这项研究工作是关于语音识别的最新发展。在这项研究工作中,在存在不同的比特速率和不同噪声水平的情况下对孤立的数字识别的分析。这项研究工作是使用Audacity和HTK工具包进行的。隐藏的马尔可夫模型(HMM)是用于执行此实验的识别模型。所使用的特征提取技术是MEL频率CEPSTRUM系数(MFCC),线性预测编码(LPC),感知线性预测(PLP),MEL SPECTRUM(MELSPEC),FILLE BANK(FBANK)。已经考虑了三种不同的噪声水平来测试数据。这些包括随机噪声,风扇噪声和实时环境中的随机噪声。这样做是为了分析可用于实时应用程序的最佳环境。此外,考虑到不同采样率的五种不同类型的常用比特率,以找出最佳的比特率。
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语音识别是一种技术,它将人类语音信号转换为文本或单词或以任何形式,可以通过计算机或其他机器容易地理解。有一些关于Bangla Digit识别系统的研究,其中大多数使用的小型数据集几乎没有变体,年龄,方言和其他变量。孟加拉国人民的录音,各种性别,年龄和方言,用于在本研究中创造一个大语音数据集。这里,已记录400个噪声和无噪音样本,用于创建数据集。 MEL频率谱系数(MFCC)已被用于从原始语音数据中提取有意义的功能。然后,为了检测Bangla数字,利用卷积神经网络(CNNS)。建议的技术在整个数据集中识别出“0-9”Bangla口语数字,精度为97.1%。还使用10倍的交叉透过来评估模型的效率,其精度为96.7%。
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这项工作的目的是研究互补的特征,这些特征可以帮助典型的MEL频率经系系数(MFCC),以封闭,有限的set set Word识别为不同母亲说话的英语说话者。与源自语音信号的光谱能量的MFCC不同,提议的频率饮食(FCS)封装了语音光谱不同带的光谱中心,由MEL FILLEC BANK定义。观察到这些功能与MFCC结合使用,可提供英语单词识别的相对性能提高,尤其是在各种嘈杂条件下。两阶段的卷积神经网络(CNN)用于模拟用阿拉伯语,法语和西班牙口音说出的英语单词的特征。
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甚至人类智能系统也无法提供100%的准确性来识别特定个人的演讲。Machine Intelligence试图通过各种语音提取和语音建模技术来模仿说话者识别问题。本文提出了一种独立于文本的扬声器识别系统,该系统采用了MEL频率曲线系数(MFCC)进行特征提取和K-Nearest邻居(KNN)进行分类。获得的最大交叉验证精度为60%。这将在随后的研究中得到改善。
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Personal assistants, automatic speech recognizers and dialogue understanding systems are becoming more critical in our interconnected digital world. A clear example is air traffic control (ATC) communications. ATC aims at guiding aircraft and controlling the airspace in a safe and optimal manner. These voice-based dialogues are carried between an air traffic controller (ATCO) and pilots via very-high frequency radio channels. In order to incorporate these novel technologies into ATC (low-resource domain), large-scale annotated datasets are required to develop the data-driven AI systems. Two examples are automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding (NLU). In this paper, we introduce the ATCO2 corpus, a dataset that aims at fostering research on the challenging ATC field, which has lagged behind due to lack of annotated data. The ATCO2 corpus covers 1) data collection and pre-processing, 2) pseudo-annotations of speech data, and 3) extraction of ATC-related named entities. The ATCO2 corpus is split into three subsets. 1) ATCO2-test-set corpus contains 4 hours of ATC speech with manual transcripts and a subset with gold annotations for named-entity recognition (callsign, command, value). 2) The ATCO2-PL-set corpus consists of 5281 hours of unlabeled ATC data enriched with automatic transcripts from an in-domain speech recognizer, contextual information, speaker turn information, signal-to-noise ratio estimate and English language detection score per sample. Both available for purchase through ELDA at http://catalog.elra.info/en-us/repository/browse/ELRA-S0484. 3) The ATCO2-test-set-1h corpus is a one-hour subset from the original test set corpus, that we are offering for free at https://www.atco2.org/data. We expect the ATCO2 corpus will foster research on robust ASR and NLU not only in the field of ATC communications but also in the general research community.
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We propose to characterize and improve the performance of blind room impulse response (RIR) estimation systems in the context of a downstream application scenario, far-field automatic speech recognition (ASR). We first draw the connection between improved RIR estimation and improved ASR performance, as a means of evaluating neural RIR estimators. We then propose a GAN-based architecture that encodes RIR features from reverberant speech and constructs an RIR from the encoded features, and uses a novel energy decay relief loss to optimize for capturing energy-based properties of the input reverberant speech. We show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines on acoustic benchmarks (by 72% on the energy decay relief and 22% on an early-reflection energy metric), as well as in an ASR evaluation task (by 6.9% in word error rate).
