自动开放域对话评估是对话系统的关键组成部分。最近,基于学习的评估指标在开放域对话评估中取得了最先进的表现。但是,这些仅关注一些素质的指标很难全面评估对话。此外,这些指标缺乏有效的分数组成方法,无法获得各种评估质量。为了解决上述问题,我们提出了基于相关性重新缩放(MME-CR)的多项式评估,以评估开放域对话。首先,我们建立了一个评估度量,该评估度量由5组平行的子对象组成,称为多金属评估(MME),以全面评估对话的质量。此外,我们提出了一种称为相关重新缩放(CRS)的新型分数组成方法,以模拟子计量与多样性之间的关系。我们的方法MME-CRS在DSTC10 TRACK5 SubTask1自动开放域对话评估挑战的最终测试数据中排名第一,这证明了我们提出的方法的有效性。
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本文介绍了一个新颖的自我监督的细粒度对话评估框架(自我评估)。核心思想是建模转弯质量与整个对话质量之间的相关性。我们首先提出了一种新型的自动数据构建方法,该方法可以自动为任意对话数据分配细粒度的分数。然后,我们使用多层对比度学习模式训练\ textbf {self eval},有助于区分不同的分数水平。多个基准测试的实验结果表明,自我与人类评估高度一致,并且比最先进的模型更好。我们对本文的实验进行了详细的分析。我们的代码和数据将在GitHub上发布。
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Chatbots are expected to be knowledgeable across multiple domains, e.g. for daily chit-chat, exchange of information, and grounding in emotional situations. To effectively measure the quality of such conversational agents, a model-based automatic dialogue evaluation metric (ADEM) is expected to perform well across multiple domains. Despite significant progress, an ADEM that works well in one domain does not necessarily generalize to another. This calls for a dedicated network architecture for domain generalization. To tackle the multi-domain dialogue evaluation task, we propose a Panel of Experts (PoE), a multitask network that consists of a shared transformer encoder and a collection of lightweight adapters. The shared encoder captures the general knowledge of dialogues across domains, while each adapter specializes in one specific domain and serves as a domain expert. To validate the idea, we construct a high-quality multi-domain dialogue dataset leveraging data augmentation and pseudo-labeling. The PoE network is comprehensively assessed on 16 dialogue evaluation datasets spanning a wide range of dialogue domains. It achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of mean Spearman correlation over all the evaluation datasets. It exhibits better zero-shot generalization than existing state-of-the-art ADEMs and the ability to easily adapt to new domains with few-shot transfer learning.
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聊天旨在跨越不同域的人类对话,例如普通的Chit-Chat,知识交流和角色接地对话。为了衡量此类会话代理人的质量,预计对话评估员也会在域中进行评估。但是,大多数最先进的自动对话评估指标(ADMS)不是用于多域评估的。我们有动力设计一般和强大的框架MDD-eval,解决问题。具体而言,我们首先将教师评估员与人类注释的数据一起培训,获取评级技能,以便在特定领域的坏人中讲述良好的对话响应,然后采取自我培训策略,以培训具有教师注释的新评估员的新评估人员域数据,有助于新评估程序遍历多个域。 MDD-EVAL在六个对话评估基准上进行了广泛评估。经验结果表明,在所有评估基准的平均矛盾的普通相关评分方面,MDD-ex律师框架在最先进的adms方面取得了强大的表现,绝对改善了7%。
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Complex dialogue mappings (CDM), including one-to-many and many-to-one mappings, tend to make dialogue models generate incoherent or dull responses, and modeling these mappings remains a huge challenge for neural dialogue systems. To alleviate these problems, methods like introducing external information, reconstructing the optimization function, and manipulating data samples are proposed, while they primarily focus on avoiding training with CDM, inevitably weakening the model's ability of understanding CDM in human conversations and limiting further improvements in model performance. This paper proposes a Sentence Semantic \textbf{Seg}mentation guided \textbf{C}onditional \textbf{V}ariational \textbf{A}uto-\textbf{E}ncoder (SegCVAE) method which can model and take advantages of the CDM data. Specifically, to tackle the incoherent problem caused by one-to-many, SegCVAE uses response-related prominent semantics to constrained the latent variable. To mitigate the non-diverse problem brought by many-to-one, SegCVAE segments multiple prominent semantics to enrich the latent variables. Three novel components, Internal Separation, External Guidance, and Semantic Norms, are proposed to achieve SegCVAE. On dialogue generation tasks, both the automatic and human evaluation results show that SegCVAE achieves new state-of-the-art performance.
