many others. Various algorithms for image segmentation have been developed in the literature. Recently, due to the success of deep learning models in a wide range of vision applications, there has been a substantial amount of works aimed at developing image segmentation approaches using deep learning models. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of the literature at the time of this writing, covering a broad spectrum of pioneering works for semantic and instance-level segmentation, including fully convolutional pixel-labeling networks, encoder-decoder architectures, multi-scale and pyramid based approaches, recurrent networks, visual attention models, and generative models in adversarial settings. We investigate the similarity, strengths and challenges of these deep learning models, examine the most widely used datasets, report performances, and discuss promising future research directions in this area.
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识别息肉对于在计算机辅助临床支持系统中自动分析内窥镜图像的自动分析具有挑战性。已经提出了基于卷积网络(CNN),变压器及其组合的模型,以分割息肉以有希望的结果。但是,这些方法在模拟息肉的局部外观方面存在局限性,或者在解码过程中缺乏用于空间依赖性的多层次特征。本文提出了一个新颖的网络,即结肠形式,以解决这些局限性。 Colonformer是一种编码器架构,能够在编码器和解码器分支上对远程语义信息进行建模。编码器是一种基于变压器的轻量级体系结构,用于在多尺度上建模全局语义关系。解码器是一种层次结构结构,旨在学习多层功能以丰富特征表示。此外,添加了一个新的Skip连接技术,以完善整体地图中的息肉对象的边界以进行精确分割。已经在五个流行的基准数据集上进行了广泛的实验,以进行息肉分割,包括Kvasir,CVC-Clinic DB,CVC-ColondB,CVC-T和Etis-Larib。实验结果表明,我们的结肠构造者在所有基准数据集上的表现优于其他最先进的方法。
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变压器是一种基于关注的编码器解码器架构,彻底改变了自然语言处理领域。灵感来自这一重大成就,最近在将变形式架构调整到计算机视觉(CV)领域的一些开创性作品,这已经证明了他们对各种简历任务的有效性。依靠竞争力的建模能力,与现代卷积神经网络相比在本文中,我们已经为三百不同的视觉变压器进行了全面的审查,用于三个基本的CV任务(分类,检测和分割),提出了根据其动机,结构和使用情况组织这些方法的分类。 。由于培训设置和面向任务的差异,我们还在不同的配置上进行了评估了这些方法,以便于易于和直观的比较而不是各种基准。此外,我们已经揭示了一系列必不可少的,但可能使变压器能够从众多架构中脱颖而出,例如松弛的高级语义嵌入,以弥合视觉和顺序变压器之间的差距。最后,提出了三个未来的未来研究方向进行进一步投资。
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遥感图像中的实例分段的任务,旨在在实例级别执行对象的每像素标记,对于各种民用应用非常重要。尽管以前的成功,但大多数现有的实例分割方法设计用于自然图像时,可以在直接应用于顶视图遥感图像时遇到清晰的性能下降。通过仔细分析,我们观察到由于严重的规模变化,低对比度和聚类分布,挑战主要来自歧视性对象特征。为了解决这些问题,提出了一种新颖的上下文聚合网络(CATNET)来改善特征提取过程。所提出的模型利用了三个轻量级的即插即用模块,即密度特征金字塔网络(Densfpn),空间上下文金字塔(SCP)和兴趣提取器(Hroie)的分层区域,以聚合在功能,空间和的全局视觉上下文实例域分别。 DenseFPN是一种多尺度特征传播模块,通过采用级别的残差连接,交叉级密度连接和具有重新加权策略来建立更灵活的信息流。利用注意力机制,SCP进一步通过将全局空间上下文聚合到当地区域来增强特征。对于每个实例,Hroie自适应地为不同的下游任务生成ROI功能。我们对挑战ISAID,DIOR,NWPU VHR-10和HRSID数据集进行了广泛的评估。评估结果表明,所提出的方法优于具有类似的计算成本的最先进。代码可在https://github.com/yeliudev/catnet上获得。
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