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孟加拉语是世界上说话最多的语言之一,全球有超过3亿的演讲者。尽管它很受欢迎,但由于缺乏多样化的开源数据集,对孟加拉语音识别系统的发展的研究受到阻碍。作为前进的道路,我们已经众包孟加拉语音语音数据集,这是句子级自动语音识别语料库。该数据集于Mozilla Common Voice平台上收集,是正在进行的广告系列的一部分,该活动已在2个月内收集了超过400个小时的数据,并且正在迅速增长。我们的分析表明,与OpenSLR孟加拉ASR数据集相比,该数据集具有更多的发言人,音素和环境多样性,这是最大的现有开源孟加拉语语音数据集。我们提供从数据集获得的见解,并讨论未来版本中需要解决的关键语言挑战。此外,我们报告了一些自动语音识别(ASR)算法的当前性能,并为将来的研究设定了基准。
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This paper describes a simple yet efficient repetition-based modular system for speeding up air-traffic controllers (ATCos) training. E.g., a human pilot is still required in EUROCONTROL's ESCAPE lite simulator (see https://www.eurocontrol.int/simulator/escape) during ATCo training. However, this need can be substituted by an automatic system that could act as a pilot. In this paper, we aim to develop and integrate a pseudo-pilot agent into the ATCo training pipeline by merging diverse artificial intelligence (AI) powered modules. The system understands the voice communications issued by the ATCo, and, in turn, it generates a spoken prompt that follows the pilot's phraseology to the initial communication. Our system mainly relies on open-source AI tools and air traffic control (ATC) databases, thus, proving its simplicity and ease of replicability. The overall pipeline is composed of the following: (1) a submodule that receives and pre-processes the input stream of raw audio, (2) an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system that transforms audio into a sequence of words; (3) a high-level ATC-related entity parser, which extracts relevant information from the communication, i.e., callsigns and commands, and finally, (4) a speech synthesizer submodule that generates responses based on the high-level ATC entities previously extracted. Overall, we show that this system could pave the way toward developing a real proof-of-concept pseudo-pilot system. Hence, speeding up the training of ATCos while drastically reducing its overall cost.
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我们介绍Audiolm,这是具有长期一致性高质量音频产生的框架。 Audiolm将输入音频映射到一系列离散令牌,并将音频生成作为此表示空间中的语言建模任务。我们展示了现有的音频令牌如何在重建质量和长期结构之间提供不同的权衡,我们提出了一个混合代币化计划来实现这两个目标。也就是说,我们利用在音频中预先训练的蒙版语言模型的离散激活来捕获长期结构和神经音频编解码器产生的离散代码,以实现高质量的合成。通过培训大型原始音频波形,Audiolm学会了在简短的提示下产生自然和连贯的连续性。当接受演讲训练时,没有任何笔录或注释,Audiolm会在句法和语义上产生可行的语音连续性,同时还为看不见的说话者保持说话者身份和韵律。此外,我们演示了我们的方法如何通过产生连贯的钢琴音乐连续性来超越语音,尽管受过训练而没有任何象征性的音乐代表。
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Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for air traffic control is generally trained by pooling Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) and pilot data into one set. This is motivated by the fact that pilot's voice communications are more scarce than ATCOs. Due to this data imbalance and other reasons (e.g., varying acoustic conditions), the speech from ATCOs is usually recognized more accurately than from pilots. Automatically identifying the speaker roles is a challenging task, especially in the case of the noisy voice recordings collected using Very High Frequency (VHF) receivers or due to the unavailability of the push-to-talk (PTT) signal, i.e., both audio channels are mixed. In this work, we propose to (1) automatically segment the ATCO and pilot data based on an intuitive approach exploiting ASR transcripts and (2) subsequently consider an automatic recognition of ATCOs' and pilots' voice as two separate tasks. Our work is performed on VHF audio data with high noise levels, i.e., signal-to-noise (SNR) ratios below 15 dB, as this data is recognized to be helpful for various speech-based machine-learning tasks. Specifically, for the speaker role identification task, the module is represented by a simple yet efficient knowledge-based system exploiting a grammar defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The system accepts text as the input, either manually verified annotations or automatically generated transcripts. The developed approach provides an average accuracy in speaker role identification of about 83%. Finally, we show that training an acoustic model for ASR tasks separately (i.e., separate models for ATCOs and pilots) or using a multitask approach is well suited for the noisy data and outperforms the traditional ASR system where all data is pooled together.
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口吃是一种复杂的言语障碍,会对个人有效沟通的能力产生负面影响。口吃(PWS)的人通常在这种情况下遭受很大的痛苦,并通过治疗寻求帮助。流利的塑形是一种治疗方法,PWSS学会修改他们的语音以帮助他们克服口吃。即使在治疗后,掌握这种语音技术也需要时间和练习。治疗后不久,对成功的评估很高,但复发率很高。为了能够长期监视语音行为,检测口吃事件和语音修改的能力可以帮助PWSS和语音病理学家跟踪流利程度。监测可以通过检测流利度的失误来提早进行干预的能力。据我们所知,没有公共数据集可用,其中包含接受口吃疗法的人的演讲,这些疗法改变了口语风格。这项工作介绍了Kassel Fluency(KSOF),这是一项基于疗法的数据集,其中包含超过5500个PWSS。这些剪辑标记为六种与口吃相关的事件类型:块,延长,声音重复,单词重复,插入和 - 特定于治疗 - 语音修改。音频是在Kasseler Stottertherapie研究所期间记录的。该数据将根据要求提供用于研究目的。
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