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双曲线空间已成为从树状结构和文本到图表的各种数据类型的歧管的流行选择。建立在欧几里德和超球空间的型原型的深度学习成功,最近的一些作品已经提出了用于分类的双曲线原型。这种方法能够在低维输出空间中实现有效的学习,并且可以利用类之间的分层关系,但需要有关类标签的特权信息来定位双曲型原型。在这项工作中,我们提出了双曲线的Busemann学习。我们的方法背后的主要思想是将原型定位在Poincar \ E球的理想边界上,这不需要先前的标签知识。为了能够计算邻近的理想原型,我们介绍了受到惩罚的Busemann损失。我们提供了支持使用理想原型和建议损失的理论,通过证明其在一维案件中的物流回归。凭经验,我们表明我们的方法提供了对分类信心的自然解释,而最近的最近的超球和双曲线原型方法。
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Deep learning algorithms can fare poorly when the training dataset suffers from heavy class-imbalance but the testing criterion requires good generalization on less frequent classes. We design two novel methods to improve performance in such scenarios. First, we propose a theoretically-principled label-distribution-aware margin (LDAM) loss motivated by minimizing a margin-based generalization bound. This loss replaces the standard cross-entropy objective during training and can be applied with prior strategies for training with class-imbalance such as re-weighting or re-sampling. Second, we propose a simple, yet effective, training schedule that defers re-weighting until after the initial stage, allowing the model to learn an initial representation while avoiding some of the complications associated with re-weighting or re-sampling. We test our methods on several benchmark vision tasks including the real-world imbalanced dataset iNaturalist 2018. Our experiments show that either of these methods alone can already improve over existing techniques and their combination achieves even better performance gains 1 .
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Accurate uncertainty quantification is a major challenge in deep learning, as neural networks can make overconfident errors and assign high confidence predictions to out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs. The most popular approaches to estimate predictive uncertainty in deep learning are methods that combine predictions from multiple neural networks, such as Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) and deep ensembles. However their practicality in real-time, industrial-scale applications are limited due to the high memory and computational cost. Furthermore, ensembles and BNNs do not necessarily fix all the issues with the underlying member networks. In this work, we study principled approaches to improve uncertainty property of a single network, based on a single, deterministic representation. By formalizing the uncertainty quantification as a minimax learning problem, we first identify distance awareness, i.e., the model's ability to quantify the distance of a testing example from the training data, as a necessary condition for a DNN to achieve high-quality (i.e., minimax optimal) uncertainty estimation. We then propose Spectral-normalized Neural Gaussian Process (SNGP), a simple method that improves the distance-awareness ability of modern DNNs with two simple changes: (1) applying spectral normalization to hidden weights to enforce bi-Lipschitz smoothness in representations and (2) replacing the last output layer with a Gaussian process layer. On a suite of vision and language understanding benchmarks, SNGP outperforms other single-model approaches in prediction, calibration and out-of-domain detection. Furthermore, SNGP provides complementary benefits to popular techniques such as deep ensembles and data augmentation, making it a simple and scalable building block for probabilistic deep learning. Code is open-sourced at https://github.com/google/uncertainty-baselines
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The long-tail distribution of the visual world poses great challenges for deep learning based classification models on how to handle the class imbalance problem. Existing solutions usually involve class-balancing strategies, e.g. by loss re-weighting, data re-sampling, or transfer learning from head-to tail-classes, but most of them adhere to the scheme of jointly learning representations and classifiers. In this work, we decouple the learning procedure into representation learning and classification, and systematically explore how different balancing strategies affect them for long-tailed recognition. The findings are surprising: (1) data imbalance might not be an issue in learning high-quality representations; (2) with representations learned with the simplest instance-balanced (natural) sampling, it is also possible to achieve strong long-tailed recognition ability by adjusting only the classifier. We conduct extensive experiments and set new state-of-the-art performance on common long-tailed benchmarks like ImageNet-LT, Places-LT and iNaturalist, showing that it is possible to outperform carefully designed losses, sampling strategies, even complex modules with memory, by using a straightforward approach that decouples representation and classification. Our code is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/classifier-balancing.
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现有的分布(OOD)检测方法通常在具有平衡的类别分布的培训集中进行基准测试。但是,在实际应用程序中,培训集具有长尾分配是很常见的。在这项工作中,我们首先证明现有的OOD检测方法通常会在训练集分布式分布时遭受重大性能降解。通过分析,我们认为这是因为模型难以区分少数尾巴级分配样本与真实的OOD样本,从而使尾巴类更容易被错误地检测为OOD。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了部分和不对称的监督对比学习(PASCL),该学习明确鼓励该模型区分尾级分配样本和OOD样品。为了进一步提高分布分类的准确性,我们提出了辅助分支列式,该辅助分支列出了BN的两个单独分支和分类层分别用于异常检测和分布分类。直觉是,分布和OOD异常数据具有不同的基础分布。我们的方法的表现优于先前的最新方法$ 1.29 \%$,$ 1.45 \%$,$ 0.69 \%$ $ $ $ $ $ $异常检测误报(FPR)和$ 3.24 \%\%$,$ 4.06 \%$,$ 7.89 \%$ $ CIFAR10-LT,CIFAR100-LT和IMAGENET-LT的分布分类精度。代码和预培训模型可在https://github.com/amazon-research/long-tailed-ood-detection上找到。
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Deep neural networks have attained remarkable performance when applied to data that comes from the same distribution as that of the training set, but can significantly degrade otherwise. Therefore, detecting whether an example is out-of-distribution (OoD) is crucial to enable a system that can reject such samples or alert users. Recent works have made significant progress on OoD benchmarks consisting of small image datasets. However, many recent methods based on neural networks rely on training or tuning with both in-distribution and out-of-distribution data. The latter is generally hard to define a-priori, and its selection can easily bias the learning. We base our work on a popular method ODIN 1 [21], proposing two strategies for freeing it from the needs of tuning with OoD data, while improving its OoD detection performance. We specifically propose to decompose confidence scoring as well as a modified input pre-processing method. We show that both of these significantly help in detection performance. Our further analysis on a larger scale image dataset shows that the two types of distribution shifts, specifically semantic shift and non-semantic shift, present a significant difference in the difficulty of the problem, providing an analysis of when ODIN-like strategies do or do not work.