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Knowledge-grounded dialogue systems powered by large language models often generate responses that, while fluent, are not attributable to a relevant source of information. Progress towards models that do not exhibit this issue requires evaluation metrics that can quantify its prevalence. To this end, we introduce the Benchmark for Evaluation of Grounded INteraction (BEGIN), comprised of 12k dialogue turns generated by neural dialogue systems trained on three knowledgegrounded dialogue corpora. We collect human annotations assessing the extent to which the models' responses can be attributed to the given background information. We then use BEGIN to analyze eight evaluation metrics. We find that these metrics rely on spurious correlations, do not reliably distinguish attributable abstractive responses from unattributable ones, and perform substantially worse when the knowledge source is longer. Our findings underscore the need for more sophisticated and robust evaluation metrics for knowledge-grounded dialogue. We make BEGIN publicly available at https://github.com/ google/BEGIN-dataset.
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基于检索的对话响应选择旨在为给定多转中下文找到候选集的正确响应。基于预先训练的语言模型(PLMS)的方法对此任务产生了显着的改进。序列表示在对话背景和响应之间的匹配程度中扮演关键作用。然而,我们观察到相同上下文共享的不同的上下文响应对始终在由PLM计算的序列表示中具有更大的相似性,这使得难以区分来自负面的正响应。由此激励,我们提出了一种基于PLMS的响应选择任务的新颖\ TextBF {f} ine- \ textbf {g}下载\ textbf {g} unfrstive(fgc)学习方法。该FGC学习策略有助于PLMS在细粒中产生每个对话的更可区分的匹配表示,并进一步提高选择正反应的预测。两个基准数据集的实证研究表明,所提出的FGC学习方法一般可以提高现有PLM匹配模型的模型性能。
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预先接受训练的语言模型的最新进展具有显着改善的神经反应生成。但是,现有方法通常将对话背景视为令牌的线性序列,并通过令牌级自我关注学习生成下一个单词。这些令牌级编码阻碍了话语中话语水平一致性的探索。本文介绍了对话贝特,这是一种新的会话响应生成模型,可以增强以前的基于PLM的对话模型。 DialogBert采用分层变压器架构。为了有效地捕捉话语中的话语水平一致性,我们提出了两种培训目标,包括蒙面的话语回归和分布式话语秩序与原始BERT训练相比。在三个多转对谈话数据集上的实验表明,在定量评估方面,我们的方法非常优于BART和Dialogpt等基线。人类评估表明,DialogBert比具有显着利润率的基线产生更加连贯,信息和人类的反应。
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Natural Language Generation (NLG) represents a large collection of tasks in the field of NLP. While many of these tasks have been tackled well by the cross-entropy (CE) loss, the task of dialog generation poses a few unique challenges for this loss function. First, CE loss assumes that for any given input, the only possible output is the one available as the ground truth in the training dataset. In general, this is not true for any task, as there can be multiple semantically equivalent sentences, each with a different surface form. This problem gets exaggerated further for the dialog generation task, as there can be multiple valid responses (for a given context) that not only have different surface forms but are also not semantically equivalent. Second, CE loss does not take the context into consideration while processing the response and, hence, it treats all ground truths with equal importance irrespective of the context. But, we may want our final agent to avoid certain classes of responses (e.g. bland, non-informative or biased responses) and give relatively higher weightage for more context-specific responses. To circumvent these shortcomings of the CE loss, in this paper, we propose a novel loss function, CORAL, that directly optimizes recently proposed estimates of human preference for generated responses. Using CORAL, we can train dialog generation models without assuming non-existence of response other than the ground-truth. Also, the CORAL loss is computed based on both the context and the response. Extensive comparisons on two benchmark datasets show that the proposed methods outperform strong state-of-the-art baseline models of different sizes.
