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Learning-enabled control systems have demonstrated impressive empirical performance on challenging control problems in robotics, but this performance comes at the cost of reduced transparency and lack of guarantees on the safety or stability of the learned controllers. In recent years, new techniques have emerged to provide these guarantees by learning certificates alongside control policies -- these certificates provide concise, data-driven proofs that guarantee the safety and stability of the learned control system. These methods not only allow the user to verify the safety of a learned controller but also provide supervision during training, allowing safety and stability requirements to influence the training process itself. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of this rapidly developing field of certificate learning. We hope that this paper will serve as an accessible introduction to the theory and practice of certificate learning, both to those who wish to apply these tools to practical robotics problems and to those who wish to dive more deeply into the theory of learning for control.
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We study the problem of learning controllers for discrete-time non-linear stochastic dynamical systems with formal reach-avoid guarantees. This work presents the first method for providing formal reach-avoid guarantees, which combine and generalize stability and safety guarantees, with a tolerable probability threshold $p\in[0,1]$ over the infinite time horizon. Our method leverages advances in machine learning literature and it represents formal certificates as neural networks. In particular, we learn a certificate in the form of a reach-avoid supermartingale (RASM), a novel notion that we introduce in this work. Our RASMs provide reachability and avoidance guarantees by imposing constraints on what can be viewed as a stochastic extension of level sets of Lyapunov functions for deterministic systems. Our approach solves several important problems -- it can be used to learn a control policy from scratch, to verify a reach-avoid specification for a fixed control policy, or to fine-tune a pre-trained policy if it does not satisfy the reach-avoid specification. We validate our approach on $3$ stochastic non-linear reinforcement learning tasks.
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在广泛的应用程序中,从观察到的数据中识别隐藏的动态是一项重大且具有挑战性的任务。最近,线性多步法方法(LMM)和深度学习的结合已成功地用于发现动力学,而对这种方法进行完整的收敛分析仍在开发中。在这项工作中,我们考虑了基于网络的深度LMM,以发现动态。我们使用深网的近似属性提出了这些方法的错误估计。它指出,对于某些LMMS的家庭,$ \ ell^2 $网格错误由$ O(H^p)$的总和和网络近似错误,其中$ h $是时间步长和$P $是本地截断错误顺序。提供了几个物理相关示例的数值结果,以证明我们的理论。
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Motivated by the fragility of neural network (NN) controllers in safety-critical applications, we present a data-driven framework for verifying the risk of stochastic dynamical systems with NN controllers. Given a stochastic control system, an NN controller, and a specification equipped with a notion of trace robustness (e.g., constraint functions or signal temporal logic), we collect trajectories from the system that may or may not satisfy the specification. In particular, each of the trajectories produces a robustness value that indicates how well (severely) the specification is satisfied (violated). We then compute risk metrics over these robustness values to estimate the risk that the NN controller will not satisfy the specification. We are further interested in quantifying the difference in risk between two systems, and we show how the risk estimated from a nominal system can provide an upper bound the risk of a perturbed version of the system. In particular, the tightness of this bound depends on the closeness of the systems in terms of the closeness of their system trajectories. For Lipschitz continuous and incrementally input-to-state stable systems, we show how to exactly quantify system closeness with varying degrees of conservatism, while we estimate system closeness for more general systems from data in our experiments. We demonstrate our risk verification approach on two case studies, an underwater vehicle and an F1/10 autonomous car.
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We propose a learning-based robust predictive control algorithm that compensates for significant uncertainty in the dynamics for a class of discrete-time systems that are nominally linear with an additive nonlinear component. Such systems commonly model the nonlinear effects of an unknown environment on a nominal system. We optimize over a class of nonlinear feedback policies inspired by certainty equivalent "estimate-and-cancel" control laws pioneered in classical adaptive control to achieve significant performance improvements in the presence of uncertainties of large magnitude, a setting in which existing learning-based predictive control algorithms often struggle to guarantee safety. In contrast to previous work in robust adaptive MPC, our approach allows us to take advantage of structure (i.e., the numerical predictions) in the a priori unknown dynamics learned online through function approximation. Our approach also extends typical nonlinear adaptive control methods to systems with state and input constraints even when we cannot directly cancel the additive uncertain function from the dynamics. We apply contemporary statistical estimation techniques to certify the system's safety through persistent constraint satisfaction with high probability. Moreover, we propose using Bayesian meta-learning algorithms that learn calibrated model priors to help satisfy the assumptions of the control design in challenging settings. Finally, we show in simulation that our method can accommodate more significant unknown dynamics terms than existing methods and that the use of Bayesian meta-learning allows us to adapt to the test environments more rapidly.
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如果机器人曾经实现与动物所展示的机器人相当的自动运动,则它们必须获得在损害,故障或环境条件下快速恢复运动行为的能力,从而损害了其有效移动的能力。我们提出了一种方法,该方法使我们的机器人和模拟机器人能够在几十次尝试中恢复自由运动行为的高度。我们的方法采用行为规范,以等级的差异约束来表达所需的行为。我们展示了如何通过编码模板来考虑这些约束,从而产生了将先前优化的行为推广到新情况下以快速学习的形式概括的秘诀。我们进一步说明,在数据驱动的上下文中,足够的限制通常很容易确定。作为例证,我们证明了我们在物理7 DOF六型六杆元机器人上的恢复方法,以及对6 DOF 2D运动机制的模拟。在这两种情况下,我们恢复了与先前优化的运动在功能上无法区分的行为。
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In this work, we consider the problem of learning a feed-forward neural network controller to safely steer an arbitrarily shaped planar robot in a compact and obstacle-occluded workspace. Unlike existing methods that depend strongly on the density of data points close to the boundary of the safe state space to train neural network controllers with closed-loop safety guarantees, here we propose an alternative approach that lifts such strong assumptions on the data that are hard to satisfy in practice and instead allows for graceful safety violations, i.e., of a bounded magnitude that can be spatially controlled. To do so, we employ reachability analysis techniques to encapsulate safety constraints in the training process. Specifically, to obtain a computationally efficient over-approximation of the forward reachable set of the closed-loop system, we partition the robot's state space into cells and adaptively subdivide the cells that contain states which may escape the safe set under the trained control law. Then, using the overlap between each cell's forward reachable set and the set of infeasible robot configurations as a measure for safety violations, we introduce appropriate terms into the loss function that penalize this overlap in the training process. As a result, our method can learn a safe vector field for the closed-loop system and, at the same time, provide worst-case bounds on safety violation over the whole configuration space, defined by the overlap between the over-approximation of the forward reachable set of the closed-loop system and the set of unsafe states. Moreover, it can control the tradeoff between computational complexity and tightness of these bounds. Our proposed method is supported by both theoretical results and simulation studies.
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