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以前的工作提出了许多新的损失函数和常规程序,可提高图像分类任务的测试准确性。但是,目前尚不清楚这些损失函数是否了解下游任务的更好表示。本文研究了培训目标的选择如何影响卷积神经网络隐藏表示的可转移性,训练在想象中。我们展示了许多目标在Vanilla Softmax交叉熵上导致想象的精度有统计学意义的改进,但由此产生的固定特征提取器转移到下游任务基本较差,并且当网络完全微调时,损失的选择几乎没有效果新任务。使用居中内核对齐来测量网络隐藏表示之间的相似性,我们发现损失函数之间的差异仅在网络的最后几层中都很明显。我们深入了解倒数第二层的陈述,发现不同的目标和近奇计的组合导致大幅不同的类别分离。具有较高类别分离的表示可以在原始任务上获得更高的准确性,但它们的功能对于下游任务不太有用。我们的结果表明,用于原始任务的学习不变功能与传输任务相关的功能之间存在权衡。
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The classification loss functions used in deep neural network classifiers can be grouped into two categories based on maximizing the margin in either Euclidean or angular spaces. Euclidean distances between sample vectors are used during classification for the methods maximizing the margin in Euclidean spaces whereas the Cosine similarity distance is used during the testing stage for the methods maximizing margin in the angular spaces. This paper introduces a novel classification loss that maximizes the margin in both the Euclidean and angular spaces at the same time. This way, the Euclidean and Cosine distances will produce similar and consistent results and complement each other, which will in turn improve the accuracies. The proposed loss function enforces the samples of classes to cluster around the centers that represent them. The centers approximating classes are chosen from the boundary of a hypersphere, and the pairwise distances between class centers are always equivalent. This restriction corresponds to choosing centers from the vertices of a regular simplex. There is not any hyperparameter that must be set by the user in the proposed loss function, therefore the use of the proposed method is extremely easy for classical classification problems. Moreover, since the class samples are compactly clustered around their corresponding means, the proposed classifier is also very suitable for open set recognition problems where test samples can come from the unknown classes that are not seen in the training phase. Experimental studies show that the proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art accuracies on open set recognition despite its simplicity.
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尽管对视觉识别任务进行了显着进展,但是当培训数据稀缺或高度不平衡时,深神经网络仍然易于普遍,使他们非常容易受到现实世界的例子。在本文中,我们提出了一种令人惊讶的简单且高效的方法来缓解此限制:使用纯噪声图像作为额外的训练数据。与常见使用添加剂噪声或对抗数据的噪声不同,我们通过直接训练纯无随机噪声图像提出了完全不同的视角。我们提出了一种新的分发感知路由批量归一化层(DAR-BN),除了同一网络内的自然图像之外,还可以在纯噪声图像上训练。这鼓励泛化和抑制过度装备。我们所提出的方法显着提高了不平衡的分类性能,从而获得了最先进的导致大量的长尾图像分类数据集(Cifar-10-LT,CiFar-100-LT,想象齿 - LT,和celeba-5)。此外,我们的方法非常简单且易于使用作为一般的新增强工具(在现有增强的顶部),并且可以在任何训练方案中结合。它不需要任何专门的数据生成或培训程序,从而保持培训快速高效
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长尾分布是现实世界中的常见现象。提取的大规模图像数据集不可避免地证明了长尾巴的属性和经过不平衡数据训练的模型可以为代表性过多的类别获得高性能,但为代表性不足的类别而苦苦挣扎,导致偏见的预测和绩效降低。为了应对这一挑战,我们提出了一种名为“逆图像频率”(IIF)的新型偏差方法。 IIF是卷积神经网络分类层中逻辑的乘法边缘调整转换。我们的方法比类似的作品实现了更强的性能,并且对于下游任务(例如长尾实例分割)特别有用,因为它会产生较少的假阳性检测。我们的广泛实验表明,IIF在许多长尾基准的基准(例如Imagenet-lt,cifar-lt,ploce-lt和lvis)上超过了最先进的现状,在Imagenet-lt上,Resnet50和26.2%达到了55.8%的TOP-1准确性LVIS上使用MaskRCNN分割AP。代码可在https://github.com/kostas1515/iif中找到
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由于其实际重要性,在提高神经网络安全部署方面的实际重要性,最近经济分配(OOD)检测最近受到了很大的关注。其中一个主要挑战是模型往往会对OOD数据产生高度自信的预测,这在ood检测中破坏了驾驶原理,即该模型应该仅对分布式样品充满信心。在这项工作中,我们提出了反应 - 一种简单有效的技术,用于减少对数据数据的模型过度限制。我们的方法是通过关于神经网络内部激活的新型分析,其为OOD分布显示出高度独特的签名模式。我们的方法可以有效地拓展到不同的网络架构和不同的OOD检测分数。我们经验证明,反应在全面的基准数据集套件上实现了竞争检测性能,并为我们的方法进行了理论解释。与以前的最佳方法相比,在ImageNet基准测试中,反应将假阳性率(FPR95)降低25.05%。
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