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Recent advances in large-scale pre-training provide large models with the potential to learn knowledge from the raw text. It is thus natural to ask whether it is possible to leverage these large models as knowledge bases for downstream tasks. In this work, we answer the aforementioned question in unsupervised knowledge-grounded conversation. We explore various methods that best elicit knowledge from large models. Our human study indicates that, though hallucinations exist, large models post the unique advantage of being able to output common sense and summarize facts that cannot be directly retrieved from the search engine. To better exploit such generated knowledge in dialogue generation, we treat the generated knowledge as a noisy knowledge source and propose the posterior-based reweighing as well as the noisy training strategy. Empirical results on two benchmarks show advantages over the state-of-the-art methods.
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Long-range context modeling is crucial to both dialogue understanding and generation. The most popular method for dialogue context representation is to concatenate the last-$k$ previous utterances. However, this method may not be ideal for conversations containing long-range dependencies. In this work, we propose DialoGX, a novel encoder-decoder based framework for conversational response generation with a generalized and explainable context representation that can look beyond the last-$k$ utterances. Hence the method is adaptive to conversations with long-range dependencies. The main idea of our approach is to identify and utilize the most relevant historical utterances instead of the last-$k$ utterances in chronological order. We study the effectiveness of our proposed method on both dialogue generation (open-domain) and understanding (DST) tasks. DialoGX achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art models on DailyDialog dataset. We also observe performance gain in existing DST models with our proposed context representation strategy on MultiWOZ dataset. We justify our context representation through the lens of psycholinguistics and show that the relevance score of previous utterances agrees well with human cognition which makes DialoGX explainable as well.
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End-to-end (E2E) task-oriented dialogue (ToD) systems are prone to fall into the so-called 'likelihood trap', resulting in generated responses which are dull, repetitive, and often inconsistent with dialogue history. Comparing ranked lists of multiple generated responses against the 'gold response' (from training data) reveals a wide diversity in response quality, with many good responses placed lower in the ranked list. The main challenge, addressed in this work, is then how to reach beyond greedily generated system responses, that is, how to obtain and select such high-quality responses from the list of overgenerated responses at inference without availability of the gold response. To this end, we propose a simple yet effective reranking method which aims to select high-quality items from the lists of responses initially overgenerated by the system. The idea is to use any sequence-level (similarity) scoring function to divide the semantic space of responses into high-scoring versus low-scoring partitions. At training, the high-scoring partition comprises all generated responses whose similarity to the gold response is higher than the similarity of the greedy response to the gold response. At inference, the aim is to estimate the probability that each overgenerated response belongs to the high-scoring partition, given only previous dialogue history. We validate the robustness and versatility of our proposed method on the standard MultiWOZ dataset: our methods improve a state-of-the-art E2E ToD system by 2.4 BLEU, 3.2 ROUGE, and 2.8 METEOR scores, achieving new peak results. Additional experiments on the BiTOD dataset and human evaluation further ascertain the generalisability and effectiveness of the proposed framework.
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Personalized chatbots focus on endowing the chatbots with a consistent personality to behave like real users and further act as personal assistants. Previous studies have explored generating implicit user profiles from the user's dialogue history for building personalized chatbots. However, these studies only use the response generation loss to train the entire model, thus it is prone to suffer from the problem of data sparsity. Besides, they overemphasize the final generated response's quality while ignoring the correlations and fusions between the user's dialogue history, leading to rough data representations and performance degradation. To tackle these problems, we propose a self-supervised learning framework MCP for capturing better representations from users' dialogue history for personalized chatbots. Specifically, we apply contrastive sampling methods to leverage the supervised signals hidden in user dialog history, and generate the pre-training samples for enhancing the model. We design three pre-training tasks based on three types of contrastive pairs from user dialogue history, namely response pairs, sequence augmentation pairs, and user pairs. We pre-train the utterance encoder and the history encoder towards the contrastive objectives and use these pre-trained encoders for generating user profiles while personalized response generation. Experimental results on two real-world datasets show a significant improvement in our proposed model MCP compared with the existing methods.
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